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Titia Geertman
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0 posted 2007-06-16 12:49 PM

Today, at 17.30 (local time) the Dutch National Team won the Olympic Qualifier Games Softball 2007. They won from Italy with 3-2 and our daughter Lynn Karijn made the last 0 by catching the ball. She plays second base.

I'm so proud of these girls, because they all play softball besides a fulltime job, while in the Italian National team 6 out of 9 were temporary naturalized USA softball players.


Lynn has had a very bad knee injury, couple of years ago and yesterday she couldn't play because of it. Today she was feeling better and played the finals. This was her last year in the National team and what a super ending of her softball career it will be, playing in the Olympics in Bejing next year.

I'm so really, really glad for her.

Here's a link to the results


Like scattered words will flow

© Copyright 2007 Titia Geertman - All Rights Reserved
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1 posted 2007-06-16 02:08 PM

Very cool and though American, I'm glad the American ringers in an Italian team got thumped.  I mean, shouldn't the Italian team be made up of...oh, I dunno...Italians?  Makes me wonder how many Americans will be in Italy's Football (Soccer) teams.

Anyhow.  Congrats! And here's to your daughter who made the winning catch.

Marge Tindal
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2 posted 2007-06-16 02:16 PM

You KNOW that I am SO PROUD of, and for, Lynn~

Thank you dearest friend for letting us know~


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Sycamore, IL, USA
3 posted 2007-06-16 04:46 PM

That's wonderful!  Olympics, WoW!  It's so pleasing to see their hard work pay off in such a grand opportunity.


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Santa Monica, California, USA
4 posted 2007-06-16 06:12 PM

Fantastic!!!!  My favorite niece is a softball pitcher at Lehigh University.  Maybe 2012 for her...

It takes a great family to support a great athlete through the many years of training, perhaps particularly in a sport which is played for the love of it, not the potential of huge economic rewards.  

Wonderful personal reward for your daughter Lynn's years of effort.  A chance to visit China and represent your country!  The stuff of dreams come true!

Totally impressed and delighted!

Best, Jim

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5 posted 2007-06-16 07:14 PM

how cool is that !!!
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Member Seraphic
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6 posted 2007-06-17 01:49 AM

Congratulations to Lynn!!! So completely awesome!!
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7 posted 2007-06-17 10:54 AM


The only non-American I will be rooting for... uh... uuntil they play the Americans in the Gold Medal Round, that is....

Give your daughter our best, and most sincere congrats... and tell her to please take care of those knees... being in pain sicks.

What would you attempt to do...if you knew you could not fail?.

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8 posted 2007-06-18 08:08 AM

Titia, give your daughter our heart-felt congratulations!  Thank you for being the bearer of such wonderful news!

Member Seraphic
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9 posted 2007-06-18 08:11 AM

What a wonderful accomplishment!!  Titia you AND Muys are blessed.  Give your daughter big huge PiP congratulations...
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
10 posted 2007-06-19 12:14 PM

Dutchie, this is a wonderful thing! I know how hard your daughter has worked at this and how proud you are of her. This is a perfect way for her career to finish. I'll be cheering for her and the team
Titia Geertman
Member Ascendant
since 2001-05-07
Posts 5182
11 posted 2007-06-21 08:18 AM

I've send the link to this page to Lynn so she could read all your good wishes and here's a message to you from her:

To everybody from overseas, thank you very much for your sweet reply's. My
knee will just need to hang on for one more year and it will!!!!
My mom always forwards her poems and I can tell you that I am proud of her
for writing those beautiful poems. When I read them I often think back of
her trip to some of you, couple of years ago. How much she enjoyed that
meeting. Puts a big smile on my face.


Like scattered words will flow

Earth Angel
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12 posted 2007-06-21 08:47 AM

My goodness! Bring out the bubbly! What an achievement! I am thrilled for you all!

You are one proud momma ~ and deservedly so!

I am going to send some distant healing for Lynn's trick knee. She needs them both to be in fine working order!

Congratulatory hugs all around!


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