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Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
Posts 7269
In the winds of Cherokee song

0 posted 2000-09-20 01:58 PM

Sky Dance

Gazing upon this clouded nights eye
Breasted heaviness of lonesome sigh
Stirring the depths of  secrets shelled
Stars between billowing wonders held
Dancing entwined in constellations power
Luna's light cleansing in fearful shower
Messages of trust and deep hearted fear
Shedding release of my yesterdays tear

Milky essence across nine o'clock sky
Wisping away fears in this sweetened cry
Hands upon dippers pouring into heart
The promise of days we have yet to start
Waltzing among angels on heaven's wake
Starlit kisses caressing in the steps we take
Careful to not shake the silence carried loud
Waking not natures lust in passionate shroud

Protected in miles of memories to be shared
Two-stepping in rhythm to emotions chaired
Flower on the wall of Saturn's brillant glow
Allowing the freedom of the places we now go

Mark Bohannan

[This message has been edited by Mark Bohannan (edited 09-20-2000).]
© Copyright 2000 Mark Bohannan - All Rights Reserved
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354
Listening to every heart
1 posted 2000-09-20 02:29 PM

O, I have a feeling this one should never touch the ground...Mark, your talents are ever-growing...well done Sir, well done! For once I am rendered speechless from adding anything to it...nope, this stands alone...

When you want to be loved, look within...KRJ

Masked Intruder
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Near golden sunsets
2 posted 2000-09-20 02:50 PM

I liked the graphic effects.  They certainly captured a twinkle from my eye without detracting from the poem, nonesoatall.  Very vunderfully vitten.  
Member Ascendant
since 2000-07-06
Posts 5334
Staffordshire, England
3 posted 2000-09-20 03:09 PM

        This is beautifully written, and I do so enjoy the added twinkle!!
        I bet you're a great dancer, too!!

Today is a gift....
That is why they call it
'the Present'!

Member Ascendant
since 1999-10-28
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state of confusion
4 posted 2000-09-20 03:18 PM

A wonderous escape into the stars in your eyes!


Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554

5 posted 2000-09-20 03:21 PM

Gazing upon this clouded nights eye
Breasted heaviness of lonesome sigh
Stirring the depths of  secrets shelled
Stars between billowing wonders held

Messages of trust and deep hearted fear
Shedding release of my yesterdays tear
Hands upon dippers pouring into heart
The promise of days we have yet to start
Waltzing among angels on heaven's wake
Starlit kisses caressing in the steps we take
Careful to not shake the silence carried loud
Waking not natures lust in passionate shroud
Protected in miles of memories to be shared
Two-stepping in rhythm to emotions chaired
Flower on the wall of Saturn's brillant glow
Allowing the freedom of the places we now go

tho it is nearly impossible for me to pick my most fav line in this mystical star kissed
My heart chooses this one

"The promise of days we have yet to start"

that truly says it all...
this poem is exquisite in its hearts expressions...
and I know the heart that it was wrote for is very touched and moved by it--
as it is written from your heart...
and I for one know how truly special of a gift that is...
you grow and shine everytime you pick up that poets pen of yours..
and we grow in your poetic heart's healing light.
love you MC
thank you for all that your friendship gives me each day...
I am a better me--for knowing you.
me< !signature-->

There are places inside our souls -
that have never been touched.
There are places inside our hearts -
that need to be loved this much.

[This message has been edited by Janet Marie (edited 09-20-2000).]

Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
Posts 28049
6 posted 2000-09-20 03:49 PM

Mark---You do love so well...
"Careful to not shake the silence carried loud"...Wonderful, my friend!

Member Elite
since 2000-08-19
Posts 2330
Queensland, Australia
7 posted 2000-09-20 03:55 PM

Sometimes I look at other people's work here and I'm in speechless. This is one of those times. Well done Mark, it's beautiful.

Member Elite
since 2000-08-09
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8 posted 2000-09-20 04:32 PM

What an awesome gift for writing you have.
I think is my favorite.

Member Elite
since 2000-03-06
Posts 3733
9 posted 2000-09-20 04:44 PM

This is absolutely beautiful!!!!! Oh you
have kissed the stars with this one my dear
friend!! I've read through this atleast 10
times trying to pick a favorite moment and
there is just no way I could ever decide on
one when they all dance perfectly...what a
beautiful heart you have...and it shines
brilliantly here within your weave of the
night sky~

Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
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since 2000-08-12
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10 posted 2000-09-20 05:06 PM

absolutely beautifully done in every way.  
Kit McCallum
Member Laureate
since 2000-04-30
Posts 14774
Ontario, Canada
11 posted 2000-09-20 05:35 PM

I am in agreeance with all above Mark ... to pick a favorite line within this beauty is far too difficult, for they flowed so incredibly beautifully, one into the other. Excellent command of language used in this romantic and moving piece Mark, really lovely!  

Best wishes,

Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
Posts 7269
In the winds of Cherokee song
12 posted 2000-09-20 07:56 PM

Karilea-Let's hope that the hearts never touch the ground either.  You wouldn't believe the view from up here....well living in KS maybe you already know of the view.  I don't care what LJA says, KS is beautiful and I wish I were back there. Thank you.

Masked Intruder-Many thanks to you.

Sunny1-Never be afraid to bet on a cowboy and get and A+ for studying so well.

Corinne-Thank you much...always nice to escape the everyday for the clouds.

JM-Aint it just great when two friends can share the others graces and never get in the way of the others glow.  Thank you for YOU and yes that one line really says it all.

Martie-I do my best but to tell you the truth I don't even just comes
led by my heart.  You know I would hug ya if I could.....thanks my friend.

Dee-silence in enjoyment is just as precious...Thank you much.

Deb-I am glad you have a favorite now I must see if I can make a new one for you to like as much.  You too my friend have an awesome talent and others will be finding out soon I am sure....even if some of them come from scream...I scream....we all scream for ice cream.  Thank you much

Holly-Did you know that the twinkle in my eye is from you smiles upon me?  Yeah, I would hope so by now my sweet.  You know....they know now...LOL...woooohhhoooo yeah baby....angel kisses all night and all day!!!  Thank you my dear for being my inspiration in so much of my life.

Victoria-Thank you so much

Kit-Thank you much and wonderful aliteration on your 3000th post you penned.  Challenge met and exceeded.  Thank you for your continued support and levity.

Member Elite
since 2000-02-10
Posts 2245
Pickering, Ontario
13 posted 2000-09-20 07:58 PM

Oh Mark, this is simply perfect!!!!

I do so love how you write.  Always with your heart and soul.  Beautiful my friend.  


It is a blessing to have wings for words, and passion in pen
Marina Crossley

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
14 posted 2000-09-20 08:14 PM

I read this at work today and was so struck
by it's pure beauty from your heart.
You've got an inkwell overflowing from within.

Keep writing 'em, Cowboy !

'Milky essence across nine o'clock sky
Wisping away fears in this sweetened cry
Hands upon dippers pouring into heart
The promise of days we have yet to start'

Oh my !
You're a really good poet, Mark.
Let your heart keep leading you.
Love ya', hon.

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
15 posted 2000-09-20 08:48 PM

I've seen those stars before!!!!

This is great writing, Mark....imagery at its finest  

Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
Posts 7269
In the winds of Cherokee song
16 posted 2000-09-21 12:27 PM

Marina-Have I told you how much I appreciate your kind words.  Thank you so much my friend. friend you never leave me without a smile....thank you so very much.

Balladeer-Aren't they lovely and so tenderly sweet.  Thank you once again kind sir.

Member Elite
since 2000-09-16
Posts 2061
17 posted 2000-09-21 12:37 PM

Beautifully written, Mark!  Ah, the stars.  Best thing!! (second to the rain, of course)  


Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
Posts 7269
In the winds of Cherokee song
18 posted 2000-09-21 07:31 AM

Snowpants-So who ever said that you couldn't have the stars dancing in the rain....peek inbetween those clouds of heaven's tears and you will surely see heaven's eyes.  Thank you so very much.
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354
Listening to every heart
19 posted 2000-09-21 11:33 AM

Oops, had to add to library...
Deputy Moderator 50 ToursDeputy Moderator 10 ToursDeputy Moderator 1 TourDeputy Moderator 1 TourDeputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-09-09
Posts 9903
In Your Poetic Mind
20 posted 2000-09-21 11:48 AM

the effects of this are wonderful,  as are your words... a beautiful dance Mark...


Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-10
Posts 7423
Maidstone Kent England
21 posted 2000-09-21 11:55 AM

Mark this is a real diamond, a sparkling gem. I love this, a shining star as are you. Take care. Beautifully expressed and it's just perfect.
Tennessee Angel
Senior Member
since 2000-06-03
Posts 661
22 posted 2000-09-21 12:21 PM

Oh, absolute perfection!  This just make you want to sit back, sigh, and then read it again!  As a lover of the night time..this one is going in my library.  Wonderful work!
Senior Member
since 2000-04-05
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North Carolina
23 posted 2000-09-21 12:49 PM

What a dance!! cha cha cha I know the stars are twinkling just for you! Totally awesome
Senior Member
since 1999-12-15
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Wisconsin, USA
24 posted 2000-09-21 01:16 PM

Mark-Let me catch my breath, OK, simply splendid, graceful and transcending, what more can I say, I loved it.
Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
Posts 7269
In the winds of Cherokee song
25 posted 2000-09-21 04:27 PM

Karilea-  I'll leave the moon hanging for you so you can find the door to your library..

Greeneyes-Thank you so much and I am glad you enjoyed the dance.

Marsha-Why thank you but if it is a diamond that you want to see then here you go./pip/Forum33/HTML/003086.html

Tennessee Angel-I am honored to be in your library so I thank you twice my friend.

Rosebud1229-Never for just one my takes two to tango you know...and to tangle and to entertwine and to.....well you know...thanking you with a smile.

Gemini-Please go ahead and breathe.  Thank you so much for you wonderful replies

Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554

26 posted 2000-09-22 12:22 PM

came back by for another dance  
who knew a cowboy could dip LOL

Member Elite
since 2000-09-16
Posts 2061
27 posted 2000-09-22 12:33 PM

Ooh, stars in the rain!  Could it get any better than that??  Very interesting view!  I love it!  I never thought about it that way!!


linda munday
since 2000-06-17
Posts 315
Adelaide, Australia
28 posted 2000-09-22 12:41 PM

Breasted heaviness of lonesome sigh
Stirring the depths of  secrets shelled

Simply beautifully worded Mark,
and how do you get those twinkling stars?
Lovely work... sighing here.
Linda Munday

Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
Posts 7269
In the winds of Cherokee song
29 posted 2000-09-22 01:09 AM

Jan-you may have as many dances as you want as long as you can do it from your
Thank you my sweet prisoner of rehab...

snowpants-nope dont think it could until you throw in the midnight rainbow.   Thank you so much.

Linda-Thank you so much and I will send these to you in your poem so you will have them

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