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0 posted 2000-09-11 02:18 PM

This is My Last Poem


Michael Auguste

This poem may be the last I write
Convinced each day there'll be no more
But then my hand stirs in the night
And out the pen the words will pour

I do not understand the need
That urge that seems to drive me so
Each day one poem and sometimes three
The stack of them just seems to grow

I tell myself the words are gone
My days of writing now are done
Each day I know I will not write
And then another poem's begun

I let you peer into my heart
And show you things that I'm proud of
I sometimes share a memory
I very often speak of love

This is the last poem I will write
I'm sure of it, I know it is
About as sure the rising sun
Will not place on the day a kiss

Come still the hand that it not write
Remove the pen and change the mood
But if you do I know I'll starve
For words I hunger, so like food

"Love is space and time measured by the heart"

© Copyright 2000 Michael Auguste - All Rights Reserved
Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
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In the winds of Cherokee song
1 posted 2000-09-11 02:20 PM

Mike-there are so many times that I have felt like this and I have only been writing a few months.  NO WAY is this you last poem and NO WAY must you stop.  I for one am begging you not to.  You have far too much to offer.  This piece is proof of that.  Look forward to reading your next post.  
Sudhir Iyer
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2 posted 2000-09-11 02:22 PM

Me too am in the look of your next one...  


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By the sea
3 posted 2000-09-11 03:25 PM


Thanks for your wonderful reply and words of encouragement.  I honestly do wake and often feel like the last poem I'll write was the one I'd written the day before and am amazed when I find there are yet more words in me...I suppose everyone who writes often feels that way....I hope your day a good one, my friend.


"Love is space and time measured by the heart"

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4 posted 2000-09-11 03:45 PM

Writers block always casts its shadow sooner or later, but given time the words shine again...
Paula Finn
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5 posted 2000-09-11 03:52 PM

Michael...your tender heart will always have a poem inside...whether or not you choose to post it for us to read is another question all together...but know this...we will always know your loving heart and the gentle man you are
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6 posted 2000-09-11 03:55 PM

"Come still the hand that it not write
Remove the pen and change the mood
But if you do I know I'll starve
For words I hunger, so like food"

Michael, we know what this hunger is about...the need to express and be understood, sometimes even appreciated. You could no more stop writing than stop eating, as you say, because poetry is the nourishment of your heart and soul, my know that I love this one.

~ Claire  

Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each other's eyes for an instant?......Henry David Thoreau

passing shadows
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7 posted 2000-09-11 04:02 PM

oh Michael, do I know how you feel, friend. This was not long ago for me.
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-29
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Victoria Australia
8 posted 2000-09-11 04:06 PM

I also feel like this, in fact I wrote a piece called how can I not write. (It's never been posted so don't bother looking for it.)
You however expressed it so well, by stating that you will never write another poem. This is a wonderful piece and I'm keeping it for my library.

Be well

"It is the image in the mind that links us to lost treasures;
but it is the loss that shapes the image,
gathers the flowers weaves the garland."-

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9 posted 2000-09-11 04:53 PM

Just to let you know...
Your writing brings much enjoyment to me...
Words of heart spoken so true...
It would not be the same without reading a poem from you...

BTW this one you've penned many can relate to...


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By the sea
10 posted 2000-09-11 05:48 PM

Thank's always a pleasure to see your name among the replies to my efforts.

It's not really writer's block, so much at it is not being able to stop the flow of words...thank you

I hope you got my message's something I rarely do, but I wanted you to see it.  Thank you for the sweet comments.

"Love is space and time measured by the heart"

brian madden
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11 posted 2000-09-11 05:55 PM

Michael, I know the feeling and I am always surprised that after 5 yrs I still find things to write about, truth be known I have probably just written the same few themes over and over again, but still the words continue to flow. And I hope that your poetic fountain never runs dry. Wonderful poem, keep sailing those rivers of verse.    

"I have penned epitaphs on snow, and written my legacy in dust." self quote.

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Plantation, Florida
12 posted 2000-09-11 06:17 PM

I do know how you feel. I feel this way all the time, only my problem is that I can't seem to find the RIGHT way to express the words.
You are a really good poet, don't ever stop sharing your wonderful words!

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state of confusion
13 posted 2000-09-11 07:00 PM

I usually quit after some poet rips my work to pieces, after writing a poem about how much I hate critics.  Then, I get over it and come back.  


Elizabeth Santos
Member Rara Avis
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14 posted 2000-09-11 07:14 PM

Michael, your title startled me at first. I thought you were leaving us, Whew! A poem to touch the poet heart of everyone at passions who reads it. I could relate to every line
Well done, my friend

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15 posted 2000-09-11 07:29 PM

Michael--time creeps by each day and I think I need to write a poem...a poem a day keeps the doctor away.  Who knows how many tomorrows there are...but the words keep coming...they are my heart.

Like Liz, your poem made me think you were leaving, so glad that was not the case.  Loved the poem...sorry for rambling on so.

Kit McCallum
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16 posted 2000-09-11 08:00 PM

Oh, I understand and relate to this all too Michael. Wonderfully expressed!  I've been writing for about 30 years now, and still I have days where I wonder if the words will come ... somehow they always do, and I thank my lucky stars each time! Great poem.  

Best wishes,

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Wisconsin, USA
17 posted 2000-09-11 08:14 PM

Michael-I too have had these feelings, thank you for expressing them so well.
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
18 posted 2000-09-11 08:42 PM

I read your work and I wasn't scared
for a minute !

However -
My muses were giggling in chorus
as I shared this one with them !

Michael's got the magic ink !
We can drive him mad !
Michael's got the magic quill,
and he's got it bad !

Let's all go to Michael's
Let's keep him up all night ...
Michael's ink is flowing
and he knows we're write !(right ?)

Just one more, sweet Michael
One more little rhyme ...
Tee-Hee Hee ! we giggle,
Michael, we think you SHINE !

Bet ya' can't write just one !

*Thanks for the fun, Michael~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

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Listening to every heart
19 posted 2000-09-11 09:11 PM

Dear Auguste
lay down not your pen
but pick it up
again and again

and thrill us with
your magic touch
you've come to mean
that much to us...

American Princess
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20 posted 2000-09-11 10:45 PM

Yeah, right.. didn't scare me abit. I know you...Wonderful writing as usual...Marge, I loved your reply!!

American Princess

It's only me, thinking out loud...

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Staffordshire, England
21 posted 2000-09-11 10:55 PM

             Here's hoping that your pen never ever stops, as you have many people here who love your included!!

Today is a gift....
That is why they call it
'the Present'!

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North Carolina
22 posted 2000-09-11 11:06 PM

I know exactly how you feel, each day goes by and somehow your fingers begin to take on a mind of their own begging for pen .It's wonderful though that you share that we all can because poetry has a beauty all it's own.
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By the sea
23 posted 2000-09-11 11:14 PM

Just having you as such a dear friend is inspiration enough to keep me writing.  Thank you.

passing shadows,
Your comments on my poetry are always honest and well received.  Thanks

Into your library?  I'm honored.     Thank you

I'm happy to know my efforts bring you enjoyment.  I must be doing something right.  I appreciate you kindness.

Continue to write, my friend.  Don't do you I did and take years and years off. Writers always write...thank you

Thank you for "you are really a good poet."     That brought a smile to my face.

Don't let another poet rip your poetry to pieces...if it's good, you already know it without the opinion of anyone else.  Take care, my friend, and have faith in your own ability.


"Love is space and time measured by the heart"

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By the sea
24 posted 2000-09-12 03:45 AM

Liz, Martie, Kit and Gemini,

I'm filled to overflowing with your wonderful praise and thank you all so very much...such kindness...


"Love is space and time measured by the heart"

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By the sea
25 posted 2000-09-12 01:27 PM

Your poetic response a delight and gave me a big laugh...thank you  

Thank you for the "magic touch" and taking the time to read my poem  

You seem awfully familiar...have we met somewhere?  Thanks  

It's always such pleasure to have you comment on one of my poems...thank you, my friend  

It's good to see you here and thank you for your response  

"Love is space and time measured by the heart"

Member Empyrean
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
26 posted 2000-09-12 01:57 PM

Those are natural feelings we all have about a variety of things, Michael...and yet every day is new and brings its own thoughts and inspirations and opportunities for is an endless cycle.  
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By the sea
27 posted 2000-09-12 03:08 PM


I couldn't agree more with everything you've said...very well put and insightful...thanks


"Love is space and time measured by the heart"

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Queensland, Australia
28 posted 2000-09-13 05:31 PM

It's good to see I'm not alone.
I have days where I sit and stare at the paper and wonder if I'll ever write any more, but I think if I couldn't I would be lost. It's the best way I know to express myself. By the way, Ashley was worried about your title, he thought something was wrong if you weren't going to write anymore.


English Rose
since 2000-08-20
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Berkshire, England
29 posted 2000-09-13 05:51 PM

This happens to me too.....usually in the middle of a poem!!
I am sure there are a few more in that pen of yours Michael.

linda munday
since 2000-06-17
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Adelaide, Australia
30 posted 2000-09-13 08:25 PM

Hey you got me!  I thought you'd finished for some reason and to tell the truth, I couldn't see how the title could be true.
So curiosity got me and I came to see what it was that would tear out the heart of a poet.  Can't be done, I'm afraid  
So what's the next one going to be called?  
Take care,
Linda Munday

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since 2000-03-06
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31 posted 2000-09-13 09:52 PM

The reason dear Michael is
have the Heart of a Poet....and we are very
lucky to have you share it here.  Wonderful
work~ Glad to see that this was NOT your
last poem here   you had me worried for a

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