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Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores

0 posted 2000-02-10 07:37 AM

Shadow's Hand
~Marge Tindal~

behind the shadows
imposed by his tormentors
this child is prevented
from being all he can
We must remove
the tormentor
the brilliance
of the mind of this child.
Unlock the shackling chains
of poverty and ignorance
letting innocence
climb to new heights in the brilliant
mind of a child not yet ready to take on
this great big world alone
He need not go alone for I offer my hand
outstretched and longing to have his grasp mine
I will not stop his coming, but will pull him to me
and show him a wealth of love
The well that shall spring forth
from his knowledge will swell with pride
bringing with it changes
over the land which he now can freely roam
The final frontier is within his reach
and we will reap the harvest of his mind

 ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

© Copyright 2000 Marge Tindal - All Rights Reserved
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since 2000-02-10
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United Kingdom
1 posted 2000-02-10 07:44 AM

That shows that growing up is worthwile, shame I didn't read that poem about five years ago . Great poem, many thanks I found some advise in that .
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-13
Posts 7666
2 posted 2000-02-10 07:44 AM

Wow!  This is a wonderful work, Marge.  Lots can be read into to this on many different levels, (Pondering the child and the tormentor).  Great job.


Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
3 posted 2000-02-10 08:00 AM

It is about growing up to be worthwhile.

In every mind
of every child
there is a thought
that is worthwhile.

Thank you for your 'pondering'.
I have to thank Ron for the inspiration that I found by clicking one of the banners of our sponsors here.
The Ad Council on Learning Disability has a picture of a child with the shadow of a hand across his face.
It caused me to ponder at the ways we allow tormentors to stop our youth from becoming what they can be.
The 'tormentor' takes on many faces ...
poverty and ignorance being only two of those.
As we all are aware there are many more that hinder the 'growth' of a child.
Pondering is a good thing !  

 ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
4 posted 2000-02-10 04:21 PM

This is so true, Marge. There is so much talent and ability and wisdom out there in the children who have little chance of realizing its fruition, due to negligence, poverty and lack of education. So many diamonds in the rough. Fortunately, there are also people like you willing to take the time and effort to care. Bless you.
Echo Rhayne
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Canyon Country, CA
5 posted 2000-02-10 06:56 PM

This is beautiful marge!

 Did Jesus laugh?
I think He did,
'cause He was once
a little kid;
and all of us
were made with joy
both sugar-spice girl
and snake-snail boy!

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6 posted 2000-02-10 07:19 PM

A very powerful message you send here Marge...'re showing your heart again...I read your reply and now that I know what inspired you...the poem is all the more beautiful!!

 Open arms can be the most fragile in the world...

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San Jose, CA, USA
7 posted 2000-02-10 07:24 PM

Great poem, as always Marge. Us kids have a lot of demons to face in life. Many of which are not as obvious as poverty and ignorance. The best we can hope for is to endure until the age at which we can fend off the demons alone.

 I am not a poet, I am merely one who speaks in emotion

Marge Tindal
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since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
8 posted 2000-02-10 07:38 PM

I can try in my little corner of this world, but it will never be enough.
'A mind is a terrible thing to waste.'
Unfortunately, they are wasted everyday.
We all do have a responsibility to help
at least ONE child ... just ONE ?
It doesn't take much, but it sure produces a lot.
Thanks, love for the read.

Thank you for reading and here's hoping you know that I'm pulling for you to get that job you want.

I'm so glad you read it and felt it has merit.  There are soooooo many 'TOR-mentors' and too few 'Mentors'.
We can help change the world, one mind at a time.

I am cognizant of the vast numbers of demons that confront the youth of today.  Those of my generation also had demons ... some conquered and some were conquered.
But, part of my understanding is that NO ONE should have to go the road alone.  NO ONE !
If you ever need a friend, a confidant, a 'demon-chaser' ... let me know.
I'm ready to help.
Love ~*Marge*~

 ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

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9 posted 2000-02-10 08:09 PM

In time each of us leave the world of the living. Therefore the future depends upon the children. It would be tragic to lose even one child who could grow up and leave the world a better place.
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10 posted 2000-02-10 09:03 PM

Children are our future
Just for this alone we should treat them well
But also for their own future to give what we gave them to their children
Such lovely poem you have created a vison of love understanding and dreams
I don't know if it's me but you are getting better and better     :0)

 The ability to describe life with words is similar to painting a picture; both can be powerful tools.

since 2000-02-06
Posts 233
11 posted 2000-02-10 09:09 PM

I am speechless....due partly to the fact that you've written another masterpiece, and partly because of all the great and positive responses you have received--how can I top these????? LOL Great job.     

Bobbycat =^..^=

Member Patricius
since 1999-07-05
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Glen Hope, PA USA
12 posted 2000-02-11 12:11 PM

Such wonderful words spoken  

Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
13 posted 2000-02-11 06:15 AM

Marge this young child must really appreciate the time you are giving and in his eyes you are probably an angel.  Your help now will help him for a lifetime. James
Marge Tindal
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since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
14 posted 2000-02-11 06:37 AM

Thank you.  We can't afford to lose even one child who deserves to have this world opened up to the realization of the fullfillment of his or her potential.

Helmut, my friend-
What a wonderful thing to say.
I thank you from my heart.
We HAVE to give our youth just one chance to be what they can be.
With just a small investment of TIME,
we can enrich the world with the 'riches'
of their minds.

Wow !  I'd have to say
you went over-the-top !  
The 'masterpieces' are written on the
streets of life.
Thank you for your kindness.

Thank you.  We must each 'live' the words
so a child can become what he/she is capable of becoming.

Thanks for the read, my friend.
I currently mentor three
youths to whom I try to give positive encouragement and inspiration.
I am constantly inspired by them.
They light up my life with their dreams.

 ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

JOY 14
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Wisconsin USA
15 posted 2000-02-11 11:18 AM

Exactly.  Every child deserves an education.  Helping one child who can't make it on their own, can make this world better.  Who knows who that child could become?  President, Crusader for world peace, anything, anybody.  


Marge Tindal
Deputy Moderator 5 ToursDeputy Moderator 1 TourDeputy Moderator 1 TourDeputy Moderator 1 Tour
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since 1999-11-06
Posts 42384
Florida's Foreverly Shores
16 posted 2000-02-11 02:25 PM

You are so right.  Sometimes there are tormentors that rob a child of that which he/she deserves.  
I'd like to think of us as the
Robin Hood's of the children's forest.
We can take from those overflowing and share with those children who have not that wealth.
We can and will make a difference through education, love and opportunity to be exposed to the arts.

Thank you for the read and your comments.

 ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

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17 posted 2000-02-11 03:09 PM

   Marge, your poem is exceptional and I praise you for expressing yourself so well.
   I am in agreement with all that has been said in your responses, but wish to add just a bit more ~
   Whether the child to whom I reach, lift up, protect, encourage, nurture, and love becomes a world leader or Nobel Prize recipient matters far less, I believe, than that he grows up knowing that he is cherished, worthwhile, and accountable for his actions. It will be that child, with a full heart and mind, who has the power to, in turn, reach down and lift up another, and continue the offerings of love.
   Again, wonderful poem, Marge!


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