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Elizabeth Santos
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-11-08
Posts 9269

0 posted 2000-01-31 05:23 AM

Why Ask Why?

Why ask the why of what it is
This thing we've given name of "Life"
Why delve so deep in reason's womb
Dissecting it with blade of knife

Why search so deep the when of it
In history's documented file
When all the answers of the mind
Are right before us all the while

Why ask the how of origin
In finding kinship of the soul
Why probe into the deep of sea
And vast of stars to know the whole

Let free the mind to feel the wind
That rides the swish of feathered wing
Just bask in essence of the true
The answer's in a sparrow's sing

And listen close the mystery clue
The flutter of a sparrow's wing

And let the spirit bathe anew
The answer's in a sparrow's sing

Elizabeth Santos

© Copyright 2000 Elizabeth Santos - All Rights Reserved
Safwan Arekat
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since 2000-01-29
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1 posted 2000-01-31 05:38 AM


Absolutely fabulous in form and spirit ! It finds resonance in the deepest recesses of my being. Actually I wrote a book devoted to making the reader stop asking idle questions about the reality we experience. It is a scientist perspective. Your's has a very human touch, one that I am aspiring to follow.
It might be pertinent to make avilable my scientist's minds perspective. But I do not want to clutter with posts about the "Seven H*rl*ts".

Thank you for all your comments. Thats what the card was about.

Thank you very much indeed !

Your admirer,


Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
2 posted 2000-01-31 06:45 AM

Elizabeth, my friend-
Such wonderful phrases flowing through my morning.  

Why indeed ... she heard a sparrow sing.
'Tis good enough for me.

 ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Member Elite
since 2000-01-18
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3 posted 2000-01-31 08:22 AM

Don't ask why just live it...Lovely poem  
Seymour Tabin
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since 1999-07-07
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Tamarac Fla
4 posted 2000-01-31 08:51 AM

Limitations lead to questions,
That often leads to indigestion,
Never the less a question is a question.
Your poem is exquisite and it should
only happen. Love Sy

since 2000-01-29
Posts 102
5 posted 2000-01-31 09:54 AM

Very deep.  Your poem is just beautiful.  I love it!


Junior Member
since 2000-01-29
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Escondido, CA USA
6 posted 2000-01-31 10:07 AM

For me, and lots of others, that have looked Death in the face, and decided to stay here instead, I think this becomes one of our Themes of Life!

Way ta go!

Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648

7 posted 2000-01-31 10:25 AM

Asking why is usually a dead end endeavor. This is lovely, Elizabeth!


Elizabeth Santos
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-11-08
Posts 9269
8 posted 2000-01-31 11:34 AM

Sefwan, Thank you for your interesting comments
Marge, Actually, our yard was full of robins this morning (January 31!). Thank you
Tracey, That's right , no need to ask why if you already have the answer.
Sy, I never do get indigestion
From this kind of nagging question
The why of life just blurs my eye
And that is why i don't ask why
Thanks for your poem
Me2 Yes, I have also looked death in the face and it looked back, but God had other plans. Thank you
Denise, Thank you "GAF" (Guardian Angel of the Forum)

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
9 posted 2000-01-31 04:46 PM

Much truth in this one, Elizabeth.

Don't question why the robin sings
Or why the rainbows glow
Don't question all the many things
That we will never know.

Just listen to the robin's song
Enjoy the rainbow's glare
Acknowledge God knows right from wrong
And put your faith right there.

Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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10 posted 2000-01-31 05:19 PM

This way of looking at life is sure to bring peace
I am looing outside my door at raindrop on a leaf
and all the questioning time I've known
is told inside its crystal dome.

Lovely poem Liz

 In the dew of little things,
the heart finds its morning
and is refreshed.
(ee cummings)

Elizabeth Santos
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-11-08
Posts 9269
11 posted 2000-01-31 09:44 PM

Balladeer, You got it right, with this little poem. Thank you

Martie,In a raindrop's crystal dome
Or sparrows sing that we've all known
Thanks Martie

G. A. Webb
since 2000-01-21
Posts 441
Stanton, California, USA
12 posted 2000-01-31 09:55 PM

Great piece! I was able to loose myself in your thoughts and ponder the question why. Bravo!

 Regret not that which you have done,
Rather that which you haven't

One Who Understands
since 2000-01-20
Posts 251
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
13 posted 2000-02-01 12:17 PM

Wow! such an excellent poem. and such an excellent response by Balladeer.  You spoke my words today
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