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Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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0 posted 2000-05-24 08:29 PM

Growing so Sweet and Treacherous

The tree and that crack
in the sidewalk are the same,
where I flew like a small creature
made from wind and hair and scabbed knee
down and over the small bump that the root
curved just so for my delight.

I would stop and pull the corked bark
out a little and it seemed it opened
just for me to hide treasures,
pieces of polished glass
a lovely smooth pebble
a four leaf clover,
somehow I thought as I drove by
they might still be there
waiting my charge
into a new adventure.

The house where I grew up
still stands with dormer window eyes
and a door now filled with stained glass.
The green lawn so good for running,
was where I broke my arm tripping on the sprinkler,
now there is a hill there
with a jungle of delicious flowering plants
and although it is the same
it is twenty years different then when
my mother locked the door one final time
and then later I comforted myself with her ghost.

I wanted to knock and proclaim myself the person
who put love notes so tenderly written
under the eves outside my bedroom window,
I was the one who ate all those sandwiches outside
and hid them in that hedge out front.
I think the peanut butter and tuna fish
must still be perfect
and undisturbed now.

Above the garage now
is a beautiful room with lovely windows
when before it held my butterfly collection
and was where my brother sent my first admirer
up the ladder then pulled it away and made him stay
‘til he was done with following me,
for I was twelve and knew nothing of my sexual power
or the burgeoning heat that had attracted him.

You are still soaking with memory
house…dear house where growing
was so sweet and treacherous,
you still hold the scars and laughter
of my childhood locked inside.

© Copyright 2000 Martie Odell Ingebretsen - All Rights Reserved
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
1 posted 2000-05-24 09:07 PM


'dormer' windows ...
brings memories cascading from my own past.

Oh, to visit the rooms of the house with the lace-curtained dormer windows of my childhood home.  The lush hydrangea bushes that lined the wrap-around porch .. with the swing .. oh, the swing of childish moorings and songs sung in unison with the 'visitors' in my head. (didn't know it was poetry then)

How I appreciate your nostalgic trip.
Thank you, my friend.

 ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Senior Member
since 2000-03-28
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2 posted 2000-05-24 09:23 PM

What a lovely picture of nostalgia-
thanks for sharing, Martie -
Enjoyed this - tune and peanut butter
still there?  LOL


Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
3 posted 2000-05-24 11:20 PM

You've outdone yourself, Martie. This one is terrific! I've gotten these same feelings by looking at my childhood house, or my high school or a replica of my first car. You describe everything so well....
Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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4 posted 2000-05-25 05:42 PM

Marge--what a beauiful reply--you need to write a dormer window poem...hugs!

Netswan--about the peanut butter and Tuna...I was so afraid to be discovered that I confessed before the hedge was cut down...and of course was surprised there was nothing there...LOL..thanks for the read.

Balladeer--thanks for enjoying this...looking back is fun and for me, I don't have to drive to far to do it.

Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
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5 posted 2000-05-25 10:16 PM

I pass by the house that I grew up in every time I go for my walks. So much has changed and so much is still the same. I'm glad that I can see it whenever I feel the need to. Your poem is very sweet and brought back many memories for me.


Member Elite
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6 posted 2000-05-26 12:38 PM

Outdid yourself on this one Martie.  What a treat to read and enjoy.  
Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
7 posted 2000-05-26 06:16 AM

Martie I also enjoyed this lovely walk down memory lane.  James
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
Posts 7704

8 posted 2000-05-26 06:23 AM

Oh Martie...this really just moved me...I am sitting here with tears in my eyes I am!

Wow...your imagery is absolutely superb. Your words truly bring your poetry to life my friend.

Hey - are you submitting to publishers? For you should be.


Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
Posts 28049
9 posted 2000-05-26 01:44 PM

Denise--I'm so glad to have brought some of your memories back with my poem.

Mike--So happy you found a treat here.

James--Thanks for walking with me.

Kamla--Submitting yes...I have the rejection letters to prove it.  

Kit McCallum
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Ontario, Canada
10 posted 2000-05-26 02:23 PM

I found myself smiling and sighing as I walked through your nostalgic poem, and allowed my mind to idly slip in visions of my own past.

This is so timely for me Martie, as just days ago, my mother and I took a side trip to my childhood home.  We simply sat out front and held hands together ... no words were said aloud to break our magical spell.  You've captured this feeling beautifully!

Thanks for a lovely trip down memory lane,

Member Elite
since 1999-07-23
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Boot+Kitty=Poetry in motion
11 posted 2000-05-26 02:31 PM

Martie - what a great poem!  It brought back such sweet memories
brian madden
Member Elite
since 2000-05-06
Posts 4374
12 posted 2000-05-26 02:57 PM

Wow Martie, that was beautiful. a wonderful journey down memory lane thanks for sharing.

"Isn't it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too? "
Douglas Adams.

"Here chewing your tail is joy"

Richey Edwards

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Baltimore Grotto

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