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Scarlet Lady
since 2000-02-11
Posts 242

0 posted 2000-12-03 09:13 PM

I hate regrets, but we all have them.   I have realized regrets are there to show me to NOT get stuck and move on, but deal with them and do it differently.   I don't want to live in them, because I feel you don't grow past them.  Anyway...... here are just a few of mine.  

the last sunrise  I would miss
my one last  passionate kiss
a call I did not make
when I chose not to make the break
a time I could not chose
a picture I would loose
a heart that I would break
a chance I would not take
the time I lied to make it right
when fear made me loose sight
years I spent in fear
nights filled with tears
a true love I did not hold
my heart that was left cold
time I did not use
the marks of your bruise
people I forgot to thank
the day our marriage sank
dreams I would not chase
hopes that I left  abase
the harsh word I said
that letter I left unread

As I sit and ponder what my life is about
REGRETS want to scream and shout!
Yet, I know tomorrow lends a new day
What do you all have to say?

On and on I could  go with "MY" regrets,
But all of "YOU"  have many too I bet!

© Copyright 2000 Lynne - All Rights Reserved
Member Ascendant
since 1999-09-06
Posts 6296
Sunny Queensland
1 posted 2000-12-03 10:47 PM

Regrets Isis Version

I regret the day I leave this world,
I regret having only one child,
I wanted more but things didn't hue,
I occasionally regret being so meek and mild.

I regret lost or broken loves,
Happiness so easily discarded,
I regret no finishing,
Projects that I'd started.

I regret the horrors on this Earth,
The homeless, the starving, the disease,
I regret the fact,
That so often I'm not at ease.

But I try to celebrate the good in my life,
Each and every day,
And chase away those regrets and bad feelings,
To find a happier and more peaceful way.


Good idea this Illusion   < !signature-->

*I believe every time you put your words to paper, you change.  Each feeling is set free, and you may follow.....*
~Isis~~Sovereign of the Spirit.

[This message has been edited by Isis (edited 12-03-2000).]

Scarlet Lady
since 2000-02-11
Posts 242
2 posted 2000-12-03 11:06 PM

Isis.....I kind of had an idea that this would happen to me while writing this.   What do I mean?    Well as I was writing, in my limited memory, I could only think of some of my regrets.  Well you brought up others, and I immediately was taken to that thought.  

here were some I relate to,

"I regret not finishing,
Projects that I'd started."

Man I hate that!  

"I regret the fact,
That so often I'm not at ease."

That one was so wonderful to me.  Something you don't often realize or think about, but is so important to lead a peaceful and productive life daily.

I am so blessed to have found this site and all of the wonderful people here !  That is one thing I DO NOT REGRET for sure!

Thanks sweetie!

Member Ascendant
since 1999-09-06
Posts 6296
Sunny Queensland
3 posted 2000-12-03 11:10 PM

Well I'm glad you liked and agreed with my offerings hon  
I think being busy (either physically or mentally or both) is an important part of being happy.
Being bored and lonely etc. cannot lead to happiness...
*hugs* Illusion

*I believe every time you put your words to paper, you change. Each feeling is set free, and you may follow.....*
~Isis~~Sovereign of the Spirit.

Senior Member
since 2000-03-21
Posts 680
4 posted 2000-12-04 02:18 AM

DkW's Version of regrets!

I regret not saying how I feel
To make it easier for others to deal
I regret not saying the "good-byes"
Before it was time for them to die
I regret not saying "I love you"
Letting them know my feelings are true
I regret all the tears I shed
After the day I wed
I regret building my "wall"
Protecting myself from the "fall"
I regret not taking the time
To watch the stars in their prime
I regret all the fights
And all the anger in my sight
I regret so many things and wonder why
Take one day at a time and learn to fly.

Ahhhhhhh this list could go on forever for me.  But I would much rather look into the future!!

Peace and smiles,

No person is worth your tears, and the only one that is ...... will never make you cry

Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-03
Posts 9543
The Shores of Alone
5 posted 2000-12-05 10:49 PM

Hm, great idea, lets see if I can turn these thoughts into a poem.

I regret the loss of innocence
with an uncaring boy,
I regret not having the time left
to feel a life of joy.

I regret choosing the wrong man
time and time again
I regret losing some people
I thought I'd still call friend.

I regret not having the money
to make my childs life better
I regret the years I didn't write
too influenced by others..

Well, theres a lot more, LOL
Good job illusion..keep us thinking.

Scarlet Lady
since 2000-02-11
Posts 242
6 posted 2000-12-05 11:45 PM

Well I must say....I am humbled and quite reflective.  As I have read the responses, they have triggered  a ton of my own regrets that I have forgotten or buried.  For instance:


I regret not saying how I feel
To make it easier for others to deal..

I regret building my "wall"
Protecting myself from the "fall"

I regret all the fights
And all the anger in my sight

DKW....Boy can I relate!  Man,  you said it so well.  I was especially taken by the one concerning the "wall"....I have that concrete wall building everyday myself it seems.   I hate it!  Thank YOU for reminding me that it can turn into a regret. Even   of it's own protective device!  Oh,  then the last regret  concerning all of the fights and the anger in your sight....WHOA! That has been a horrible sight for me and my children to experience time and time again....."ANGER".... I hate it!  

"Make no friendship with an angry man, and with a furious man do not go, Lest you learn his ways and set a snare for your soul " quote......of all places the Bible!    Prov 22:25 hmmmmmmmm!!!    HUGS!!


I regret the loss of innocence
with an uncaring boy,

I regret choosing the wrong man
time and time again
I regret losing some people
I thought I'd still call friend.

Incredible what you  have put into words.  I am simply amazed at the wonderful expression of heart here.  I appreciate it so.  

I wonder how many girls....AND men have lost their innocence by wanting to purely just give love, in order to recieve love?

And I wonder how many have chosen what they thought was their soulmate, to only find a distant person in bed with them?  We are thinkers us poets!  Thanks so much.....I enjoyed your response, as it made me think!  Take care and try to get beyond those regrets!  

Senior Member
since 2000-02-14
Posts 948
New Hampshire, USA
7 posted 2000-12-05 11:57 PM

"A man is only old when his dreams turn to regrets"....and I don't plan on growing old, nor will I stop being a dreamer.  But to borrow a verse from my poem entitled "Regrets"...
I’m just here for the duration,
Whatever that may be.
If I have regrets at all,
It’s that "I" was never a "we".

Senior Member
since 2000-03-21
Posts 680
8 posted 2000-12-06 09:53 AM

Regrets are not always a bad thing to ponder about though.  They can help us learn from our recent mistakes and move on.  Then there are others regrets like this........

I regret the promises
I made to him that day
Telling him I would love him
During good and bad days
I regret allowing him
To hit me the way he did
Shattering all my self-worth
Shedding tears as I hid
I regret the angry words
Each day he told me
I was his stepping stone
If only then I would of seen
I regret sitting back waiting..
For him to enter through the door
His words were always degrading
As he knocked me to the floor
I regret trying to take my own life
I didnt think there was a way out
"No one would love me as he did" he said
My own strength, I had so much doubt
I regret so much
As the time ticks away
The memories just wont die
They haunt me each day

< !signature-->

No person is worth your tears, and the only one that is ...... will never make you cry

[This message has been edited by Dark_kisses_Within (edited 12-06-2000).]

JOY 14
Senior Member
since 1999-09-22
Posts 1419
Wisconsin USA
9 posted 2000-12-06 11:34 AM

I regret being a coward
When my best friend depended on me
To hold up her respect

I regret not confronting conflict
And by doing so,
Loosing another part of the relationship
Who with I didn't solve our problems

I regret not listening to what I had to say
And making myself miserable
Believing in the ignorant lines everyone else was feeding me

I don't regret writing this poem
Because it's going to save me a lot of regrets
Later on, because thinking about all the things I might regret later,
I'll do them
And they won't exist.

Thanks for making me think, Illusion.


since 2000-06-21
Posts 237
10 posted 2000-12-07 11:03 PM

I regret not knowing my dad,
I regret making my mother sometimes sad.
I regret letting others see me cry,
I regret an occasional lie.
I regret that I rarely ever see things through,
I regret sometimes not knowing what to do.
I regret feeling I'm not good enough at all,
I regret allowing my values to fall.
I regret not telling a special guy just how I felt,
I regret allowing him to cause my heart to melt.

Good Challenge.  Helped to open my eyes a little to my own shortcomings. Thanx.


Dream Chaser
Junior Member
since 2000-11-21
Posts 32
South Carolina
11 posted 2000-12-09 07:05 PM

Regrets...I have so many that I could never write about them all.   This made me stop and thing about some others too.  But I prefer to put the regrets in the past and think about the future and what it may bring.  Good writing.


since 2000-12-09
Posts 442
Brisbane, Qld, Australia
12 posted 2000-12-09 08:43 PM

Regrets are what makes the world go round...  everyone has a regret and if they don't then they are one in a million.  I have regrets like everyone else here, but I have come to realise that these regrets are what makes you the person you are.  This is what I have come up with about my regrets...

Life is but a mystery
Life is but a game
I can tell you my regrets
Or I can tell you they're all the same.
I live with regrets of love
I live with regrets that I didn't do things
I live a life of pain
I live a life of gain
I want my regrets to become experiences
So that I never do them again!

I don't know what life has in store for me...  I am only 18 years old..  but I have lived a lot and learnt a lot and now it's all the same.  I know that life still has a lot in store for me, but I have learnt from my experiences and hope to god I never make them again, but as they say...  Love is blind and that's where my problems start!!

I want to also say that everyone who has submitted something in here is right!  But we all need to focus on teaching people that regrets are life and we all have them - we just have to learn how to learn from them if you can understand that!!

Love Melz!!

Senior Member
since 2000-11-12
Posts 608
Palm Bay, Florida
13 posted 2000-12-11 02:52 PM

The tears I cry every day
And the frustration, so hot
Wrapping in a cacoon of madness
It leads me back to pain...

How I wish I had know then
All the things I know now,
How I wish I could have said
Nothing, though my heart knows
That speaking was the best thing
But not the best for me...

How I wish you had been honest
In the very beginning, allowing
me to know you then, really know
the You that haunts me now, because
I didn't know and so I made a choice...

Wishing that maybe I wasn't ready
To become a woman so soon, when what
I really wanted to do was play a little
longer, and how I wish, just wish
that someday soon, you will see
My pain, My anger, My frustration.

I regret that I lost my strength,
my individuality, and was fooled
By your blindness.

*regret is too fresh a wound for me right now, so I offer no explanations, just my input to the challenge and to say thank you for giving me the chance to voice this.*
< !signature-->

With the word, I am mighty, with the pen I am free..

[This message has been edited by dragonpoe (edited 12-11-2000).]

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