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Senior Member
since 2000-01-10
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San Jose, CA, USA

0 posted 2000-02-23 11:49 PM

"I'll give you something to cry about"
Are the words that he did shout
As he walked over to silence me
Maybe his fist would stop my plea

What had I done to deserve this fate?
What had I done to deserve his hate?
He had lashed out at me before
But this time even my face was sore

If only I had cleaned my room
Pick up and push the broom
Then I wouldn't be the target of rage
Forced into this emotional cage

I wailed louder and louder
His victory made him prouder
He had won and I had lost
He did not know at what cost

I came into school the next day
Black and blue, to teacher's dismay
She asked me about the bruises
She asked me about any abuses

I was unsure of what she meant
So to the office I was sent
There I was examined head to toe
To find all the marks that show

I felt like an utter disgrace
Not wanting to show my face
For at the ripe age of eight
I still held my father to be great

I was unaware that he was wrong
I was weak and he was strong
His will was always right
He was my guiding light

Charges against my father weren't brought
Maybe they would if I had fought
But I was young and afraid
I was just a kid in second grade

[This message has been edited by Mistikman (edited 02-24-2000).]

© Copyright 2000 Travis Welton - All Rights Reserved
Janet Marie
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1 posted 2000-02-23 11:59 PM

this takes my words from me...sadly this is one of several in here that has effected me like this tonight...I'm sorry...and I respect your courage and honesty...there are many of us here who relate & understand...
I hope you find strength and healing in your writing and sharing.
take care, janet marie

 ...there are places inside all our souls...
that have never been touched...
there are places inside our hearts...
that need to be loved this much...
Janet Marie

*I miss you baby...
I love you, always.*

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-13
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2 posted 2000-02-24 02:17 AM

It show much bravery to even write about this now.  I know and understand only too well about abuse.  The shame that comes with it, as well as all the dark emotions it ties to.  I think people shy away from this issue way to much.  I know no other way of making the extremities of it public other than to keep on writing about it.  ((Hugs)) Mistikman.


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3 posted 2000-02-24 02:23 AM

I have to agree with Michael.  We need to keep getting the message out.  Thank you for sharing this very difficult topic.  {{HUGS}}
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since 2000-01-10
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San Jose, CA, USA
4 posted 2000-02-24 03:37 AM

Janet Marie- Thank you, I am glad that my poetry has touched you. Unfortunately, or fortunately, however you want to look at it, this isn't the thing in my life that troubles me most. I wrote this after reading a poem in Teen by a girl who had been abused by her father. It stirred up old, dormant memories.

Michael- Thank you. I have never had much difficulty writing about the horrors of my life. Writing has always been a sort of release for me. It is the only place where I can express any emotions I want without fear. My experiences with abuse arent even that extreme. Except for that one night, the individual episodes werent that extreme. Of course, I am going off what I have heard from my parents. Except for that one time, I cannot even remember them hitting me. I have blocked out much of my childhood memories  

Eloise- Thank you, and sharing this stuff really helps me, so thank you more for replying  

Oh, and I added 2 new stanzas to it, and changed a few lines that didnt quite fit.

[This message has been edited by Mistikman (edited 02-24-2000).]

Junior Member
since 2000-02-21
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Miami, Florida United States
5 posted 2000-02-24 03:43 AM

I don't know what to say, I wrote a poem to my father too, it's called, "Please Stop hurting Me!", you could find it in the Teens' Forum #2, it's nice to know I'm not alone in this cold world! I'd like you to please review it and give me you're opinion about my poem!

I loved you're poem!!!!

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
6 posted 2000-02-24 04:01 AM

If a hug helps .. and I think it does,
know that my arms encircle you.

Keep writing for the release it gives you.
I pray you will continue
to share with others.
*HUGS* ~*Marge*~

 ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Poet deVine
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7 posted 2000-02-24 08:49 AM

I admire your courage to speak out even after all these years. This is a message that should be shouted from the rooftop. It's time to stop adults from taking out their frustration and anger on children. I applaud you for becoming the wonderful, intelligent, caring young man you are today! Keep writing!  

christies heart
since 1999-08-10
Posts 189
8 posted 2000-02-24 10:43 AM

This poem made me cry.   Not just because I can relate and the message is so meaningful, but also because the essence of the child and the child's heart and mind are so well captured. Having a 1st and 2cond grader helped a lot with that image! great job.

 Grant that I may not judge my niegbor until I have walked a mile in his moccasians

Native American prayer

christies heart
since 1999-08-10
Posts 189
9 posted 2000-02-24 10:43 AM

This poem made me cry.   Not just because I can relate and the message is so meaningful, but also because the essence of the child and the child's heart and mind are so well captured. Having a 1st and 2cond grader helped a lot with that image! great job.

 Grant that I may not judge my niegbor until I have walked a mile in his moccasians

Native American prayer

Senior Member
since 2000-01-10
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San Jose, CA, USA
10 posted 2000-02-24 11:57 AM

Gadget28- Thanks, and I had already read your poem, it was my inspiration for writing this one  

Marge Tindal- Thank you, and as long as there is blood in my veins I will continue to write and share  

Poet deVine- Thank you. Some people succumb to their situation and become everything that made them that way, and some rebel against their situation and becomes the opposite of what caused it. I like to think of myself as the latter.

christies heart- Thank you. I tried to make the child seem as innocent and helpless as possible, yet still completely naive to the situation in order to greater illustrate the injustice being done. I am glad that I accomplished it well. I dont think I made any real exaggerations here though, this is just how I remember it happening.

since 2000-01-26
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yellville, Ar, U.S.
11 posted 2000-02-24 03:01 PM

great poem mistik.  It really hit hime here...i have been living with my dad and what he does to me for a very long time and have never had the nerve to say anything about it.  Not to mention it made me remember the feelings i had when i was raped 2 yrs ago.  great poem

 To be or not to be...that is the question.[hamlet]

Senior Member
since 2000-01-10
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San Jose, CA, USA
12 posted 2000-02-24 03:04 PM

Im sorry chic, no one should ever have to go through something like that. If that happened to me I doubt the person who did it would still be breathing. I know if my father tried to beat me again, I would probably put him in the hospital. If you ever want to talk about it, you know how to get ahold of me. I am always willing to lend an ear.
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13 posted 2000-02-25 10:56 AM

wow, I can't tell you how much this touched me...sigh...too many years too many stories to tell....great writing  
since 2000-01-14
Posts 478
14 posted 2000-02-25 02:23 PM

Mistikman:  It must've been hard on you to write this poem.  I congradulate you on your courage, and I must say that it made me teary-eyed.  
Kristi Lynn

Member Patricius
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Glen Hope, PA USA
15 posted 2000-02-25 02:29 PM

This makes me so sad and brings back so many memories. I was blessed with a wonderful set of parents...I wasn't so lucky in my marriage nor were my two sons   I applaud your courage to write this
Senior Member
since 2000-01-10
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San Jose, CA, USA
16 posted 2000-02-25 02:49 PM

Corazon- Thank you.

angel6917- Thank you. It wasnt as hard as you might think, this is an issue that, while still painful, isnt nearly as painful as it used to be. Time heals all wounds, and this is mostly scars now.

hoot_owl_rn- I am sorry that you and your children had to suffer through that. There is no excuse for hitting someone who cannot or will not defend themselves.

Member Empyrean
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
17 posted 2000-02-26 03:57 PM

Sad to read about this and I always wondered why my father was such a tyrant at times desiring so much to control us and manipulate us.  Why couldn't he just love us and encourage us?   Jasmes
since 2000-02-25
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<------Over There------>
18 posted 2000-02-26 04:14 PM

Mr.Mistikman all I can say is that Im sorry,
sorry for all the abuse that so many children and you have had to go through.
Some glorify it and call it tough love?
No matter how we look at it or word it,it`s EVIL.
Sad read but one that deserves the attention of every parent.
I hope that someday you`ll be able to "bury"
this nightmare.

Senior Member
since 2000-01-10
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San Jose, CA, USA
19 posted 2000-02-26 05:04 PM

jmlee12345- Thank you. Many parents unfortunately dont know how to properly deal with their children and end up either too strict or too lax.

RufffRyder- Thank you. My parents loved to joke about child abuse all the time when I was young. They would actually say "We believe in child abuse" to their friends. They still joke about it, completely uncaring about how it makes me feel.

[This message has been edited by Mistikman (edited 02-29-2000).]

Member Elite
since 1999-09-26
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Ontario, Canada
20 posted 2000-02-29 06:41 PM

I too was lucky to have a wonderful childhood. I was not so lucky in my marriage but he was not allowed to touch my children. Twice I placed myself physically between them in order to stop what was coming. after the second time I left. My children never deserve to be abused nor anyone one else's children. I wish I could erase that history Travis. I can not but I can be your friend when ever you need one.  
Danny Holloway
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Tulsa, OK
21 posted 2000-02-29 06:47 PM

Sad piece to be sure.  I just don't understand why parents abuse their own children.  Probably should be a parenting test before people are allowed to have children.  Clearly, not everyone is parent material but everyone is allowed to have children.  
Glad your posting here.  Your words may be a help to others.

Senior Member
since 2000-01-10
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San Jose, CA, USA
22 posted 2000-02-29 10:27 PM

Marilyn- You did the right thing leaving him. I would not wish the horrors of abuse on anyone, especially children. The emotional baggage it comes with isnt worth it in any way.

Danny Holloway- lol, I wish   There should be a test before you do anything that can severely influence another person. Unfortunately thats not possible so we will continue to have bad parents and bad teachers in the world.

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