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0 posted 2000-08-03 10:08 AM

Tears of the Sun
Tribute to RainbowGirl

In the sun’s reflection
one would never think
that to a great depression
the sun could ever sink

at twilight’s deep gloaming
in the still of the night
e’en though the sun is nowhere
it remains there in moonlight

and when one is without the day
as clouds overcast the sky in gray
and in the still and quite overtones
just know the sun is only postponed…

when quietly the day comes back
amid the shadows of clouds gray
and raindrops slit through the sky
as God in Heaven also cries

but in the shine of raindrop sent
a magical moment is thus spent
to see the rainbow’s sheen on high
as tears of the sun elicit a sigh.

3 August 2000
©Karilea Rilling Jungel

© Copyright 2000 Karilea Rilling Jungel - All Rights Reserved
Sudhir Iyer
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1 posted 2000-08-03 10:12 AM


but in the shine of raindrop sent
a magical moment is thus spent
to see the rainbow’s sheen on high
as tears of the sun elicit a sigh.

A brilliant tribute and an excellent poem...

P.S. enjoying yourself today, are you? Well I am glad that you are...  

Senior Member
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Perth, Western Australia, Australia
2 posted 2000-08-03 11:48 AM

well..looks like the "wow" has been taken out of my mouth! ....lovely wonderful tribute..very beautiful....!!  
Member Empyrean
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3 posted 2000-08-03 01:56 PM

Oh, this is just so lovely!  That Rainbow is going to love I do.
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4 posted 2000-08-03 01:59 PM

Sudhir, I am glad that you liked this...thank you

Princess, kind comments, thank you...

Martie, I hope RG sees it...thanks!

When you want to be loved, look within...KRJ

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United Kingdom
5 posted 2000-08-03 03:07 PM

Sunshine: you little poppet...     

I have indeed seen it and now there are thousands of shimmering rainbows everywhere..

It's beautiful, thank you sweetheart, I'll treasure this always..


"If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost;
that is where they should be.
Now put the foundations under them."

Member Empyrean
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6 posted 2000-08-03 03:12 PM

I've always wanted to be a poppet! Thanks, RG! I'm glad you liked...I was thinking of you, thought this would be the best way to show you!


When you want to be loved, look within...KRJ

Member Ascendant
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Staffordshire, England
7 posted 2000-08-03 03:41 PM

Hi Sunshine...
             As always, I loved all of this,
   but the line:
       "..the sun is only postponed"
   was the best....
       With you around, there will always
           be the warm glow of the sun!!

I have but one goal in
To make you smile!
~~ Sunny ~~

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8 posted 2000-08-03 04:03 PM

I would just like to second all of the above. I could really feel all of this - a beautiful ode to nature.  
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9 posted 2000-08-03 04:13 PM

Sunny1 - just a forewarning that if and when I have a "down" day, you'll know where I'll be...just there, behind that cloud over yonder...

Allan, thanks! I've been enjoying your works...

When you want to be loved, look within...KRJ

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10 posted 2000-08-03 04:34 PM

Sunshine: You !! Have a down day, Nah ! Cause when you have a down day, i.e. when the sun goes in, then that means we have clouds which then are surely followed by rain and then we ALL know what happens, the sun pops out and there hitting you right between the eyes is a you can't have down days cause then I will always be having good days...ROFL

On the other hand, perhaps we could share?...*g* and surprise the world with the first accurate meteorlogical (can't spell, I mean weather forecast...LOL)..sorry..(slaps hand over face to stop laughing)

I wonder if we ever realised that when we chose our names the fun that we would have with them...  

Thank you again, it means a great deal to me now where do you suppose Cloud is hiding, we surely must have a cloud amongst us...*g*

HUSG< !signature-->

"If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost;
that is where they should be.
Now put the foundations under them."

[This message has been edited by RainbowGirl (edited 08-03-2000).]

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11 posted 2000-08-03 04:37 PM

I dunno where Cloud might be...unless you want to adopt an alias...however, if you be Cloud, I be Shadow!  THEN I can "know!"

When you want to be loved, look within...KRJ

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12 posted 2000-08-03 04:44 PM

Actaully, being semi serious here for a moment (yeah, I know it's we don't have a Summer; Winter; Autumn or Spring neither do we have Snow or Mist...I wonder if that's a reflection on for thought here....


ps: Why did you choose your name?

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13 posted 2000-08-03 04:55 PM

Well then, RG,

we would also need Fog and Rain,
perhaps a Dreary would do...

we could use a Hurricane
and Tornado could blow through too,

We'd need a Sultry
and perhaps Humid too

could use a Cold Snap
and what about Breeze?

and if we had all the Seasons
then we'd need Allergies...

LOL! You've got me going here...

and my name...?  Well, partly from my Dad... he'd sing "You are my Sunshine, my only Sunshine..." are you familiar with that one?

Gads...he's been gone 12 years, and I can hear his voice...

thanks for the memories...

When you want to be loved, look within...KRJ

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United Kingdom
14 posted 2000-08-03 05:48 PM

Yes I can recall it, I hear the tune in my head and the voice but the name escapes me...My dad used to call me susy-wan, because I was christened Susan but too many susan's...LOL and I got fed up of being No. 13, there was a beautiful looking girl called Cindy in a nightclub that I worked in and in my innocence or ignorance, I decided  that a name was something you could be, hence at 14 I became Cindy and much the smae is behind Rainbow...I do and will always beleive that life is a mixture of happiness and tears and with a heart full of love that always seems to refill itself, Rainbow was the only choice for me...I guess, I think that to appreciate life, one has to know sad to know happy and I always smiled whenever I saw a rainbow cause somewhere, it meant that tears were drying and a smile was forming...

ooops...I rambled...sorry...


Member Empyrean
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15 posted 2000-08-03 05:53 PM

RG, I believe that your name fits God indeed gave us the Rainbow to remind us he would never again cause such terror as to allow no hope...and you are always a sign of HOPE for me...

I always look forward to seeing your name here in Passions...or indeed, in my own mailbox...

Hugs, KJ

When you want to be loved, look within...KRJ

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16 posted 2000-08-03 06:10 PM

I apologise sincerely for keep bumping this one up in my replies to Sunshine but sometimes, sometimes, something strikes us and we feel the need to reply ....

I don't believe anyone ever saw me as "hope" before...somehow that brought tears, cause i'm always thinking that to be without hope means life is pointless...damn you girl, you made rainbows again but made a small heart sparkle in the process..

Time I wasn't here, thanks Sunshine and may you continue to be the smile behind  "my only sunshine"..

Sweet dreams and thank you.


Bill Charles
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17 posted 2000-08-03 06:28 PM

RainbowGirl would have to love this, as it was touching and excellent to read.

Poet deVine
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18 posted 2000-08-03 09:16 PM

I enjoyed the poem but also enjoyed the 'sharing' replies afterwards..this is what we are about..friends....thanks you two! For the smiles.
Member Seraphic
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19 posted 2000-08-03 10:02 PM

Very beautiful, Karilea! A lovely tribute to a beautiful person!  


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20 posted 2000-08-03 10:35 PM

A beautiful poem, filled with sunshine. We all could use a little light. I got your post to the thank you poem, it made me laugh (a good thing). Thanks.  
Member Empyrean
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21 posted 2000-08-03 10:42 PM

A tribute to Rainbow is a tribute to the best life has to offer..I love you, Rainbow, even if I am your clown  
Jenn E
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22 posted 2000-08-03 10:55 PM

Very beautiful, thank you for the smiles and the pleasent feeling this brought to me.

Jenn E    

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23 posted 2000-08-04 06:59 AM


When you want to be loved, look within...KRJ

Elizabeth Santos
Member Rara Avis
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24 posted 2000-08-04 07:08 AM

Rainbow is the perfect name for rainbow, a spirit reflected across the sky in beautiful colors, the prism of her soul on display for all to see and to draw delight from. She comes and goes, but when she comes, it's a miriad of the hues of life, and we always learn from her, and her rainbow arc is there to embrace us all
Thank you Sunshine for this beautiful tribute to Rainbow
Love you both

Marge Tindal
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25 posted 2000-08-04 08:02 AM

Such a graceful light ...
for one of lighting grace.

You both are pretty darned special
in my book !

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

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26 posted 2000-08-04 09:52 AM

Elizabeth, Rainbow will revel in your kind words...

Marge, I have so many people to be thankful and Rainbow are in that group...

When you want to be loved, look within...KRJ

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United Kingdom
27 posted 2000-08-04 10:36 AM

Darn, it you guys don't stop this I shall be in tears again but the happy, sprinkly variety..


"If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost;
that is where they should be.
Now put the foundations under them."

Mark Bohannan
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28 posted 2000-08-04 10:38 AM

This is such a wonderful tribute and I am happy to see that she got to see it.  
Member Empyrean
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29 posted 2000-08-04 10:46 AM

Oh good, RG - little rainbows all OVER the place!!!

When you want to be loved, look within...KRJ

Member Elite
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30 posted 2000-08-04 11:47 AM

Sunshine, I always believe it was the sunshine behind the rainbow, giving it life. and as rainbows go our rainbowgirl is the best. Great tribut.


Member Empyrean
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31 posted 2000-08-04 11:50 AM

Parker, thanks for coming in to read.  I don't believe sunshine would ever be at its best without rainbows to showcase each beam!  As RG brings out my best, I can only hope to enhance her!  Thanks again!< !signature-->

When you want to be loved, look within...KRJ

[This message has been edited by Sunshine (edited 08-04-2000).]

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