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0 posted 2004-01-06 08:43 PM

Fellow PIPers,

I'm sure that many of you are missing the fine verse that Helen posts here.  So am I.  She is not gone by choice.  She is "very ill" (her words).  (And I am informing you with her permission to do so.)

It seems that she is suffering from a medical condition that affects the inner ear.  She is under doctor's care and treatment but is not finding relief.  I do not know the diagnosis of the cause.
If you are among those of us that have suffered an affliction of that delicate balancing organ, you know how nightmarish an experience it can be.  
It has been difficult for her to deal with a keyboard and screen for more than very brief periods, so we may not hear from her for some time.

I will take the liberty now to ask that you all think well of her and send your healing thoughts her way.  I think she needs them.

Be assured that she will return as soon as she is able.


© Copyright 2004 Krawdad - All Rights Reserved
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Member Patricius
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just out of reach
1 posted 2004-01-06 08:57 PM

Thankyou for letting us know Kraw. I have missed Helen's work and was wondering where she was.
  Dear Helen if you are reading this....get well soon lovely lady. Prayers are going out for you straight away. hugs, Chris

Member Seraphic
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2 posted 2004-01-06 08:57 PM

Take care of yourself - Be well, Helen - We'll save your PiPping place...
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Listening to every heart
3 posted 2004-01-06 09:06 PM

Know?  This little problem has been a constant friend of mine since 1984.  And in the last day or so, I've been feeling it's incoming messages [I'm ringing, do you hear me?  Soon you won't hear out THAT ear again...not for days and days!] If I am lucky, I will only have the ringing, and not the nausea and equilibrium problems that normally accompanies it.

Tell Helen for me, please, that I fully know...and tell her to just rest in a prone position until it passes.  The best one can do [at least for me] is to get on some diuretic medications [by Doctor's Rx] and pray that they will someday find a cure...

for you and Helen.  Thanks, Kraw.

Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
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Hurricane Alley
4 posted 2004-01-06 09:20 PM

Thank you. This sounds like it makes her dizzy and that is NOT fun. I hope she's better soon and I will keep her in my prayers.
serenity blaze
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5 posted 2004-01-06 09:45 PM

*healing heart hugs* helen...

Be well soon, lady.

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
6 posted 2004-01-06 09:59 PM

My prayers are surely with this beautiful lady~
Thank you, Krawdad, for letting us know~

~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram
         [email protected]

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7 posted 2004-01-06 10:05 PM

je comprends
It's no fun when you feel the Pacific ocean is rolling around in there, all on one side your head! for me, sinus migraines and allergies cause similar sypmtoms.

Healing thoughts to Helen.
My own remedies:
sleep or nap sitting straight up  
take antihistamines and aspirin
cold compresses to neck and head

sometimes these things actually help me, but my problem may be totally different from Helen's

good luck, Helen
and thanks for the note, Kraw

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Coastal Texas
8 posted 2004-01-06 10:18 PM

I do hope she can regain a semblence of normality and balance soon. This thread serves to remind me of my own tintinitis (constant high pitched ringing) and my S.O.'s eardrum holes, one of which somehow grew tissue behind the eardrum. Once had my ears pop, after a trip back from San Diego over mountains, and when it did, I could not walk upright. Bent over sideways at the waist and grabbing things for support, yes. Upright, no. Not something to be enjoyed, that's for certain. And that was only one instance of disorientation, loss of balance, and nausea from rapid room spinning. I can't image that being a constant state. So please, let her know she is in my thoughts and prayers.


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Saluting with misty eyes
9 posted 2004-01-06 10:37 PM

let her know we are all thinking of her and wishing her the best. My brother had difficulty with his ears all his life,and the last year of my Dad's mortal existence, he could not sit on a couch without being propped up for falling over. Inner ear mis-functions are not my affliction of choice.
Ali- I have crossed those friggin' mountains too many times heading over to Balboa Park (who am I kidding... I was going to Black's Beach!!!!) and they do tend to pressurize one's brain pan, don't they?

Cause in my dreams it's always there
The evil face that twists my mind
And brings me to despair.

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Member Laureate
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British Columbia, Canada
10 posted 2004-01-07 01:36 AM

Krawdad if you speak with Helen tell her to have her doctor also check her sinus condition for infection, as I went undiagnosed last year for months with a similar thing, that they thought was inner ear. I truly feel for her, and wish her such a speedy recovery.  Helen, I did notice you missing but thought you were maybe on vacation.
passing shadows
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11 posted 2004-01-07 03:11 AM

please send her my love and let her know I'm praying for her and wish I could drive down to be with her

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Member Seraphic
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12 posted 2004-01-07 09:55 AM

She is definitely missed and I hope she's better soon...
Member Ascendant
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13 posted 2004-01-07 10:08 AM

I hope that Helen gets well soon. She is missed here.

believe in what your heart feels...

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standing on a shadow's lace
14 posted 2004-01-07 10:08 AM

e…I sit here as briefly as I can and say… you are a man above most men and I thank you for that

to the rest of you thank you…I miss you all too so very much

I try to pop in when I can but it is most difficult to for any length of time, if not almost impossible, I write this taking breaks then back again to say how your love, prayers and thoughts touch me. If I am not posting on your poetry please forgive me.

I at this time have no life of my own till they find the cause of this. I have had 17 days of severe vertigo. I am disoriented most of the time and all thought processes I have are gone. I forget things I am saying even in mid-sentence, which is frustrating. Nausea and lack of any equilibrium are my constant companions, even when I sleep, so even when sleeping I have no escape there either. I am unable to do anything …to drive…., (I have become driving ms daisy) cook, vacuum, laundry or do any normal functions of life. Much less write… which is the worst part of this for me.

I have lived alone for 3 years now and now I have become dependent on others for I can not be alone ….and to the one that has been putting up with me… doing everything for me and my rude, frustrating and bad behavior …I AM eternally grateful.And apologize for it.

Tomorrow will be three doctors and 5 medications later of I am no better. I go for a battery of test tomorrow with a MRI being one…I hope they find the cause….and the cure. I can not go on with my life like this.

I do miss so much being with you all…thank you again for your well wishes, prayers and most of
all your love.


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15 posted 2004-01-07 10:25 AM

Thank you Krawdad, for letting us know.  Helen, I've had this before...and it is so misserable not to be able to move without nausea.  My thoughts are with you feeling better real soon.  Hugs!
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Listening to every heart
16 posted 2004-01-07 10:38 AM

Vertigo is not fun - I hope they find out the problem very soon, and are able to relieve you of this debilitating condition.  My prayers are with you.
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Canada eh.
17 posted 2004-01-07 11:06 AM

Helen...My love and prayers go out to you...
Missing you dear lady!

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where the wild flowers grow
18 posted 2004-01-07 11:11 AM

I hope you get well soon, H. I'll be missing you.
Cpat Hair
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19 posted 2004-01-08 09:36 AM

my thoughts and hopes for you to feel better soon...
I've always thought you something special..and miss your words..

get well soon....

Member Laureate
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Between the Lines
20 posted 2004-01-08 12:32 PM

elnow what it is like to go to too many  doctors with them trying all sort of things that don't cure or even help until you find that last one who knows what to do...don't give up.
hugs an get better soon

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lost in blue pages
21 posted 2004-01-08 06:54 PM

My prayers are with you too know the feelings very well and its no fun at all. I pray and hope that the doctors can find what caused the problem and are able to help you with your health

Hugs and prayers

Local Rebel
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Southern Abstentia
22 posted 2004-01-08 08:03 PM

Be well soon Helen... empathy, sympathy, and peace to you..
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In a corporeal internship...
23 posted 2004-01-09 09:05 AM

...I had no idea...  Slicky, I do hope you find your health again.  This place is definitely not the same without you, and I can only start to imagine how debilitating this must be, especially when it strips your soul of its food -- writing.  Being a musician, I truly sympathize with anything to do with the ears.  Know that positive thoughts are being sent your way and that you are missed.  I took the liberty to look under Dr. Weil's website and found this link which sounded similar to what you've described and hopefully may point you in the right direction:

Heart hugs to you, my friend...


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