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Come talk to me.... |
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Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
There are so many things we want to say about what happened yesterday. As writers, we are supposed to be able to voice the pains and sorrows that are in our hearts. Are you having trouble writing today? I know I am. I can think of nothing else but the tragic loss of life....it seems that nothing else matters right now. At work, we stand around and talk about it, while our phones remain silent... My daughter is scheduled to fly in from Tampa on Friday..at this point, I would like her to cancel, but she is a brave soul and will come if the flight is not cancelled... One of my coworkers has a cousin working at the Pentagon....as of today, she is not sure where he is...one of my bosses is married to a flight attendant who was scheduled to fly to Europe last night...she did not.... Please tell me your thoughts...talk to me.... |
© Copyright 2001 Poet deVine - All Rights Reserved | |||
Charisma![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-09-30
Posts 5906lost in blue pages |
My thoughts are with the broken families, the cry of their children....the cry of their parents....the cry of their grandparents. Even that I don't live in America, I am a mother and emotions flows over....I across these blue pages, wishing I could do more than only giving my prayers and showing my concerness....me too at the other side of the world but yet in heart with you all |
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
I think prayers are very important. Don't think that you are not doing 'something' because you are. Thank you... |
Irish Rose Member Patricius
since 2000-04-06
Posts 10263 |
My daughter is in the army reserves, I have two sons 18 and 24. I have been so selfish and focused on my own past pain in recent months that I almost destroyed myself when they are the brave ones, and so are the people - the rescue workers, the heroes and the people who will continue to dig us out of this nightmare. But I have seen a unity in places where yes, people sometimes disagree, sometimes are hurt but I have seen a unity. Have yesterday's events changed my life and the lives of everyone here on earth? Hell yes! Some things I thought were important to me, or I thought were, are no longer. Venegeance and hatred - I leave to a higher power and retaliation to our government who I pray will seek and destroy the ones who did this. Last week I flew on a plane. I am safe and alive now. Those people on those planes, oh God help them, God help them. After yesterday? I will write and others write of it and of course we will never be the same. ![]() I am, forever changed. God bless . Kathleen "Others can stop you temporarily, but only you can do it permanently." [This message has been edited by Irish Rose (edited 09-13-2001).] |
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
I think we all realize how precious life is right now.... http://www.angelfire.com/fl4/IceWalker/ATributetotheVictimsandFamily.html |
Marilyn Member Elite
since 1999-09-26
Posts 2621Ontario, Canada |
Sharon....I have been shaken to the core. I have come to passions to read of our members in the New York and Washington areas. I pray that they and their loved ones are safe. I pray and grieve the people who's lives were lost in this tragedy. I pray for their families and for the United States of America. My writing? It has been quite for a while but as of yesterday, the silence is deafening. I know not what to do; I know not what to think. I am incapable of rational thought without effort. You are in my thoughts and my prayers. May God be with all of you. [This message has been edited by Marilyn (edited 09-12-2001).] |
Titia Geertman Member Ascendant
since 2001-05-07
Posts 5182Netherlands |
Hi there, Good thought, putting up this thread, for I think people need to speak out. I myself, am far away from where it all happened, but it looks and feels like it all happened in my backyard, if you know what I mean. Although it hit your country, this isn't just America that has been hurt. I think it's hurting people all over the world who stand for freedom and democracy. And when those evil minds who thought this up are found, death would be a too easy punishment for them. They should be confronted with what they did their whole living life. Their cells should be pasted with pics and their music should be the crying of the grieved, maybe then one day, they will understand what they did. I don't hate, for that I would only hurt myself, but I'm angry to the bone. Seeing those celebrating moslems on tv, I only could think: 'You poor people, you're minds are so brainwashed that you're not human anymore'. It's hard to pick up daily life again. I saw some 'normal' poems admitted in Open yesterday and I couldn't get myself to respond to them in the normal way I used to. I felt like I was betraying those who died that day. Strange isn't it, how ones mind works. I still find it hard to get my playish humor back. It will take some time I guess. Life goes on, I know. I didn't even know any of those who died but it feels like I knew them all. And to Kathleen, glad to see you again, but throw away that feeling of hate dear, you're only hurting yourself with it. Hate never has solved a problem, please turne it into love for those who need you most. And come back here some day with your beautiful poetry. Titia A rose is a rose is a rose...I guess... |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354Listening to every heart |
Titia, you are so right when you comment that it is not just "hurting the US"... economics have a big part in this, world-wide... the sense of peace, and lack thereof, affect everyone... and if it can happen here, your sense of safety is eroded... it is time for the world to come together. Unfortunately, we ALL have to be willing. I am ready. Anyone else? |
Sven![]() ![]()
since 1999-11-23
Posts 14937East Lansing, MI USA |
If I don't have my words. . . I've got nothing. . . I'm a writer, words are what I work with. . . they're how I cope, they're how I comfort, they're how I inspire and move others. . . Today, it's been hard to not write for me. . . because I know that if I do write. . . I will not be able to control myself. . . my emotions are very high right now. . . what with people around me screaming for war, and saying that the only way that we can answer death is with death. . . And, if I do write. . . I will just open myself up to those emotions. . . and I have a job to do right now. . . so, I can't open to those. . . I did this morning. . . and this is what came out. . . A Different World ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To the world, you may only be one person. But to one person, you may be the world. [This message has been edited by Sven (edited 09-12-2001).] |
Irish Rose Member Patricius
since 2000-04-06
Posts 10263 |
Yes, Titia, yes, I am doing just that no matter how long it takes. God bless our leaders and heal our land..... Kathleen |
Local Rebel Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-21
Posts 5767Southern Abstentia |
My initial reaction yesterday (also posted at my site) Whether or not the scum responsible for this morning's attacks on our nation's capital at the Pentagon and at the World Trade Center in New York City had any metaphorical intent or any sense of irony at all our national emergency call is now also the wake up call to arms on a new date that will live in infamy. This is a 911 of the highest priority at a time when we must act with deliberation and intellect instead of rage. In times of war it is paramount that our government speak with one voice to the world regardless of political ideology and for the rank and file of public and private citizens to lend full support to our leaders. The horrific loss of life most of the nation and the world watched on television this morning should underline to the American people the importance of foreign policy and our engagement of peace negotiations throughout the world even in areas that may seemingly have no immediate effect on our national interests. Whether or not this was state sponsored terrorism or the act of a loose-cannon despot like Osama Bin Laden -- or even the remote possibility this was some nut-job domestic dissidents like the Oklahoma City bombing -- it's time now for our central government to do what it was intended to do -- and that is to protect the citizens of the United States while upholding the Constitution. In order to have a nation of freedom our founding father's risked everything -- including life and liberty. The lives lost in this latest attack on freedom should be commemorated and honored by upholding the principles on which our nation was founded. One of the despicable effects of terrorism is the psychological impact on our sense of well being and the temptation to sacrifice personal freedom for personal safety. There would be undoubtedly no end to the satisfaction in the minds and hearts of these international criminals than to watch our nation surrender our liberty as a result of this horrific tragedy. President Bush has vowed to hunt down these tyrants he called 'faceless cowards' and rightly said it was freedom that was attacked. In the wake of the first attempt to blow up the World Trade Center, the Oklahoma City Bombing, we've seen the almost insane measures taken in airports in the name of security that we've all seen today had little to no effect on persons of malice. In the words of my late father -- 'locks only keep out honest people'. In the days, months, years ahead -- the public outcry for security will be loud. But friends -- there is no such thing as security except an absence of malice. Regardless of the extremes our government may pursue to secure intelligence on events like these we will always be vulnerable as long as we have a nation of freedom. Abandoning that freedom is a greater act of terror on the American people and the counter measures taken by the intelligence community quite often only have an effect on ordinary law abiding citizens and our privacy. It was the genius of children's book author Dr. Zeus that struck at the real truth of the human spirit and the best weapon against terrorism. Yes. We must stop to mourn. We must stop to secure the airways and our borders. But we cannot -- will not -- let the Grinch steal our spirit of freedom. America comes together miraculously in times of tribulation. The American Spirit, indeed, the Human Spirit... Will Prevail. Peace and my heartfelt sympathy to the friends and families of the thousands who died today in the name of liberty. [This message has been edited by Local Rebel (edited 09-12-2001).] |
Charisma![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-09-30
Posts 5906lost in blue pages |
I have readed so much pain, so much frustration...so much hope,...love...with you I walk through a hell of emotions, and mine are build for more than 2 years, when the Jihad attacked my homeland...right now I am empty, tears are flowing from within...all the pain I hide inside are coming above...I know where you are going through...and that's why I feel this so intense...sorry you ask to come and talk with me....and I don't want to bother you with my story.....but I needed to talk too.. and I will pray continue for you and the world. |
Marge Tindal![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 1999-11-06
Posts 42384Florida's Foreverly Shores |
Sharon~ I have misplaced my poetic thoughts as I have cried the tears of one waiting for word on friends and loved ones in the rubble of destruction on a street corner in New York and Washington. My word-efforts have been spent in reaching out to the families of friends in e-mails, perhaps giving them a modicum of strength to sustain them through these perilous times. Time spent counting the blessings of this mother whose son had returned home safely from a trip through the Boston and Newark airports just a couple of days before the tragedies struck. Sharing in the joy of my elderly neighbors when they heard from their son who was at the Pentagon when it was hit and escaped uninjured. Sharing in the joy received from the parents of my friend who was in the Trade Center #2 Tower when it fell ... they found their son in an area hospital - minus part of his hand, but alive. Waiting for word on a firefighter friend who was in the vicinty of the towers when they crumbled ... and still I wait. The words have poured out in prayers for and to others ... trusting the poeticism will return when my heart is not so full of heartbreaking distractions. Trying to take the time to thank the world of friends who have touched us with their compassion and concern. For now, I keep the quiet vigil that is just so necessary for me to get through these times in reaching out, catching and holding the tears of others. Thank you so much for allowing me to share these thoughts. *Hugs* ~*Marge*~ ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~ noles1@totcon.com [This message has been edited by Marge Tindal (edited 09-13-2001).] |
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
Today I learned that the aunt of one of our designers was on the plane that crashed into the ground in Pennsylvania. The nephew of one of her staff was in one of the towers and is missing presumed dead. Even though we may not have friends or family directly affected, we are by nature, a worldwide family..therefore, their loss is our loss... Today, there was a bomb scare at the company where my son works...there was a bomb threat(unfounded thank God) at a local school...and 1/2 a mile from my office, a suspicious package was spotted on a bus..it was not a bomb...and late this afternoon, a refueling jet had an emergency landing at the Phoenix airport due to a problem with they hyrdraulic system.... But you should see....every house on my block is flying the American Flag!! |
rwood Member Elite
since 2000-02-29
Posts 3793Tennessee |
I don't know....how to feel. One part of me is nauseated and drained from crying, the other is so angry, the other is so happy to be alive, I'm going in a circle of dizzying disbelief. The first thing I had to do was find my Dad. He is a truck driver and goes to New York contantly. He was not bound for New York, and he is okay, but I just need to see him and hug him. And so many are still waiting! I just can't believe the grand scale of murder and pain! Our children look on in this like from a Movie. They can't comprehend the truth of this tragedy. Part of them are confused and quiet, and the other think it's the end of the world. I don't even have answers to their questions. I can only hug them and cling to them with all the love I have. I'm ashamed that I'm afraid. For I believe in God and should have better faith. But I keep careening into anger! I have been a military dependent all my life. I know the repercussion of haste and anger. I know what our retalliation can do. I only hope and pray for swiftness and justice to be actually served without the further loss of life. I'm so lost. I pray for all the weary souls and hearts in mourning for their loved ones. I hope they feel the world cry with them. God help us all. I appreciate everyone at Passions more than you know. It is keeping me grounded somewhat, and it sure helps one to keep praying when you see others doing it as well. Thank you for sharing with us all. Sincerely, Regina |
inot2B Member Elite
since 2000-09-18
Posts 2205Arkansas |
I feel violated. Never did I believe anyone would do this to our Country. The TV is turned on as soon as I wake and doesn't go off till night falls. Yes I want revenge I just don't know who to aim it at. Seeing the people walking around in a daze wondering where their love ones are, just make me cry. May God be with them. |
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
Seeing the five firemen just rescued from an SUV has lifted our spirits I think..there is still some hope!!! |
Cpat Hair![]()
since 2001-06-05
Posts 11793 |
Morning all... I,like everyone am shocked and feel a deep sadness for all that has happened in our country. I have opinions...and will keep most of them to myself for now, but I did want to share a few thoughts... 1. We are not alone in our feelings. The WORLD, and that is an important point..the WORLD is shocked and horrified by what has taken place. Because of the terrible actions taken by radical terrorist, not only have we as Americans ben roused, but decent people in manyother countries have as well. This affords us...citizens of the WORLD to unite in forms and fashions to erradicate or at least greatly reduce the future actions such groups or individuals might undertake. 2. Everything worthwhile has a price. WE... have to understand it is not going to be a surgical strike, bloodless and without pain that rids the WORLD of this sort of action. It is going to be a gruesome and bloody brawl... ugly to watch...uglier to feel... Unlike the patient that is mercifully sedated before the surgery..we will have to witness with all our senses the extraction. Steel yourselves with resolve...and look for the good that CAN come from all of this. 3. We have been sleeping in ways... unaware...unwilling to wake ourselves and face the tasks at hand. Now... it is time we began to shake the sleep from our eyes and focus on the future....what does this mean for us and for all. OK.... off my soap box..and I'll end ( if anyone is still reading...) with my sincere and heartfelt condolences to all that lost loved ones or friends in the tragedy of Tuesday... My heart and thoughts are with all... |
Duncan Member Ascendant
since 2001-08-07
Posts 5455 |
I want to, I really do. I read this maybe 1 hour after it was posted. I wanted to talk then. I want to talk now. I can't. But I'm here. I read what I can bear...but I can't seem to respond. In the first 15 minutes that I was aware of all this, I KNEW how enormous the consequences would be, not only for this country but for the world. I had no idea how these events would affect me personally. I just wanted to say that I am here...if silently. I am grateful for all the voices that are speaking. I am proud to be a member of this community. Thank you all-----Duncan |
Dark Angel Member Patricius
since 1999-08-04
Posts 10095 |
Sorry, I need to let it out..... It's been six days since this terrible tragedy occured; and even though I have been grieving for the innocent people that have lost their lives and their family and friends. Even though I have had all YOU wonderful poets here at passions in mind, hoping you are all safe. Even though I have cried. Even though I went to church yesterday, prayed and lit candles. It only really just hit me last night and more than what I thought it had actually done. As soon as my head hit the pillow last night, I had flashes of the planes hitting the Trade Centre, peoples expression of horror, the Towers crumbling to the ground. These flashes just kept going over and over in my mind as I tossed and turned. I had nightmares of war breaking out, which well we know is inevetible, more Americans, more people of the world going to die. I had nightmares of actually standing in one of the Twin towers, just it's framework and all I had around me was blue sky and white clouds and the reality of just how tall those building were. (60 storeys high was the highest I've ever been in.) See I am beginning to feel fear and I am here all the way in Australia. I guess what I am trying to say is I can comprehend perhaps only a little of how you folks in the USA are feeling and please know that my heart goes out to you and I wish there was something I could do. My fear is nothing compared to what Americans have felt and do still feel, but I want you to know that I am hurting and angry that this has happened and my thoughts and prayers are with you all. Australia is right there beside the United States of America. Sharon, thank you for this thread ![]() HUGS ALL Maree |
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
Last night, every time I felt myself fall asleep, I woke up with a shudder...I feel anxious and unsettled.... |
Marge Tindal![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 1999-11-06
Posts 42384Florida's Foreverly Shores |
I was discussing with Vicky in the wee hours of the morning that I find my emotions vacillating to such wide extremes that it's difficult to put it all into words. And yet ... words are all I have, my ink runs with the tears of each new story unearthed from the rubble of those buildings, lives snuffed out, survivors trying to deal with the carnage, rescuers fighting through heroic efforts to hold onto the hope that their further efforts won't be in vain. Fear, anger, sorrow, anger, compassion, anger, camaraderie, anger, hope, anger- a see-saw of emotions that leaves me weary of heart. It's only been five days ... and the emotions remain as raw as they did on Tuesday morning ... yet as each day becomes longer with grief ... I fear most the hatred I feel. It consumes me ... and that is something I have to come to grips with. My sorrow for all the families who lost loved ones is priority one ... but I want off the see-saw. And I don't see it coming and that saddens me even more. ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~ |
Mysteria![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-03-07
Posts 18328British Columbia, Canada |
I am numb with fear. As one of your Canadian neighbours I have to tell you I have been so upset since Tuesday, and living alone I am scared to death! I have not been able to sleep properly or eat. We too have been terribly wounded by the terrorists. Today, I woke up and it was foggy in Vancouver and I simply sat down and cried because I could not see the sky over downtown, and it has become important to me to watch the sky. I have been busy trying to write (and not to well) to show support and cheer up my American friends, and offer some hope, give an aura of faith, and sisterhood while expressing my sincere sympathy to all victims, and loved ones. I wanted to show my respect for the volunteers, and the military, and hold hands with those whose hearts were aching. I wrote of brotherhood and forgiveness but today an incident has silenced me to write about this anymore, and I have to hold a silent vigil. I started a candle vigil and support network for two neighbours whose son was missing (as a tourist) at the Trade Center, and offering some hope he would be found. He has not been, but still we keep the candle of hope burning. This candle also burns for a school friend that worked at the centre, and so far we have no word on her either. When the planes landed in Vancouver unable to go to the United States, I took in two families from the U.S. and listened to their terror, and tried to comfort them as others here did with visitors they took in, and all the while I wanted to just be sick. I have never been vindictive, but I want these terrorists put to justice for what they have done to us all, but I don't want it done with hatred. Today an incident took place that has changed me yet again! I can not hear or see anymore of the hatred associated with this act of violence that has been committed. TODAY … I was cutting through my favorite playground, as the sound of children always makes my day, when I saw something so despicable I am embarrassed to tell this story. A small girl was on a swing, when two boys went up and pulled the scarf from her head, and called her a "murderer". These boys proceeded to push her off to the ground and kick her hard while she lay curled up in a ball. I went to stop it, and two women and a man came running up. The man said, "leave them alone, those people deserve it". Another man appeared, being the Father of the girl, and stopped it, but when he went to walk away, the other man attacked him and spewed venomous words about Muslims and how they were all going to be "toast"! The kids were yelling terrible things at that little girl as she walked away with her scarf in her hand, head bowed. Finally this was stopped, and I simply sat there crying. What I heard from the mouths of babes can not be repeated on this site, and this they learned at home. What is coming to this world when parents teach their children this kind of hate? Do they not realize that by doing this, they are forming character in their children like the very people we are now hunting down? This tore my heart out today to see that little girl so degraded and attacked. I have a new granddaughter due to arrive in 5 weeks, and my biggest concern right now is that I hope I am here to see that event. Yes September 11th has changed the world, and this is just a sample of how it has changed mine. We have a large Iranian and Muslim population in our area, now what? Is this to be a daily problem? Another thing for me to be scared about? I pray for no hate and prejudice please - it is a cancer that spreads like wildfire from ignorance, and grows into evil, like we saw on September 11th, 2001. I never thought I would say this ever but I want the terrorists, and the supporters that have done this to the world. I want justice for how I am feeling - which is absolutely NUMB. I can read and see no more. Thanks for listening, and my prayers are with you all. I send my love and sincere sympathy to all loved ones waiting and of victims. ~* If you want a rainbow, sometimes you just have to put up with a little rain *~ |
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
Mysteria, you'll be here to see your grandbaby born. Don't worry about that! And we better get a picture of her!! ![]() |
NightShadow Member
since 2001-09-04
Posts 127New Jersey |
Im so shocked, so confused.. I was so scared when all this was going on.. because where I live, it is like an hour away from us.. or so, and I was alone.. We live by a Navy Base.. and I was just freaking out.. didnt really know what was going on and if there would be more attacks. I called my mother, who lives in Indiana.. and she was fearful of me being alone.. I am forever changed by this. Even today, I sit home alone and scared.. I cry, when I think about what happened, and all the people who lost their lives that day... I pray, and pray.. for the victims and their families.. I found out from my sister on Wednesday, that she knows someone who is still missing.. I didnt think it affected me, or my family in the sense of knowing people who are missing, but it really hits home moreso now.. knowing my sister has a friend missing. We're still scrambling to get flags.. I am tempted to make my own so I can have one at my house.. as my inlaws have one flying here as well. God Bless America.. and be with all those who lost a loved one, or a friend.. and for all the people who are working hard to remove debris, and find more victims burried under the rubble... ______________________ Sorry if this just rambles on.. I am thinking about so much and sometimes its hard for me to express my feelings.. A Life without Love, is no life at all... |
hush Senior Member
since 2001-05-27
Posts 1653Ohio, USA |
I think that most people are just scared. I am. I'm scared that this could (did) happen, and absolutely dumbfounded at the immensity of it. We haven't even begun to see the huge impact this will have- it threatens our economy, happiness, and freedom (the U.S. government is already talking about legislation that would make it legal to put wire taps not only on phone lines, but on individual people, however they would do that...). I'm scared about a war- there are predictions that it might take years to get 'what we want'.... I'm also disgusted- that fear manifests itself in a bloodlust, the desire for 'justice' which seems to have become the new American word for revenge. I am disgusted that gas companies shot their prices up the day this all happenned... some places charged 4,5, even 6 dollars a gallon. The only reason prices returned to normal was that our government intervened. I am disgusted that when I went to get gas on Tuesday night I saw two women get into a fistfight over parking.... and I'm disgusted that one woman's small son (no older than 6 or 7) was the only person who tried to break this fight up. It really honestly touches my heart to see how people are pulling together for the rescue effort... and I'm not much for feel-good heartwarming things- I'm the typical critic who always says "yeah, but...". A friend and I went down to the Red Cross to donate blood, and waited five hours.... so many people wanted to help, so many local restaurants and stores donated food, and volunteers force fed us every half-hour so nobody would get sick from donating.... I just wish we could always show this much patriotism and care.... I eat only sleep and air -Nicole Blackman |
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
I hate the word revenge....but I hear it everywhere..I'd rather hear peace and justice....and compassion...but I'm afraid it's too late for that. |
Sven![]() ![]()
since 1999-11-23
Posts 14937East Lansing, MI USA |
hush. . . I'd like to shake your hand. . . good job. . . ![]() deVine. . .it's never too late for peace and compassion. . . all it takes is one. . . and we've got how many here??? ----------------------------------------------------------- To the world, you may only be one person. But to one person, you may be the world. |
Severn Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
Posts 7704 |
I'm still numb and shocked...I can't stop thinking about it all...I'm still glued to CNN...I can get 24 hour coverage on NZ's cable thingee... I don't have words to write oddly enough..I've read through this thread and find we share many of the same feelings...and when I could write I didn't and now that I can't write here I am haha. sigh... hugs to all..it's all I can manage.. K |
Sven![]() ![]()
since 1999-11-23
Posts 14937East Lansing, MI USA |
it's all that's needed my friend. . . ![]() -------------------------------------------------------- To the world, you may only be one person. But to one person, you may be the world. |
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
Today we decorated our cubicles with flags and red,white & blue streamers. Our boss (she's a sweetie) bought us all 'born in the USA' tshirts. We printed out some of the more stirring patriotic photos from the internet and have an inspirational wall started. It's nice to work in an atmosphere that allows us to BE patriotic. ![]() |
Sven![]() ![]()
since 1999-11-23
Posts 14937East Lansing, MI USA |
My newspaper has printed a full-page flag for people to put in their windows. . . it was so popular, we're going to do another one. . . I love to hear what people think. . . and have been quite pleased with the things that I've gotten so far. . . very well thought, and well written. . . thank you to those that have shared. . . ----------------------------------------------------------- To the world, you may only be one person. But to one person, you may be the world. |
inot2B Member Elite
since 2000-09-18
Posts 2205Arkansas |
Lady deVine, I have a confession to make. When I first saw the events happening on 9-11-01 my thoughts were oh those poor people in the building. Then I had this awful fear that what if it was American radicals doing this, like in Oklahoma. So I said a prayer to God and pleaded let it be someone from a different country. I have nothing against foreigners but yet I knew I couldn't stand it if it was one of our own. How I wish it was only a bad nightmare!!!!! |
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