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0 posted 2000-04-21 03:11 AM

< !signature-->


[This message has been edited by lucky (edited 06-01-2000).]

© Copyright 2000 Dale W. Gwaltney - All Rights Reserved
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
1 posted 2000-04-21 06:51 AM


This breaks my heart.
Too many have gone through this.
It has to be so painful.
This story is too tender - too real.
Fragile memories left to be tended.

God, why ?  Will it ever end ?
I send my love.

 ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

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2 posted 2000-04-21 11:03 AM

Lucky as I read this tears formed in my eyes and as I read further they began to run down my cheeks and as I type this they are streaming, soo heart breaking and it made me think of my 11 year old who is away over easter with her friends family and it was only today after hearing her voice on the phone that i thought I hope they are being watched out for at the camping area, because you can't be too carefull. I can't say how sorry I am for you~ HUG & love...Tracie~

 Keep all the windows of your mind open
Anne Rooks

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3 posted 2000-04-21 11:19 AM

Oh Lucky, this brought tears to my eyes. It's so terrible that this had to happen to your child, but even though you don't know where she is, God knows. Just put your faith in Him. You'll be in my prayers.

 "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." -Oscar Wilde

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4 posted 2000-04-21 11:19 AM

Oh sweetie, I feel my heart breaking for you right now...   Know that I'm sending my love hun...

 Open arms can be the most fragile in the world...

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5 posted 2000-04-21 11:31 AM

lucky, HUGS!!!!!
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Pickering, Ontario
6 posted 2000-04-21 11:33 AM

My heart was just breaking as I was reading this.  I can only imagine how hard this was for you to write.  My prayers are with you.


Dawn Eclipse
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The Horsehead Nebula
7 posted 2000-04-21 03:12 PM

That was a very stunning poem.  My prayers go out to everyone who has had this happen.  It happens way to much... it just isn't fair.  I send my love and hope to you.

 "It is in our aloneness
that we recognize our oneness,
even as the single droplet of water
knows also that it is the sea."Daniel

*Cassie Roseen*

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8 posted 2000-04-21 03:47 PM

Hay everybody,

I'd give you all big hugs for such caring, but it seems the tide has come in and I can't see these darn keys and who to respond to. Actually Kelly will be 13 on 8/18 so time is not the greatest thing to think of eather... as it ever gets greater in length.

Much much love all of you.

since 2000-03-28
Posts 319
Murray, UT, USA
9 posted 2000-04-21 04:16 PM

lucky - Ouch!  This is poignant and heart-wrenching...


 Beautiful, Thought-Provoking Poetry

Elizabeth Santos
Member Rara Avis
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10 posted 2000-04-21 04:59 PM

Sorry, I can't see my keyboard to type. My love to you and Rosemary.

Rosemary J. Gwaltney
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northern mountains, Idaho
11 posted 2000-04-21 05:16 PM

My eyes dimming, I try to tell you too - so sorry, still so very sorry for your aching heart - the warm heart with the big hollow empty hole in the middle where Kelly used to be.

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12 posted 2000-04-21 09:19 PM

Oh my gosh,

I can't tell you all how much you mean to us. I haven't been able to write of this at all. I've carried it inside all these years, never saying a word. I was told I was morbid and so much else. I send you all so much love... I really can't believe your replies, even my father asked me to let it go... while it burned right through all that I know.

I love you all, (Lucky) Dale

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Charlotte, NC
13 posted 2000-04-21 10:30 PM

My heart is breaking as I read and post to this!! This is so heart wrenching sad...i can't even begin to imagine the pain! I will say prayers for you and yours!!
Take care and God Bless!


 ~Live today as though it were your last but prepare for tomorrow as though it were here~

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In the space between moments
14 posted 2000-04-21 11:46 PM

You've brought tears to my eyes also lucky..what a horrible, painful thing life has dealt you.  I send you my love and my prayers.  I hope with all my heart that they find your little girl someday.  

 *Krista Knutson*

As soon as man does not take his existence for granted, but beholds it as something unfathomably mysterious, thought begins.
~*Albert Schweitzer*~

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15 posted 2000-04-21 11:58 PM

What a terrible experience!  I can't even imagine.  But what I feel from your words is more than I ever wanted to feel.

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16 posted 2000-04-22 01:09 PM

Truly the sadest poem I have ever read. It is good that you were able to express your feelings in this way. I pray that God's angels will hold your daughter's hand wherever she may be.
since 2000-04-09
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Montgomery, AL
17 posted 2000-04-22 01:13 PM

[Deep breaths].... Well.. you told me not to read it I guess... I'm praying with you.

 "Don't let your character get camoflaged with your environment.
Find who you are and let it stay in its true colors." --Rachel Joy Scott

Tara Simms
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Honea Path, SC USA
18 posted 2000-04-22 11:39 PM

I'm so sorry for your loss, Lucky.  Just know that it isn't your fault.
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19 posted 2000-04-23 04:50 AM

This jerked my heart out of my body, and left me lying on the ground.  How can anyone live through having their little girl taken from them?

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Floating gently on a cloud....
20 posted 2000-04-23 09:10 AM

My heart aches for you...I am deeply sorry that you have to go through this and live with such pain. I pray that you find your little girl sometime soon. Oh when are these terrible crimes going to stop?

Love and hugs,

 "Poetry is the true expression of my soul, it is my ultimate means of communication. It is my rainbow of delight."

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21 posted 2000-04-23 08:29 PM

Who to believe,

I still check from time to time. Or I get an anonymous phone call from someone that sticks it back in my face again pretending they care and want to write an article. What a let-down in hopes after you've first heard her name after so long. You wonder how they could think such things. I get more junk mail than one could believe, asking for money to help in the cause. How do we get out of this are some of the replies I see. My answer was to take what I have left and get my family and myself out. They are not going to help you. they won't even come up with part of the money it would take to build a fence around your yard... but they want to spend thousands to write a book on your mishap.

All in a day cambered with a load of wear I saw child protective services take a child from a loving home and parents because their cupboards were bare and they didn’t qualify for assistance. The same days front page news story displayed a homeless couple walking the winter streets of Colorado with three children begging for food. On page “B” a woman comes forth after forty some years and says she had lied about her father whom she had alleged of molesting her. He is released after serving over thirty years in prison for a crime he never did (her testimony was unanimously believed, she was almost four years old). Other stories of yesterdaze were; Baker’s arrested for embeseling from the church and IRS. Women and children killed in Waco TX. And to frost the cake... Child gets firearm and kills father mother brothers and sisters. Every milk carton today reads: have you seen this little girl or boy. Is it any wonder we don’t trust anymore. These are the stories of our eyes. you all have good questions... where do we turn..?

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