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British Columbia, Canada

0 posted 2002-03-16 03:41 PM


~* ON HER 22,000th MILESTONE *~

Karilea, rain or shine, you are always here to lift other's spirits with your wonderful words, and comments to their work.

Sometimes deeds go unnoticed but this is NOT one of those times as you give so much of yourself poetically and personally to this site, and we thank you.

This is from us all you appreciate your words and deeds so much and want you to know how much we love you and your lovely poetry.  You truly are our "sunshine"!  

The woman above is how I personally have pictured you since the very first poem I read of yours.  For to be a good poet you have to read a lot of poetry.  From the quality of your work, and the amount of posting you do by reading others work, I thought this a fitting picture for you.

I sincerely hope your rays of sunshine continue to spread all the happiness these do in these blue pages for a long time yet to come.

~*~ Congratulations Sunshine ~*~

And I bet you thought no one was peeking?

[This message has been edited by Mysteria (03-16-2002 04:12 PM).]

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Dopey Dope
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Member Patricius
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San Juan, Puerto Rico
1 posted 2002-03-16 04:05 PM

Wow....that is amazing. 22nd k?!?! Amazing, simply amazing. Great job! Keep them coming strong.
Gentle Spirit
Member Patricius
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2 posted 2002-03-16 04:22 PM

Karilea, I think you are truly awesome and it has been my pleasure to have the privelage of knowing you.  Your words touch us and encourage us.  Mysteria, I wouldnt have missed this for the world, and thank you so very much for this gift to Sunshine!!
(you are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy, when things are gray!!  *w*)

On the wings of words our spirits fly....and our souls are free.

(I could have missed the pain, but I'd have had to miss the dance~Garth)

Member Seraphic
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
3 posted 2002-03-16 04:30 PM


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Canada eh.
4 posted 2002-03-16 04:55 PM

And you thought we wouldn't notice??!!  
We appreciate so much everything you do.
~With luv, hugs, smiles, and cheers, Nancy~

[This message has been edited by Enchantress (03-16-2002 04:57 PM).]

Kit McCallum
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Ontario, Canada
5 posted 2002-03-16 05:21 PM

Congratulations on 22,000 Karilea!

For all the smiles you've given me,
For all the things you do ...
Dear sunshine, you're the brightest gift,
Thank you ... for being "you".

You always brighten my day ...

Big hugs,

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Member Patricius
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just out of reach
6 posted 2002-03-16 05:23 PM

WOW !!!! congratulations Sunshine!! Chris

Life is not measured by breaths you take, but by moments that take your breath away.

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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
7 posted 2002-03-16 05:34 PM

Sunshine, you are two...two...THOUSAND!!!

What an incredible achievement! Yes, I would say the picture above could represent your image very well....except the wings and halo are missing

Congratulations, dear lady!!!!!

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Member Rara Avis
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The Shores of Alone
8 posted 2002-03-16 06:28 PM

This is so very true. Karilea, I personally thank you for all your poems, your kind words, and the love that always seems to flow from and around you.

Seymour Tabin
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Tamarac Fla
9 posted 2002-03-16 07:49 PM

I think she is even prettier than the picture
Thank you.

doreen peri
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10 posted 2002-03-16 09:08 PM

her friendship
a treasure of warmth,
her giving nature
the shining of spirit and hope....

she is thousands of gifts,
on a long rope sent
from the sky
and i
am blessed
by her compassion,
her never ending rations
of truth and caring,
her sparing of nothing
less than her soul,
given freely in words
and embraces...
no traces of anything less
than Sunshine!!

we love her and
every line of her verse
and each twenty two thousand
beats of her heart!!

22,000??? i hope it's just a start!!

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11 posted 2002-03-16 09:11 PM

Karilea--You are a light..brighter then the sun...thank you for your friendship and your brighten every day for me.  Hugs!

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12 posted 2002-03-16 10:16 PM

Sunshine, that's a whole lot of reading and posting! And you are always here with a smile and warm words of encouragement.
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Member Laureate
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British Columbia, Canada
13 posted 2002-03-16 10:36 PM

Gee Karilea, ONLY 22,000, you are lagging girl!  Seriously - thank you for sharing your memories with me, as we had spoken about how I had none, and I borrow yours; I treasure each and every one of them like they were my own.  I feel I am right there in your Soddy series as one of your characters.  When you write of tears I cry, and of happiness I laugh.  So here's to the last 22,000, and I hope I am here to see 22,000 more!
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By the sea
14 posted 2002-03-16 10:47 PM


It is people like you that are part of the foundation of this great home we all share.  Thank you and a BIG congratulations!!!  

Janet Marie
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15 posted 2002-03-16 11:10 PM

Thank you for all the warmth you've shined on me Dear poetess K.
I know you dont want a fuss made over the numbers, but this is about time given and and heart shared.
Aint no sunshine when shes gone

Member Empyrean
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Listening to every heart
16 posted 2002-03-17 07:10 AM

Mysteria...could it have been said any louder?  LOL...this was truly a gift when first seen, and I de"light"ed in watching the group of friends and acquaintances I've made come join in your fun.  You are a will o'the wisp who makes merry any simple occasion...

don't you know that the real person to be thanking here is Ron...who quietly makes everything possible for poets of heart? That does not take away the smiles that you have given me in "quietly" being allowed to pass by this little number...far more do much more...

thanks to all of you for peeking in!

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Member Seraphic
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17 posted 2002-03-17 09:53 AM

In your remarkable poems and your considerate replies, you've shared with us a woman who truly epitomizes the name Sunshine. *S* Your welcoming warmth greets new members of the family... your kindness sustains us all... your talent continues to amaze. *S* Here's to the next 22K... We appreciate you, sweet lady. *S*
Member Rara Avis
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On A Journey To The Unknown
18 posted 2002-03-17 05:55 PM

Wow Karilea! 22000th post. This is great. Thank you for all of the help you have given.
Member Ascendant
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Melbourne, Australia
19 posted 2002-03-17 09:11 PM


I remember that you were the first person to welcome me to Passions and your words have continually inspired me and been so very encouraging.  I feel much warmth when I read your words and thank you for accepting me into this wonderful community that is Passions.  Congratulations on such a fine achievement.

Take care......Sue


Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
20 posted 2002-03-20 09:27 AM

Shhhhhh !
Just a little note to say
how I appreciate you every day
And to Ron a tip of hat
Now ... how'd ya' like that ?
For within the numbers grand
there is simple joining of hands
From the heart of poetry penned
you have held mine, my friend~

Love ya' gal~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
         [email protected]                    

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
21 posted 2002-03-20 09:34 AM

ROTFLMHO at Marge...tiptoeing in like that...too cute...

you folks will never realize the pleasure I get from reading your poetry.  I just wish I had MORE time to respond to all of them...and in ALL of the forums...such a wealth of talent we are graced with!  Such a readership we have!!!

How Blessed I am to have come to know so many of you, through your writings....

Larry C
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22 posted 2002-03-21 12:18 PM

I just knew she as a babe! Thanks for clearing that up. And a heart to match that is expressed through incredible use of words that I will always cherish. Thank you.

Congratulations Karilea!! Wow!

Everybody thinks of changing humanity and nobody thinks of changing himself. Leo Tolstoy

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23 posted 2002-03-26 01:19 AM

CongratzSweetSunshine on 22,000th+...

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