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serenity blaze
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0 posted 2000-09-28 02:11 PM

Okay, we all heard a little bit each other's favorite, what song(s) do you absolutely HATE?  Name the tunes that make you crazy!

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Member Rara Avis
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Purgatorial Incarceration
1 posted 2000-09-28 02:30 PM

Don't Worry, Be Happy - Bobby McFerrin

After that, anything by one of those Bubble-Gum-Boy-Bands, (98 degrees, Backstreet Boys, etc...) it don't get much worse than that!  

serenity blaze
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2 posted 2000-09-28 02:42 PM

Oh Yeah?  Two Words:  "Muskrat Love"--the version by Captain and Tenille...(written originally by America--and they will not play it anymore, by the way)
Member Rara Avis
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3 posted 2000-09-28 03:49 PM

OH OH OH....Don't know who it's by but that song Who let the dogs out, and the other one called BLUE!  They're so LAME!
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4 posted 2000-09-28 04:45 PM

LOL...this one is EASY....gotta be 'Hey Jude'. Nope, not the one by John Lennon and the Beatles, but the cover done by the King, Elvis Presley. This version just downright sucks!!!
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5 posted 2000-09-28 06:45 PM

I know I'm gonna get a lot of flack for this but there are 2 that I absolutely abhor. One is a Charlie Daniels tune...The Devil Went Down To Georgia and the other is Sweet Home Alabama. A few years ago these songs didn't bother me but when I was still in the restaurant biz those 2 songs were played incessantly!! If they didn't make so much money for that little jukebox I would have cheerfully taken them out and set them afire!!!

Poetry~ Words falling on paper, painting a dream.

Shawna R. Holder
Boise, Idaho

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6 posted 2000-09-28 06:55 PM

First of all, any song by Britney Spears and anything by the Bubblegum Boy Bands! Have any of you noticed that all Britney's 'songs' sound the same?

Another one is The Lion Sleeps Tonight. I used to kind of like it, but then when the movie The Lion King came out a couple of years ago, it was played way too much. Can't stand it anymore. It drives me crazy.


Something sweet, something sort of grandish, sweeps my soul when thou art near...
[email protected]

Member Rara Avis
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7 posted 2000-09-28 07:39 PM


Ohh..and another stupid song..."The Hamster Dance"..not sure who sings that!!


My name isn't Baby, and I don't want to cyber.

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8 posted 2000-09-28 08:05 PM

Just recalled another one, one that has found immortality wherever two cowboys get together to boot-scoot: Macarena, by Rio dos Lobos. Back in 96, I worked in Hastings (book, vid and music store), where the management would play top 10's. Unfortunately, that song got played roughly 8 times a day, every day of the week for about 7 months. Still twitch a bit whenever I hear that insipid song. And who the hell is Morgena?
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not heaven nor hell so...
9 posted 2000-09-28 08:08 PM I find that I have stumbled into a Britney hating society huh...hmmm...oh well...the younger generation (which I am unfortuneately still a part of) will just have to get used to the fact that their breast implant, knee job sweet heart isn't all that's she's cracked up to be...
Hmmm, a song that I hate...ooooooh....Gardeamus, or something like that, I can't be bothered trying to spell it's my figging (I can say that right?) school song, we sing it every year at prize giving and it's in latin or italian or some other language that's not English and I really can't stand it, that and anything that's by Madonna, ESPECIALLY her latest "Music"
*puts her finger down her throat*

serenity blaze
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10 posted 2000-09-28 09:37 PM

Oh Yeah.  Three more words, if words they are..."Boogie Oogie Oogie"  Don't know who did that one, and I don't care either...LOL
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In the space between moments
11 posted 2000-09-28 09:45 PM

"Write this Down" By George Strait..*cringes* The song is basically saying that the woman should write down that he loves her....why can't the guy do it himself already!  Lazy cuss....anywho, that's probably the song I most despise....that and just about all rap songs...

*Krista Knutson*

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12 posted 2000-09-28 10:37 PM

Just thought of another one!! I found it funny the first couple of times then it got to be a bummer. "Good Bye Earl" by The Dixie Chicks.

Poetry~ Words falling on paper, painting a dream.

Shawna R. Holder
Boise, Idaho

serenity blaze
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13 posted 2000-09-29 06:24 AM

"You Light Up My Life"---Debby Boone. the shivers just typing that one...

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
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14 posted 2000-09-29 08:20 AM

Where to start...
where to start..

there are several

'Total eclipse of the heart' - by that chick in the 1980's - AND the latest 'version'. Blah.

'Music' from utterly bland...and that woman blinks more time than a horse with loose eyelashes in that video.

Robbie Williams. Anything he sings. Just...ewwwwwwwwwwww...detest! detest!

The little boy and little girl groups...that's NOT singing. It simply isn't.
Backstreet boys...go hang out there and never come back...

that'll do...I'll probably come back with I feel like a good gripe.

oh and just to correct C who is so sadly mistaken...'Don't worry, be happy' is a damn fine song...

no taste...the man has NO taste...heh


"He looked across the
silky surface of the Severn...
it was a famously difficult
river with fierce tides..."

From Jack Maggs

Local Rebel
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15 posted 2000-09-29 10:37 AM

well there have been too too many down through the decades to list -- so I'll keep to the currents

anything Backsteet

Californication -- hands down -- stupidest play on words I ever did heard...

Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
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In the winds of Cherokee song
16 posted 2000-09-29 11:04 AM

Okay Sonny and Cher's "I Got You Babe"...trash it PUUUUUUULEASSSSSEEEE!!
and don't forget the all famous gag me
"Feelings"   That one drives me to kicking the damn stereo when it comes on.  Now as for Severn and Bonnie Tyler's "Total Eclipse of the Heart"....I love that song but you certainly have the right to your opinion. She has a powerful voice in all she sings but the piano in that one is Awesome  

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
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Purgatorial Incarceration
17 posted 2000-09-29 04:42 PM

I LIKE the Goodbye Earl song!!! ROFL!!!

K - you just have no ear for music. This, coming from someone who thinks all rock music sounds like Pearl Jam...

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
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18 posted 2000-09-29 07:05 PM!!! In all honesty - it was released when I was seven or so and I remember the music video absolutely TERRIFIED me...I think that is some of the influence...

Now, C

All rock music?


As this is coming from someone with a penchant for extreme hyperbole I'll deem it unworthy of being offended by...


[This message has been edited by Severn (edited 09-29-2000).]

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19 posted 2000-09-29 07:54 PM

I would have to say that I hate anything by Marilyn Manson, he butchered the Eurthymic's classic "Sweet Dreams," he has no talent, cannot sing and worships satan...goodbye Marilyn  

The song "Crybaby" by Mariah Carey...oh my ga, this woman sounds like she is screeching and whining, horrible, horrible song and her voice is so annoying, I would rather stare at linoleum for 5 hours straight than hear that song ever again, it makes me sick  

P.S. -  BTW, I love "Goodbye Earl" by the Dixie Chicks...clever take on's time for revenge against those men who batter women, I luvit!  

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[This message has been edited by Melissa Honeybee (edited 09-29-2000).]

Dusk Treader
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20 posted 2000-09-29 09:54 PM

"Steal my Sunshine" by LEN... I don't know what it is but of all the rap/pop/Whatever just grates on my nerves... I hate "Hey Bartender" too, argh, NO MORE RAP-ROCK! Kid Rock, Limp Bizkit, BAD... Especially that stupid "Welcome to the Party Song" If I really wanted to hear about a moron getting drunk I could go to school.

Alright, that's enough of my opinions... LOL, I don't like Rap...

Abrahm Simons

"Keep on dreamin' boy 'cause when you stop dreaming it's time to die" - Blind Melon

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swimming in fairy floss...........
21 posted 2002-11-01 02:00 AM

haha I actually like "steal my sunshine" and "i got you babe"

Song I absolutely loathe: "Lets get married" song by Jagged edge...(I think that that's the title and group ) I think most of you know what Im talking about...ugh...

Are you scared?                            BOO! Are you now?

Jenn Cirrincione
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22 posted 2002-11-01 09:20 AM

I like "Let's Get Married" hehe I think it's nice.

I hate Steal my Sunshine...Len annoys me.
Kid Rock is awful, I don't think he knows the word "talent". I don't like anything by Puff Daddy....oh wait, maybe it's cause nothing is actually DONE BY HIM. He just steals it from everyone else. Most U2 songs drive me up a wall.

Why is it that we are at our most ingenius only when trying to destroy the things that keep us alive and thriving?

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23 posted 2002-11-01 11:11 AM

Now, Kid Rock has actually grown on me. You have to take it for what it is- trailer-brand party music... and in that context, it's kinda fun. How can you help but laugh at somebody who sings "I got money like Fort Knox?" and whose career exists solely for the purpose of promoting his riches, substance abuse, and luck with the ladies?

Not sue what the vendetta is against rap either- admittedly, most mainstream rap promotes (what I consider to be) really depressing ideals of getting laid and getting rich- but the art form isn't to blame for that- and it IS an art form.... I have come across no other form of music that comes closer to spoken poetry, and just listening to the way rap artists put words and sounds together, even if you disagree with the message, is really interesting, to me at least.

Now... my personal loathes?

"Sk8er Boi" (Notice "kewl" avant-garde spelling) by Avril LaVigne (Sp?)- that song is, in my opinion, one of the best examples of what is wrong with society today.... that stupid little counter-culture pop icon evidently thinks that fighting elitism with elitism of her own (against the teen definition of "preppy people") is the best way to get back at a "snob" who thought she was too good for the "Sk8er Boi." Well, who's the better chick now? *Shudder* For Christ sake, even Britney and Christina Aguilerra don't prance around pretentiously pretending to have something important to say....

Anything Papa Roach... or Linkin Park, but the two are pretty much synonymous to me, because I can never tell them apart.

I want to say "Just Like a Pill" by Pink-- oops, wait, I mean P!nk, LOL- but that song is great for entertainment value alone.

brian madden
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24 posted 2002-11-01 02:18 PM

over produced pop ballads (I have no problem with love songs with soul, eg Leonard Cohen, Nick Cave) Celine Dion, Mariah Carey, J lo
really make me GGGRRRRR...cursing under my breath
also bland pop music. ie. almost every song on main stream radio. boy groups, girl groups (it really annoys me that people call them bands, being a "band" would indicate that they can PLAY musical instruments) this nu-metal stuff as well, and the punk revialists like blink 182 and sum 42 (I am big fan of punk and post punk and these bands are not punk they are pop bands)  
and that stupid Nelly type hip hop and that gangsta (C)rap, I am not a fan of rap
but I don't mind stuff like Roots and Public enemy. Lastly I even need to give a reason?

The ladders of life that we scale merrily Move mysteriously around So that when you think you're climbing up, man In fact you're climbing down-Nick ca

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25 posted 2002-11-01 08:35 PM

I have a whole list of songs on my computer. A long list. Unfortunately, since I play all the songs randomly, it includes the PINBALL song in the list of songs, and its 17 minutes long... *shudder* ugh... I can't stand it. It makes me scream.


I don't care if you're an old fart, because old people are smarter than me.

-Me. (reply in the Alley)

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26 posted 2002-11-02 12:58 PM

Stand By Your Man - always hated that - wanted some man to stand by me, not the other way around! The Chicken Song that they insist on degrading you with at every single wedding, and anything by the Britney Spears,or the Backstreet Boys.
Jenn Cirrincione
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27 posted 2002-11-02 08:56 AM

Just about every techno song...unless there are black lights and glowing sticks lighting the room, there is no need for it.

That new Sheryl Crow song... soaking up the sun? Eh...? I don't know, it just annoys me.
And there used to be this had a dance and everything..."The Caterpilar Crawl", by the Moffats....*shudder* That was horrid.

Why is it that we are at our most ingenius only when trying to destroy the things that keep us alive and thriving?

since 2002-07-27
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London, UK
28 posted 2002-11-02 09:39 AM

Anything by Celine Dion is pretty awful, especially the Titanic song, over sentimental crap, ditto anything by Mirah Carey
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29 posted 2002-11-02 12:40 PM

Ok guys:
I like Goodbye Earl, Sweet Home Alabama and Steal My sunshine. What I hate is rap. Not Music, not music! Expecialy Eminem or however you spell his name! I'm sorry, but all of his songs are about killng his wife or Abusing his mother, AND he is racist. And he has the most annoying voice. It sounds like a snotty-nosed  pre-schooler going Na Na Na Na na, you can't catch me! Can you get any worse than that!One hundred times!!!!!!!!!!

OK, just breathe
I'm okay....

[This message has been edited by Wind (11-02-2002 03:22 PM).]

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30 posted 2002-11-02 08:14 PM

"Hero" by Enrique Englasis (sp?) *gags* I hate it. And I hate the video even more, if that's possible.
brian madden
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31 posted 2002-11-02 09:01 PM

Wind I have to disagree with you, rap is a form of music, and as with all music forms there is good and bad rap music. Eneimin's lyrics are merely shock tactics to gain attention, much like the ones Marilyn Manson used. Have you tried listening to Public enemy or roots (non gangsta rap)? I recently found myself listening to Metallica and system of a down after first dismissing them are rubbish.

I agree that Sweet Home Alabama is a great song, how can you not possibly like it, its got a great uplifting melody.  

Other forms of music I hare, country and western, the slick shania Twain kind (ok one of her love songs was ok, in comparison to most modern love ballads and also the forced storytelling and heart break ones.

I have no problems with Johny Cash, and even some (only some) Garth Brooks songs (the dance).

Though techno is out of the question and I have listened to many techno songs, my brother is a big dance music fan.

The ladders of life that we scale merrily Move mysteriously around So that when you think you're climbing up, man In fact you're climbing down-Nick ca

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32 posted 2002-11-03 04:03 AM

Blue by Efiel 65 OMG and anything By Metallica now..My first ex boyfriend just ruined me for life

If at first you don't succeed destroy all the evidence that you tried.

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33 posted 2002-11-03 08:44 AM

The Ketchup Song...DIE!!!!

Consider yourself added to the hitlist.

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34 posted 2002-11-03 11:12 PM

AF, you don't like that song? Whyever not??
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swimming in fairy floss...........
35 posted 2002-11-04 12:08 PM

I, for one, am going to kiddnap marshal and use him. For singing purposes only
He's great, I mean, who wants to walk around talking all pc when they don really want to?

Are you scared?                            BOO! Are you now?

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36 posted 2002-11-05 09:03 PM

Okay, I am of the opinion  that Eminem is extremely talented. Yeah, he uses shock tactics to push the envelope, and yeah, I can see why some of the things he says offend people. But to say that all he sings about is killing his wife and abusing his mother is sheer ignorance. I also like his voice, but that's purely persnol preference. But I am always really impressed with the way he puts words together, and believe it or not, I think he is one of the most lyrically sound artists getting consistent airplay today- and I also think he gets better with each progressive album.

Brian- I have to stick up for Blink 182. (Not so much Sum 41, but I do think they're kind of fun.) No, they aren't punk in the traditional 3-chord snarlin-anti-authority sense- but they are actually a good band- or rather, since I'm not really quealified to judge musical quality, I should say that I think their lyrics are usually fairly substantial, especially on Cheshire Cat and Dude Ranch. I also think that one of the great things about them, even in their more puerile or teenage-marketed pop tunes, they always seem to be having fun- which is immensely important in making enjoyable music. A bit cloying sometimes, especially with the childishly emotional "Staying Together for the Kids" and "Adam's Song," yea- but also really good when it comes to songs like "Dammit."

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swimming in fairy floss...........
37 posted 2002-11-05 10:22 PM

Oh 'nother one to add to the list is that annoying song.. I dont know the name of the singer, but rest assured, theyre LUCKY that I dont know their name.

it's sung by this guy who seems to be in a drunken stupor with giant ball  of phlem stuck in his throat.

he sings something along the lines of

"Guuuurl....You'll be a wooo-man...soon" And it goes on...

Are you scared?                            BOO! Are you now?

brian madden
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38 posted 2002-11-06 10:18 PM

Hush, I guess blink 182 are lost on me, though I agree it is important to have bands “always seem to be having fun”
Like “The Clash” who even at their most political never lost their sense of humour and were rarely downbeat
Or Green day, saw them live one of the best gigs I have been at. I am not a fan of Eminem but I agree he has some talent, though look at the whole package, its cartoonish, he is an entertainer like Marilyn Manson. A lot of its black humour, not meant to be serious like with Murder Ballads by Nick Cave and the Bad seeds.

I am going to shut up now, cos as someone once said "writing about music is like doing a dancing about architecture".

I used to make phantoms I could later chase images of all that could be desired then I got tired of counting all of these blessings"h.devoto magazine

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Member Rara Avis
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39 posted 2002-11-14 11:59 AM

I call it "radio."
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the wonderful land of oz
40 posted 2002-11-15 01:21 PM

ok, i do like goodbye earl and the devil went down to georgia.  ::hangs her head in embarrassment::


but i hate anything by:

ricky martin
j lo
backstreet boys
new kids on the block
britney spears
christina aguliera
mandy moore
jessica simpson
enrique inglesias [or however the hell you spell his name]
that lation boxer guy oscar something

and the list goes on and on and on...

in short?  i really despise pop music.  bleh.


i'm so bitterly disappointed.  betty, i think it's time you leave now.

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the wonderful land of oz
41 posted 2002-11-15 01:23 PM

oh, and especially anything by mariah carey.


i listen to kazaa and cds.


i'm so bitterly disappointed.  betty, i think it's time you leave now.

serenity blaze
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42 posted 2002-11-15 02:08 PM

jen? the mariah carey thing?


serenity blaze
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43 posted 2002-11-15 07:50 PM

Or would that be "mar-i-i-i-yah-yah-yah car-eeeee---eeeeee--aaa--ey?"

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44 posted 2002-11-15 10:16 PM

Heh heh heh... you guys should check out the movie Glitter. My best friend and I watch it obsessively...
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the wonderful land of oz
45 posted 2002-11-16 06:37 PM


NEVER mention that word in here again!

mariah carey is EVIL.  and not the good kind of evil either.

surely the spawn of satan.


i'm so bitterly disappointed.  betty, i think it's time you leave now.

Member Rara Avis
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Purgatorial Incarceration
46 posted 2002-11-16 06:50 PM

no, mariah's not my daughter, i promise!
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47 posted 2002-11-16 08:28 PM

Mariah is Alex's cat?

I am a Knight who says Ni!

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48 posted 2002-11-16 10:37 PM

doed anyone remember the bloody stupid band of brothers HANSON and their song MBop. the last time I heard it I had to buy a friend a new remote for his system.

Timid thoughts be not afraid. I am a Poet.

Paul Wilson
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49 posted 2002-11-21 09:57 PM

All songs with words that can't be understood
and most songs by Tim McGraw, He couldn't carry a tune in a bucket and he thinks he is Gods gift to women.

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