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0 posted 2003-04-24 03:33 PM

have you ever wake up in the morning
to the chirping of birds in the trees
have you ever sat through the night
lulled by the song of the breeze

the simple pleasures of life
seem to be forgotten with age
as we fight for our bread and life
and leave our God behind

but He still weaves his magic
His wondrous tapestry
of miraculous hope and
friendship, love and dreams

God is merciful
rich in love
slow to anger
He's waiting for you
to turn back
His welcoming arms
is beckoning you
have you forgotten?

dear fellow poets, I wrote this poem to encourage my friend. He has been sickly ever since he was a child, and now he's still suffering from depression and ill health at the age of 30... he always tells me that he's a prodigy's child, and I believe that his battered soul shall be comforted if he has the courage to seek God again... attempting suicide's a weekly kinda thing and I do beckon to all to contribute and touch his heart with love and care so that he can stand up and face his life with courage again... please do contribute generously, I know that love and sharing is abundantly available in our little haven here, so please help me


If there cannot be equal in affection, then let the one with more be me - midnightblues™

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Joyce Johnson
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1 posted 2003-04-24 04:05 PM

He is lucky to have you for a friend, Michelle.  May you be blessed.  Joyce
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Universal Mind
2 posted 2003-04-24 05:33 PM

I was in depression too. In lots of way my thinking is still negative... but hey tell your friends to count his blessing instead the things he didn't get. Like he is lucky to have you as a friend. cheers!

When he know he's living for those who loves him, he will be much stronger.

Eliza Simmons
~Every girl has a dream within.

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3 posted 2003-04-25 02:18 PM

Dear Joyce and Eliza,

thank you so much for responding to my topic! and yes i do hope that with a little help i can eventually get him to feel touched and brave his problems. thank you once again my dear friends!


If there cannot be equal in affection, then let the one with more be me - midnightblues™

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Member Laureate
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Florida, USA
4 posted 2003-04-26 07:17 AM

Michelle, I hope that your friend realizes what a blessing you are to him. Since he is so depressed and attempting suicide is a usual thing for him, you could very well be the link that's keeping him from being successful in doing it.

I can very well understand depression. I have to fight it a lot. My fiance helps me tremendously through his never-ending support and unconditional love for me. We started out as friends before we fell in love and he's still my best friend after five years.

Someone who fights depression needs a good friend like you who really cares for them.
May God bless your friend and you as you help him.
Heart Hugs,  

[This message has been edited by garysgirl (04-26-2003 07:18 AM).]

wings of the moon
since 2003-03-27
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Pink bubblegum land
5 posted 2003-04-26 07:22 AM

I know too well that domain having suffered from it since my early teens.
He is lucky to have such a friend as you...
what he needs is to learn to love life again, with or without God, I hope he finds happiness one day and the will to not relapse...
the best of luck and many warm wishes...

"more than yesterday, less than tomorrow, i love you"

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
6 posted 2003-04-26 08:27 AM

Your friend is fortunate to have someone who cares~

Personally, I believe suicide is a selfish, chicken poo-poo act~
My grandmother always said that if you do something in life worthy of print ... be sure to be around to read your name in the paper !

Having never suffered from depression, I may not be the one to comment on it ... but I have seen the devastating effects left on family and friends~

Someone much wiser than myself said, "Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary situation."
I believe them !

To Michelle's friend ... reach OUT ... touch someone else with your life.

God does not leave you !
But He does wait for you to turn back to Him.
I sincerely hope you do.

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

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7 posted 2003-04-26 03:31 PM

Dearest Ethel, Claire and Margie,

its a delight to have u gals behind me all the way. as his friend I do need some support in case the stuff gets to me and its great to have all of u here with me... my wonderful 2nd family!


If there cannot be equal in affection, then let the one with more be me - midnightblues™

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since 2003-04-24
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8 posted 2003-04-27 06:46 PM

what a lovely tribute to your friend. you are a beautiful person and if your friend could only understand that gods love is as comforting and supportive as your love, he might then reach out for that love again.

best wishes and love to both of you,
june x

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since 2000-07-01
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9 posted 2003-04-28 11:24 AM

Hello June,

thank u so much for responding, and for ur encouragement!


If there cannot be equal in affection, then let the one with more be me - midnightblues™

since 2003-06-02
Posts 140

10 posted 2004-04-06 10:06 PM

Wow, I thank God that he put people like you here... he is using you to help your friend open his heart and find true life. I, myself, am learning that he's trying to use me and i hope i do things right lol but anyways...great write and...You're in my prayers...God Bless!


passing shadows
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since 1999-08-26
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11 posted 2004-04-07 04:18 AM

you are an angel
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