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Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
Posts 7269
In the winds of Cherokee song

0 posted 2000-08-04 02:57 PM

Reality Check

Brothers and sisters
lovers and friends
Closely we watch
as each new heart descends
Storms of passion
designs of the heart
Daily we click
to do our part

Real reality lost
as fantasy reality blooms
Looking for a sunset
within a verse it looms
Replies are real
loves are pots of gold
rainbows are given
as another heart is sold

The touches of grace
left upon the soul
Smiles contoured upon the face
as sincerity reaches it's goal
Words and hugs
and touches abound
Sharing and caring
we make another round

Take heed the words
and give yourself a check
Know that this moment of time
upon reality is but a speck
Take a little walk
enjoy a little sun
Within your own reality
life and love are won

Mark Bohannan

For a friend to ease the fear and shed a little light!!!  
And also to Marge T. for encouraging me to take an afternoon a few weeks back and just relax with the sounds of natures helps greatly.

[This message has been edited by Mark Bohannan (edited 08-04-2000).]
© Copyright 2000 Mark Bohannan - All Rights Reserved
Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
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1 posted 2000-08-04 03:28 PM

you know what they say MC...

perfect poetry here...
written with wisdom...
yes, poetry can be a lovely escape from lifes
(so can poets)    hehe(blame it on the raspberry tea)
guess that explains why so many of us live here...
in Poetry Land...

"The touches of grace
left upon the soul
Smiles contoured upon the face
as sincerity reaches it's goal
Words and hugs
and touches abound
Sharing and caring
we make another round

Take heed the words
and give yourself a check
Know that this moment of time
upon reality is but a speck
Take a little walk
enjoy a little sun
Within your own reality
life and love are won "

beautiful Mark...
sunsets...rainbows...walks in the sun...
sounds good to me...

Member Elite
since 2000-03-06
Posts 3733
2 posted 2000-08-04 03:35 PM

Mark* OH WOW......I love this....You
captured the power of the poet...and the
poetry, so easy to get lost...and just
reading this it's easy to see why.  

Real reality lost
as fantasy reality blooms
Looking for a sunset
within a verse it looms
Replies are real
loves are pots of gold
rainbows are given
as another heart is sold

I'm just in awe........ beautiful work you
have shared...thank you~

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354
Listening to every heart
3 posted 2000-08-04 03:43 PM

Oh my, I think I like this one very, very much!!! In fact, it likes me right back!

When you want to be loved, look within...KRJ

Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
Posts 28049
4 posted 2000-08-04 03:46 PM

Hey Mark--You are a mighty wise would be easy to get lost in the melodrama of poetry that lives here at passions ....but the real world is out my husband's arms...thanks for the reality check....    

Very beautifully constructed, thought provoking poem!!!

[This message has been edited by Martie (edited 08-04-2000).]

Senior Member
since 2000-02-02
Posts 1209

5 posted 2000-08-04 03:55 PM

gotta say that I needed to read this, and it is very wise and nicely written.....great poem
doreen peri
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since 1999-05-25
Posts 3812
6 posted 2000-08-04 05:02 PM

very good advice.  
Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
Posts 7269
In the winds of Cherokee song
7 posted 2000-08-04 06:26 PM

JM-where do you want to be bitten?   Thank you for your SWEET words...and yes CERTAIN poets are a great release....

Holly-my adorable little forever
bring a smlie to my face with your tenderness and sincerity......Thank you so much for all you are and all you offer always.      You make me wanna dance.

Sunshine-You bet it does....I know because it told me  Thank you much

Martie-Thank you for the "wise" that is some go and hug your hubby and tell him how much you love him.

Corazon-Always willing to fulfill a need when I can.  Thanks so much.

doreen-Thank you muchly....glad it shined through for you.

Jenn E
Senior Member
since 2000-08-02
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Kelowna, BC, Canada
8 posted 2000-08-04 09:12 PM

I enjoyed this very much, you are a wonderful writer indeed!

Jenn E

Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648

9 posted 2000-08-04 09:17 PM

Very beautiful, Mark!


Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
Posts 7269
In the winds of Cherokee song
10 posted 2000-08-04 10:20 PM

Jenn E--your words have made me smile and they mean more than I could ever say.  Thank you much kind poet.

Denise-That one word alone says so much.  Many thanks to you.

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
11 posted 2000-08-04 10:25 PM

Had to come back for a re-read...{~,^}
Senior Member
since 2000-07-11
Posts 1777
West Virginia
12 posted 2000-08-04 10:44 PM

Oh My Mark that was awesome! I loved every part of it. You sure do have a way with words as I was telling you earlier...that is absolutely wonderful! Truly is!


Sauni :)
Have you ever known the color grey when the nighttime finds you weak
I have, I've walked that road each time; that's where my angel sleeps

Marge Tindal
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Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
13 posted 2000-08-04 11:04 PM

Ahhhhhhhhh !
You've been to the 'meadow'.

What simple relaxation is found
in 'making the time' to refresh your soul.

This lovely piece of poetry is evidence
that you worked hard ... to not work hard.
Now doesn't that feel good ?

Thank you, my friend, for sharing.

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Paula Finn
Member Ascendant
since 2000-06-17
Posts 5546
14 posted 2000-08-05 01:20 AM

Reality is what you make it...any fantasy can become a reality if you are willing to work at it. As long as you want the reality then reality will become.

never say never

Senior Member
since 2000-07-13
Posts 1715
15 posted 2000-08-05 03:32 AM

Real reality lost
as fantasy reality blooms

Mark this says a lot..I know that  friends have been trying to get me out in the real's hard when so much of it is so disappointing...and here we have had so little sunshine this summer it's almost like living a gray shrouded life....but I know what you mean..and your poem was lovely
~~soft smiles

Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
Posts 7269
In the winds of Cherokee song
16 posted 2000-08-05 05:35 AM

Sunshine--thanks it is so nice to see you again and you made my poem happy as well since you two like each other so much...LOL

Saunni-Thank you so much and your compliments mean the world to me.....hey remember...never trust a smooth talking man....unless of course it is a cowboy.LOL
thanks again.

Marge-you dear doll you...yes I go everyday because of you and I enjoy it much.  I am getting better at working to not work hard....what can I say...I have an easy life in some respects...many hugs and smiles to you my friend...                 

Paula-I suppose you could for some but I still don't know how to ride a cloud through rush hour traffic yet....some fantasies are better left alone and some are not...I thank you for your reply and here is hoping that all your dreams become real.

Maureen---thank you so much and I am glad you see what is REALLY there.  Go get some
overcast sun if that is all that is there...Marge talked me into it and it worked wonders and still gets better.

Member Ascendant
since 2000-07-06
Posts 5334
Staffordshire, England
17 posted 2000-08-05 11:02 AM

       I enjoy a good reality check now and
   then!! And I especially enjoyed this!!
       Sometimes a person has to take time
   out to clear their mind of all the things
   going on around them......makes reality
   easier to deal with the next time around!

I have but one goal in
To make you smile!
~~ Sunny ~~

Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
Posts 7269
In the winds of Cherokee song
18 posted 2000-08-05 07:01 PM

Sunny1-I am glad you liked my "Reality Check" and we all do need to take the time for a little check once in awhile.  Thanks to Marge T. I have been reminded of this in her poem  "Splendor in the Grass" and I read and follow it each day.   Thanks for dropping in.
Member Elite
since 2000-03-07
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Between a laugh and a tear...
19 posted 2000-08-05 07:14 PM

I'm with Paula, you make your own reality!

God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Unknown

Paula Finn
Member Ascendant
since 2000-06-17
Posts 5546
20 posted 2000-08-06 02:01 AM

thanks Eagle

never say never

Member Elite
since 1999-12-27
Posts 3263

21 posted 2000-08-06 08:16 AM

Expressive and astute, Mark...a look at the treasure of "realness" shared nicely here.  

~ Claire

Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each other's eyes for an instant?......Henry David Thoreau

Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
Posts 7269
In the winds of Cherokee song
22 posted 2000-08-06 08:26 AM

EagleOne and Paula- You are right in so many ways and I am working on making mine come true.  Thanks for stopping in.

Claire-Thank you so much for your kind comments.  Astute..huh....WOW....yup that's me....   Thanks again it is much apreciated.

since 2000-03-22
Posts 288
23 posted 2000-08-06 08:30 AM

Ahh yes "the real world" I do remember hearing stories about it once, but thought they were simply myths and fairytales. (just jokin' )But yes, it's a timely reminder to balance life here and in our real worlds. Well said !  

"A clay pot sitting in the sun will always be a clay pot. It
has to go through the white heat of the furnace to become
--Mildred W. St

since 2000-07-31
Posts 140
24 posted 2000-08-06 09:58 AM

hey bro!,way to go I love this poem. It
really touch me. Keep up the good work.Check
your e-mail later for some wonderful news.

for ever your sister,


Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
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Hurricane Alley
25 posted 2000-08-06 10:29 AM

Beautifully written reminder to stop and smell the roses once in awhile.  
Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
Posts 7269
In the winds of Cherokee song
26 posted 2000-08-06 01:46 PM

Tess-Thank you so much and yes at times reality does seem like a mythical world.

Cathy-Glad you liked it know I love you.

PdV-Yes, I was told I needed to and it has helped immensley..Thanks for stopping by.

since 2000-07-11
Posts 308
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
27 posted 2000-08-10 01:51 PM

I loved this one
fantasy and reality.....  hmmmm..... I wish some days I wasn't so level headed and practical that I could live in my fantasy!!!


as always I love your poetry

Sudhir Iyer
Member Ascendant
since 2000-04-26
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Mumbai, India : now in Belgium
28 posted 2000-08-10 01:54 PM

Playing catch up once again, my friend...

An excellent poem... indeed...


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