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since 2001-05-23
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0 posted 2001-10-30 03:47 PM

Tell me, and everyone, for all of you...
who is the one person on this planet that you would kill to have a chance to meet..

It can be anyone!!

I want to know all of yours!!

live a little everyday and when its all over you will have lived a lot

© Copyright 2001 corey baker - All Rights Reserved
since 2001-05-23
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Boston, Mass, U.S.A.
1 posted 2001-10-30 03:47 PM

mine would be dave mirria

live a little everyday and when its all over you will have lived a lot

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Listening to every heart
2 posted 2001-10-30 05:26 PM

Moving over to PipTalk Lounge, as this is a Poetry Forum in Open #16...

and this definitely isn't a poem!

See ya there!

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3 posted 2001-10-30 06:43 PM

Probably Lance Armstrong.


"Old Men Love While Young Men Die" Kipling

Titia Geertman
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4 posted 2001-10-30 08:52 PM

Me??? I would like to meet all my sweet friends here at Passions


A rose is a rose is a rose...I guess...
Feel free to use the pictures on my website.

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5 posted 2001-10-31 12:37 PM

Cherish, definately!!!

~I am a computer genius... Hey! How do you turn this thing on?!?

~Love me because I am Rhonda

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6 posted 2001-10-31 05:23 PM

That is a good question. I'm not  Everyone here at passions... you all inspire me.. it would be nice to be able to tell you how wonderful you have all been in person.

And Stephen King.. cause I love his writing.  And I wanna see how freaky he is in everyday life *chuckles*

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swimming in fairy floss...........
7 posted 2001-10-31 08:18 PM

OMG rhon! im flattered...but you would KILL to meet me?... ..woooooOOOoo! you go girly!

who would i kill to meet you?...*goes off to ponder that violent thought* i would LOVE the chance to meet you rhon hun  

im going to meet annonymousfemale in 60 days!

id love the chance to meet LmL(aaron), Dastard(the spritzer), Kosetsu(adamz), Android17(alex),  Spice(jesa), Jenn, Stace, Zu, Fading Away(marie), Dopey dope(javvie), Kit, MummySEA(susan) and the rest of you guys in teen!

sorry corey...there so many i cant decide!...btw where's jeff?


"......",said the wise mute.

Member Seraphic
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8 posted 2001-11-01 06:48 AM

When you meet each other, take pics - I'm putting together a Passions "Poet to Poet" page for all of our real time gatherings...
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Member Rara Avis
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9 posted 2001-11-01 11:33 AM

you don't wanna meat me  

I'd like to meet.....Nelly Furtado

là où est mon amour?
donde está mi amour?
wo ist meine Liebe?

Member Rara Avis
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10 posted 2001-11-01 09:53 PM

Gee Acies - I wonder why?  
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11 posted 2001-11-01 10:06 PM

Aww, Don't cry Acies! I'd meeet you...Just so I could whine and complain about all life's put-me-downs and not be interupted and have to you, you may do the same.  

Every now and then I like to stick my foot in my mouth...

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12 posted 2001-11-02 01:19 AM

I'll meet you acire! But Cherish is still my first choice! Oh man, all of us in teen getting together? Oh the laughter!

~I am a computer genius... Hey! How do you turn this thing on?!?

~Love me because I am Rhonda

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13 posted 2001-11-02 12:02 PM


3 out of 5 computers bought today will be physically abused by their owners...

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14 posted 2001-11-02 06:11 PM

Acire is MINE!


Every now and then I like to stick my foot in my mouth...

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15 posted 2001-11-03 10:06 AM

I don't think I'd kill to meet anyone but I'd love to meet all the peeps at PIP, but I'd really like to meet My Vitriol... my favourite band and the object of a rather worrying obssesion...

"The feelings are replaced, And the words have all decayed, But it's another day ,it's another day" - My Vitriol "The gentle art of choking"

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16 posted 2001-11-03 06:45 PM

Keanu Reeves and Matchbox Twenty
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17 posted 2001-11-04 06:03 PM

*sighs* Creed. Russell Crowe. Ewan McGregor. Joquain Phoenix. No Doubt. Bif Naked. Since I can't meet acire...  

~I am a computer genius... Hey! How do you turn this thing on?!?

~Love me because I am Rhonda

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18 posted 2001-11-04 06:40 PM

matchbox twenty fer sure!

3 out of 5 computers bought today will be physically abused by their owners...

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19 posted 2001-11-04 08:46 PM


Steve Martin or Tom Hanks  

Every now and then I like to stick my foot in my mouth...

Poet deVine
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Hurricane Alley
20 posted 2001-11-04 09:29 PM

I'd like to meet Osama Bin Laden. Then I'd sit on him til the police got there to arrest him.  
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Member Rara Avis
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Twilight Zone
21 posted 2001-11-04 09:43 PM

Actually it would be nice to talk to him and just see his views and try to understand(if it can possibly happen which I highly doubt) his beliefs in terrorism and why he thinks is justified.

là où est mon amour?
donde está mi amour?
wo ist meine Liebe?

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22 posted 2001-11-04 11:17 PM

You'd SIT on him? LOL

~I am a computer genius... Hey! How do you turn this thing on?!?

~Love me because I am Rhonda

serenity blaze
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23 posted 2001-11-05 06:30 AM

my soul mate
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24 posted 2001-11-05 07:31 PM

Aside from what Serenity said, which is the # one,
Rod McKuen, Edna St Vincent Millay, Erica Jong, Cher (its a long story lol)
Jimmy Carter
Jesse Jackson
Bill Clinton
And many more..

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25 posted 2001-11-05 07:52 PM

the topis of the post is :
who is the ONE person you would like to meet

naw im kiddin! im just bein a snob guys!

3 out of 5 computers bought today will be physically abused by their owners...

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Pickering, Ontario
26 posted 2001-11-05 07:58 PM

James Van Praagh.  He is a world famous medium.  He has two incredible books he has written and if anyone is unsure if there really is something beyond this life, he has the most amazing proof . His testimonies are truly astounding.  I wouldn't mind meeting Silvia Browne either.  


It is a blessing to have wings for words and passion in pen.

Marina Crossley

serenity blaze
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27 posted 2001-11-05 09:16 PM

Marina? You should write me sometime...rumor has it I know a little bit 'bout it...  

And love to chat about it too....and they ARE very intereting people, aren't they?

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Pickering, Ontario
28 posted 2001-11-06 12:11 PM

HEY!!!!  Guess what????  I can cross one of my people off my list.  I was chatting with James Van Praagh earlier in the evening  I'm wired to the max!!!  He is an amazing talent.

It is a blessing to have wings for words and passion in pen.

Marina Crossley

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Pickering, Ontario
29 posted 2001-11-06 12:13 PM

serenity, I e-mailed you last week....You didn't get it???


serenity blaze
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30 posted 2001-11-06 02:25 AM computer has been crossing hairs...
(somebody clamp a hand over Sven's mouth? evil grin)--seems I have a conflict..imagine that!!!!

but if you cannot reach me through yahoo?
[email protected]

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Member Rara Avis
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31 posted 2001-11-06 09:12 AM

I'd like to meet Alyssa and bonk her on the head  

là où est mon amour?
donde está mi amour?
wo ist meine Liebe?

Dark Angel
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32 posted 2001-11-09 06:49 PM

I don't know who..James Van Praagh is but I have heard of John Edward, I've read his book and watch his show on tv... I would love to meet him.

I think I might look this James fellow up  
Thanks for the info Marina  

Oh and beside John Edward, I'd love to meet my PIP friends.

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Pickering, Ontario
33 posted 2001-11-10 01:23 AM

Dark Angel, John Edwards is very good too. I have read all his books.  We don't get the TV, show here in Canada though.  James Van Praagh was on Entertainment Tonight just this evening.


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34 posted 2001-11-10 02:03 AM

duh, Prince   #1
The President ~ Go Bush!! (he rocks)
I'd love to meet as many from Pip as possible   I love you guys   the kids in teen are a blast, I'd love to meet all of them....
who else???
a ghost would be cool...
not a really freaky one though...
the cast of Friends  
not sure who else...

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35 posted 2001-11-10 02:08 AM

oh yes, John Edwards is awesome!!! I love watching crossing over. He is so cool!!
I read two of Sylvia Browne's books, and I am convinced she is nuts. I started out really liking what she had to say, then she just got really freaky and sounded like she was making stuff up. Uh, no thank you...
Serenity, I will have to email you too, now I am wondering  

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Member Rara Avis
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36 posted 2001-11-10 12:16 PM

I'd like to meet Gen. Patton(though he's past away already) and the entire 3rd army of WWII

là où est mon amour?
donde está mi amour?
wo ist meine Liebe?

[This message has been edited by acire (edited 11-10-2001).]

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37 posted 2001-11-10 02:16 PM

Ever been to the Patton Museum in Fort Knox? Quite interesting...I've been twice.

What do you do when the only person who can make you stop crying is the person who made you cry?

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38 posted 2001-11-10 07:21 PM

The Dalai Lama - to discuss his spiritual insights.

Brad Pitt - to see what kind of man he is behind the Hollywood facade.

Rita Rogers - world reknowned psychic.

And of course my Passions friends..

And the list goes on.....


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Member Rara Avis
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Twilight Zone
39 posted 2001-11-10 11:15 PM

no Jesa, but I'd love to  

là où est mon amour?
donde está mi amour?
wo ist meine Liebe?

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40 posted 2001-11-11 12:20 PM

Stevie Nicks,--and btw CM-- I have met Rod Mckuen  -- loooong time ago...

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41 posted 2001-11-13 11:14 AM

If he were still alive I'd love to meet River Phoenix. I'd also like to meet everybody from CSI, all my friends from Passions (and the rest of the Net), and if those psychics are as good as you guys say they are I'd like to chat with them too.  

God bless America, my home sweet home.

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42 posted 2001-11-13 08:04 PM

bonk MY perty little head? hardly! id bust your knee caps buddy, and from whut i hear its quite painful!

3 out of 5 computers bought today will be physically abused by their owners...

Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
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Twilight Zone
43 posted 2001-11-14 09:31 AM

I'm untouchable  

là où est mon amour?
donde está mi amour?
wo ist meine Liebe?

anonymous albert ?
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44 posted 2001-11-14 02:31 PM

God...and my guardian angel( so i can dicuss all the things he shoudlnt say to God when we meet)...right?  
since 2001-04-19
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bc canada
45 posted 2001-11-14 03:13 PM

hmmmmm i thiniks i would like to meet my biological great grandma she seems pretty cool from all the storys i've heard about her and my bio dad =D
since 2001-10-01
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46 posted 2001-11-14 06:03 PM

I'd like to meet,
Jesus Christ,
Mother Teresa,
Bob Geldoff
and for a little light relief, Billy Connolly.

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swimming in fairy floss...........
47 posted 2001-11-15 05:43 AM

you know who id really like to meet?( and i am being serious) i would love to find out what its like to be talking to me. i mean would *i* like the person i am being a totally different person? i think overall i would get really annoyed with me. but i wonder what my first impressions would be upon meeting me- would i like me or would i pretend to like me or would i abhor me? would i want to meet me again? i mean i do know what its like BEING me...but what would it be like meeting me?...they say that a person prefers the mirror image of their face cuz its the most familiar to them...would i like looking at myself through anothers eyes?........*goes off to ponder the thought*




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48 posted 2001-11-15 09:35 AM

Cherish, I would love to meet you. My impressions of you are that you are so fun and wonderfully nice. I bet you'd be a blast to be around.  

[This message has been edited by SEA (edited 11-15-2001).]

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Coastal Texas
49 posted 2001-11-15 10:01 AM

The one person I'd like to meet would be my friend Doc (Johnny). I visited him back in San Diego, before he was trasferred to Maine. Now he's on a Navy vessel...somewhere. I'm very proud of what he's doing, but I still would like to meet with him again. Hopefully, in March/April.
Irish Rose
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50 posted 2001-11-15 04:25 PM

Mel Gibson  


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Queensland, Australia
51 posted 2001-11-15 06:17 PM

Only one? Well that really makes it tough. I was going to say there are a lot of poets here I would love to meet. Susan, Marge, Janet, Regina, Mark, Parker, Eddie, Michael. The list is endless! I think if I ever got to the US I wouldn't see much of the place but I would make a lot of friends.  


I wish you every happiness and may you always have the best of the good things in life.     a brand

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52 posted 2001-11-15 06:42 PM

Dee, if you ever get to California, you are welcome to stay with me!   I have the cutest brother in law  
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53 posted 2001-11-15 08:12 PM

id like to meet Spice/Jesa w/e u call her... I dunno why but I do OK?!

I LuV 2 fReAk out saLEpeEpZ. ThEy AsK me If tHey CaN heLp Me, & I sAy,'HaVe U gOT NEthINg Id like?'TheN thEy aSk mE wuT sIZe I sAy "X-tr MedIuM"

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54 posted 2001-11-15 11:34 PM

Harry Potter  
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swimming in fairy floss...........
55 posted 2001-11-16 04:16 AM

*jumps mummysea with a HUGE hug* really made my day sue ...thanks for that!




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Queensland, Australia
56 posted 2001-11-16 07:20 AM

Oh I nearly forgot   there's Alan too and 'Deer and.....
And Susan, I'm on the next plane  


I wish you every happiness and may you always have the best of the good things in life.     a brand

[This message has been edited by Dee (edited 11-16-2001).]

since 2001-02-23
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57 posted 2001-12-09 06:53 PM

I've already met this person, he is a very dear and special person to me, but I would love to be able to see him just one more time and tell him I love him...

my gramps...


"Poetry and Hums aren't things which you get, they're things which get you. And all you can do is to go where they can find you."

Member Rara Avis
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58 posted 2001-12-10 03:31 PM

Abraham Lincoln
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59 posted 2001-12-10 07:29 PM


A lot of the members from PIP.
Sylvia Plath, Samuel Johnson, My great-grandfather...the mafia one  

"Always keep focus on your dreams because most often than not that's all you'll have." - Javier

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60 posted 2001-12-10 08:03 PM

James Dean  

Though, I wouldn't kill to meet him.


"The things that come to those that wait may be the things
left by those who got there first"

[This message has been edited by Irie (edited 12-11-2001).]

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61 posted 2001-12-11 03:02 AM

My natural father...
and no..I would not kill to meet him..but it would be nice.  

I am many.

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62 posted 2001-12-11 10:04 AM

at this time of year(every day of the year really, but Christmas time is really hard), I wish I could talk to my Aunt Sue again....I miss her so much
Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
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Twilight Zone
63 posted 2001-12-11 01:17 PM


là où est mon amour?
donde está mi amour?
wo ist meine Liebe?

[This message has been edited by acire (edited 12-11-2001).]

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