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Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA

0 posted 2000-06-17 07:11 PM

My plates are made of plastic
A regal shade of blue
As are my knives and forks and spoons
And serving dishes, too.
If, by some chance I stumble,
As I am passing by
And knock them off the table
They do not break....they do not die.

I have two plastic goldfish
Within a plastic bowl
Providing relaxation
To ease a troubled soul.

As long as I am careful
To keep the batteries dry
They'll swim along forever
They do not sink....they do not die.

I have a cocker spaniel
I named my buddy Ruff.
He doesn't run or chase a ball -
How can he when he's stuffed?

But he is always there for me.
Where I am-there he lies
And, though he'll never lick my face,
He does not leave....he does not die.

Your picture hangs above my bed.
The glass and frame are fake
But if it falls down from the wall
It has no chance to break.

Your beauty takes my breath away.
Your smile of sweet delight
Dispels the gloom from my small room;
Illuminates the night.

I place my fingers on your cheek
And, teardrops in my eye,
I disregard reality......
You don't get sick
You do not die.

© Copyright 2000 Michael Mack - All Rights Reserved
since 1999-06-10
Posts 444

1 posted 2000-06-17 07:20 PM

You should have entered this one for the book, I’d have voted for it! Then again that’s true for every one you write.

Thanks for the chance to (re) read and reply.


Yes, I admit your general rule. That every poet is a fool:
But I myself may serve to show it. That every fool is not a poet.

Member Elite
since 1999-07-31
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United Kingdom
2 posted 2000-06-17 07:32 PM

Oh dear, or deer...ooops

There's not much pleasure in being stuffed...hmmmm...but you know what I matter the hurt, no matter the consequences, we only have one life...

Go get yourself a dog that does lick, does growl, does take up most of the bed and best of all, wags his/her tail when they sence you're on the way home...

And yep, know this is another of your stories but some people will rely on inanimate objects because they won't get where's the nearest taxidermist..I have a cat that needs problem, he's alive and sleeping on my pillow...

Sorry Bal...I'm sure you'll forgive me though....RG on bended knees...


Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
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Hurricane Alley
3 posted 2000-06-17 07:41 PM

I too would vote for of my favorites...wait! ALL yours are one of my favorites!  
Seymour Tabin
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Tamarac Fla
4 posted 2000-06-17 07:47 PM

Dear Mike,
Your poem does not impress me.
Because you impressed me the first time we met and there is not a piece you have written that I could ever forget. Sy

doreen peri
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5 posted 2000-06-17 07:52 PM

perfectly said
i don't remember this one but now i'll never forget it

X Angel
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since 1999-11-07
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6 posted 2000-06-17 07:55 PM



Irish Rose
Member Patricius
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7 posted 2000-06-17 08:51 PM

Your poem's wordplay is engaging, your wit warm and soothing, your delivery sloooooowww, and your ending satisfying, and I hope this doesn't get censored.,  
Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
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8 posted 2000-06-18 01:14 AM

Your picture hangs above my bed.
The glass and frame are fake
But if it falls down from the wall
It has no chance to break.

Your beauty takes my breath away.
Your smile of sweet delight
Dispels the gloom from my small room;
Illuminates the night.

I place my fingers on your cheek
And, teardrops in my eye,
I disregard reality......
You don't get sick
You do not die.

NOTHING false or fake here...
just PURE hearfelt honesty of emotion...
wanna say it with me my sweet deer...
love this sweet poem too
love Sy's reply as well...
ah hell i love the poets too *smile*

Jeffrey Carter
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State of constant confusion!
9 posted 2000-06-18 01:45 AM


you should definitely submit this one for the book!!!

All my love,

I lie awake in a world filled with dreams,
but dreams can be so real when you don't know you're asleep

Senior Member
since 2000-03-28
Posts 1369
10 posted 2000-06-18 01:59 AM

Oh Balladeer - this is excellent -
you'd get my vote on this one for the
book in voices ---


Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505
Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
11 posted 2000-06-18 06:03 PM

Craig....I forgot all about that! Thanks for the kind words, friend  

Rainbow...You would never stuff Snoops!!! Of course I forgive you but thank you for the bended knees

deVine're way up on my favorites list, too! Thank you  

Sy....I will always thank you for your friendship and I'm real glad the boat didn't sink! Welcome back.....

Doreen....To linger in your memory makes me smile   Thank you!

Xangel....Dankeshoen, mein shotz!!!

Irish Rose....Censored!? I'm gonna hang it over my bed! I love the qualities you love   Thank you...

JanetMarie...Sounds to me like you're just a lover....and a very sweet person. I thank you, ma'am.

Jeffrey and Netswan....OK I guess I will, then. My thanks for your replies  

A Romantic Heart
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Forever In Your Heart
12 posted 2000-06-18 10:45 PM

I am real, no fake stuff here, no silicone...nope all real, nails, hair, and most of all heart!

True so true are your words...loved your poem sir Balladeer!

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
13 posted 2000-06-19 07:04 AM

Wonderful verse here, sir.
Enjoyed very much.
I'm going through the archives and
having a blast reading our exchanges.
What fun !
Love ya'

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Sudhir Iyer
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Mumbai, India : now in Belgium
14 posted 2000-06-19 11:40 AM

I am grateful of you to have reposted this one....I am very glad to have read this one, Sir. Balladeer. very glad!

regards, -sudhir.

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
15 posted 2000-06-19 12:02 PM

I had this one pictured perfectly the first time so it was with great pleasure I read again... and again... and again...

Yup...I think it's more than time for our 'Deer to come out with his very own book!


~~~Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow.
Helen Keller ~~~

since 2000-06-19
Posts 67
16 posted 2000-06-19 12:09 PM

Craig, that poem was tight. I liked the way you expressed your feelings in that poem.

Senior Member
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17 posted 2000-06-19 01:55 PM

yep this one is definately book worthy...its got my vote
Novacaine For The Soul
since 2000-05-26
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New Orleans
18 posted 2000-06-20 02:05 AM

dear balladeer,
     *heh* seems that this little work of verse strikes home a bit too well with a fella like myself... *wipes back a tear* excellent and extrordinarily moving piece... reminds me of a song by The Cure that i've grown quite fond of... a few lines from it say "i've been looking so long at these pictures of you, that i almost believe that they're real"... your poetic talent never ceases to amaze me...

a sad tomato

you're such a beautiful freak... i wish there were more just like you...

Senior Member
since 2000-06-12
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Earth 3rd Rock from the sun!!
19 posted 2000-06-20 02:24 AM

Just wonderful.....Great work.....You'd have my vote for this one....

Julie :)

since 2000-05-16
Posts 238
20 posted 2000-06-20 02:36 AM

I like to deny that someday will come when I will begin to see things (and myself!)decay and die, but reality tells me otherwise. My Great Uncle is on his last throes, and this poem brought tears to my eyes. 'deer, you are a heartbreaker with your well-woven words.


"Come what come may, time and the hour runs through the roughest day."
A line from Macbeth, by William Shakespear

since 2000-04-11
Posts 486
21 posted 2000-06-20 03:28 AM

Pure art. A sure add to the library.

After all, what is reality anyway? Nothin' but a collective hunch.

Jeremiah Johnson
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Brooksville, Fl, U.S
22 posted 2000-06-20 04:05 AM

i have never read any of your other work but this poem here says it all and makes me want to read all of you. great work so keep it up.

I'm the lord, I'm the havoc, I'm the soul

linda munday
since 2000-06-17
Posts 315
Adelaide, Australia
23 posted 2000-06-20 09:08 PM

Guess what balladeer, you made it into my private library (which i just discovered existed).  Love your work,,, Are there other poems of yours I can read somehow?

Member Patricius
since 2000-05-14
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New Brunswick Canada
24 posted 2000-06-20 09:16 PM

You were doing so good until the end and then reality won again! Yes, I would push reality aside also, for there are some possessions that are forever. Oh how we are so interconnected with some....beautiful pathos.
Thanks for sharing.

Member Elite
since 2000-03-06
Posts 3733
25 posted 2000-06-20 10:00 PM

This is beautifully touching...on the light note I wish I had some of those goldfish, we've replaced two in two days...poor little guys...and on the heavier note...WOW  what awesome feeling you write with!!

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505
Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
26 posted 2000-06-20 11:08 PM

Thank you all VERY much! I appreciate all of you.

linda...thank you for inviting me into your library. Others? The archives are full of them  

Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648

27 posted 2000-06-20 11:24 PM

Wonderful writing, as always, Balladeer!  


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