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Dark Poetry #2
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Senior Member
since 2000-02-14
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New Hampshire, USA

0 posted 2000-07-23 11:04 AM


I see things.

When someone touches me,
or brushes by closely,
My mind is filled with images,
cascading across my mind,
washing me, bathing me,
in their memories.

It has always been this way,
I can not remember when it did not happen.
Imagine a little child, seeing, wondering,
What is this?  What does it mean?  Where do the pictures come from?

My mother told me of this gift,
When I began to question.
She helped me… understand, to use, to accept this gift.
We all have it….but few had a mother like mine.

I feel things.

A touch, a close pass through an aura,
and I feel so much.
At times, the pain, the heartache, the transferrance,
Is too much to bear…..and I run…distance being the only relief.

I can consciously do it….but only if you let me.
I can not read minds…only browse
through the attic of your memories…and pain.
But only if you let me.

We all are born with it….most never develop it,
Some are lucky….some are not.
For some, it is a gift.
For others, a curse.

I can see death too.
It no longer frightens me.
Only saddens me.
When I know I can only watch….in silence.

© Copyright 2000 Marv Hardin - All Rights Reserved
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1 posted 2000-07-23 11:15 AM

Great one Marv!   ( as always )


Member Elite
since 2000-04-19
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2 posted 2000-07-23 11:20 AM

~I am swimming here in all these thoughts and images you have put into my mind. Extremely deep and interesting this is. We need to talk. Goodness,...I've got chills and it's so totally amazing that you just wrote this poem. If this is indeed real to you, then you are fortunate to have a mother who understood and directed you with it...helped you to understand it. Right on Hardrock, glad that I just read this. Take care H. *Peace.
since 2000-01-08
Posts 392

3 posted 2000-07-23 11:24 AM

Can you really....are you really like me?!
this is lovely, indeed.
I dread the curse, I wish not to see death...
I love the gift, I long to know others depths...

"There is an alter ego which
dwells in every soul..."

"I am as I am, nothing more, nothing less,
I am tears of pain, tears of Death.

Senior Member
since 2000-06-22
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New Hampshire
4 posted 2000-07-23 11:24 AM

washing me, bathing me, in their memories...through your poetry I find a rare sense you are gifted with..The words expressed here are beautiful and the connection to feelings astounding..Im a believer, this was so good!!!!

The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose...--Hada Bejar

since 2000-05-16
Posts 276
5 posted 2000-07-23 11:26 AM

Hi marv.
thanks for reminding where I belong I have missed this place.
Your poem has hit me hard this morning it is
Thanks again

since 2000-07-10
Posts 172
Kokomo, Indiana, United States
6 posted 2000-07-23 11:36 AM

I loved it...good description...thanks for sharing..Dee
And Thanks for all your insight in my writing as well.  

Senior Member
since 2000-02-14
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New Hampshire, USA
7 posted 2000-07-23 11:58 AM

SpitFire...yes, this is real to me.
a-alibaster...Yes, I can really...and I AM like you....we all are.  This is the "sixth sense" you have always heard about.  Sometimes passed off as "Mother's Intuition", women are more attuned to it, because they are usually more connected to their emotions.  But it DOES exist.  Think about it the next time you touch someone's hand or your mind and see what pops in there....don't try to make it happen and don't try to figure out what the images mean...just let it happen.  The more you do it, the easier it becomes.

Poet deVine
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Hurricane Alley
8 posted 2000-07-23 11:59 AM

Marv, I loved this! And I have to thank you for some inspiration. Seldom happens to me lately but for some reason, this poem affected me.

You smiled as you brushed past
Then looked back deeply into my eyes
A hint of sadness?
Your smile was there to mesmerize

Around the room, party forgotten.
The memory of your touch upon my arm
The whisper of a promise
In those glances I felt no harm

Later as you were leaving
You took my hand and held it tight
You whispered ‘be careful’
Then wished me a good night.

Later I thought back on it
As I narrowly avoided that collision
Of your forewarning
In the gift of your empath's vision

Senior Member
since 2000-02-14
Posts 948
New Hampshire, USA
9 posted 2000-07-23 12:04 PM MUST post that as a poem of it's own.  That is so have experienced just what I wrote about.  And you captured it so well here in your response to my writings.  Thank you for your kind words.  Marvin
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since 2000-06-04
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saarbruecken, Germany
10 posted 2000-07-23 01:33 PM

What a wonderful poem, Marvin. I am speechless. You astound me!

"Dreams are life, reality, creation" Miguel de Unanumo

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since 2000-07-13
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11 posted 2000-07-23 02:11 PM

When someone touches me,
or brushes by closely,
My mind is filled with images,
cascading across my mind,
washing me, bathing me,
in their memories.

oh my this is so much like me....
and you have so many other phrases  here
I adore this poem of yours

I can not read minds…only browse
through the attic of your memories…and pain.

big SIGHhhhhhh   hoping I don't hyperventilate today

thank you, HardRock...

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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-03
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The Shores of Alone
12 posted 2000-07-23 07:09 PM

Yes, extremely thought provoking. Hope this gives you more good than bad. I tend more toward dream visions, I think this could create chaos in your life, if you feel and absorb too much to handle sometimes.  Take Care

since 2000-06-11
Posts 202
13 posted 2000-07-23 07:56 PM

scarry to feel....even more scarry not to!!


Member Ascendant
since 1999-09-06
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Sunny Queensland
14 posted 2000-07-23 08:01 PM

Hardrock now I know why I have related to you right from the start.!!  I consider myself an empath too, but not to the extent you mentioned for yourself.  But I've seen enough to know....  It is a gift we should be grateful for, but sometimes knowledge isn't all it's cracked up to be.
Thanks so much for sharing this with us, it's wonderful when we are truly comfortable enough to open up this way.  great stuff  

I'll tell you this...... No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn.....
(Goddess - Sovereign of the Spirit)

since 2000-07-05
Posts 312

15 posted 2000-07-23 11:19 PM

COOL! I feel like I'm watching the Sixth Sense all over again!   Great poem, I love the perspective, the speaker is so sensitive and frail despite his powers....interesting portrayal! Great work!

The thread of destiny
Unknown by anyone
Unseen by anyone
Winds around your heart
Moist with tears
-Vampire Princess Miyu Theme

Senior Member
since 2000-02-14
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New Hampshire, USA
16 posted 2000-07-23 11:33 PM

Wren..I hate to appear dumb, but what is the Sixth Sense...someone else wrote me an e-mail and made reference to it.  Is it a movie?  Drop me an e-mail:  [email protected]
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17 posted 2000-07-24 12:29 PM

Sometimes the greatest gift bears the heaviest price. Good poem my friend.

Ronil (What I say I live by and what I live by is what I create).

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since 2000-04-11
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Tallahassee, Florida
18 posted 2000-07-24 01:23 AM

see marv this is what i am talking about.  nothing i write gets 17 18 responses... it takes a true gift to touch others like this.  i am only angry and bitter.  you however are here to heal.  thank you. good one.  nice flow.  very raw.


Sunshine can not bleach
The snow,
Nor time unmake what
Poets know.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Jeremiah Johnson
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Brooksville, Fl, U.S
19 posted 2000-07-25 09:23 PM

this is a great poem my friend and i must say wonderful. though i have not been here alot lately because i have been packing up my house and stuff for the move to your state. i'll will be in South Carolina within a i think 15 days. i'll email when we get the phone hooked up and such. and to the poem i say never fear the exit. even if death is the exit from life.

I'm a dying romantic and when i can no longer write i can no longer live -Jeremiah Johnson-

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20 posted 2000-07-25 09:26 PM

Wow wow wow!!!   Talk about goosebumps!  Know this feeling well... thanks for sharing!  
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