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Open Poetry #9
Post A Reply Post New Topic The FOR and NOT of Things - (My 2000th post...) Go to Previous / Newer Topic Back to Topic List Go to Next / Older Topic
Sudhir Iyer
Member Ascendant
since 2000-04-26
Posts 6943
Mumbai, India : now in Belgium

0 posted 2000-08-03 03:38 PM

~ Thoughts Crossing Thoughts ~
~ The FOR and NOT of things ~

A figure has its silhouetted shadow,
And a sound its reflected echo.

FOR and NOT are a similar pair
For not so well do they fare.
NOT is FOR's distorted shadow,
A diverse, contradictory echo.

FOR gazes at a rainbow with childlike glee,
NOT just shrugs it as a natural phenomenon.
A waterfall to FOR is a flowing, silver cascade
But for NOT it's a mere effect of gravitation.

FOR rejoices upon hearing wedding bells
But NOT thinks of them as chains and shackles.
FOR loves the youth's mirth and laughter,
Whilst brooding alone is what NOT prefers.

FOR greets the today that's newly born;
NOT weeps the yesterday that's just gone.
NOT scowls at the distant black cloud,
FOR smiles at the silver lining behind.

Firm is FOR's faith in Truth and Providence;
Resigned, NOT is but to Fate and Destiny.
But like the Poles, North and South, there exists
A fatal attraction that, they find hard to resist.

Like an egg houses yolks two - yellow and white,
My soul does hold minds two - grim and bright.
Like a long road with directions - east and west
I am directed by FOR, the happy, and NOT, the pest.

An intriguingly silly psycho-paradox, perhaps,
Hard to define, this babble is harder to live with.


Dear friends at passions,
It has been a most amazing 100 days here. I have had some of my most enlightening period in life over here, at this what I call my second home...
Thanks for everything, my dear friends... and may life move on in its own merry ways with the FOR and NOT with the various KNOTS it ties us with...

My sincerest warm regards to all of you,

[This message has been edited by Sudhir Iyer (edited 08-03-2000).]

© Copyright 2000 Sudhir Iyer - All Rights Reserved
Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
Posts 7269
In the winds of Cherokee song
1 posted 2000-08-03 03:42 PM

Congrats on your 2000th post and what an enlightening piece to celebrate it with.  This is a wonderful creation from you and you have expanded once again.
Member Ascendant
since 2000-07-06
Posts 5334
Staffordshire, England
2 posted 2000-08-03 03:45 PM

            My most hearty congratulations
    to you on your 2,000th!!!!!
            Your beautiful, and provocative
    words are always a pleasure to read.
    I, for one, intend on reading many,
    many more from you in the future......

I have but one goal in
To make you smile!
~~ Sunny ~~

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354
Listening to every heart
3 posted 2000-08-03 03:47 PM

LOOK at what you've done! Egads, Sudhir...however are any of us supposed to be brilliant and shining and spectacular when we all have YOU to look up too!

And all in 100 days?!  You are simply amazing...and I'm glad to know you...< !signature-->

Psst...check out ANNOUNCEMENTS...

When you want to be loved, look within...KRJ

[This message has been edited by Sunshine (edited 08-03-2000).]

Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554

4 posted 2000-08-03 04:50 PM

FOR and NOT are a similar pair
For not so well do they fare.
NOT is FOR's distorted shadow,
A diverse, contradictory echo.

FOR gazes at a rainbow with childlike glee,
NOT just shrugs it as a natural phenomenon.
A waterfall to FOR is a flowing, silver cascade
But for NOT it's a mere effect of gravitation.

FOR rejoices upon hearing wedding bells
But NOT thinks of them as chains and shackles.
FOR loves the youth's mirth and laughter,
Whilst brooding alone is what NOT prefers.
SUD this poem IS BRILLIANT!!!
(its my gave it to me so i can use it for you  
seriously this poem is very well conceived and thought out..
very unique and wisdom filled words...
Congrats on your milestone post]
and may i say thank you for the many
"brilliant" and sweet replies to my work here..
you are a dear to us all.
superb poem here!!!


There are places inside our souls -
that have never been touched.
There are places inside our hearts -
that need to be loved this much.

Deputy Moderator 5 Tours
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since 2000-01-08
Posts 4697

5 posted 2000-08-03 04:50 PM

Wow... it doesn't seem like it was long ago when I was replying to your 1000th post! You work fast, my friend. You have made a huge impact on all of us here in just 100 days. I can't wait to see what the next 100 days hold!  

"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." -Oscar Wilde
"The robbed that smiles steals something from the thief" -Shakespea

brian madden
Member Elite
since 2000-05-06
Posts 4374
6 posted 2000-08-03 04:58 PM

Sudhir, I agree with INsect you work even slipped past me to the 2000th mark. LOL. Congrad on the 2000th post and what an amazing poem it is. THis needs a few reads so I am filing it in my library to read later when my brain is fully awake. And may I just say that you have been an inspiration here. it is an honor to be able to read your beautiful thoughts. Thank you for sharing your words, long may they continue to flow.

"I am melancholy, flower cutting through stone"
manic street preachers

Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
Posts 28049
7 posted 2000-08-03 05:12 PM

What a wonderful reflective poem for this special post...I am sure glad that I have been able to enjoy your wonderful poetic vision...thanks Sudhir for that!
Member Elite
since 1999-12-27
Posts 3263

8 posted 2000-08-03 05:26 PM

Congratulations on this milestone, Sudhir. You are a delightful writer, thinker, and fellow. This poem is impressive, to be sure. I especially liked ~

"Like an egg houses yolks two - yellow and white,
My soul does hold minds two - grim and bright."

You express the twin facets of we mortals so well!

~ Claire

[This message has been edited by Meadowmuse (edited 08-03-2000).]

Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
Posts 33336
Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
9 posted 2000-08-03 05:34 PM

Sudhir congratulations on 2000 post of wisdom, understanding, compassion, laughter, and love....James
Bill Charles
Member Patricius
since 2000-07-11
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highways, & byways, for now
10 posted 2000-08-03 05:54 PM

A poet at heart are you my kind friend. Congradulations on the 2000th big one, and a good one it is. Wish you the best.

Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
Posts 21191
Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
11 posted 2000-08-03 06:24 PM

Sudhir, you're a wonderful asset to the Passions team... You've given so much already - be assured that we hope you continue to make yourself as comfy here as you possibly can...for a long, long time to come...
Member Ascendant
since 1999-10-28
Posts 5167
state of confusion
12 posted 2000-08-03 06:28 PM

You've created the yin and yang very well here, Sudhir! Enjoyed the read!

Congrats on your 2000th post, too!



Member Elite
since 2000-03-06
Posts 3733
13 posted 2000-08-03 06:46 PM

  What an awesome piece to break the ribbon of 2000 with! Showing off for us   I loved it!

Marge Tindal
Deputy Moderator 5 ToursDeputy Moderator 1 TourDeputy Moderator 1 TourDeputy Moderator 1 Tour
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
14 posted 2000-08-03 06:58 PM

A hearty congratulations on the posting event.

The gentleness of your soul is reflected
in your writing.
What a pleasure to have you among friends
here at Passions.

Write on, my friend.

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Elizabeth Santos
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-11-08
Posts 9269
15 posted 2000-08-03 07:05 PM

Thank you Sudhir, for sharing your exceptioal writing talents and for all your inspiration. In the darkest room, all you see is the one pinhole of light, and your love and enthusiasm for poetry is quite contagious.
Let me know when your classes begin. I'd like to enroll
Oh, and congratulations on the 2000!

Senior Member
since 2000-07-23
Posts 1125
North Carolina
16 posted 2000-08-03 07:16 PM

Wow Sudhir, many congrats on your 2000. And may I say what a piece of work to use for it. Truly beautiful my friend. All lifes best to you, Juls
Member Elite
since 2000-06-26
Posts 3168
Blue Heaven
17 posted 2000-08-03 07:34 PM

A wonderfully written juxtoposition of the two words Sudhir. If not for you this wonderful poem would not have been here for us to enjoy. Congratulations on a very fast 2000! I have enjoyed reading of them.


Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito. - Virgil.
"Yield thou not to adversity, but press on the more bravely".

Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648

18 posted 2000-08-03 10:11 PM

Congratulations, Sudhir! You are a most wonderful part of Passions and your poems are wonderful! I wish you many more thousands and thousands of posts!  


Senior Member
since 1999-12-15
Posts 1203
Wisconsin, USA
19 posted 2000-08-03 10:18 PM

Sudhir-You are to be commended on your accomplishments, your mastery of the poetry is amazing, best wishes to you.
Paula Finn
Member Ascendant
since 2000-06-17
Posts 5546
20 posted 2000-08-04 12:28 PM are the mountaintop I aspire to...congrats

never say never

Senior Member
since 1999-11-27
Posts 1096
21 posted 2000-08-04 12:34 PM

Congratulations Sudhir on your 2000th!  And in just 100 days!  Your work is all so very enjoyable.  Thank you for sharing it with us.  
Senior Member
since 2000-07-06
Posts 735
Perth, Western Australia, Australia
22 posted 2000-08-04 02:10 AM

Congratulations Sudhir! And i hope i can be here to see your next 2000 posts!
(and i loved this one!)

linda munday
since 2000-06-17
Posts 315
Adelaide, Australia
23 posted 2000-08-04 02:33 AM

Congratulations Sudhir,

2000.. wow wow wow
You are amazing.. you talent shines brightly.

Linda M.

By the way I'm sorry I scared you with the Poetry Sucks poem i posted recently... but it was not what you thought hey ?

Sudhir Iyer
Member Ascendant
since 2000-04-26
Posts 6943
Mumbai, India : now in Belgium
24 posted 2000-08-04 03:17 AM

Hi everybody,
I am in tears now ...
You people have left me so amazed and dazed with your supreme words of kindness....

I will quote myself here - a part from one of my previous poems... (written just after the butterfly trilogy was completed in OP.8)
Envigorated to the heights by generous acts
Of passionate friends throwing lavish praise,
I think that its high time to dwell upon a fact,
That it's time to repay some debt, rest my case.

Thank you my friends for always being there,
For your kind words, your solemn support,
This is my family, my second home is here,
My heart is touched, this I had to report.

I would also like to quote Oscar Wilde who said:
We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars
I can now completely agree with the words...
I am the one looking at the stars and my stars are here at passions - each one of you shining as BRILLIANTLY as the other...
I will try and maintain the same level of exuberance in my work as you have seen thus far... I am sure that the next 100 days and many more will be just as pleasurable for me as it has been so far... I hope it is pleasurable for you all as well.

Thanks from the bottom of my heart,
Many heartfelt warm regards to all,
P.S. as for the poem, I am very glad that you liked it as much as I did while thinking about it and writing it down too...  

Member Elite
since 2000-01-18
Posts 4713
25 posted 2000-08-04 03:31 AM

This is wonderful Sughir...well done  
CONGRATULATIONS on 2000 post   what an effort  
Take care

Love is the life of the soul...
It is the harmony of the universe

Member Patricius
since 2000-05-14
Posts 11858
New Brunswick Canada
26 posted 2000-08-04 04:13 AM

Sudhir congrats on your 2000th you are such a  wonderful creative poet and I love how you lace your work with humour..I have enjoyed reading your work and I hope to read many more.

It's Not FOR me to disagree
that without the FOR it's NOT FOR me.  

Sudhir Iyer
Member Ascendant
since 2000-04-26
Posts 6943
Mumbai, India : now in Belgium
27 posted 2000-08-04 09:07 AM

tracie, ethome,


Senior Member
since 2000-07-13
Posts 1715
28 posted 2000-08-04 09:14 AM

Sudhir..I haven't been here but 3 weeks and have already  come to respect your many poetic talents..I wish to congratulate you on the 2000th and on this a wonderful poem indeed

~~soft hugs

Sudhir Iyer
Member Ascendant
since 2000-04-26
Posts 6943
Mumbai, India : now in Belgium
29 posted 2000-08-04 11:12 AM

Thanks Maureen
for your lovely response...


Member Elite
since 2000-02-10
Posts 2245
Pickering, Ontario
30 posted 2000-08-04 11:28 AM


I am so glad you have brought your talents to our little home!!


It is a blessing to have wings for words, and passion in pen
Marina Crossley

serenity blaze
Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738

31 posted 2000-08-04 11:36 AM

Sushir Emeritus!!!  I thank you, my new-found friend.  Your work is a joy to read, and I look forward to 2000 more!
Sudhir Iyer
Member Ascendant
since 2000-04-26
Posts 6943
Mumbai, India : now in Belgium
32 posted 2000-08-04 04:09 PM

Marina, Serenity...

Thanks a great deal...  


Senior Member
since 2000-02-02
Posts 1209

33 posted 2000-08-03 08:15 PM

congratulations sudhir, this is wonderful, your words have enriched PIP as your presence has enriched many lives
wonderful poem  

Sudhir Iyer
Member Ascendant
since 2000-04-26
Posts 6943
Mumbai, India : now in Belgium
34 posted 2000-08-04 05:38 PM

Many thanks ....  


Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
Posts 7269
In the winds of Cherokee song
35 posted 2000-08-04 05:54 PM

Just came back for one more celebration of your milestone.....looks like the party is going fine my friend.  One more tip of this cowboys hat to you and a sincere handshake of appreciation for what you give us.
Sudhir Iyer
Member Ascendant
since 2000-04-26
Posts 6943
Mumbai, India : now in Belgium
36 posted 2000-08-07 05:18 AM

Awwww Mark - the ever so generous kind soul...

Thanks a bunch...


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