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Elizabeth Santos
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-11-08
Posts 9269

0 posted 2000-04-23 09:17 AM

Rosemary and Forget-Me-Not

Some call him Lucky, and lucky he is
To have a Rosemary that he can call his
So fragrant the essence of his measured lot
Of lovely Rosemary and forget-me-not

Rosemary captures the beam of a moon
With eloquence wrought from the life she’s consumed
Her face is defined in the grace of a flower
Her soul in the crosswinds of God’s mighty power

Lucky’s poetry speaks the truth of his life
He laughs but he honors his Rosemary wife
For she is the all of the life he has got
Of fragrant Rosemary and forget-me-not

He writes lovely verses that ooze down the page
Like nectar sweet honey with aroma of sage
You never know where it begins or it ends
But his spirit dwells in the ink of his pen

He wrote of his love for a little lost child
Two pigtails a-bobbin’ and innocent smile
Skipping away in the sun’s polka dot
With a gleam in her eye of forget-me-not

So poignant his verse was, so tender his love
So empty and yet he is blessed from above
So beauteous his garden, an herb scented lot
Of gentle Rosemary and forget-me-not

Elizabeth Santos

© Copyright 2000 Elizabeth Santos - All Rights Reserved
Dark Angel
Member Patricius
since 1999-08-04
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1 posted 2000-04-23 09:22 AM

Oh Elizabeth, this is so beautiful!!  

 What comes from the heart goes to the heart.
Samuel Coleridge

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Floating gently on a cloud....
2 posted 2000-04-23 09:25 AM

This is a wonderful poem...I especially love the line-"But his spirit dwells in the ink of his pen". Fantastic poem, Liz!

Love and hugs,

 "Poetry is the true expression of my soul, it is my ultimate means of communication. It is my rainbow of delight."

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
3 posted 2000-04-23 09:36 AM


You have written a beautiful poem of two of the loveliest people it has been my pleasure to meet through this family at Passion's.
Their love so wonderfully in tune through the joys they've shared and the heartbreak that has been more than most of us will ever have to face.

Thank you for this poem most of all.
Everyone should visit Rosemary's homepage
if they want to see some of the most beautiful pages ever to grace the internet.
I love you Rosemary and Lucky/Dale.

I love you, Liz.

 ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Elizabeth Santos
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-11-08
Posts 9269
4 posted 2000-04-23 10:24 AM

Dark Angel, Thank you, the people are much more beautiful

Lizzie, They both dip their pens in the same inkwell.
Thank you for your lovely comment

Margie, They have certainly been an inspiration to me,  Thanks for the wonderful response to two wonderful poets


[This message has been edited by Elizabeth Santos (edited 04-23-2000).]

Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
Posts 28049
5 posted 2000-04-23 11:29 AM

Liz--this is priceless and I know that both Rosemary and Dale will bless you for your have spoken with such beautiful insight....much love to you...Rosemary and Dale too!!
Member Ascendant
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state of confusion
6 posted 2000-04-23 12:38 PM

What a lovely tribute to Lucky!


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Recess, OfYourMind
7 posted 2000-04-23 12:54 PM

I love how your poems just flow of the tongue~
This is another beauty~


Senior Member
since 1999-12-01
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Washington State
8 posted 2000-04-23 01:18 PM

Liz, this is beautiful, as usual!  
What a wonderful tribute to these two!  
You must be a wonderful lady!


Junior Member
since 1999-07-02
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9 posted 2000-04-23 03:44 PM

Thank you for introducing me to these two  in your beautiful poem.  It just flows with such rich images...I realy enjoyed reading it.


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10 posted 2000-04-23 05:23 PM

Beautifully done.
Rosemary J. Gwaltney
Senior Member
since 1999-08-26
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northern mountains, Idaho
11 posted 2000-04-23 05:58 PM

Oh, Elizabeth, I am stunned by your beautiful and amazing poem, and equally stunned by all the wonderful replies to it!  I had no idea anyone had such feelings, and I'm very deeply touched.
~ ~ ~
My God-given husband, Dale Wayne VanSickle Gwaltney (lucky) is my life and my love.  What a lovely name you've coined for him, Liz - "Forget-Me-Not"!!  He certainly is that!  We've loved each other since late childhood.  We have suffered much in our lives, and loved deeply.  But one of our all-time favorite things is to write together!  We can regularly be found in our upstairs study, the firs blowing around the windows, each at a computer, writing away for intense, quiet hours; then taking breaks, to show each other what we've been working on.  
~ ~ ~
We've done a lot of crying together over the nearly thirty-eight years of our love, over the losses of loved ones.  But we spend much more time laughing together, and are very grateful for what we have.  Especially you, our friends at Passions!
~ ~ ~

< !signature-->

 The spiritual wind that holds survivors aloft, plants the seeds from which bloom new hope ... R.J.G.

[This message has been edited by Rosemary J. Gwaltney (edited 04-23-2000).]

Member Elite
since 1999-08-19
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Southern Florida
12 posted 2000-04-23 06:10 PM

Such a lovely tribute poem , Liz ...
Rosemary and Lucky are definetly wonderful poets and wonderful people ... Rosemary's site is a beautiful place to visit ..... and has special meaning to me ......
Wonderful work here .....

 "This is where you will win the battle .... in the playhouse of your mind."
Maxwell Maltz

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13 posted 2000-04-23 06:40 PM

Our mishaps have happened over many years and not as suddenly as it may appear. I used to make a promise/vow to myself to light a candle for each one. After so many years my eyes began to play tricks on me. After that quickly followed my mind and you see it also got to where I needed a few extra days in my week. Today I just talk to God all day long otherwise I’d never get out of the church and I’d still be forgetting someone, so it's easier just to talk to Him as I carry on. Liz you’ve got such finessé... I do very much love rosemary, and she loves forget-me-nots... your words here are not a joke, not a hoax, nor verses of despair. They are, and ever shall remain, verses of hope and caring and most certainly come from one of Gods best filled with inspiration not to mention Liz’s cunning. Out of the 20 or 24 adopted children (honestly I really forgot) but upon our first meeting of them they were just to beautiful to ever die and we never suspected at the time of the sorrow and tears that would follow with the years. Life has never been boring. This is very very beautiful and too the first time it’s ever happened that one with such ability as yourself would write a poem for us. We’ve been in newspapers, books, etc. but that’s just not quite the same. Liz, we both are so very touched. God bless and keep you always.

(lucky) Dale
< !signature-->


[This message has been edited by lucky (edited 04-23-2000).]

since 2000-03-22
Posts 407

14 posted 2000-04-23 07:01 PM

    Quite touching. Beautiful.

Elizabeth Santos
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-11-08
Posts 9269
15 posted 2000-04-23 08:41 PM

Martie, I know how much you admire these two and I had hoped you would like it. Thank you

Corrine, Thank you very much

Marie, Thank you for the lovely compliment. Poems from the heart flow easily

Irie, They are wonderful people. It's written in their poetry. Thank you

Franni, Now you know to watch for their outstanding poetry. And it's so nice to see you on the forum also

Mike, Thank you so much

Pepper, You managed to get right in between Rosemary and Dale. Thank you dear, I know how much you enjoy their site, and you are correct in your description. Thanks for your kind comments

Rosemarie, dear Rosemary, that is part of your beauty, this response you wrote. It is so like you to be so humble and modest and surprised at how much you are respected (as a poet and as the lovely person you are)and loved by everyone at passions. Your love for Dale is projected in your work. You have had losses and yet are still so rich to have each other. I can picture you two writing together for hours, the pine needles scraping the window pane. You are a person who reaps extreme pleasure from the little things that make up love, and this along with your beautiful spirit are so easily read in your poetry. I am so happy that you like this poem, which is yours

Dale, You sure have a way of taking us on little excursions of the mind to say what you have to say, and then in one powerful phrase, deliver the truth. And you did just that. This poem is not a joke, a hoax, or verses of despair. It is simply what I see from reading your poetry. And though you have written of sorrow, that is not what I see, but rather a sweetness in life, that dispite all, is the essence of your spirits. What I really want to say is that this is from the heart and that's why it was a very easy poem to write and I think it says what I feel. May you always have that love in the garden of your life.


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16 posted 2000-04-23 10:30 PM

Many of my dreams took shape over what people encouraged me to be and do. Now some fifty years later I still find encouragement in the morsels they’ve said. You must be one of the ones that God gifted with the manifistation of healing as I wished you could know all what your words did as I tearfully read.

Love and Prayers, Lucky

Elizabeth Santos
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-11-08
Posts 9269
17 posted 2000-04-24 07:51 AM

Thank you for your beautiful reply

David 2,
I'm sorry, I just noticed your response. I think you wrote it as I was writing to Dale and Rosemary. Thank you very much for your comment. I have missed your poetry lately


[This message has been edited by Elizabeth Santos (edited 04-24-2000).]

Rosemary J. Gwaltney
Senior Member
since 1999-08-26
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northern mountains, Idaho
18 posted 2000-05-15 11:17 PM

Oh, Elizabeth,

  If I live to be over a hundred, I will still be cherishing this poem you have written us, dipping your enchanted pen in the liquid gold of memory.

     I just had to thank you once again.  I read it, and read it, and still am amazed that you would care like this.

     You are such a very caring and special person!

     With much love and care,


~ ~

 The spiritual wind that holds survivors aloft, plants the seeds from which bloom new hope ... R.J.G.

since 1999-07-28
Posts 124

19 posted 2000-05-15 11:23 PM

You have such talent. A truly lovely poem.
Seymour Tabin
Member Empyrean
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Tamarac Fla
20 posted 2000-05-16 12:03 PM

It's like I always said, you are an amazing and wonderful poetest. I am proud to be your friend and will never change my opinion of your abilities. Love Sy

Elizabeth Santos
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-11-08
Posts 9269
21 posted 2000-05-16 06:12 AM

Rosemary, It's hard to write a poem without a theme. A beautiful theme produces a beautiful poem. You honor me
Thank you

Cswtthng, Thank you so much

Sy, Where does the inspiration come from.
Thank you


Kit McCallum
Member Laureate
since 2000-04-30
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Ontario, Canada
22 posted 2000-05-16 06:48 AM

This is beautifully penned Liz ... so much inspiration from both your poem and everyone's comments that followed. Thank you for sharing these wonderful thoughts in this tribute ... the fondness and caring of all shines through so brightly.

Best wishes,

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