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Senior Member
since 2000-01-06
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0 posted 2000-01-17 01:27 PM

Weeping Willow

There is she, a small girl young and shy
Not comprehending why
Night after night, she weeps
Crying her self to sleep
With pain embossed so deep.

Married just two years ago
Now…not knowing what to do
She already lost her laughter
From day one and there ever after
A baby girl was borne last year
Yet nobody ever seen a tear

She hides the blue and yellow marks
Not to get him to embark
She tries so hard to keep the faith
Burning out slowly with embroiling blaze
There seems no way for her to go
There seems no pass that one will show
She feels every single blow

Hiding the truth inside her heart
Feeling guilty with only one reward
His hand thrown in her face
Not soft but hard, it will embrace
She hopes he will stop, it’s all her fault
She doesn’t see the iron vault
In which this abuse will cast her in
She is young and soft, can she ever win

She is like “The Woman in the Window”
Underneath the weeping willow

I just found out that a young lady that I know as my friend has an abusive husband. I am devastated. Please forgive my English. I had to write this down.
Thank you Ruth for the title of you poem. I hope you do not mind that I borrowed it.

 The ability to describe life with words is similar to painting a picture; both can be powerful tools.

© Copyright 2000 Helmut Becker - All Rights Reserved
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1 posted 2000-01-17 01:39 PM

This poor girl!!! The thing that's so sad is that she's so young and she's believing it's her fault. Give her BIG HUGS for me, I hope she gets through this!!  

 Open arms can be the most fragile in the world...

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Southern Florida
2 posted 2000-01-17 01:49 PM

I am sorry to hear about your friend
Helmut. I too, lived through an abusive
marriage, and yes I did survive...but
just barely.
Unfortunately the abusive behavior
generally never stops and, in fact,
gets only worse as time goes on. Your
fiend needs help and there is help out
there. Womens Shelters, counseling,
just to name a few.
And as I see it, she is not
alone....she has your friendship
...This helps so very much when someone
is in her situation and feels such
Thank you for this heartfelt piece....

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3 posted 2000-01-17 01:51 PM

Helmut, your English is just fine, and your poem, well written and heartbreaking. I'm sorry to hear of your friend's tragic circumstance. Ultimately, it must be her own doing that brings her away from this man, but with support and what strength she can find within herself, she can do it.

Dear LadyClaire

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-13
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4 posted 2000-01-17 02:28 PM

As devina said, it's terrible she would believe it's her own fault, but many abuse victims do.  Very well written piece, Helmet,
but I just wanna cry foul at the same time.  I will hold your friend in my prayers.


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Oregon, Originally From Alaska :)
5 posted 2000-01-17 03:14 PM

I hope someone can help your friend...this is serious and sooo very sad!!  A very beautiful poem!!

Take Care

Member Patricius
since 1999-07-05
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Glen Hope, PA USA
6 posted 2000-01-17 03:37 PM

You know how deeply this one touches me my friend. Having been there, I know how it can be, the blame, the fear, the hurt. As I said, the best you can do is be there to support her and offer help, she is the one who has to make the final decision that things must change. Hopefully she comes to her senses much quicker than I did. Seventeen years is a large portion of ones life to lose, although I don't regret what those years have made me, I do regret the loss of all I could have done those 17 years. I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers.
Hugs and Love my dear friend,

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7 posted 2000-01-17 03:59 PM

I am overwhelmed by all your responces.
All of you are so kind.
I thank you for your words of support.
I promisse I will do my best to protect and help her where ever I can.

Friends are special
You show it here...loud and clear
Thank you

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United Kingdom
8 posted 2000-01-17 05:16 PM

Please add HUGS from me as well and from experience...go now, before all strength is gone, before the spirit becomes equally as battered..


 Don't ask me where I'm going, just listen when I'm gone and far away you'll hear me singing softly to the dawn.

Member Empyrean
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9 posted 2000-01-17 05:25 PM

A beautifully done poem about a heart breaking situation.  I'm sure your friendship and support can help her.
Senior Member
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10 posted 2000-01-17 06:22 PM

Thank you for the hugs I realy can use them.
And I agree, but how do I make her see.
I will try I promisse.
I am ashamed as a man. How can a man do such terrible things. I'm so sorry Rainbow, Ruth, Pepper and others that I do not know.

 The ability to describe life with words is similar to painting a picture; both can be powerful tools.

Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
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11 posted 2000-01-17 08:31 PM

I was there too, Helmut, for fourteen years. I can relate so well to this. The one thing I was spared from, though, was the 'blaming's my fault' feeling. Unlike so many others who have been in this horrible nightmare, I never believed that. And like Ruth, I'm glad for the person I am today because of it, but deeply regret the lost years...They can never be gotten back. Hopefully your friend will 'open her eyes' before too long....sadly, and abuser seldom changes.....


And slight is the sting of his trouble
Whose winnings are less than his worth;
For he who is honest is noble,
Whatever his fortunes or birth.~~~Alice Cary, ~Nobility~

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12 posted 2000-01-18 08:16 AM

I'm sorry to read that you shared the same fate. And thanks for your kind reply. My heart goes out to you.

 The ability to describe life with words is similar to painting a picture; both can be powerful tools.

Dark Angel
Member Patricius
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13 posted 2000-01-18 08:41 AM

Helmut, I echo RainbowGirl..."go now, before all strength is gone, before the spirit becomes equally as battered.."
Your friend is in my prayers and so are you.
a sad and beautiful poem!!

 What comes from the heart goes to the heart.
Samuel Coleridge

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14 posted 2000-01-18 09:24 AM

Helmut , I am so sorry to hear of your friend's terrible situation , I have seen this before , I know how hard it can be , very sad poem , wishing you and your friend all the best ,Your both in my prayers  
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Member Seraphic
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15 posted 2000-01-18 11:52 AM

This is beautiful and heartbreaking, Helmut.
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16 posted 2000-01-18 01:50 PM

"I am ashamed as a man. How can a man do such terrible things"

Helmut, we cannot know the answer to that..why some people truly do the awful things they do; but please, do not be ashamed for being a man.  Your compassion and strength as a friend to this woman, your caring nothing to be ashamed of.  You show much with this; and even thought I know you not, I can see that she is blessed to have a friend such as you.

Such a heartbreaking poem, and so very well written.  You and your friend are in my thoughts and prayers.

 May I never be too busy to help another's load,
Then I'll be drinking from the saucer 'cause my cup has overflowed.

--Author Unknown

angel girl
since 1999-07-23
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within a whisper...
17 posted 2000-01-18 02:25 PM

This is beautiful. I can definately relate. My real father abused me for years.

 One touch of nature makes the whole world kin.
-William Shakespeare

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18 posted 2000-01-18 04:15 PM

This is very beautiful HelmutB....You sure know how to write about some very sensitive issues.  What can I say that hasn't already been said many times over?  She is very lucky to have you as a's a shame this happens all too often.  Thank you for sharing this beautiful work.

 ** I'm reaching for the brightest star I've ever seen - knock my ladder out from under me, and you'll wish you hadn't !! -pFF ** Here's to 2000!

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19 posted 2000-01-18 04:31 PM

Thank you to all of you
Your replies mean a lot to me, so very much
And for her, I will do whatever I can to be there for her. Thank you once more from deep down in my heart. I will keep you informed as time goes on.  

 The ability to describe life with words is similar to painting a picture; both can be powerful tools.

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
20 posted 2000-01-19 02:32 AM


The subject matter of this poem is
a matter that brings tremendous grief
to me.

It is imperative that you show your friend as much love and support as is possible.
Let your strength become her own.
Don't let her cover it up with you.
If she has brothers or sisters, try to get her to tell them.  Whatever you do just may save her life.

Any person who raises their hand to another human being is out of control.

Helmut, I lost a friend to spousal abuse.
She paid with her life and left two children to be raised by her relatives.  

It's very hard for me to realize just how difficult it is for someone to escape from an abusive relationship.  But my friend, Janet, paid with her life ... the price was too high.

I do not envy you the vigil you keep.
But keep it, my friend.  
Your friend needs you very much.
I will keep your friend and you in prayer.
Love ~*Marge*~


 ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

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21 posted 2000-01-19 02:47 AM

I read this poem and shed a tear for you & your friend & many others, some I know...beautiful poem.


Echo Rhayne
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Canyon Country, CA
22 posted 2000-01-19 02:58 AM

So tragic yet hard to read having been there myself (not husband but boyfriend), I just wish I had a friend such as yourself who could have helped get me out of it.  God bless you!!

 ~*~ ^i^ ~*~ Love is such a lonely art, and death is but a taste. Minds are merely instruments that often go to waste! ~*~ ^i^ ~*~

since 2000-01-08
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Seattle area
23 posted 2000-01-19 03:16 AM

I too am touched by this one.
I agree that she is blessed to have a friend like you.
I too will pray for your friend,pray that
God gives her the strength to leave this angry child that she`s with before he causes any more pain to her and or any children that they may have.
Thanx For Sharing This
God Bless Both of You.

Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
24 posted 2000-01-19 05:49 AM

Hi Helmut I read this earlier and I just read it again and I thought if a man came into someones house and stole their possessions, the furniture, the jewelry, the computer, would we allow this to happen without calling the police?  And how much more valuable is a woman's need to live without fear and to be loved and appreciated in her own home.  With friends like you standing with her she will have the courage to say no more.    The poem is compassionate and revealing.  The husband is pathetic and disgusting.   James
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25 posted 2000-01-19 06:22 PM

Thank you to all for your support
I have the feeling that I'm not alone
And this is a good feeling
Like a family
Thank you again.
One day I'm sure we will get to our goal.
Sorry for the short comment but I'm too busy at the moment. I will get back to all of you
I Know I have your prayers and thought.

< !signature-->

 The ability to describe life with words is similar to painting a picture; both can be powerful tools.  

[This message has been edited by HelmutB (edited 01-19-2000).]

Member Elite
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26 posted 2000-01-19 06:29 PM

Well done.
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