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0 posted 2004-10-25 02:17 AM

Dear friends of Piptalk,

I have such an amazing family here at Piptalk and although you are not the first to recieve this good news, I want you to share in my joy. Today my boyfriend of 3 years and I decided to set our wedding day. (we have been engaged for quite some time) It is official we are going to Wed on October 1st 2005.  I know it is a year away but I have so much to plan and I am very inexperienced at planning weddings.

I am open to any suggestions for anything that pertains to the wedding. Music choices and whatnot. If you are floating around and happen upon something you think I might like for the wedding or see something that catches your eye send me a link. Honestly I don't know what I am doing and our budget doesn't include a wedding planner.

So many of you I would love to be in attendance, although it is unlikely that most will make it all the way to Washington. I also don't have addresses to send formal invites to most of you.  My piptalk family consists on a large part of my life and I want you to be a part of it all, I will keep you very much informed.

My email address is  [email protected] feel free to email me there with pictures and whatnot. I am very excited but I need all the support from friends I can get.

I am so happy!

Love Always

© Copyright 2004 Kellie M. Cantrell - All Rights Reserved
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
1 posted 2004-10-25 09:23 AM

This is just wonderful news to share~

May your year of planning be filled with joy~

Iffen I find something of interest ... I'll be sure to send you the link~

I love simplicity ... so the less fuss and bother ... the better~

I believe that with your heart-word talent YOU should write your wedding vows~
That would be something really special to remember foreverly~

Best wishes to you both~

~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram <))><

Email [email protected]

Earth Angel
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Realms of Light
2 posted 2004-10-25 01:56 PM

I am so happy for your happiness!

I agree with everything Marge wrote! You will be surprised at how quickly a year can pass ~ especially when one is busy! ~ and you will be busy! But it will literally be a labour of love!


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since 2002-05-22
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New York
3 posted 2004-10-25 03:38 PM

Is there somewhere that I can learn to write the vows? or is it just something that will a lot of practice and heart will turn out to be perfect in the end?

I do like the suggestion and I will likely do so.

Do I have to have the "here comes the bride" music? or can I change it? ( I have a thing for disliking tradition) would it disapoint the elder generations of the families?

I am guess that I will have to put into account korean wedding traditions as well... or do i not have to represent the other culture of my relationship? I want to include their traditions but I am not sure how without someone's feelings getting hurt whether it be my family's or his families.

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4 posted 2004-10-25 09:26 PM

Well, Kell you aren't marrying yourself, so I would expect you'd want to include the traditions of the groom, if he wants a traditional wedding. Marriage should be a sharing, a giving, a celebration of love and friendship between two people, not just what one wants. The music can be whatever you and he choose, as a couple, and the vows should reflect your personal dreams. It's yours and your partner's wedding, but when families are invited, it makes sense to me to honor some traditional elements.
Anyway, you two have time to work through the details. Have fun writing those vows and picking out your favorite music! LOL, years ago I went to a beach wedding, totally non traditional except for the exchanging of rings. It was fun for everyone, and I think the families appreciated the relaxed atmosphere. A friend of mine who is a skydiver jumped from a plane and landed on a circle drawn in the sand in front of the couple and the minister, and presented the rings. It was a memorable wedding for all.
But my point is, they did the minister and the ring thing to make BOTH sets of parents happy. Their original plan was hilarious, calling for an exchange of surfboards with the vows given by a lifeguard. LOL.
It's a special day, but only one day. It's all the other days afterwards you need to pay attention to, they ARE the marriage, not the ceremony.  

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