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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
Posts 20723

0 posted 2000-09-08 08:43 AM

One oh-nine day after day
Feels like above 120
And if you need humidity
Step up - for we’ve got plenty!
Air so overheated
It hurts your lungs to breathe.
We watch the evening weather
Just hoping for reprieve.
Here, where people have survived
Hurricane’s devastation,
The thought’s tentatively whispered
One might be our salvation.
My Dad is 81 years old -
I ache knowing he’s there
With nothing but a window fan
To stir the heat - and prayer
That the storms gathering overhead
Bring more than lightning’s fires.
Instead, the forecast is for temps
To soar even higher.
Smoky skies cover the sun
That blasts us with this heat.
Shall we burn or suffocate?
I tell you, folks - I’m beat!

I wrote this earlier this week and we have experienced some relief since then. The wildfires
are out or under control and people are rejoicing at the cool front that has brought us highs of
ONLY 99! *G* And we may get rain this weekend - keep your fingers crossed!

© Copyright 2000 suthern - All Rights Reserved
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since 2000-02-10
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United Kingdom
1 posted 2000-09-08 08:49 AM

Sounds great to me - like a permanent holiday, you ought to come down here to England, we've had the worst summer I think I have ever seen, were lucky to see the sun at all *dudder* - please send lots of blankets and hot food ( only kiddin' ) . Hope it gets cooler . I enjoyed it alot, you've done good . Thanks .
L.of.L. Tom .

Don't try, do or do not, there is no try .
- Master Yoda -

Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
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In the winds of Cherokee song
2 posted 2000-09-08 09:19 AM

I know how this is as I lived in SO CA for 18 years and the heat is bad enough but when you mix in the fires raging through the hills it is way too much.  I loved this read and now I am suffering in all of this heat in Write.

[This message has been edited by Mark Bohannan (edited 09-08-2000).]

Senior Member
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3 posted 2000-09-08 09:54 AM

am glad to hear you have a bit of relief, I heard the news of your temps and said a prayer for you earlier this week, hoping your air conditioning is in tip top shape.....great writing btw  
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
Posts 9245
4 posted 2000-09-08 12:09 PM

Suthern Hell this time around eh?  

Suthern I sure hope it starts to cool off for ya! This has been one odd summer all over the USA.  Sending ice...dang it, sorry it already melted.

Aww, I'm just teasin with ya suthern girl! I really hope you do have a place to stay cool, that heat can be awfully dangerous!

Sudhir Iyer
Member Ascendant
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Mumbai, India : now in Belgium
5 posted 2000-09-08 02:34 PM

Hey suthern,

great poem... been a long while away from here...

feels nice to read your poem...


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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
Posts 20723
6 posted 2000-09-08 03:00 PM

Thank you all for your kind comments on the poem as well as your wishes the heat will subside. Both are appreciated!
But it's kinda funny listening to people... with temps the highest ever recorded, you hear 20 year olds commenting that they've never seen anything like it. *G* Hello??? Life did exist before 1975... (even if they don't consider old geezers like me ALIVE! *G*)

Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648

7 posted 2000-09-08 08:23 PM

I sympathize with you, Suthern. I'd much rather brave the cold than deal with temps in the high 90's and above. I hope you get the much needed relief. Great poem!  


Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
8 posted 2000-09-08 11:49 PM

Well, I'm sorry for the heat, Suthern girl, but at least it got ya to write a poem again! Been missing you around these parts. You sure your passion for the bunioned one didn't start those fired?
Deputy Moderator 1 TourDeputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
Posts 20723
9 posted 2000-09-09 02:56 PM

Denise: It even rained last night!!!! If you heard an awful screeching noise, that was me singing the Hallelujah Chorus! *G* Thanks!

Balladeer: But I've BEEN writing. *G* Ya mean I'm supposed to post it? (puzzled look) Dang! I KNEW there was some other step in the process! LOL.
And I'm probably capable of creating a few fires, given the chance. *G* But I'm simply not fast enough to catch up with the kindling. LOL. You'll notice that even a little heat causes a long disappearance? *EG*

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
10 posted 2000-09-09 03:18 PM

Well stated thoughts on the heat.
Personally, I love the temperatures soaring -
but not the fires and the suffering.
I would send rain chants to all corners
that are in need.

LOL @ 'But I'm simply not fast enough to catch up with the kindling.'
You're quite a gal !

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

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