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Member Patricius
since 2003-12-05
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0 posted 2006-03-05 05:37 AM

Calling all Pipsters --

Please keep Martyjo and her family members in your thoughts and/or prayers.  Her brother is gravely ill with cancer.  

Martyjo, you and your brother are on my list.  My heart goes out to you in this very tough time.  

© Copyright 2006 J.A.A.Powell - All Rights Reserved
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Canada eh.
1 posted 2006-03-05 08:26 AM

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Listening to every heart
2 posted 2006-03-05 08:40 AM


You know you have my prayers, dear.  

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Member Patricius
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just out of reach
3 posted 2006-03-05 09:09 AM

Marge Tindal
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4 posted 2006-03-05 11:37 AM

You know my prayers are there~

~*The sound of a kiss is not as strong as that of a cannon, but it's echo endures much longer*~
Email -   [email protected]

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5 posted 2006-03-05 05:56 PM

What a beautiful piece of music Jo sent to Earth Angel. I needed it myself  last night because I heard from my brother who is still in the hospital that they found his problem is cancer. ( they originally thought this problem was from mold in the A/C.)  It is  sad that they can not help him and the doctors say a few days. Two of his daughters are flying in Monday and his older son is flying in again Today. But his wish is for my brother and I not to go back to see him now.  He does not want us to remember him in ill  health. We are obeying his wishes but are having a hard time with that.  We have both been to see him but he has said his good bye to us each over the telephone last night. I was alone and had been playing the music Jo had sent for Earth Angel over and over again. So I wrote to thank her for that piece. I am really okay with God's plans for him as he was  very active up until the end of January when he went to the hospital with what we all thought was pneumonia.  Thank you all for your concern , I appreciate you all. martyjo

Member Patricius
since 2003-12-05
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6 posted 2006-03-05 06:14 PM

Martyjo, I'm putting the song here on this link to the song here for you, too.
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Listening to every heart
7 posted 2006-03-05 06:28 PM

He does not want us to remember him in ill health.


Not only did my brother say that to me, but my mother as well. I believe that images mean a lot to the dying...if it is sudden, then, of course, there's nothing that can be done about last images.

But when the dying person has a choice? That you are honoring that choice tells me of your greatest love for him.  This, I know, and this, I appreciate.  I know how hard it is, yes.  But, my dear friend, it is also one of the greatest gifts, to honor one's last wish.

My prayers continue to be with you, and yours.

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Member Patricius
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Idaho, USA
8 posted 2006-03-05 07:02 PM

Martyjo:  I am so sorry to learn of this aad situation in your family. I am saying prayers for you and your loved ones.

Betty Lou

Betty Lou Hebert

Member Rara Avis
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9 posted 2006-03-05 09:43 PM

Martyjo, I am so sorry. Sending you hugs.
Member Elite
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Sycamore, IL, USA
10 posted 2006-03-05 10:23 PM

How very sad.  This minute I'm asking our Father in heaven to bring peace to each of you.  

Bless you,


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11 posted 2006-03-05 11:23 PM

Thank you all. I told him he looked fine which he did last week, dispite the loss of thirty pounds. I said, "If you don't stand up no one will notice." That caused him to laugh because he has not been on his feet for two weeks. It just knocked him out. He looked good but is so weak. That is not what he is used to.I am going to work tonight as my younger brother can call me there. I am just hanging around the telephone. thank you all very much for youor concerns and Jo again thanks for the music...martyjo
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12 posted 2006-03-06 12:21 PM

I am so sorry. It is as Karilea says though, that to be in a position to honor/follow their last request is a difficult loving gesture. It must be hard, to accept that as his final wish though. Sigh, I am not close to my family, but remember being told not to make the long trip, because the person in question had lost all mental capacity to acknowledge who I was anyway. Sadly, I still beat myself up for not going at the end. It's tough either way. I have great respect for anyone who honors such a wish as what your brother requested of you. Hold him dear to you, as you remember him in his best days. Hugs to all the family.
Member Patricius
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13 posted 2006-03-06 12:29 PM

Martyjo, you are more than welcome.
Misty Lilacs
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14 posted 2006-03-06 01:42 PM

Sending hugs and prayers to your family. I am so sorry your brother must endure such an awful illness.

May God's angels surround you all with healing love and light.


Every blade of grass has its angel
that bends over it and whispers,
"grow, grow."

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Member Seraphic
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15 posted 2006-03-06 02:45 PM

Hugs and prayers to you, Martyjo... Nothing can make this easy... but maybe knowing that so many of us hold you in our hearts will help.
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16 posted 2006-03-06 03:55 PM

Misty and Suthern, thank you so much for your kindness.with mixed emotions my younger brother and I will abide by older brother's wishes. It is not easy, but we will do it. Thank you for caring. martyjo
Earth Angel
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17 posted 2006-03-06 05:21 PM

Indeed, I will keep Martyjo's brother and all of those who love him, in my prayers. I have lost loved ones to this dreaded disease I know of this kind of heartache and sorrow.

Thank you for letting us know, jo.

Sending a rainbow of healing light,

Larry C
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18 posted 2006-03-06 08:07 PM

Dearest MartyJo,
How sad I feel for your difficult time. I don't believe I would be big enough to honor such a difficult request. It is truly a testament to your unconditional love. I have not lost any siblings though I went through it with my wife. I can only pray you maintain your courage and that you find strength and peace to carry on. My heart aches for you and your family.

If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane,
I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
19 posted 2006-03-06 10:22 PM

I admire your courage, martyjo...and his. I wish the best for him.....
Member Patricius
since 2003-12-05
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20 posted 2006-03-06 11:33 PM

Thank you all for letting Martyjo know you're with her.  You're all such wonderful folks.
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21 posted 2006-03-07 02:46 AM

Larry, thank you my friend. To know Carl was to know one who loved life. So if he has to go it is best he go quickly. He was riding his Honda Goldwing just weeks before,loved to kayak and body surf, was an excellent swimmer. He recently had taken up croquet as it is quite the thing today in retirement places and he had just moved to The Villages in Fla. He did not golf because he had broken one ankle and sprained the other.. both with his Honda jaunts. Maybe he was not as strong as he thought or he was careless.. dropped it both times. I am standing by,talking to his children. thank you much for you kindness, mom
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22 posted 2006-03-07 02:49 AM

Mike,and Jo. Thank you, I appreciate you both. And again thanks to all for staying with me. I really hope for his sake he goes his way soon. And I hope I don't give in and go to visit. The longer it goes on the harder it is to stay away. Best to all you wonderful caring people. martyjo
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23 posted 2006-03-07 02:56 AM

Kacy, Sunshine, Trillium and Jo, Rae, Smartchick ,  I read your posts and every one else's. Thanks  all for your input.You are all very special people. sincerely, martyjo
Member Laureate
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Between the Lines
24 posted 2006-03-07 06:59 AM

Martyjo, having gone through this but being there during the last few days, it is better that you allow him his last wishes. You will want to remember him at his happier/ healthier times.

My sister was at her home so it was a calmer, easier atmosphere for her and her family and friends.

We tried to tell her we would all be okay (I think  they worry too much about those left behind) and she could "let go" when ready...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your families during this time of waiting~~


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25 posted 2006-03-07 12:47 PM

Maureen, Thank you. I agree.I had to tell my husband it was okay to let go. He was trying so hard to hang in for our daughter's wedding. But I knew he would never make it. So we had talk. best to you, martyjo.
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26 posted 2006-03-08 12:07 PM

My thoughts and prayers are with Martyjo and your family.

believe in what your heart feels...

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27 posted 2006-03-08 03:19 PM

Thank you Scorpio. I appreciate your caring.

Today I received a call from my niece.The doctors have conferred again and my brother has had his first Chemo treatment. He thanked his family for helping him to make the decision to go for it. He is in much better spirits. They will now move him to a Rehabilitation  home for and I guess Hospice is or will be available if needed. He is anxious to take his Honda Goldwing on at least one last trip to California. So at least he is not preparing to die as he had been. Much better to hear his spirits are up for now. .  Oh, And my niece said he has been singing! Before he could hardly talk. Today he was  Singing Danny Boy with gusto!  No wonder we all all so confused!
Thank you all. And Jo, thanks again. martyjo

[This message has been edited by latearrival (03-09-2006 01:45 AM).]

Member Patricius
since 2003-12-05
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28 posted 2006-03-08 03:51 PM

MartyJo, this is good news.  I truly believe in the power of prayer and the more the better...there are so many wonderful prayer warriors here at PIP.  
Paul Wilson
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29 posted 2006-03-08 07:12 PM

MartyJo...Just wanted to let you know you and your family are in my prayers.
Be strong in heart, spirit and faith...Paul

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30 posted 2006-03-09 01:47 AM

Paul, Thank  you. appreciate your caring.I know you have been through a lot yourself.

Earth Angel
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31 posted 2006-03-09 12:48 PM

martyjo, I am keeping my "wings" crossed and praying for his well-being. I have been experiencing miracles in my own life and I wish the same for your brother.

With love,

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32 posted 2006-03-09 02:24 PM

Linda, Thank you.You are one perfect lady. A heart to go with all your talents. Martyjo
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33 posted 2006-03-20 03:23 AM

Just to let you know that after all the ups and downs and high hopes. My brother Carl, left us for better places on March 17th at one p.m. A quiet peaceful passing with his first son holding his hand and his first daughter singing softly to him. Thank you all for your caring and kind words. martyjo

[This message has been edited by latearrival (03-20-2006 06:08 AM).]

Member Laureate
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Between the Lines
34 posted 2006-03-20 08:30 AM

I am so sorry for your loss, Martyjo...

I understand the hope that everyone had in trying with the Chemo and the positive feelings it gave Carl and everyone towards the end.

I wish you all peace and comfort in knowing his pain is over.


Member Empyrean
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Canada eh.
35 posted 2006-03-20 08:54 AM

I am so sorry for your loss...
~Sending healing heart hugs your way~

Earth Angel
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Realms of Light
36 posted 2006-03-20 09:54 AM

Martyjo, my heart sank when I read that your brother Carl had returned HOME. ~ A loss for those he left behind, but another star has been added to heaven's skies.

March 17 is also the date that my sister's son, Chad, along with 5 of his friends, disappeared on Lake Ontario in 1995. Their bodies have never been found.

Carl's suffering is now over but much healing is now needed for his loved ones that he has left behind. I send my love and healing hugs to all of you.

Love & Eternal Light,

Member Elite
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Sycamore, IL, USA
37 posted 2006-03-22 09:16 PM

I'm sorry for your loss, Martyjo. It's a mixed emotion time.  You're glad he's no longer suffering, yet knowing how much you'll miss him, hurts deeply.  God bless you and yours throughout your grieving process.


Member Ascendant
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38 posted 2006-03-23 01:06 AM

Linda, Maureen, Enchantress, Rae and all you who have been so kind, thank you for your caring selves. Carl is where he belongs now. He needed a rest after going through all those emotions. He had a chance to visit and talk to each of his five children. He even sang, over the telephone, with  four of his children with their mom and his oldest with him, their wedding song. That was a tear jerker but united them all once again.
With  sincere thanks to all of you great PIP poets, martyjo

Member Patricius
since 2003-12-05
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39 posted 2006-03-23 02:21 AM

Martyjo, words are heart goes out to you and your family in your time of grief.
Larry C
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40 posted 2006-03-23 12:42 PM

Dear, dear friend how saddened I am by your loss. Your strength and courage amaze me. I pray you find peace and hope. And as I have grown fond of saying:

If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane,
I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

Member Empyrean
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Listening to every heart
41 posted 2006-03-23 03:45 PM

I'm so sorry, MartyJo.  You were with him in heart and spirit all of the way...and he truly felt your love and kindness.

My thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family now.

Member Ascendant
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42 posted 2006-03-24 01:31 AM

Jo, Larry and Sunshine, and all who have shown  a voice. I thank you all.

I do think it is time to close this thread. I will print it and treasure your kindness to me. best wishes to all of you, martyjo

[This message has been edited by latearrival (03-24-2006 02:02 AM).]

passing shadows
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43 posted 2006-03-24 05:10 AM

sending my prayers too
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