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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
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0 posted 2000-02-06 06:23 PM

In the car that follows the big black hearse
There is near silence, for the people converse
In quiet whispers if they talk at all.
For the coming gauntlet has cast a pall
And there isn't much to say.
Not a person wants to arrive at the place
Where they'll share one last glimpse of a face
That's forever imprinted upon their hearts
But from which they'll now be apart
Until their dying day.
They know that their grief has merely begun
But there's nowhere to hide and they cannot run.
Cars pull off the road in a show of respect
And tears of gratitude flow unchecked
To drip off trembling chins.
The destination is reached and the hearse stops
And the heart of every passenger drops.
Even adults need a comforting hand
To help their shaking knees to stand
As the funeral begins.

© Copyright 2000 suthern - All Rights Reserved
since 1999-12-17
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Washinton State
1 posted 2000-02-06 06:39 PM

I can relate, Suthern, having been to a funeral recently myself. All true what you say. Well written! Thank you.

Senior Member
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2 posted 2000-02-06 06:44 PM

Not a nice thing to do
But a nice poem you did suthern
Remembered my Father and Mother all to well
Very good poem so much emotions

 The ability to describe life with words is similar to painting a picture; both can be powerful tools.

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
3 posted 2000-02-06 06:51 PM

Been there far too many times not to
be moved by this one.
Tastefully done.
The imagery is almost too real and
I'm transported back to tears of remembering.

 ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Member Ascendant
since 1999-09-06
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Sunny Queensland
4 posted 2000-02-06 06:53 PM

Not a nice subject, but beautifully written Suthern.  I'd rather be anywhere than saying goodbye to a loved one.  Well done  

 Let your heart guide you. It whispers, so listen closely.
(Sovereign of the Spirit)

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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
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5 posted 2000-02-06 07:06 PM

Thank you all very much... this is one of those poems started many, many years ago when I was in that car... and was finished just last week when I pulled over for the passing of a funeral procession. I wasn't sure it worked... so your kind words are greatly appreciated! *S*
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Member Seraphic
since 2000-01-18
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with you
6 posted 2000-02-06 07:11 PM

Suthern, very heartfelt; saying good-bye is never easy and sometimes letting go never seems to happen because they stay in our hearts. Sad and beautiful.-SEA
Member Empyrean
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
7 posted 2000-02-06 07:43 PM

It works, Suthern girl. You portray the feelings and emotions very well. Thank you.
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
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Hurricane Alley
8 posted 2000-02-06 07:58 PM

I don't believe I've ever read anything about that time 'between'..very found the emotions perfectly.  

Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
9 posted 2000-02-06 08:47 PM

I can certainly understand that you couldn't finish this for awhile - but I'm glad you did - It's full of emotion - Nicely done, suthern..
Member Elite
since 1999-10-08
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The Hague, The Netherlands
10 posted 2000-02-06 09:24 PM

Sadly enough I'll be at the funeral of someone close Tuesday, but this poem will be in my head. Thanks for sharing it Suthern.
Member Elite
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Southern Florida
11 posted 2000-02-06 10:48 PM

You've captured the very essence of the experience Suthern...
Sad and moving....

Senior Member
since 1999-06-18
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Mechanicsville, Maryland, USA
12 posted 2000-02-06 10:52 PM

Emotions very well captured southern.....  )

 If with pen in hand I've made you think
I've not wasted one drop of ink
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Elizabeth Santos
Member Rara Avis
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13 posted 2000-02-06 10:54 PM

Suthern, A very difficult topic well written, and with grace

Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
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14 posted 2000-02-06 11:44 PM

Yes, Suthern, this is beautifully done and very moving. Great piece of writing!


Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
Posts 9245
15 posted 2000-02-07 12:14 PM

Does it work? It sure does suthern. You've grabbed every emotion and explained it so well. Great job


When you can't make up your mind
Which way is right for you,
Stop and softly ask yourself,
What Would Jesus Do?

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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
Posts 20723
16 posted 2000-02-07 08:00 AM

Wow... thank you all very much! I'm overwhelmed... I know that I can always count on encouragement and support from some of you... but this has responses from people I thought never read my work! LOL. You are all very kind... thank you!!!  

Munda - you have my deepest sympathy and will be in my thoughts.

[This message has been edited by suthern (edited 02-07-2000).]

Senior Member
since 1999-09-02
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17 posted 2000-02-07 09:44 AM

wow suthern, I can't believe how perfectly you portrayed such a sad scene....great writing girl    


ROFGMAO and eating those dang cookies again

[This message has been edited by Iloveit (edited 02-07-2000).]

Seymour Tabin
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Tamarac Fla
18 posted 2000-02-07 09:50 AM

A difficult subject but well done. Enjoyed the read. *L* Sy

Member Patricius
since 1999-07-05
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Glen Hope, PA USA
19 posted 2000-02-07 10:33 AM

I saw everybit of this poem with incredible clarity...well done  
Member Elite
since 1999-07-23
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Boot+Kitty=Poetry in motion
20 posted 2000-02-07 12:16 PM

Belle - This well written poem hits a little too close to home for me.  When I was in my early 20's, I was a Survivor Assistance Officer for widows of young men who died serving their country.  More than once I was in that hearse, in my Uniform, ribbons intact, I'm sure a bitter reminder of why we shared that ride.  Without the comfort of even a distant relationship to the widow and her husband's mother and father, in those darkest times of my life, what could I have said that could have helped?  I still don't know the answer.  I do know that every funeral procession that has passed by me since then has not gone by unnoticed and without regret or respect.  It is truly the hardest of times.  
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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
Posts 20723
21 posted 2000-02-07 04:36 PM

ROFL @ Iloveit's cookies... this poem needed a bit of levity, dear Sybil... thanks! *G*

Seymour & Hoot: Many thanks for the read and the kind comments.

LJA:  Even nearest and dearest friends are at a loss for words... so I'm not surprised you were. You want to take the pain away and know you can't... and the helpless feeling is awful. I'm sorry this brought back painful memories... but after so many years, I welcomed the opportunity to write it and get rid of it! *S*

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since 1999-07-23
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Boot+Kitty=Poetry in motion
22 posted 2000-02-07 04:42 PM

Belle - and I'm glad you wrote it, too.  This poem was quite lovely.
Member Ascendant
since 1999-10-28
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state of confusion
23 posted 2000-02-07 07:04 PM

Wonderfully descriptive poem on a universal subject! You took the reader right into that car with you.


since 1999-12-26
Posts 130
24 posted 2000-02-07 07:18 PM

This was so tastefully done. I think we can all relate to it. You wrote it so well. I must admit I read the first lines and thought I would have to leave, but I'm glad I stayed to read it all.
Echo Rhayne
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Canyon Country, CA
25 posted 2000-02-08 11:07 AM

suthern, you words described this oh so well.  As much as this happens I am surprised that many do not write about it, but you my dear, did an excellent job writing it, no matter how long it took you!  Reading it brought me back to all the times I have been in that line myself, or have seen one.  Its always heartbreaking either way!  

 Just be glad I'm not your child! *evil grin*

Member Ascendant
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Ala bam a
26 posted 2000-02-08 11:31 AM

Well done usual...but tell me something....what's more disheartening?...A  hearse......or a cane truck?
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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
Posts 20723
27 posted 2000-02-08 11:44 AM

Thank you all very much!! *S* And Toe... that's easy... the misery of following a cane truck ends as soon as it turns... unless, of course, the frustration of following one puts me IN a hearse before that blessed event occurs! LOL
Member Elite
since 1999-07-31
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United Kingdom
28 posted 2000-02-08 07:39 PM

Isn't it strange how words can evoke images or memories...when I read this last night, I was stunned at the images my mind recalled...of my own father's death...not particularly pleasant as it was sudden and he was only 57, the protocol that had to be followed and the lack of respect of fellow road users, they just tried to get between the hearse and the following procession...and even though I'm talking years ago, I've never been able to attend a funeral since, the funeral director's dropping my father down the stairs, crashing him through a window, my own memories of eating a chinese when he died, how could I?..I should have tears allowed and hearing the scream as the curtains closed, looking round and realising it was me..

So well written Suthern, has dignity and immense's the first time I looked back at the nightmares really and yes, you caught the sadness, well, you epitomised it..

HUSG< !signature-->

 The grape passes through the press to yield wine.
Your life must pass through the press of passion and pain to yield the wine of wisdom..

[This message has been edited by RainbowGirl (edited 02-08-2000).]

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