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0 posted 2000-08-31 04:17 PM

Walking Stick


Michael Auguste

I've often seen him in the park
But of his name I do not know
With cane he walks, his face is gaunt
I've heard his life has been such woe

"Walking Stick" he is known to all
Because his body thin in frame
The cane is used to steady him
For many years he has been lame

After most of life with his bride
She quietly passed away in sleep
Much of him also died with her
So hurt he was he could not weep

The children that his bride did bear
Have their own lives, does seldom see
It seems that not enough they care
At least that's how it looks to me

Old Walking Stick lives all alone
And he carves toys late at night
Then looks to make sure no one sees
And leaves them for a child's delight

So secretive he thinks he is
But all know of his kindly ways
I've even seen him in the park
On very cold December days

I found out only yesterday
That his house burned and he had died
This gentle, quiet old man was gone
How children at the park had cried

The only part left of his house
Was one small room untouched by flame
And in it were carved children's toys
The park will never feel the same

"Love is space and time measured by the heart"

© Copyright 2000 Michael Auguste - All Rights Reserved
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1 posted 2000-08-31 04:59 PM

Michael--what a beautiful and heart breaking story, yet full of the wonder of humility and selfless love.  You have told it with great tenderness...truly enjoyed.
Paula Finn
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2 posted 2000-08-31 05:07 PM

Michael this is so sad
Mark Bohannan
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In the winds of Cherokee song
3 posted 2000-08-31 05:14 PM

What a wonderful man you are to give a tribute to this stranger though it was sad.  It shows that you do not overlook the small but important things on life.
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4 posted 2000-08-31 05:47 PM

Hi Martie,

I appreciate you taking time to read this poem and the nice comments you had to make.  I also want to thank you for visiting my web site and signing my guest book.  That was sweet.  I hope your evening is a treasure.

< !signature-->

"Love is space and time measured by the heart"

[This message has been edited by Auguste (edited 08-31-2000).]

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5 posted 2000-08-31 06:49 PM

Hi Paula,

Yes, it was certainly sad, and as you know, it's kind of unusual for me to post something like this.  Still, the story has been in me for a long time and I thought I'd share it.  Take care, my friend and thank you for coming by.


"Love is space and time measured by the heart"

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6 posted 2000-08-31 08:12 PM

Auguste, this is such a sad piece, but so well-written. It's amazing how one life can touch so many... you describe it well. Great job!

"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." -Oscar Wilde
"The robbed that smiles steals something from the thief" -Shakespea

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7 posted 2000-08-31 10:58 PM


Thanks for stopping by.  Your kind words always mean a lot to me.


"Love is space and time measured by the heart"

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8 posted 2000-09-01 12:39 PM


Thank you taking the time to read my poem and for the nice words you had to say  


"Love is space and time measured by the heart"

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Staffordshire, England
9 posted 2000-09-01 12:58 PM

          The old gentleman that you described was such a great success in his life!!  Just look at all the people that he touched and did it all without their ever knowing! Thank you for telling this wonderful story, my friend.....I needed to hear it.

Today is a gift....
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English Rose
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Berkshire, England
10 posted 2000-09-01 04:22 AM

Michael....this poem is great!
It is sad yes...but very intriguing. It held my attention to the very last line.  Such a sad figure to watch in the park and yet an obvious success with the this a true story I wonder?

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
11 posted 2000-09-01 05:05 AM

Your 'walking stick' character is wonderful.
He lives in many communities ...
often invisible to neighbors until after he's gone.

Very tenderly done, my friend.

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

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12 posted 2000-09-01 06:01 AM

Michale~ I have known a walking stick in my life and this is a wonderful tribute to all of them out there... I find it funny that such a man or person so giving yet his/her family is never seen. It always made me think of how much they missed, and what kind of people could not give back to such a loving person... this one made me ponder on old thoughts... thanks...

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Member Rara Avis
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Victoria Australia
13 posted 2000-09-01 06:05 AM

Michael, I have also seen the walking stick man. So glad you stopped by to post this poem. it's sad but uplifting.

Be well

"It is the image in the mind that links us to lost treasures;
but it is the loss that shapes the image,
gathers the flowers weaves the garland."-

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14 posted 2000-09-01 01:45 PM

Yes, I also consider him a great success in life, at least by my own standards.  All of us in some way touch those around without ever realizing how much of an impact our lives have on others.  Thank you for reading this.

No...sorry, can't tell you if the story is truth or fiction...thanks for the comments

I agree...he lives in many communities and is often invisible until he is gone. Sad, but usually true.  I appreciate you coming by, my friend.

I found your comments very interesting and I've also wondered the same.  Thanks for the reply.

Yes, I think everyone has seen a "Walking Stick" at some point in their lives...he knows no boundaries...I'm sure there are many of them in Australia as well.  I appreciate the comments, my friend and thanks for visiting my poem.


"Love is space and time measured by the heart"

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15 posted 2000-09-01 07:58 PM

Michael, your words bring Walking Stick to life for your reader...this is such a poignant story, my friend.

~ Claire

Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each other's eyes for an instant?......Henry David Thoreau

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By the sea
16 posted 2000-09-01 09:07 PM

Hi Claire,

Thank you for the nice words, my friend.   And you know what?  I won...50 cents   )

Take care,


"Love is space and time measured by the heart"

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Member Rara Avis
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The Shores of Alone
17 posted 2000-09-01 10:08 PM

Michael, how very poignant. I am so sad for the lonliness I felt here, yet he kept on giving. Very good person, and wonderful poem and tribute to all of the ones like him.

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18 posted 2000-09-01 11:08 PM


I appreciate the visit and also the nice words.  Yes, there are a lot of these people around and for the most part are seldom noticed.

Take care,

"Love is space and time measured by the heart"

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19 posted 2000-09-02 12:01 PM

This was very heartfelt..beautiful writing..glad I didnt miss this one.  
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20 posted 2000-09-02 12:21 PM

This piece gives the reader insight into the
poet...I noticed a heart of gold, that not only
looks at what's around him but soaks it in and uses
it to learn from. Thank you for sharing this with
us. A wonderful peice that flowed gracefully~

[This message has been edited by Butterflies_dont_cry (edited 09-02-2000).]

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By the sea
21 posted 2000-09-02 03:30 AM

Hello Victoria,

Thank you for for kind words and I appreciate your stopping by  


"Love is space and time measured by the heart"

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22 posted 2000-09-02 03:41 AM


A nicer compliment I don't think I've had in a long, long time. It really made me feel so good and I not only thank you for such a generous thing to say, but also thank  you for the sweet things you had to say about my writing. You wouldn't know it by my rambling, but right now I'm actually  blushing and am speechless.  Again, thank you, my friend.    


"Love is space and time measured by the heart"

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Between a laugh and a tear...
23 posted 2000-09-02 04:24 AM

This such a wonderful, yet sad piece. You have touched me deeply with this one, I thank you for sharing it with us. Well Done!

"The heart and soul have no illusion of boundries when friendship is the quest"
~ My Angel.

since 2000-07-06
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WA, Australia
24 posted 2000-09-02 05:45 AM

~This touched me deeply..To the point my heart felt warm and my eyes stung..Such a sad story but somehow kinda makes me feel there was a glint of happiness...Make sense??
Thanks for sharing...

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25 posted 2000-09-02 08:35 AM

Oh Michael...this touched me so much...
I thought about my grandfather, he was the best person in the world...always tried to help people anyway he could, everybody loved him so much... He was 87 and was also walking with a cane. But thank God he was never alone.
I always feel so deeply sorry for lonely people, there must be nothing worse than living and dying alone...
You're right about how some people really leave a great impact on our lives.

Eddie de Jong
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26 posted 2000-09-02 09:47 AM

Michael, what a wonderfull story. I find it a true inspiration and hope that many of us will strive to give the same type of anonymous service to others.


Elizabeth Santos
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27 posted 2000-09-02 09:53 AM

Your warm heart is written all over this piece. Very loving and endearing.

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By the sea
28 posted 2000-09-02 01:17 PM

Thank you.  I'm glad know know this one touched you.

Walking Stick is everwhere we look.  We often fail to notice him because he would rather show his kindness without others knowing of it.  Thank you for reading this.

It was nice to hear about your grandfather.  I don't remember either of mine.  Thanks for the nice words and stopping by.

Eddie de Jong,
I'm happy to know this inspired you.  Thanks for visiting.

My sincere thank you for such sweet words, my friend.  It really touched me.  I appreciate you dropping in on me and taking the time to read my poem.


"Love is space and time measured by the heart"

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29 posted 2000-09-02 08:11 PM


   I regret to say that unfortunately I have not read  many of your poems.  However.. I am definately going to start.  The poems I have read have always been so heartfelt and beautiful.. and this is no exception   


Kit McCallum
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30 posted 2000-09-02 08:18 PM

What a wonderful story Michael! So tender and heartening ... with insights into the caring and love this character wove into the lives of others. Very nicely penned!  

Best wishes,

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By the sea
31 posted 2000-09-02 09:25 PM

Rosepetals and Kit,

Thank you both so much for the nice words.  I do so appreciate you taking time to read this.  Take care, my friends.


"Love is space and time measured by the heart"

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Queensland, Australia
32 posted 2000-09-05 09:03 PM

Michael, I did a search on your work so I could reread some. I'm glad I did or I would have missed this beautiful poem.

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Oregon, Originally From Alaska :)
33 posted 2000-09-05 09:07 PM

This was a most wonderful and heartfelt piece about a special old man!!  Our lives wouldn't be the same if it was not for special souls such as him to touch our lives.  This was great...thank you for sharing!!  

Take Care,

"Somewhere, somehow, it should be possible to touch someone and never let go again. To hold someone, not for a moment but forever." Unknown

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34 posted 2004-05-06 04:31 AM

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