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since 2000-03-06
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0 posted 2000-08-23 10:46 PM

A kiss from stars in the sky of night
Healing powers sent hurling upon the wind
Searching for the love hidden in fright
Two hearts bonded as one would intend

The colors of peace swirl with light
Giving wings to a whirl of emotion
Questing to reach what is just out of sight
Unable to deny the power of heartfelt devotion  

Small kisses sent in the midnight lust
Dreams of peace resting in breast of moon
Smiles of anxieties dancing in lover's trust
Stealing of breath within visions coming soon

A touch of velvet breeze upon silken night
Racing hearts of need and desire burn
Releasing to capture and hold with might
To the safety of mirrored souls we turn

Shaded surroundings of sensuality’s girth
Thickening wonders of sweet caressing lips
Freshness of lust looming in the coming birth
Quenching flows resting on thunder's clips

Hearts, bodies and souls melding into one
Submersing doubt into the tides of desire
Free falling past the waves we’re spun
Ablaze as we are baptized by the fire

Torrents of ecstasy burn as embers begin to fall
Bursts of new infernos sparked with each new thrust
Hidden fears of passions now answering the call
As love takes hold within words of unspoken trust

Time stands still and eternity whispers sighs
Wild rapids of white crash with a mighty roar
The bolts of electricity strike with thunderous cries
A peaceful breeze blows as we wash to the shore

Eyes of trust now dwelling in the souls of two
Whispered words sighs say it all with care
Knowing now my path as I have fallen for you
This heart loves and gives a lifetime for you to share

Sweet un-whispered words settle in my heart
Assuring me  I shall never again be alone
Peace and comfort surround this brand new start
Slipping to your arms... at last we are home

© Copyright 2000 Butterflies_dont_cry - All Rights Reserved
Member Elite
since 2000-03-06
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1 posted 2000-08-23 10:47 PM

From Mark B.---I want to thank Holly for all of her time and effort into this piece and I am sure you will enjoy it. Our styles compliment each other I believe and she was a true friend in helping to put this together.  We share a love of poetry and as I stated before...out styles compliment each other. Holly---I personally thank you for all you are as a poet and true friend...well you know....hugs baby!!!  

From Holly---My sincere thanks to Mark, this was a pleasure to write, given the chance to
write with such a talented writer and friend was an honor.  My thanks to the readers and
Poets of Passions for allowing me to explore in the beauty of have been here
to support me every step.

[This message has been edited by Butterflies_dont_cry (edited 08-23-2000).]

Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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2 posted 2000-08-23 11:04 PM

You two have written some beautiful music together...the dance of passion and fulfillment cling to your words...very beautiful...makes me does.
Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554

3 posted 2000-08-23 11:41 PM

Eyes of trust now dwelling in the souls of two
Whispered words sighs say it all with care
Knowing now my path as I have fallen for you
This heart loves and gives a lifetime for you to share

Sweet un-whispered words settle in my heart
Assuring me  I shall never again be alone
Peace and comfort surround this brand new start
Slipping to your arms... at last we are home

yep....this does indeed describe soulmates found,
written in perfect harmony...
your poetry styles compliments each other well.
beautiful work here my sweets

Lone Wolf
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since 2000-03-16
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Lansing, MI USA
4 posted 2000-08-24 12:58 PM

Holly and Mark,

WOW!!!  You two make a great team!!! You compliment each other very well . . .  seamless writing.  You both have great talent and you express yourselves perfectly.  I hope to see more by you two!!! It is an awesome display of talent.  

Lone Wolf

Poetry should surprise by fine should strike the reader as a wording of his own highest thoughts and appear almost a remembrance. -J.Keats

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
5 posted 2000-08-24 01:13 AM

ButterfliesDC~ and MarkB~

Oh ... what could be lovelier !

'Hearts, bodies and souls melding into one
Submersing doubt into the tides of desire
Free falling past the waves we’re spun
Ablaze as we are baptized by the fire

'Time stands still and eternity whispers sighs
Wild rapids of white crash with a mighty roar
The bolts of electricity strike with thunderous cries
A peaceful breeze blows as we wash to the shore'

A concerted effort of beauty.

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

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By the sea
6 posted 2000-08-24 01:22 AM

Butterflies and Mark,

What a wonderful and lovely canvas the two of you have painted with this one.  VERY well done, friends.


Member Elite
since 2000-03-07
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Between a laugh and a tear...
7 posted 2000-08-24 03:10 AM

Outstanding work from two of the best!

"The heart and soul have no illusion of boundries when friendship is the quest"
~ My Angel.

Kit McCallum
Member Laureate
since 2000-04-30
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Ontario, Canada
8 posted 2000-08-24 07:33 AM

Beautifully expressed Butterflies and Mark! A  lovely collaboration that delves deeply into the tender and romantic sentiments of soul mates who have so fortunately found their true connection within each other. Excellent! Encore!  

Best wishes,

Senior Member
since 2000-07-23
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North Carolina
9 posted 2000-08-24 08:41 AM

Mark, Butterflies, you guys did an excellent job here. Finding a soul mate is certainly a beautiful thing and you penned it wonderfully.
Hugs to you both,

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
10 posted 2000-08-24 09:06 AM

Holly, Mark, what line to pick as "the best"...
never matter, 'tis not a test...
but do conspire to write more soon...
as rose petals should be strewn...
at your feet and in your way...
as there must be more that your pens would say...

oh, well done...

congratulations to a wonderful melding of minds...

When you want to be loved, look within...KRJ

Sudhir Iyer
Member Ascendant
since 2000-04-26
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Mumbai, India : now in Belgium
11 posted 2000-08-24 09:08 AM

Way beyond wonderful,
Way too good...



Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
Posts 7269
In the winds of Cherokee song
12 posted 2000-08-24 12:31 PM

Martie-the sigh says it all and I thank you for that....there have been many shared trust me.

JM-Thank you know we both love you to death and your friendship to us both is the greatest gift of all.  For me personally you have helped me grow in ways that only you know.  Love you my SWEETNESS

LW-I thank you so much and this is probably the easiest poem I have been a part of..mine own included.  I will see if she would bless me with the honor once again and I would say chances are good.

Marge-It has been a wonderful symphony in bringing this to you and Passions ..thanks dear friend.

Michael-Thank you much....canvass???  I like again.

Eagle One-I thank you for saying I am one of the best....I think I shine brighter today with her help though.  

Kit-Encore huh?.....will see what we can do for you... .....thanks so much for you.

Juls- yes it is isn't it?  And thank you for the hug..felt good.  

Karilea-Much much more and good things are never rushed....thanks my friend.  You are a keeper for sure.

Sudhir-Is there ever WAY TOO GOOD>......that is like having WAY TOO MUCH FUN....dont you my good friend.

Thank you all so make me feel welcome here always and I am sure Holly will let you know her feelings a matter of fact...I think I feel (hear) her coming now.LOLOL

Jenn E
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Kelowna, BC, Canada
13 posted 2000-08-24 12:42 PM

Pure Poetic Perfection....that leaves you breathless. How much more can a person ask for.....You two compliment each other in ways that go straight through a readers heart....filling it with complete satisfaction. Soul mate found is a feeling almost undescribable but you two have done it perfectly. NOT that that is a surprise to any of us.   Yes, write more together please....Pretty please...Take Care
Jenn E

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14 posted 2000-08-24 12:47 PM

Hhhhmmmmmmm now he thinks he is psychic   could be~

Martie* As long as I don't have to *sing* them     Thank you so much, your words are appreciated~

Jan*  Your words...your heart...they mean the world.....and YOU KNOW that will never change.....**AW hugs & BF kisses** SS~

LW* I'm waiting for another duet my friend  
thank you sooooo much for your kind replies~

Marge* It was a joy to write.....flowed easier than my own, something I could get used to   Thank you~

Michael* Your comment touches my heart...thank you for your sincerity~

Eagle* *AW hugs* my dear friend.....thank you from the bottom of my heart

Kit* As always so sweet of you, thank you and it is something to think about~

Juls* It is a beautiful and rare thing...thank you for your kind replies~

Sunshine* What a lovely reply.....yes I'm sure there is more to say...but what!!!!  

Sudhir* Thank you my friend...your comments are always special to me.  

Jenn* Oh thank you so very very much!!! I'm so glad that you enjoyed it~

[This message has been edited by Butterflies_dont_cry (edited 08-24-2000).]

White Wolf
since 1999-09-18
Posts 371
Somewhere in the vast wasteland
15 posted 2000-08-24 03:16 PM

Beautifully done piece.  What a friendship you two must have to meld your minds and write such a piece.  I know the joy of having found my soul mate but I also know that pain pain and sorrow from letting that one go.  No, she is not dead but I let her go.  Why?  Don't ask.  I am not even sure as to why anymore.  Oh, wells.  Great piece.  I hope to see some more in the future.

The White Wolf

Would the bunny like this nice carrot? I don't bite. Much. :)

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since 2000-03-06
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16 posted 2000-08-24 10:09 PM

White Wolf* First of all Welcome to Passions and secondly thank you for your praise and sharing your thoughts...they are appreciated.  I look forward to reading your work~
Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
Posts 7269
In the winds of Cherokee song
17 posted 2000-08-25 02:11 AM

Jenn E-I thank you so much for all of your kindness.  You have always been a good friend in replying my poems.  This was a special one for me as butterflies is a good friend and I would be honored if she would want to ever do one with me again..she is one talent I have enjoyed reading since I have been in Passions.  We shall see...who knows.

White Wolf- Thank you so much and welcome to Passions....I look forward to reading your poems.  

Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
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18 posted 2000-08-25 12:05 PM

came back to add this beauty to my library file...must of been too blinded by its beauty the first time..forgot to check the box  
Fly back up to the top beautiful butterfly
*winkie winkie*

There are places inside our souls -
that have never been touched.
There are places inside our hearts -
that need to be loved this much.

Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
Posts 7269
In the winds of Cherokee song
19 posted 2000-08-26 07:09 AM

JM-was that an excuse to come back in here or what....?  
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354
Listening to every heart
20 posted 2000-08-28 12:01 PM

Y'know...this is so nice, it needs another encore!

When you want to be loved, look within...KRJ

Elizabeth Santos
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-11-08
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21 posted 2000-08-28 12:08 PM

I had absolutely no doubt when I saw the authors of this piece, that it would be exquisite, and I was not disappointed, in fact pleasantly surprised at the way you both expressed this subject matter
Beautifully written by two great poets

Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
Posts 7269
In the winds of Cherokee song
22 posted 2000-08-28 06:53 PM

Karilea-You know that I thank you for that.  

Liz-She allows me to shine much brighter than I ever could on my own.  In many many ways to say the least. Thank you my dear friend.

Member Elite
since 2000-08-19
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Queensland, Australia
23 posted 2000-08-28 07:39 PM

Butterflies & Mark,
it's hard to decide what poems of yours I like best. Now you've just made it even harder. Beautiful!

Member Elite
since 2000-03-06
Posts 3733
24 posted 2000-08-28 09:37 PM

J.M. I miss you already.....**sigh**

Sunshine* Many thanks~

Liz* Thank you so much for reading and for your thoughts, they are always appreciated~

Dee* My hope is that you never pick a favorite and that I can keep writing  Thank you very much~

Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
Posts 7269
In the winds of Cherokee song
25 posted 2000-08-29 12:25 PM

Dee- I am with Holly on this.  My wish is that you never pick a favorite that lasts longer than the next one.  I will and I know Holly will always strive to be better with each and every post.  Thank you so much.

[This message has been edited by Mark Bohannan (edited 08-29-2000).]

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East Lansing, MI USA
26 posted 2000-08-29 12:49 PM

You know. . . I'm with Sunshine. . . this needs to go back up. . .

This is so WONDERFUL!!!  I am amazed at the depth of feeling in this poem. . . your styles compliment each other very well. . . and I look forward to seeing much more from both of you!!!

Excellent my friends. . .


That which gives light must endure burning
--Victor Frankl

Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
Posts 7269
In the winds of Cherokee song
27 posted 2000-08-29 04:25 PM

Sven- EXACTLY.....and it takes REAL caring between two friends to be able to do so and I am honored to have that with her.  IF the "friendship" was not real and if the "truth" were not spoken between us then this poem would never have come about.  Holly asked me to also say thanks as she is real bust these days with REAL life matters of her thank you from both of us.  

[This message has been edited by Mark Bohannan (edited 08-29-2000).]

since 2000-07-31
Posts 140
28 posted 2000-08-29 04:33 PM

Way to go you two, it is a lovely poem,as
you can guess I'm back from D.C.Butterflies-
from your adopted sister,I know that you
and Mark had fun writing this

Cathy Marie Bohannan

brian madden
Member Elite
since 2000-05-06
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29 posted 2000-08-29 05:46 PM

WOW absolutley stunning piece of poetry, standing ovation. Take a bow you two.  

"I concede relationships have left me weak Won't be here so I don't care Look for something worthy to replace my guilt" Mansun legacy

Member Elite
since 2000-03-06
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30 posted 2000-08-29 09:45 PM

Thank you Mark for extending my thanks I could not have said it better! It was a busy day  .......or was that "bust"...hmmmm my eyes are up here hun  

Cathy* It was so much fun to write this with YOUR (I've disowned him but will keep you)   brother..I'd never done a "duet" and it brings out different things in what you though was your "style"...Thank you so much and welcome home!

Brian* I value your opinion very much and it's an honor to hear from you~

Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
Posts 7269
In the winds of Cherokee song
31 posted 2000-08-30 09:58 AM

Cathy-hey there sis....I guess I have been unadopted for Obvious reasons.  thank you so much.

Brain-Thank you so much kind sir.  Your replies and kindness are always welcome

Holly-I could have sworn these winked too baby.       Love you my friend.

Senior Member
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32 posted 2000-08-30 05:25 PM

this is "sigh song" magic....I had to read it slowly because I  was sighing and didnt want to hyperventilate...needed to take a breath a few times...I loved too much to be able to single out any one verse..but you can feel the love, and trust (amongst all the lusting)*s
~~so very nice you two...definitely floating on passion's magic carpet

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