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Open Poetry #6
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Junior Member
since 2000-02-26
Posts 48

0 posted 2000-02-26 03:38 AM


The sun is sinking softly,
Into the ev'ning sky,
The wind is tugging gently,
At the trees it's passing by.

The crickets click contented,
As the darkness closes down,
Up here it is so peaceful,
Unlike the air in town.

I sit and sadly wonder,
As the stars come out to shine,
Is nature just a toy?,
That we will leave behind.

In centuries from now,
When the sun is sinking low,
Will someone still remain,
To see the daylight go.

Will this earth live on,
When we've fought our final war,
When we've fought amongst ourselves,
Just to even up a score.

What will be the outcome,
When greed has had it's way?,
When we ask to much of nature,
And it's all but gone away.

When there are no more flowers,
The trees and wildlife rare,
When the stream’s become to salty,
And smog is everywhere.

I guess there'll still be sunsets,
Just breaking through the gloom,
With nothing left of nature,
'Cause we didn't have the room.

© Copyright 2000 Paul Middleton - All Rights Reserved
christies heart
since 1999-08-10
Posts 189
1 posted 2000-02-26 05:36 AM

Good questions here! Probably a true answer too..:/  Very nice poem..

 Grant that I may not judge my niegbor until I have walked a mile in his moccasians

Native American prayer

Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612
Hurricane Alley
2 posted 2000-02-26 07:07 AM

Lovely poem with some good questions.. liked your imagery here.

Member Elite
since 2000-02-16
Posts 2637
3 posted 2000-02-26 04:08 PM


Iloved this poem and I hope it does not come true, but is some thing to think about???


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