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Posts 180

0 posted 2006-03-28 12:08 PM


I have recorded a CD of spoken word poetry, some piano compositions & piano improvs, and a couple of songs.

The CD is called "Perimeters."

If you'd like to have one, please send me your snail mail address and I'll put one in the mail to you.

email your address to - [email protected]


Oh ... and how have y'all been? Haven't talked to you in eons! (Except, of course, for those I've talked to much more recently )

© Copyright 2006 doreen_peri - All Rights Reserved
serenity blaze
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1 posted 2006-03-28 12:26 PM

It's a great cd to cook supper by, folks.

and I wanted to hug Lucy, too.

Miss ya lady.

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Member Seraphic
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2 posted 2006-03-28 12:54 PM

You're cooking supper for us, sen? *hopeful look*

Email's on its way, dor... *S*

Posts 180

3 posted 2006-03-28 02:13 PM

harpo!!! good to see ya.. miss you too! Glad you enjoyed it!  

suthern- gotchyer mail. Good to hear from you. Long time! Thanks for wanting to listen. Will ship one out to you later this week.


This announcement is a little late. The CD is a 2005 CD. I'm in process of working on a new one for 2006.

Miss you all.

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British Columbia, Canada
4 posted 2006-03-28 02:23 PM

Hi lady!  I still listen to my favorite cuts on it - and you forgot to mention ... you did the artwork on the cover which I thought was Monet, remember? LOL  Glad to see you getting yourself circulated especially here among old friends.  Take care lady, and talk to you soon.
Local Rebel
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Southern Abstentia
5 posted 2006-03-28 05:14 PM


congratulations on its' completion

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Listening to every heart
6 posted 2006-03-28 07:41 PM

Reb...get yourself a copy...
you'll be mightily impressed!

I know I am!

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7 posted 2006-03-28 10:49 PM

Well hello there rainbow lady.
You betcha, I'm sending the snail mail addy tonight! I'd would love to listen to the music,  and listening to you read your poems would be an incredible treat!

Member Patricius
since 1999-07-05
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Glen Hope, PA USA
8 posted 2006-03-29 07:06 AM

I've already heard some of it and can't wait for my own copy

Posts 180

9 posted 2006-03-29 01:57 PM

MysteriousOne -
I'm so happy you liked listening and have some favorites on the CD! Thank you and thanks again for sending out a previous announcement to people by email!   ... you're a gem! ... But Monet? NO! No Monet necessary! I'm giving them away for free! lol

Rebel -
Yep, that would be the pun. PERImeters. Thanks for the congrats.

SunshineyOne -
And I am impressed by your novel, also! Review is coming soon! I'm almost finished reading it. Thank you for listening!  

Midnitesun & hoot_owl...
I got your emails and will be shipping you both a CD this weekend. Thank you so much for wanting to listen! Great to *see* you all again!

I've missed my friends on this website!

serenity blaze
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since 2000-02-02
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10 posted 2006-03-29 04:32 PM

I wish I could cook supper for ALL of you--tho I'm warning ya--I have gained a bit of weight--don't ask how much, even at the doc's office I step on the scale backwards!

I have work to keep this figure!

and oh dor, seems like old times a bit, eh?

and ruthie? You are more than welcome--anytime.

Larry C
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11 posted 2006-03-29 08:46 PM

Dor! Thanks a ton for the CD. My wife and I listened to it and had a blast. You rock. Thanks for being so generous. It was fun to hear your voice AND your handy work.

If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane,
I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

Posts 180

12 posted 2006-03-31 11:25 AM

sereneOne - Thanks! I'm starved! It only seems like old times because time is a continuum. There is only one time. This time. Now.  I remember so many things I love to remember and so many things I'd rather forget which is so exactly similar to how I felt before that it seems vaguely familiar indeed. Timing is everything. Except for when you've lost your watch. Or especially when the clock has stopped but then again when the clock has stopped, does time cease to be or matter? No! I'm sure you'll agree with that. Once upon a time there was a fairytale. I'd go on with this but you know the ending. The End.

Larry - So happy to hear you got it and you and your wife listened! Thank you kindly for lending me your ears. And thanks to your lady, also! Glad you liked the packaging. I tried my best to make it look pretty because we all know, good things come in pretty packages. No wait! That's little packages, right? Damn, maybe I should have recorded it on one of those mini-tapes? I screwed up again! phooey

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standing on a shadow's lace
13 posted 2006-03-31 05:13 PM

can not wait to get mine...she goes to the mail box...looks...she goes to the mail box...looks...she goes to the mail box...
Posts 180

14 posted 2006-04-05 01:35 AM

I'm late sending these... burning the cds right now and printing the covers... they'll be mailed within the next couple of days... again thanks to all who asked for one!  Scathingly critical reviews and critiques welcome, of course! Another one's in the works plus doing some stuff with video, too, so hope to come up with a dvd some time in the future...  love ya all! Miss you much.
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British Columbia, Canada
15 posted 2006-04-09 02:03 AM

Don't forget to sign them Dor
Posts 180

16 posted 2006-04-09 06:37 PM

hmm... well, MysteriousOne, I signed a little note I put inside of them. Does that count?

Y'think that maybe if I become a poet who's name people recognize after I'm dead for about 100 years, my signature can be sold on ebay for 50ยข or something?

Earth Angel
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Realms of Light
17 posted 2006-04-09 06:59 PM

Hi, Doreen!

Fantastic! I applaud you! Flirty 2

~ You sure are making a lot of people happy with the generous sharing of your talents!

Love & Light,

Elizabeth Santos
Member Rara Avis
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18 posted 2006-04-10 10:58 AM

Thank you for sending me a copy, Doreen. I have listened to it several times, the first time when Nan and Hootowl were here, and each time I am equally impressed with your talents. It is very enjoyable and I highly recomend my fellow poets to take Doreen up on her offer.
THank you for sending it to me. It was very kind and thoughtful and much appreciated

Elizabeth Santos
Member Rara Avis
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19 posted 2006-04-10 11:00 AM

Oh, I forgot to meantion the art work.
You are very creative and talented in so many ways.

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20 posted 2006-04-10 03:36 PM

I am so enjoying the CD...thank you so much!!  
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21 posted 2006-04-10 06:45 PM

cd just arrived  an hour ago
and I am halfway through  listening, and enjoying every ssingle bit of it

btw, my parakeets loved that first track

thank you dearest dor

Posts 180

22 posted 2006-04-10 08:52 PM

Linda - why thank you so much! Want one?

Liz - Great to see you! Thanks for your kind accolades. I'm glad you enjoyed it! Hope all is well with you! I think of you often and miss your poetry.

Martie - Thank you so much for listening and for your kind words! I miss your poetry too.

Kacy - That's very tweet of you to say that! First track is the Cabaradio Rag, the theme song I wrote for our Cabaradio Show. We're doing another one... well, actually 2 of them... as part of the Capital Fringe Festival this summer.. very first Fringe festival in DC ever. I'll post some info about the show later (I hope). Oh and I miss your poetry too!

Posts 180

23 posted 2006-04-11 12:13 PM

I'm working on a Beatles medley I arranged for the show. I havent' written the poetry yet or choreographed the dance but it will be a multiple combination of something or other. I recorded this tonight between Scrabble games. I know. I have a few mistakes but hell, I'm working on 'em anyway and if you just don't pay attention to the errors, I'd be grateful. I can't write the accompanying spoken poetry until I get this track down and I can't choreograph the accompanying mime/dance until I get this track down so thank you for bearing with me.

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24 posted 2006-04-11 12:33 PM

I'm waiting to hear "Stuck into the Jack in the Back of a Mac" talk about originality!
good to listen to your words and piano. BTW, I simply loved the Take Me track. A lightning rod/peri-sensual duet!

Posts 180

25 posted 2006-04-11 01:16 AM

heh.. the "take me" track was just me. All by my lonesome. I made that up and everything. lol... no duet.. a singular production... you're a dear, kacy... it's got lyrics to it, too, just haven't recorded them yet .. thanks so much!... "stuck in the jack in the back of a mac" is coming next time maybe.. lol.. thanks for listening and laughing with me!
Earth Angel
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Realms of Light
26 posted 2006-04-11 01:21 AM

Oh, yes indeed! I would love one! Thank you! You didn't have to ask me twice! lol

I've already sent you an email!


Posts 180

27 posted 2006-04-11 01:21 AM

You might be referring to the "you make" track. Take? Make? it's tough to distinguish between the two.. lol.. that was lightning on the "you make" track. I'm getting dizzy. So what's new, huh? you make you take take me make me.. arghhh...
Posts 180

28 posted 2006-04-11 01:23 AM

Hi Linda! Got your email.. ..thanks.for wanting to listen to my inanities!.... sending it soon..
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standing on a shadow's lace
29 posted 2006-04-15 10:34 PM the cd...i JUST loveeeeeeeeeeeee it... thank you so much looking forward to vol 2 giggle...helen

thank you again smooch

passing shadows
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30 posted 2006-04-17 09:40 AM

I just got mine too! I think you are absolutely awesome Doreen!! This is a GREAT CD! Thank you for sending it to me!

well done girlie!

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British Columbia, Canada
31 posted 2006-04-17 01:05 PM

Dor, hey!  Can you fix the link it goes to "nowhereland" - tah.         Oh, this one...

It says, "Not Found - The requested URL /musicpost/dp/beatlesmedley_2006.mp3 was not found on this server.  Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Whatever that means?

Posts 180

32 posted 2006-04-17 02:54 PM

Helen & Dixie - You're both so very kind! Thank you for listening and for your generous accolades! You made my day!

Sharon -
The link doesn't work because I removed the file because I need to re-record it. I wasn't happy with it. It's a Beatles medley I arranged which includes Michelle, Hey Jude, Across the Universe, Your Mother Should Know, When I'm 64, Mr. Kite, While My Guitar Gently Weeps, and Michelle again. It's a 5 minute piece and I can't seem to play the whole thing through yet without making a couple of mistakes and that's not good enough.... so I'm working on it. The plan is to use the piano medley as a background for a spoken word piece called "Michelle & Jude" - a love story. Thanks for clicking and sorry the link didn't work. I'll let you know when I get a new recording up!

Earth Angel
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Realms of Light
33 posted 2006-05-17 09:26 AM

Doreen, I just finished listening to Perimeters 2005! Thank you for your generosity and for sharing your talent and creativity with us. I was tickled by your tickling of the ivories and by the sweetness of the flute (lightening?).

Summertime is one of my all-time favourite songs and I enjoyed your rendition of it.

It was a treat to hear a poet recite their own poetry and you did it so well. Your earthy voice worked well with your bawdy, down-to-earth poems.

You Make ~ Wow! I listened to it three times! The first was simply appreciating the whole package, and then I concentrated on your voice and then on lightening's! Magic! ~ and hot!

The closing track got my day off on a lively note!

I appreciate all the talent, creativity, and work that went into producing your CD ~ and your sharing of it with us!

Love & Light-ening,

Dark Angel
Member Patricius
since 1999-08-04
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34 posted 2006-05-17 06:03 PM

Hey Doreen, I got your CD too, woohoo...

it's absolutely awesome, YOU are awesome..

your manner of writing, speaking and performing reminds me of Ani Di Franco.

Can't wait to listen to it again today..

Thank you so much for sharing it with us

so ther's going to be a volume two?

kewl, I want it!

how i would love you, love you as no one ever did! Die and still, love you more. And still love you more..and more

Posts 180

35 posted 2006-05-18 12:33 PM

Linda and Maree - I'm so glad you both got the CD! Usually when I ship something out of the country, the shipping store I use has me fill out a customs slip which indicates what the package is (even when it's obviously a CD.. lol). Anyway, there was a new girl there and she didn't ask me to fill out the customs form and I realized this after I got back home and in my head I thought they'd never get there and be returned to me. (Geesh... where else would I think except for "in my head"? ) Whew! I DO ramble, huh? Soooo... I'm very happy to know you both got one and listened and I'm elated that you liked my meager attempts at trying to play piano and speak and sing. You're both very kind to say all those nice things! Thank you!
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