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Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
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Michigan, US

0 posted 2004-01-08 05:41 PM

The books are in and the email requesting shipping verification has just gone out!

Please check your email addresses and RSVP as soon as you can. If I have two email addresses on file for you, you may get the request twice (you only need respond once, though). If you do NOT get an email, say within the next hour or two, please email me and give me a current email address.

We're almost there.  

© Copyright 2004 Ron Carnell - All Rights Reserved
serenity blaze
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1 posted 2004-01-08 05:48 PM

Got it, checked it, and returned.

Thank you Ron.

This made my day!

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2 posted 2004-01-08 05:57 PM

Response sent, and thanks again for all your hard work!

Titia Geertman
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3 posted 2004-01-08 06:12 PM

I already returned your most welcome mail, along with some Dutch knuffels Ron.


Like scattered words will flow

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4 posted 2004-01-08 06:42 PM

Ron?  This cover is so much better than the proposed one!  Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you...

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lost in blue pages
5 posted 2004-01-08 06:45 PM

Me too have returned your mail.

and yes I am very excited


Kit McCallum
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6 posted 2004-01-08 07:09 PM

E-mail is on it's way with a change of address ... and thanks for the sneak preview, Ron! It looks great!

LOL @ your over-crowed bedroom of boxes!

That's a lot of work, Ron.  Thanks for making it all happen. You're wunnerful!

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7 posted 2004-01-08 07:31 PM

I didn't get an email, Ron.
since 2002-10-19
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8 posted 2004-01-08 07:44 PM

i was soooo excited to see the email!!
i replied right away.
thx so much

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Canada eh.
9 posted 2004-01-08 07:52 PM

I didn't get one either.
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10 posted 2004-01-08 08:08 PM

Martie, Enchantress - did you change e-mail addresses?
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Canada eh.
11 posted 2004-01-08 08:17 PM

I don't believe so...but just in case I just sent it on to Ron again.
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
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Michigan, US
12 posted 2004-01-08 08:18 PM

Martie, send me an email ( [email protected] ) and I'll send you a copy of what you missed.

Nancy, I replied to your email and it bounced right back at me. It seems thinks I'm trying to send you spam? If you want to send me shipping info directly, I guess we can verify it that way.

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Canada eh.
13 posted 2004-01-08 08:37 PM

Okay..did that Ron..but I wanted a sneak peek!
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
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Hurricane Alley
14 posted 2004-01-08 08:40 PM

Email sent....and I've put my lawn chair in front of the house by the a cool drink...and a box cutter...ok..are they here yet? Are they here yet? (My mailman already thinks I'm a nut, this will confirm it!)

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
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Michigan, US
15 posted 2004-01-08 08:43 PM

quote: you go...perhaps you can verify receiving it by just hitting reply to this note.

LOL. If I could reply to your email, Nancy, we wouldn't have had any problems. 'Fraid this will have to be confirmation.

Member Seraphic
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
16 posted 2004-01-08 08:53 PM

Awesome - Simply Awesome.. You're the best - and tell Larry we all appreciate his hard work too...
Member Rara Avis
since 2001-09-23
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On A Journey To The Unknown
17 posted 2004-01-08 09:06 PM

Wow! I am so excited! I will be aniously watching the mail.
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18 posted 2004-01-08 10:17 PM

Still nothing here...did you get my email?
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
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Michigan, US
19 posted 2004-01-08 11:16 PM

I did, Martie, and immediately replied. Looks like aol doesn't like me, either.

Send me your shipping info, I guess, and I'll confirm it against the database. All we can do is all we can do.

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
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Michigan, US
20 posted 2004-01-08 11:29 PM

Cpat, I just replied to your email as well, but question whether it's going to get to you. The address you used to email me is the same one in my database, so you "should" have received my email earlier. If you don't get my latest, please email me with your shipping information as way of confirmation.
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21 posted 2004-01-08 11:32 PM

Your emails, both of them...landed in my spam file...Aol decides that, I guess.  Thank you for everything!
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22 posted 2004-01-08 11:49 PM

The books.. oh yes.. oh yes.. oh yes

*does the BOOKS dance*

Mystic One
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23 posted 2004-01-09 02:07 AM

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24 posted 2004-01-09 02:50 AM

I replied as soon as I read your email!!!
Thank You Ron!!!!


passing shadows
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25 posted 2004-01-09 04:09 AM

yes yes yes!
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26 posted 2004-01-09 07:33 AM

I changed my email addy a few months back, and will be changing it again in February.
Alsp, will be moving out of Colorado by the end of Feb. Will the books likely ship so that I receive them before Feb 10? Guess I'll email the updated info today.

since 2003-02-19
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Oklahoma City
27 posted 2004-01-09 08:50 AM

Ron - I emailed back, hope I did it right.  Thank you so much for being so patient with us and our impatience.  The book looks great was so excited just to scan the table of contents just to see what pages my poems are on.  My wife will be so relieved to see the book, she doesn't trust anything remotely connected to the internet.  I agree that the cover looks ten times better.  If you remember, I was the one who went and screwed up everything by posting there was another poetry book out there with the first suggested cover.  Sorry about that.  Hope it didn't cause too much trouble.  Anyway, you are great.  My writing has been slowed recently due to a busy schedule; I know this will spark new excitement to write.  God bless you - Tim

He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool: but whoso walketh wisely, he shall be delivered. Proverbs 28:26

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The Hague, The Netherlands
28 posted 2004-01-09 12:54 PM

Awesome Ron! Thanks a million.

And umm... would you do me the honour of signing my personal copy for me? I'd be... I'd be... heck, I can't even think of a Dutch word of what I'd be!

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29 posted 2004-01-09 01:12 PM

Munda - "thrilled"?  
Member Rara Avis
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30 posted 2004-01-09 02:11 PM

I don't know why anyone would want to mess up a perfectly good book, Munda, but I guess I'll assume you know what you're doing (unlike those 'Stute people).

I'd be honored.

Justin Genius
since 2001-04-02
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31 posted 2004-01-09 03:25 PM

I know the word! I do! I do! It's Justin Genius! This is her once in a lifetime chance to get your original authograph Ron. Do you have any idea what my brothers and I can do with that in the 'Stute?

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32 posted 2004-01-09 03:26 PM

OK, can I have two copies autographed by our wizard too? Is there a fee for the signatures????? I'd gladly pay a small gift amount to Passions coffers. but will also understand if you decline for any reason.
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33 posted 2004-01-09 03:30 PM

I know the word - bet it is: opgewekt Munda? I would be too if he signed my copy too     It would be that would be honored.
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Canada eh.
34 posted 2004-01-09 03:32 PM

Ahhh mine too Ron...please kind sir??
Member Rara Avis
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35 posted 2004-01-09 03:40 PM

LOL. I'm going to be honored right into the hospital!

Definitely not a problem, though. I just added a checkbox to my database, so I can track who wants a signature. If you see some funny squiggly printed on your address label, it'll be there so I can match books to signatures. Just ignore it.

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36 posted 2004-01-09 03:53 PM

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The Hague, The Netherlands
37 posted 2004-01-09 04:07 PM

I should have offered you five bucks a copy uh Ron? It would have made you rich! Instead I  can only offer to take you out to dinner and give you the grand tour next time you are in Amsterdam.

Mucho gracia for the honour Signor.

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lost in blue pages
38 posted 2004-01-09 05:51 PM

can I join the line for a signed copy either.....

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39 posted 2004-01-09 08:56 PM

Squiggle mine please

Oh, make me Thine forever
And should I fainting be
Lord, let me never ever
Outlive my love for Thee

Member Seraphic
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40 posted 2004-01-09 09:15 PM

Mine too!
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41 posted 2004-01-09 10:03 PM

Oh, what a "yes" can do!

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Member Patricius
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42 posted 2004-01-09 10:25 PM

Ron:  Since you are being so gracious, me too!  Why not just sign them all??

Betty Lou Hebert

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43 posted 2004-01-10 12:07 PM


I ordered ten books so I don't know if it would be possible, but it would be great if you could sign one for me. Thanks for the consideration.   I just wish it was feasible to get autographs from all the authors.


Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
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Michigan, US
44 posted 2004-01-10 01:19 AM

Okay, this post will serve as a marker before I head to bed -- all the requests above this have been entered into my database.

Tomorrow, I'll order an ice pack for my soon-to-ailing wrist.  

(Yea, right. Like someone living in Michigan in January really needs an ice pack? Get real, Carnell!)

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45 posted 2004-01-10 05:52 AM

i would love to have my book signed! thanks!
Member Seraphic
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46 posted 2004-01-10 07:46 AM

'Tis a given, is it not?...
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47 posted 2004-01-10 09:55 AM

LOL, and the WIZARD never saw this one coming? Really, Ron, get an ace bandage and a kingsize hot tea or java. You are magnificent!

PS, where do I send the check and the replacement ace bandage?

I haven't received any email yet. Where do I go to see the new cover, and reverify all the info since I changed puters and snailmail addy's last July then email addy changed in November.

Paul Wilson
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48 posted 2004-01-10 02:29 PM

Ron...The book just wouldn't be complete without " The Man's Signature " so I am really sucking up to you I guess you could say. Please is such a nice word so PLEASE RON...Paul

"To share my poems with you is to share my heart with you"

Dark Angel
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49 posted 2004-01-10 06:13 PM

I'd appreciate it if you'd sign mine too Ron

Thanks for everything

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50 posted 2004-01-10 07:09 PM

If you don't already have one, it's time for the rubber stamp. Saves lots of wear and tear on those rather fragile finger bones and connectors.
Member Rara Avis
since 2001-09-23
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On A Journey To The Unknown
51 posted 2004-01-10 08:31 PM

Ron, I replied to your email. I hope you got it. While you're signing those books, will you sign mine too?
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52 posted 2004-01-11 02:08 PM

Ron, I sent my e-mail, soon as I got it. LOL
(Does that sound like I'm excited!!) Well, I am!!

And, I really hate to ask, but will you sign one of my books?
A stamp with your sig would be okay. Have you
bought one yet? LOL
Thank you, dear Sir

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53 posted 2004-01-11 05:59 PM

Ron, could you please sign mine also.
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
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54 posted 2004-01-12 12:08 PM

I'd ask you to sign mine...autograph it really but I would rather you just gave it a little kiss and sent it on it's way.

You're a gem. I know you don't like praise - but this time, I have to say it...

I love you man!

since 2001-02-23
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55 posted 2004-01-12 05:34 AM

It's great to see everyone is so excited! Enjoy your books, guys. I'll have to look into it next time you're planning one... but I guess you'll need a bit of a nap first, Ron?


"I'm not crazy I'm just a little unwell"~ Matchbox 20

Earth Angel
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56 posted 2004-01-13 01:59 AM

Earth Angel's daughter here. While my mother is in hospital, I am trying to take care of business for her. Got your e-mail to her re the books. Shipping address is correct, but am having trouble sending you e-mail confirmation. Will try again.

Member Rara Avis
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57 posted 2004-01-13 03:12 AM

Consider Linda officially verified, Daughter. Now you can concentrate on more important things, like telling your mother we all said to rest and get well soon. She is missed around here.
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Member Seraphic
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58 posted 2004-01-13 10:55 AM

Ron: Can I join the autograph request list? *G* Just one will do... Thank you!
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
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Michigan, US
59 posted 2004-01-13 11:52 AM

Only if you want to send it back to me, suthern?

About two-thirds of the books went out this morning, including yours. Those were the easier ones, all to U.S. destinations. Package, seal, slap on a label, and they're ready to go. The rest of the books require customs declarations, which won't fit in a printer, so I have to hand-print everyone's name, address, et cetera. And, of course, THEY want my autograph, too.

I hope to get the final third in the mail by tomorrow, Thursday at the latest.

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60 posted 2004-01-13 11:57 AM

My friends from Texas will arrive today.  Sounds like the books will be here during their visit.  Add two more non-member broad smiles to your thoughts, Ron...
Member Rara Avis
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61 posted 2004-01-13 05:10 PM

Who'd a thunk?  It appears that my automatic surveillance cameras caught Justin Genius as he was loading up the van with books.

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62 posted 2004-01-13 05:55 PM

cute..but isn't he a bit cold with so little on?


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63 posted 2004-01-13 06:07 PM

Oh Yea!  I see my shipment!!!!!  
Justin Genius
since 2001-04-02
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64 posted 2004-01-13 06:18 PM

Argh! Censorship! You very well know I was wearing my Birthday-suit Ron! After all... it is my Birthday today!
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65 posted 2004-01-13 07:45 PM

I'm thrilled to pieces, Ron. A HUGE thank you for the enormous undertaking, from the getgo to delivery! Thank you!

I bought my share of mistakes so I might see some interest.

Member Seraphic
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66 posted 2004-01-13 08:38 PM

Is that snow I see through the windshield??..
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67 posted 2004-01-13 09:04 PM

Mine's in the cooler!

Oh, make me Thine forever
And should I fainting be
Lord, let me never ever
Outlive my love for Thee

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Member Seraphic
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68 posted 2004-01-14 10:39 AM

Ron... I just might do that... but not until after I've had a chance to READ! *S*

Thank you... I'll be watching the mail! *S*

Paul Wilson
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69 posted 2004-01-17 01:07 PM

Ron...Thanks for signing one of my books. They were delivered Friday. I'm away from home so haven't seen it yet but my wife says it looks GREAT...Paul

"To share my poems with you is to share my heart with you"

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70 posted 2004-01-17 03:37 PM

Ron, my books came!!!! And I haven't even seen them yet!!! It's raining here and they are over at Garys folks house next door!! I was washing my hair when the mail lady came and she left them over there with my future in-laws books. So......I'm about to have a fit until I can get them over here to look at!!! LOL

(Hey, can you tell that I'm excited?? LOL)

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Oregon, Originally From Alaska :)
71 posted 2004-01-17 08:51 PM

HEHEHEHE....I made a special trip to the post office yesterday to see if my books were there....AND THEY WERE!!!!  
I'm really excited and they are great and filled with wonderful poetry from cover to cover!!!!
Now I can just snuggle up with my pillows and blankies and read some of my favorite poems from Passions!!!!
Thank YOU SO MUCH RON!!!!!!!!!
Hope everyone here at Passions is doing well!!!!

"Somewhere, somehow, it should be possible to touch someone and never let go again.  To hold someone, not for a moment but forever." Unknown

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72 posted 2004-01-18 04:52 PM

I got so involved that I forgot to tell you that they brought my books over here in between showers last night!!! Yipppeeee!!!

This is so exciting, to see your own poem in print among all the other beautiful poetry!! I love it!!!  

Thank you, Ron, for all your hard work. Was it worth it to you?  If so, when are you going to do another one??

[This message has been edited by garysgirl (01-19-2004 01:34 AM).]

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73 posted 2004-01-19 02:53 PM

The eagle has landed [ker-THUNK] and now I'm trying to figure out how to get home EARLY!!!
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74 posted 2004-01-20 04:39 PM

It was worth the wait:  my books have finally arrived, and I am very pleased.  They are bound well and look professional.  I am looking forward to reading everyone's poems as I have missed many of them.  Thank you Ron for "delivering the goods"!  I'm honored to be a part of this artistical imprint.


You CAN make a difference:

Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
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Hurricane Alley
75 posted 2004-01-20 07:18 PM

Thank you Ron!! Got mine right here within arms reach, trying to figure out who's going to get a copy. (and wishing I'd asked for an autograph. I'll pretend you wrote something special to me in invisible ink!   

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76 posted 2004-01-20 07:22 PM

I hear ya, PdV. Come March or so, I'll be sending the trilogy to my parents in Texas. Good thing I ordered multis.
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77 posted 2004-01-20 07:32 PM

Mine was waiting for me after class... you know, I've been published three times, twice with PiP, but it never ceases to amaze me. I couldn't help but run my hand over the pages, thinking "Look what I did.. look what we did.."

Oh, make me Thine forever
And should I fainting be
Lord, let me never ever
Outlive my love for Thee

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The Hague, The Netherlands
78 posted 2004-01-21 05:35 AM

Only 6 days and the books already arrived on this side of the ocean. January 21st 2004 is now known a P-day in Europe. Thanks for everything Ron... one little questions though. Why did you sign my copy with invisible ink? Now I don't know which copy to keep, or... or... don't say! Of all people you forgot to sign mine?!?!?!??Arrghhhhhhhhhh.

[This message has been edited by Munda (01-21-2004 07:41 AM).]

Justin Genius
since 2001-04-02
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79 posted 2004-01-21 07:40 AM

Didn't I mention I signed ALL books in Ron's name using invisible ink? So you see, all your copies are signed. Ain't that Justin Genius?
Titia Geertman
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80 posted 2004-01-21 08:17 AM

Hey Munda, your postman did come early then, oh gosh, that means mine will maybe be here this afternoon.

Hope he doesn't have to ring twice, my postman, but come to think of it, I don't even have a door bell He'll just bang the door.

LOL I'm getting nervous as of now.


Like scattered words will flow

Member Seraphic
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
81 posted 2004-01-21 01:39 PM

Smirking at the Dutchies here...
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lost in blue pages
82 posted 2004-01-21 03:06 PM

No books for me today, hope it will arives tomorrow then...and speaking of nervous that a virus?
cause I am very nervous now, hopefully the postman will deliver it tomorrow.

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83 posted 2004-01-21 08:13 PM


Have you recieved my information?


Titia Geertman
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84 posted 2004-01-21 09:55 PM

Nan, stop that smirking at the Dutchies! Your car told you to do that, I know, because he did't like me that much

Munda, I'm sure your genius has lost itself in poetry! and I'm still nervous.

Well, I din't hear the door bell ('cause I don't have one) and I didn't hear banging on my door today, meaning I will be awake all night long. It's just like having a birthday isn't it.

Mommy Muys is sending her love and hopefully I will rush over to her tomorrow with a precious gift in my hand.

Night night everybody, it's this Dutchies way overdue bedtime.


Like scattered words will flow

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lost in blue pages
85 posted 2004-01-22 07:19 AM

whooooooohoooooo the books just arived and nobody around to share my excitement.
Well since nobody is near me then I must grab the causer of this great feeling.
So Ron here you go Mwwwwwwwwah a big kiss on both your cheeks.

Thank you Ron for everything you did and gave us.

Love ya


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86 posted 2004-01-22 07:46 AM

They DO look good, don't they, Charisma?  I'm so glad they've arrived!

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87 posted 2004-01-22 10:04 AM

Ron, a special thank you comes from the lady I've worked with this past year and half, who loves poetry and is a very fine artist partially disabled from an auto accident. She got up yesterday at 5:30 AM and sat in her chair reading Reflections before her AM routine, and said she felt honored to be gifted something so very, very special. And indeed, she has received a unique gift from many sharing hearts.
So I'm thanking all the passionate people who contributed to this book, and especially to you, Ron, for letting me share this gift.

Member Seraphic
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88 posted 2004-01-22 11:50 AM

Thank you dear Ron, my books have arrived yesterday. Perfect protective shipment btw.

I came home late, rather tired after an extremely busy day, and my only aspiration was to go to bed ... and I did! Together with “Reflections of the web”! .... And to my surprise the beautiful book and the inspiring poems kept me awake for quite a while ....The evening has been great. I was especially touched by your poem Ron which concludes the book, as I had not seen it before.

A quite special feeling arouses when reading the poems and the author's names ... the closeness between many of the poets is deeply felt.

In conclusion, I am happy with it and it will always have a special meaning, bringing back beautiful memories.

Thank you Ron!

Love, Margherita

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British Columbia, Canada
89 posted 2004-01-22 02:21 PM

Mine are not here yet, and I am pouting.  They got them in Holland already, do you suppose they think I bought mine on eBay and are holding them with the rest of my stash?  Now THAT would be just my luck!  I am sure enjoying all the excitement of people getting them, this is so much fun!
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90 posted 2004-01-22 02:41 PM

  Mysteria, do you suppose Justin Genius may have tampered with your package?  
Titia Geertman
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91 posted 2004-01-22 07:51 PM

Well, well both Dutchies in The Hague have got them already. I'm beginning to wonder if this postman knows there's another Dutchie biting her nails right now down South.

Ron, you did tell him to go through the famous Westerschelde tunnel, did you?? Because the boat is history. I could imagine that if Justin Genius has showed him the way, he could well be standing on that shore, waiting...and waiting...and waiting

Another sleepless night I guess.


Like scattered words will flow

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92 posted 2004-01-23 04:53 AM


my book arrived safely in Singapore too.

thanks for everything. i am now suffering from writer's block as i am skeptical as to whether i can really make a difference with my words...but Reflections on the Web revitalised me and i feel recharged and committed to honing my point of view as best as i can.

Justin Genius
since 2001-04-02
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93 posted 2004-01-23 08:43 AM

Sunny one! The mere thought! All I did was inform the Canadian Postal Service what will happen when Mysteria laughs and we all know she will when her books arrive...

Titia... mphm... Westerschelde you say? Are you sure it's not Oosterschelde?

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94 posted 2004-01-23 09:02 AM

So, JG, just what are you saying?  That our Mysteria will not be able to contain herself and may accost the postal carrier?  Oh my heavens!!!!  I hadn't thought of that!  
Justin Genius
since 2001-04-02
Posts 85

95 posted 2004-01-23 01:15 PM

Ha! Finally I have proof even you can't read everything, oh Sunny One! Here's what I told the Canadian Postal Service: /pip/Forum69/HTML/001921.html
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Listening to every heart
96 posted 2004-01-23 01:36 PM


Perhaps I didn't leave my own mark
but a sister of soul of mine did embark
and she read the missive, loud and clear,
couldn't hardly type for the tears in her ears...

But I'm getting old, though I must refrain
from telling others I've only half a brain
for the other half has been used up by kids!
So don't be asking what was, or what I done did.

Indeed you did warn of this perilous matter,
it probably made the postal men scatter!
Looking for waders, I'd wager, I'd bet!
before into Mysteria's hands they'd let

that book come true, from pages blue
wherein lies the genius of all of you!

Titia Geertman
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97 posted 2004-01-23 10:53 PM

LOL can't you see me smile


The postman didn't drown in the Westerschelde after all.

Justin, YES Westerschelde tunnel, the Oosterschelde has a bridge. You should come and see for yourself, it's 6,6 km. long and about 60 meters deep. Still, I miss 'my' boat.

And Ron, you made a dream come true for many of us, thank you


Like scattered words will flow

Earth Angel
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98 posted 2004-01-24 12:49 PM

On behalf of my mother, Linda, I want to thank Ron for all of his work in co-ordinating the creation of these beautiful books! When they arrived this afternoon, I took the package straight to the hospital so I could open it in front of Mom; we spent the next hour or so reading the wonderful stories and poems inside to some of the other patients! It was like an impromptu poetry reading in the Medical Surgical Unit, a nice change of pace for everyone.

Thanks again, Ron; they're really great quality - inside and out.

Shannon, Earth Angel's daughter

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99 posted 2004-01-24 01:10 AM

Shannon, please give your Mom a hug for me.
Just tell her it's from Ethel Mae. Okay? And
tell her that we all love and miss her, too!!

And, Ron, I gave my Mom and Dad their book
Wednesday and I thought my Mom was going to
read for hours.......after she looked through
the book to find her "little girls" poems. LOL
She was grinning from ear to ear when she read them.
She wanted to know why I didn't put two of the  poems
that I had written for her and my Dad in there. LOL

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100 posted 2004-01-24 04:57 PM


I just received my books. They are wonderful! I really should be working but, I simply can't stop reading. The poems are wonderful and the talent incredible. The collection of poems in this book should be an inspiration to all who have ever aspired to expressing themselves in this medium. Every poem is special and yes, I appreciated the prologue you wrote.

Ron, this represents alot of hard work on your part and you have my sincere thanks, along with everyone else's, for making this possible.    

SimplyGold AKA/Electra

Titia Geertman
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101 posted 2004-01-25 02:20 PM

Mommy Muys sends her love and many Dutch knuffels to Ron and thanks for all the hard work. She got her book this afternoon.


Like scattered words will flow

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British Columbia, Canada
102 posted 2004-01-27 02:33 AM

You think maybe he shipped them by dogsled?  LOL

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British Columbia, Canada
103 posted 2004-01-28 07:08 PM

After paying the post office to hand them over, (they wouldn't arm wrestle for the charges), I got them!  I am just so proud to hold you all in my hands. Never have I felt such a wave of emotion reading the contents of a book.  

Ron, thank you for going through a process that was surely no picnic to put a smile on my face, and I would bet everyone who received a copy.   I am so proud to be in it, and to be part of this site in a very small way.  Thanks again, I can't wait to give it to my girls.  Thank your family too for letting you spend so much time on the computer  

I hope others will buy a copy of this book if they don't have one, as this truly is a 1st class production of a book.

since 2004-01-09
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Dallas, Texas
104 posted 2004-02-01 03:44 PM

I havent gotten an email either, Ron.
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
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Michigan, US
105 posted 2004-02-01 05:17 PM

Brad, the email was only for authors being published in our latest book. I'm afraid you arrived at pipTalk a little late for that.
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106 posted 2004-02-04 03:01 AM

I got them!! hehe I'm so excited!

Horses are my life
"Poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese. "
--G. K.Chesterto

since 2003-02-14
Posts 108
Suburbs of Chicago, IL
107 posted 2004-04-01 02:28 AM

Hey Ron I havent gotten the email notification. Well i might have but it might have got sent to my jink emails.

Can you please send one to my new email account. It is [email protected].

Or let me know what I need to do to get the copy i Ordered.

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
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Michigan, US
108 posted 2004-04-01 03:32 AM

Daniel, just send me an email with your current shipping address, and I'll get your book in the mail ASAP.
Jeffrey Carter
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109 posted 2004-04-28 04:05 AM

Is it still possible to order the book? well all of them actually

[This message has been edited by Jeffrey Carter (04-28-2004 05:43 AM).]

Member Seraphic
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
110 posted 2004-04-28 07:16 AM

...I bet it is...

Jeffrey Carter
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111 posted 2004-04-28 07:29 AM

guess Ron will be receiving an email shortly then
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