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Junior Member
since 2001-02-15
Posts 30

0 posted 2001-02-20 12:44 PM

As aspiring writers, we search for fresh imagery, original metaphors and fragrant similes as the very lifeblood of our work, as well we should. Why then, do so many cliches, such as, "Cute as a button", "Dumb as a doornail", splatter on our page? Ok, perhaps we are not THAT cliched, but it is an ever-consuming cancer that we must excise from our poetry at all cost. Is it because we lack originality or are we just lazy? I can only speak for myself, and 99% of the time, it is the latter.
I adopted this exercise from Gary Provost some years ago, and found that it works well for keeping the imaginative juices flowing (<--see how easy cliches creep in? bah!).
Below, is a list of well known cliches in the form of similes, as most cliches are. Fill in the blank with the cliche that first comes to mind:

1. As strong as________.

2. As poor as__________.

3. As sweet as_________.

4. As dumb as__________.

5. As blind as_________.

6. As sharp as_________.

7. As sly as___________.

8. As pretty as________.

9. As big as___________.

10.As ugly as__________.

Now disregard what you have written. Throw it away in a trash can if you have written it on paper.
In the following, allow your imagination to contrast and conform those same hackneyed expressions into something wild, fresh and colorful. Don't worry about the meter here and use as many words as you like.

1. As strong as_________.

2. As poor as___________.

3. As sweet as__________.

4. As dumb as___________.

5. As blind as__________.

6. As sharp as__________.

7. As sly as____________.

8. As pretty as_________.

9. As big as____________.

10. As ugly as__________.

Now for the fun part! Build a poem around one of the phrases of your choosing.

I think you'll be surprised with the results.
As my latest poetry testifies, I've slipped away from this exercise and does it ever show in my work!
I'm excited about implementing this again.

Good luck and have fun!


© Copyright 2001 Michael - All Rights Reserved
Member Ascendant
since 1999-08-20
Posts 5705
Jejudo, South Korea
1 posted 2001-02-20 08:12 PM

A brilliant idea.

I plan to play -- just not today.

Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612
Hurricane Alley
2 posted 2001-02-20 09:43 PM

I'm working on mine!!
Junior Member
since 2001-02-15
Posts 30
3 posted 2001-02-21 07:06 AM

As strong as Aphrodite's eyes.
As poor as an unscrupulous lawyer.
As sweet as a mother's song to her child.
As dumb as a styrofoam cup.
As blind as a capillary.
As sharp as Saturn's rings.
As sly as an addict.
As pretty as a dirge played at a politician's funeral.
As big as Dali's visions.
As ugly as a chainsaw.

The poem that resulted:

The President's Funeral

Golden horns chuckle out
silver tones in major thirds,
as musicians dance
to a sparkling chorus
between the knees
of a Conductor's death.


[This message has been edited by Jazzmole (edited 02-21-2001).]

since 2000-02-03
Posts 369
4 posted 2001-02-21 08:39 PM

Hey! Maybe this is where i need to be to practice my english
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
Posts 7704

5 posted 2001-02-22 12:45 PM

IN the middle of a flu - (while on holiday) and I literally can't think...but once I am better - K is here...


...and I have found a lifetime can be lived in one moment...

[This message has been edited by Severn (edited 02-22-2001).]

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