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0 posted 2004-09-23 11:48 AM

Ever wonder about the voting rights of people with cognitive disorders? Do you have some input as to why/why not this target population should be permitted to exercise their constitutional voting rights? This study is asking for input.

University of Pennsylvania
Project on Voting and Dementia

(below is the link to the article that led me to the PA study, questionning whether or not people suffering from mental disorders should be permitted to vote)

© Copyright 2004 Kathleen Kacy Stafford - All Rights Reserved
Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
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1 posted 2004-09-23 11:54 AM

Moderators: If this is in the wrong forum, please feel free to move it to the most appropriate one.
Larry C
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Member Patricius
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2 posted 2004-09-23 11:36 PM

So I do get to vote? Sorry, you know me! Silly me, I had never even considered this issue before. May I continue to rely on you as my social conscience? Pretty please, you are so good at it...

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3 posted 2004-09-24 01:16 AM

LOL, Larry, I was wondering if they were trying to stop ME from voting. LOL, yanno, I am just a bit off center.
OK, so does this mean you might offer these people some valuable feedback? There are really so many angles to this issue. Who do you 'trust' to make the assessment?
Anyway, hope lots of knowledgeable/caring writers will send much needed input.

Member Rara Avis
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4 posted 2004-09-24 03:50 PM

And I thought they were talking about Bush supporters!
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5 posted 2004-09-24 07:05 PM

LOL, that's PART of the point for this'un Raph. There is quite a bit of evidence that in some cases, relatives and/or 'caregivers' are actually doing the voting, not just 'assisting' the registered voter. And that means the 'counted' vote could go either way, now, couldn't it? *sigh* I hope YOU also participate in studies like this, m'friend, in a non-partisan way of course.
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