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Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores

0 posted 2000-03-12 12:24 PM

O' Widder Woman
~Marge Tindal~

Tiny wisp of a woman,
calico skirts a'billowing.
Never heard her complain, man.
Milking, feeding, plowing and tilling.

Sun up to sundown,
no rest for the weary.
Why you wear the frown, gal ?
Why you eyes be teary ?

Where your man gone off to ?
Why ain't he here by your side ?
Tiny widder woman didn't he take you
to be his bride ?

Buried in the graveyard,
down behind the shed.
Yo' man worked hard, girl,
but now he bez dead.

Shot by one unknown
clean through his head.
Little widder woman
yo' man bez plumb dead.

Rumor mill chatters he was shot
for chasing new calico skirt.
Couldn't pin it on her mate,
man got off clean as dirt.

Said it weren't him
that did the dastardly deed.
Said he was busy shacking up
with another one in need.

Where wuz you, widder woman,
the night he was done in ?
Was it you what pulled the trigger ?
Was it you that done the sin ?

They sez a broken spirit
walks up on the hill.
That be you, widder woman ?
Now your heart cain't be still ?

Widder woman, that why you hurt ?
Why you don' talk no more ?
You hate to be the one
what placed him
facing West
in the setting sun
for laying with that whore ?

O' widder woman
now I see your spirits broke.
The pain you wear
around your heart
like an oxen wears his yoke.

On the full of the midnight moon
I know I hear the cry
of a lonely widder woman
as the memories go passing by.

Where was you widder woman
when yo' man bit the dust ?
Yeah, I know where you wuz.
'Hit don't make no never mind,
cause the lonely widder woman
done gone and lost touch with time.

 ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

© Copyright 2000 Marge Tindal - All Rights Reserved
Senior Member
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Regina SK; Canada
1 posted 2000-03-12 02:28 PM

This is an incredibly interesting poem!  Well done--

"O' widder woman
now I see your spirits broke.
The pain you wear
around your heart
like an oxen wears his yoke."

What insipired you to write this? I like the style. It's wonderfully done.

 " single sound too rude
Upon thy slumber shall intrude,
Our thoughts, our souls- O God above!
In every deed shall mingle, love."
--Edgar Allan Poe (from Serenade)

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
2 posted 2000-03-12 02:53 PM


I thank you for finding it 'interesting'.
It was to me also when the idea came.

I don't often put one on the 'back burner' as I did with this one.
It just kept calling to me to be told.
The premise came from a woman of mystery who I had heard of some time ago.
Did she do it?  Who knows ... but time has
dulled the memories of her mind ... so I doubt it will ever be solved.

I was stirred to pull it up and give it the finishing touch by a comment from Balladeer
in his reply to another poem.  It will be interesting to see what he thinks of it.
Thank you again for the read.

 ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
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3 posted 2000-03-12 07:11 PM

Captivating and fascinating, Marge. Well done! I enjoyed this tale you've spun!


Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
4 posted 2000-03-12 09:07 PM

Thank you, my friend.
The tale is true and the mystery has spun itself around her for years.
Glad you enjoyed it's telling.

 ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

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5 posted 2000-03-12 09:13 PM

(Scratching Chin...)
Well done Marge, very well done indeed.

Very interesting tale.  Thanks for giving us all a little something to ponder.


 Never be a carbon copy of anybody...make your own impressions. - ANON.

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6 posted 2000-03-12 10:09 PM

You've done a great character sketch here Marge...I do believe that if she did, she had a very good reason!!! * I'll tell you how much I enjoyed this one!!!

 Open arms can be the most fragile in the world...

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
7 posted 2000-03-12 11:41 PM

I like pondering.
Glad you found it interesting.
She may have .. or not?
She knows .. I don't.
That does make it worth pondering,
does it not?

She is quite the 'character' alright.
I've heard the mystery for many years.
She used to be quite the talk in this small community.  Through the years the mystery remains.
Glad you liked.  

 ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

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8 posted 2000-03-13 12:28 PM

I've never read a poem written by you that has something to do with a character...  I was pretty surprised!  But, non the less, you managed to captivate me....  thanks!
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
9 posted 2000-03-13 12:37 PM

Well .... let it be said that I'm quite a character myself.
Nothing in life surprises me anymore.
I'm glad you enjoyed.
She is a 'real-life lady' and the mystery surrounding the death of her husband makes her a character-study for sure.
I'm glad you were captivated.
Thank you for your comments.

 ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
10 posted 2000-03-13 12:48 PM

Well, Marge, I'm not sure which comment of mine inspired this but I'm sure glad I made it! I did mention one time that when you wrote serious, you were something else. Well, this poem is certainly a testament to that! The story is great, the mysterious flavor you have woven into it is great, and the style of writing is superb. You can come up with some beautiful "fluff" and exquisite graphics and designs when you are in a playful mood but I love it when you roll those sleeves up and let it go. There are so many sides to you and each one of them is a credit to this site. Proud to know ya, Marge. Brilliant writing  
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
11 posted 2000-03-13 12:56 PM

'Tis exactly the comment that I was referring to .... I had this one tucked away with no place to take it until you challenged me.
Now, she lives and breathes.
I thank you, my friend ...  
I sincerely thank you.
Love ya'

 ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Senior Member
since 2000-02-26
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Regina SK; Canada
12 posted 2000-03-13 04:13 PM

Dear Marge

Just here again to read this poem.  I love it.  It's absolutely unique.  Keeps its impact second time round.  I sent it to my friend in Australia (I live in Canada) who received it with much pleasure, and thinks your a wonderful talent as do I.

Take care


 " single sound too rude
Upon thy slumber shall intrude,
Our thoughts, our souls- O God above!
In every deed shall mingle, love."
--Edgar Allan Poe (from Serenade)

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13 posted 2000-03-13 04:24 PM

   You know, I grew up listening to tales such as this told out on the veranda of a summer evening or by the fire after an autumn's dinner (and still frequent all the storytellings I can) Your poem brings back all the intrigue, the earthy dialect, the feeling of sadness, justice, injustice...all those ideas that go along with tales of this cast. Superb writing, Marge.

~ Claire

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14 posted 2000-03-13 05:02 PM

Marge, I like this so much!!  what a wonderful story you have written, the tone of voice has flawless flavor, and it captured me for sure.  BRAVO!  

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
15 posted 2000-03-13 09:23 PM

My stars !  You do me such tremendous honor.
Thank you so very much.  My regards also to your friend in Australia.  I have a wonderful friend in Canada and a super friend in Australia.  
Again .. I thank you.

How your comments warm my heart.  I did try to tell it as I felt her groundskeeper would have told the story.  He helps her keep up the place still to this day.  I've often wondered if he has covered for her all these years.
Such is the life of mysteries, I guess.

Your comments mean so much to me for sure.
I am glad that I was able to present it in a fashion that drew such accolades.
I guess that Balladeer is one 'right' guy !  
But you and I already knew that didn't we.  

 ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Rex Allen McCoy
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Sippin a Timmy's in London
16 posted 2000-03-13 10:57 PM

Marge ... I could sit and read ones like this all night
Loved it


Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
17 posted 2000-03-14 06:55 AM

Thank you.  I wish I had some more to keep you up all night.  I just may have to search my local history mysteries for more.
So glad you enjoyed.

 ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
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18 posted 2000-03-14 08:56 AM

This is wonderful, Marge... well done!! *S*
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
19 posted 2000-03-14 01:17 PM

Thanks, gal.
It surprises me yet.
I appreciate the folks that have enjoyed it.

 ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-25
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Somewhere... out there...
20 posted 2000-11-19 07:32 PM

   WOW!!  This is incredible!  
   I could hear the voice as I read.
   This pulled me in and had me
   hanging on every word...AWESOME!
   You really know how to tell a tale,
   and this is a very intriguing tale indeed.
   I LOVE IT!!  

   love and hugs,


"...until you have read the verse on his
heart, you have not truely met the poet."

Marge Tindal
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Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
21 posted 2000-11-19 08:06 PM

I'm soooooo glad you read it.
This one still touches me as I will
take a plate of Thanksgiving dinner to
the Widder's house for her and the caretaker.

He is always so appreciative and she doesn't
come out to greet visitors.
Quite the recluse she is.
He and his wife have taken care of her and the place for over 17 years.

I shared this poem with him and he was quite
but you could just see him swell up with pride.
I loved that moment.

I'm glad I shared it here and eternally
grateful to Balladeer for his encouragement
to dig deep for it.
Thanks, again, my friend.

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

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