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Member Patricius
since 2001-03-09
Posts 12098
Idaho, USA

0 posted 2002-12-04 01:36 AM

Snow Falling

The woodland trail is hushed with snow.
The wind blows high above me though,
While here, the earth seems fast asleep
And trees their quiet vigil keep.

What secrets do these dark woods hold?
I flounder on, both wet and cold
And stop to listen to the sound
Of water, gurgling underground.

Now, tired to the very core,
I turn to head for home once more
And savor every silver spray
Of frosty shrubbery on display.

I stop to rest and I can hear
The sound of snow and as I peer
Back the way that I have been,
No sign of footsteps can be seen.

Just standing there, I feel a part
Of all I see and in my heart,
I know this moment is unique.
A winter memory to keep!

Betty Lou Hebert

[This message has been edited by Trillium (12-04-2002 01:39 AM).]

© Copyright 2002 Betty Lou Hebert - All Rights Reserved
Joyce Johnson
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Washington State
1 posted 2002-12-04 02:12 AM

This is a beautiful tale of the beauty of snow.  We seldom see it here, but my childhood was spent in North Dakota and we always had our snow in December.  It made everything beautiful.  Joyce
since 2002-11-30
Posts 51
2 posted 2002-12-04 07:02 AM

A really good poem. I enjoyed this and almost felt like I was there with you. Nice to see a poem that made me smile, Thanx . dx
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Member Patricius
since 2001-03-09
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Idaho, USA
3 posted 2002-12-04 10:38 AM

Joyce:  Thanks and I think there is something so special about being in the woods when it's snowing. The sound of it falling is all you can hear.

Betty Lou Hebert

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Member Patricius
since 2001-03-09
Posts 12098
Idaho, USA
4 posted 2002-12-04 10:38 AM

cherrylips:  Thank you for commenting and glad it gave you a smile.

Betty Lou Hebert

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Member Rara Avis
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5 posted 2002-12-04 11:53 AM

I like how it uses the rhythm of Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, and I love the imagery.
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Member Patricius
since 2001-03-09
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Idaho, USA
6 posted 2002-12-04 06:03 PM

I hadn't thought about the rhyme scheme being the same as Robert Frost's famous poem, but there is a similarity.  Thanks for drawing it to my attention and for commenting.

Betty Lou Hebert

Member Seraphic
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7 posted 2002-12-05 10:51 PM

Snow is so darned enchanting, isn't it, Betty Lou? But why does it have to be so darned slippery too? Gorgeous poem!
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Member Patricius
since 2001-03-09
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Idaho, USA
8 posted 2002-12-06 12:59 PM

Denise:  Thanks for reading.  You're right, snow and ice can create such gorgeous scenes but there is not a whole lot of pleasure in being out in it anymore.  I used to ice skate and ski and never thought much about the environment, because I was having fun!  Now that I am older, I am more concerned with comfort!

Betty Lou Hebert

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
9 posted 2002-12-06 01:26 PM

My IdaHO-HO-HO Friend~

Snow NOT Falling
(a soft play on your words)

The Florida trails are washed in sun
The breezes blowing, warmth is done
While up North the earth seem COLD
With all the snowflakes, I am told~

No secrets do the warm sands hold
Not to worry at getting cold
Stopping to listen to the sound
Of water waving in ocean's pound.

Now, burnished to the core
Skin needs balming from the store
Savoring every chance to stay
Home from work ... one more day !

Stopping to rest so I can hear
The sounds of carols sung so near
Rounding the corner, hoping I will
Find the singers ... singing still.

'Neath the palm tree over there
I watch them as they bow in prayer
Saying this moment is such a treasure
80 degrees fahrenheit .. such a pleasure !

Standing there I start to perspire
As December temperatures rise higher
I know this moment is unique.
A FLORIDA winter memory to keep !

*Here our 'Snowmen' come in liquid assemble~*

LOVE your write ... LOVE YOU~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
           [email protected]                       

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Member Patricius
since 2001-03-09
Posts 12098
Idaho, USA
10 posted 2002-12-06 01:33 PM

Dear Marge:  Your poem is a wonderful gift and for a moment or two I almost felt that warm breeze blowing! I don't want to give up my blue spruce Christmas tree though, or the lights twinkling on the snow, so guess I'll have to stay for another Christmas in the Northwest!  Thanks for writing such a inviting reply! Maybe I'll leave for florida the day AFTER Christmas!

Betty Lou

Betty Lou Hebert

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Member Patricius
since 2001-03-09
Posts 12098
Idaho, USA
11 posted 2002-12-06 01:36 PM

Dear Marge:  Your poem is a wonderful gift and for a moment or two I almost felt that warm breeze blowing! I don't want to give up my blue spruce Christmas tree though, or the lights twinkling on the snow, so guess I'll have to stay for another Christmas in the Northwest!  Thanks for writing such an inviting reply! Maybe I'll leave for Florida the day AFTER Christmas!

Betty Lou

Betty Lou Hebert

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12 posted 2002-12-07 11:01 AM

Dearest Betty,

Such is the beauty that you've painted out of words, I savored the enchantment with a little shiver *grinZ* what I mean is I LOVE IT! wooohooo!

And Marge, I love your cheeky poem too! teehee

Lots of Love

If there cannot be equal in affection, then let the one with more be me - midnightblues™

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Member Patricius
since 2001-03-09
Posts 12098
Idaho, USA
13 posted 2002-12-07 06:01 PM

Michelle:  Thanks for responding and glad you enjoyed the poem.  Also Marge's!  Hers is more fun than mine!

Betty Lou Hebert

Member Elite
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ocala, fl, usa
14 posted 2002-12-09 06:52 AM

this lovely poem is much like a Currier and Ives painting...wonderful!

the woods are lovely, dark, and deep, but I have promises to keep, and many miles to go before I sleep...Frost

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Member Patricius
since 2001-03-09
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Idaho, USA
15 posted 2002-12-10 12:27 PM

pegasus111:  How nice to hear from you and thanks for the lovely remarks.  I love Currier and Ives paintings, so this is a wonderful compliment.

Betty Lou Hebert

Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-25
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Somewhere... out there...
16 posted 2002-12-29 03:15 PM

Betty Lou~
This is simply beautiful.
You've painted the scene perfectly with your words.
Wonderfully done.

"...until you have read the verse on his heart,
you have not truly met the poet.

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Member Patricius
since 2001-03-09
Posts 12098
Idaho, USA
17 posted 2002-12-29 10:23 PM

Vicky:  Thanks for reading and enjoyed your comments. Wish I could send some of this snow your way!

Betty Lou Hebert

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