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0 posted 2000-08-10 04:20 PM

Flirting Friendship



I flirt with friends I know real well
It builds their ego and esteem
To make them feel good of themselves
But it is not what it would seem

It's only meant to let them know
That men still see their loveliness
And all they are, is still so much
That men would rush to place a kiss

We're so attracted to our friends
But lives we have, so lines we draw
And keep our distance, yes, we must
And stifle what could be a call

Our eyes can't wander, this is true
So much we feel for this dear friend
Some things we have to just let go
Or else we'll see our friendship end

Perhaps such flirting keeps us young
Or just a way to show we care
About these dear ones we call friends
When flirted with, I'm unaware

I flirt to let all women know
Just how much light they bring the day
And bring the night with their soft glow
I've never known another way

Women are poetry in the flesh
And canvas painted, in their heart
With eyes as endless as the night
And each, to me, a form of art

© Copyright 2000 Michael Auguste - All Rights Reserved
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On the streets w/ people
1 posted 2000-08-10 04:27 PM

Very well said , I liked it!
since 2000-08-09
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Colorado/Rochester, NY
2 posted 2000-08-10 06:12 PM

A wonderfully fresh perspective for us ladies!  Thank you so much!  And I thought I was alone in this awkwardness at times...!

Nicely done!  


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-Henry David Thoreau

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3 posted 2000-08-10 06:13 PM

I agree with Lakewalker, Michael, that you've "said" this very well, but having had no practical experience with the title topic of "Flirting", I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to comment as to the content of your poem. It sure sounds nice though.    

~ Claire

Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each other's eyes for an instant?......Henry David Thoreau

doreen peri
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4 posted 2000-08-10 06:34 PM

hey!! what a grand idea!! hehe...

good work, m'friend!

love this line: "Women are poetry in the flesh"... you are clearly a man who knows his rhyme!  

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Blue Heaven
5 posted 2000-08-10 06:39 PM

just benath the surface lies a flirt in all of us...some rise to the top more than others
Mark Bohannan
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6 posted 2000-08-10 06:44 PM

DEAD on... front and center.....well said.....

We're so attracted to our friends
But lives we have, so lines we draw
And keep our distance, yes, we must
And stifle what could be a call

Our eyes can't wander, this is true
So much we feel for this dear friend
Some things we have to just let go
Or else we'll see our friendship end

These words have said it all.  Restraint is often the proper call.

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
7 posted 2000-08-10 07:35 PM


'Women are poetry in the flesh
And canvas painted, in their heart
With eyes as endless as the night
And each, to me, a form of art'

Any man who puts THIS in his platform -
can join Future President BALLADEER
on the ticket to run for the
Vice-Presidental slot on
Passion's Party Presidential Election ! !

Wonderful flirting ... er ... well, whatever !

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

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8 posted 2000-08-10 07:51 PM

Lakewalker & Artistic,

Thank you for the nice comments.  Yes, it's often awkward being friends with the opposite gender, but handled properly, is just wonderful.

Be happy, always!


Poet deVine
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Hurricane Alley
9 posted 2000-08-10 08:23 PM

I wish I could flirt! This sounds like fun. Good poem sir.  
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Listening to every heart
10 posted 2000-08-10 08:36 PM

Oh, well done! If I may, someday read "The White Glove" [it's somewhere in the archives" and tell me...aren't we thinking about pretty much the same thing!

...and you can flirt all the time...any time...

When you want to be loved, look within...KRJ

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11 posted 2000-08-10 08:42 PM

It's only meant to let them know
That men still see their loveliness
And all they are, is still so much
That men would rush to place a kiss

wonderfully get my {{hug}}

~~soft smiles

*sometimes I am flirting  and not even knowing least so I have been told

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Staffordshire, England
12 posted 2000-08-10 08:46 PM

Hi Auguste...
             Oh, you have done it again!!!!!
           Every lady on the site is going
           to LOVE this one. It's good to get
           a man's honest perspective, and
           some of us girls still appreciate
           honesty, (with a little flirting
           thrown in!!!!)

                   Great poem, my friend!

I have only one goal
in life..
It Is:
To have more than
one goal in
~ ~ by Sunny ~ ~

Jenn E
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13 posted 2000-08-10 09:28 PM

Now this was nice. Friends like you are hard to come by. Yes, difficult, the opposite sex thing but so very rewarding if handled properly. I like that you view us all a work of art. Thnak you for this.  
Jenn E

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14 posted 2000-08-10 10:37 PM

I know others have already said this, but truly, it was beautiful... I know a great many men, who, while good at heart, honestly believe that all women are evil... I love my friends, and though I know they do not count me thusly, I am glad to see a man who sees a better part, and the beauty of my kind... thank you for posting this.
the Lady of Shalott

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15 posted 2000-08-10 11:07 PM


Thanks for the nice words.  Sorry to hear you've no experience in flirting.  You're missed a lot.  )


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16 posted 2000-08-10 11:11 PM

Hi Doreen,

Yes, women are poetry in the flesh and very much works of art, each and every one.  I'm glad you liked it and thanks for the nice comments


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17 posted 2000-08-10 11:40 PM

Prometheus and Mark,

Yes, I do believe there's a bit of a flirt in all of us, but because we value these dear ladies so much as our good friends we must be careful not to cross over a line that could put this friendship at risk or have them think that we're just like every other man.  Respect for a woman speaks volumes and always will.


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18 posted 2000-08-10 11:48 PM

Hi Marge,

I appreciate the offer, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to turn down the position of running mate for future President Balladeer.  I've too many family obligations.  However, I do think a woman V.P. could better fill the position...say... you, for instance.  Vice President Marge Tindal..has a nice "ring" to it, huh?  Take care, my friend, and I'm glad you liked my little piece.


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19 posted 2000-08-11 12:06 PM

What can I say that hasn't been said before you it hit right on the excellent post......Ken
since 2000-07-24
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20 posted 2000-08-11 12:07 PM

You have my vote!!!!
I don't know for what,
but you still have my vote.
What a joy to be your friend.
Very nicely written.

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21 posted 2000-08-11 12:16 PM

Oh, what a wonderful honest expression...and I think flirting is part of human least in the culture I live express yourself well.
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22 posted 2000-08-11 01:27 AM


Thanks for the nice comments.  I know how to flirt, just am unsure sometimes when I'm being flirted with.  Hey, maybe I'm not   (


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23 posted 2000-08-11 01:38 AM


Thanks.  I haven't read "The White Glove" and the archives is HUGE.  Wish I had a copy of it.  Would love to read it.


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24 posted 2000-08-11 01:49 AM


I've also been told I'm flirting and had no idea I was doing so.  Am I doing it now?  Just kidding.  Thanks for the nice comments.


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25 posted 2000-08-11 01:58 AM

Hi Sunny,

It's always a pleasure to hear from you.  I guess all the ladies on the site did love this one because it got more comments than any I've ever posted.  The sentiments expressed in the poem are how I truly feel. I'm so glad you liked it.  

Take care, my friend!


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26 posted 2000-08-11 12:11 PM

Jenn E,

Perhaps since I'm an artist, it makes it easier to view women as works of art.  Yes, you're all as beautiful as any crimson sunset or dark evening filled with stars.


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27 posted 2000-08-11 12:16 PM

Lady of Shalott,

Women, evil?  That's a new one on me. I can't imagine such a way of thinking.  How can such beauty ever be evil?  Thanks for the nice words.


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28 posted 2000-08-11 12:21 PM

CAVECANEM, thank you.  I was hoping I could hit that mark.


oh2beme,  Thanks for the vote...and thank you for stopping by and reading my poem.


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29 posted 2000-08-11 12:24 PM


I agree that flirting is part of human nature, and oh how human it is...  Take care and thanks for the comments.


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30 posted 2000-08-11 03:01 PM

Auguste, What you say is right on the mark.  I couldn't agree more with the flirting part.  Now, if you'll excuse me....

Doreen - Sayyyyyy, lady... you are looking so fine lately, oh so sexy, something real delicious, ummmm hmmmmm, yummy - just flirting as a friend *innocent leer*

yeouch, ouch, urk, gurgling sounds from strangling...  Lorelei doesn't understand me  

since 1999-07-22
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Franklin, TN
31 posted 2000-08-12 09:53 AM

Flirting... mm.. wonderful subject for a poem.. Flirting is just love practicing.. with no end or objective in site.

That's why it's so much fun>> it never ends,, because nothing has begun.

Like licking an ice cream cone that never melts.. so you get the taste and the ice cream lasts forever.

(smile).. gee i do strange anaologies don't i?? haha

**A dream is a wish your heart makes :)

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By the sea
32 posted 2000-08-12 11:11 AM


Great analogy and so true...thanks!


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33 posted 2000-08-12 12:37 PM

Wonderful poem you have penned here. Very well said Michael.
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