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Open Poetry #10
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Member Elite
since 2000-05-13
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High Springs, Florida

0 posted 2000-09-27 01:22 AM

i'll compose for you a lullaby
to sing with the crickets
if only you'll let me stay
and watch you sleep

i'll weave you a story
of paradise and sea
if only you'll let me stay
and watch you dream

i'll silence the atmosphere
with sweet dulcet whispers
if only you'll let me stay
and hear you breathe

i'll linger all night
in the warmth of your presence
if only you'll pull me near
and let me stay...


theres no such thing as a failure who keeps trying--coasting to the bottom is the only disgrace. -j popper

© Copyright 2000 dgvarner - All Rights Reserved
Member Elite
since 2000-01-06
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1 posted 2000-09-27 01:43 AM

ok then, but don't hog that covers.  

This is very nice and sweetly tempting.  


since 2000-07-06
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WA, Australia
2 posted 2000-09-27 02:18 AM

~This is so lovely...!!~


Jon Mewett
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3 posted 2000-09-27 04:44 PM

Found you at last on page three!!!
Well I popped out and wandered in here ....this is a lovely poem's so gentle and as usual well written.........sure is lonely back at the watering hole!........awww well I'm off now drinks waiting.

It's really lovely at the pub
You get nice drinks and lovely grub
You can even share a tub   or two..

So if your feeling rather weak
Don't despair just back you sneak
They'll always be a welcome home....for you

Sorry .........It's really lonely now!!!


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Member Laureate
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East Lansing, MI USA
4 posted 2000-09-27 05:56 PM

dg, I've sung with the crickets before. . .they're pretty good, but they could really use a drummer!  

Wonderful my friend. . . just wonderful. . .


That which gives light must endure burning
--Victor Frankl

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5 posted 2000-09-27 06:02 PM

dg...this is really, really sweet. Just has such a good flow to it. 4 stars! ****
Member Elite
since 2000-05-13
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High Springs, Florida
6 posted 2000-09-28 01:34 AM come on baby..cover hogging??  me??  i'll just cuddle up close to you and who'll need covers... !!  

BETH..thank you!  glad you enjoyed reading me  

aw JON... thanks for finding me...and for the poem too!!  your too me a drink..coke for me tho--i'm a laugh on the floor if i drink!  haha!  

SVEN..was that you harmonizing with the crickets and me??   cool!  a drum??  hard to sleep with drumming goin on, no?  glad you liked  

SERAPHIN..thanks for the 4 stars!  (thats good right?  LOL)  thanks for reading!  

hugs, dg

theres no such thing as a failure who keeps trying--coasting to the bottom is the only disgrace. -j popper

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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-10
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Maidstone Kent England
7 posted 2000-09-28 08:13 AM

Dee, did you just try to slip one past me. This is perfect, absolutly perfect.

If there were enough superlatives to go round they still wouldn't be enough. Still hey you know you deserve them for this beauty, it's fantastic. The trouble for me is since your work is always so good, and since it's getting better, I'm going to run out of praise unless I come up with some new words just for you. I'll have to think up some.

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8 posted 2000-09-28 09:27 AM


    Aww.. this poem is so sweet I liked it alot!  I'm glad I stopped in.

~~Tara aka rp25 :o)

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Member Patricius
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9 posted 2000-09-28 12:24 PM

Liked It!!!!!!!!!
Member Elite
since 2000-05-13
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High Springs, Florida
10 posted 2000-09-30 01:15 PM

rosepetals & vandana..thanks so much for reading!!..glad you enjoyed  

hugs, dg

theres no such thing as a failure who keeps trying--coasting to the bottom is the only disgrace. -j popper

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
11 posted 2000-09-30 07:57 PM

Neat little write.
I enjoyed it bunches.

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~

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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-10
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Maidstone Kent England
12 posted 2000-09-30 08:05 PM

Dee love I like this so much I'm boosting it back to the top, and it'll keep it away from mine. There, that's scuppered that plot, lets face it love it's not a good idea to showcase gilt next to solid gold is it.
(and cheap gilt at that)
Speak to you soon

since 2000-07-05
Posts 50

13 posted 2000-09-30 09:08 PM

This was soothing to read, I enjoyed it very much.
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since 2000-01-06
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14 posted 2000-10-02 05:43 AM

ah yes.... we don't need no stinking covers  
Member Elite
since 2000-05-13
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High Springs, Florida
15 posted 2000-10-03 02:56 PM

MARSHA..i didnt thank you for your first reply...but i'll thank you for them both right now!!!  you must have sneaked in there the first time..   always good to hear from you--glad you liked  

TEARS OF GRACE..thanks for your kind glad you enjoyed!  

PARKER..oh, change of heart on the stinking covers aye...     hee hee!

theres no such thing as a failure who keeps trying--coasting to the bottom is the only disgrace. -j popper

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since 1999-07-23
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Boot+Kitty=Poetry in motion
16 posted 2000-10-03 03:13 PM

Dee - what lovely sentiments.  Please don't tell me they are for your kitty!  Yanno, that would be really cruel.  lol - Very nice composition and consistency in your presentation.
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-25
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Somewhere... out there...
17 posted 2000-10-05 12:34 PM

  hmmm...thought i had already responded to
  this one...guess i was wrong.    anyway,
  i really like this alot.  very sweet and

  love ya,

"...until you have read the verse on his
heart, you have not truely met the poet."

Member Elite
since 2000-05-13
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High Springs, Florida
18 posted 2000-10-05 08:42 AM

MARGE..(sorry i missed you last time!) thanks for reading!  glad you liked kitty??  no....some flirtatious canadian was the inspiration!    glad you enjoyed the read  

TRICKS..spank you very much     glad you came to netpoets..that way i always have at least one fan!    < !signature-->

theres no such thing as a failure who keeps trying--coasting to the bottom is the only disgrace. -j popper

[This message has been edited by dgvarner (edited 10-05-2000).]

Member Elite
since 2000-01-06
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19 posted 2000-10-05 11:01 AM

flirtatious Canadian eh!
Watch out for them, I hear they are the best lovers in the world.... don't ya know.  


Senior Member
since 2000-03-23
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Louisville, Mississippi, USA
20 posted 2000-10-05 11:05 AM

    This is a lovely poem, my dear.  Very heartfelt and touching.  I love your sentiments (but then, I am a hopeless romantic anyway!!!).

Thanks for sharing. I loved it!

~you reached inside, you touched my heart,
and I am all the better for it~
Terry A. Woodson, Jr.

Member Elite
since 2000-05-13
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High Springs, Florida
21 posted 2000-10-05 03:50 PM flirt up my skirt....  

TERRYW..very much appreciate your reply   nothin like hopeless romantics    thanks for reading!!

hugs, dg

theres no such thing as a failure who keeps trying--coasting to the bottom is the only disgrace. -j popper

Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
22 posted 2000-10-05 03:53 PM's usually me begging the woman to all means you may stay...James
Member Elite
since 2000-05-13
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High Springs, Florida
23 posted 2000-10-05 04:12 PM

JAMES(jmlee)..hey..glad you stopped in to read me!

massages aye...(chkd out your info folder...) you give as well as take??      cause baby its a "stay all niter"!  

hugs, dg
< !signature-->

theres no such thing as a failure who keeps trying--coasting to the bottom is the only disgrace. -j popper

[This message has been edited by dgvarner (edited 10-05-2000).]

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lost in blue pages
24 posted 2000-10-05 04:39 PM

Great poem, just as all your others...
I have read alot poems from your hand,
haven't reply to all, cause there is soooo much to read and learn and.......well as you see busy with spending my time here.
keep up the great work


Member Elite
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25 posted 2000-10-05 04:40 PM

Well, I could hide under there.... but could you keep a straight face.  


Member Elite
since 2000-05-13
Posts 3552
High Springs, Florida
26 posted 2000-10-06 10:39 AM

CHARISMA..thanks for reading me even if you dont reply to them all!  glad youve enjoyed my poetry   i know its hard to keep up with everyone in here..theres just not enough time in the day..or nite!! lol

PARKER..a straight face??  no..i'm sure i'd giggle every now and then..and sometimes wiggle..!   < !signature-->

theres no such thing as a failure who keeps trying--coasting to the bottom is the only disgrace. -j popper

[This message has been edited by dgvarner (edited 10-06-2000).]

since 2000-09-27
Posts 86

27 posted 2000-10-06 10:52 AM

great poem....enjoyed it much, and the responses too  
Member Elite
since 2000-05-13
Posts 3552
High Springs, Florida
28 posted 2000-10-24 07:45 PM

jinxed..thanks a bunch!  hey..those replies are pretty entertaining aye..??  

hugs, dg

"after a while, you learn the subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul..." -V A Shoffstall

Member Elite
since 2000-09-16
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29 posted 2000-10-25 01:15 AM

'i'll linger all night
in the warmth of your presence
if only you'll pull me near
and let me stay...'

So warm, romantic, and longing all rolled into one!  I absolutely love this one!  Excellent write!!


Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: 'it might have been.' -John Greenleaf Whittier

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