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Well, what do YOU do... |
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Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354Listening to every heart ![]() |
when, here in the USA, you get that Clerk of the District Court's notice for jury duty? Do you cringe? Do you start thinking of excuses? Use to be, you could get your boss [in some states] to write an "excuse" that you are too valuable to your job to be called for jury duty. Not any more. Now, I for one, being in the field I am, would LOVE to sit on a jury. I'd probably hang the whole team...[the jury, that is] And what happens. Well, for me, the inevitable. I call the night before, and it's cancelled. Or it is not cancelled, and I go to the courthouse, and sit through voir dire and they excuse me because I've had to list where I work and what I do for a living. NOT FAIR! I want to sit and serve. As it is, tomorrow's jury duty is cancelled, as the case settled. But, how about the rest of you? Karilea If I whisper, will you listen?...KRJ |
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Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648 |
So now that I work for a law firm, I will be excused from serving?! Cool! I need more than $9.00 per day to pay my bills. Geesh, it costs $16.00 per day to park in Center City these days. I've never been fortunate enough to work for a company that pays you while you serve. Otherwise, I'd love to! Denise |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354Listening to every heart |
Well, denise, not that easy...I at least get to sit through voir dire....and I have to laugh, because by the time the attorneys present the facts, my mind is usually made up. My boss tells me I'm pretty adept at getting to the bottom line...so that must be what they see when they "excuse me"... and I return with my $10.00 check back to an even bigger pile of work on my desk... Karilea If I whisper, will you listen?...KRJ |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648 |
I never made it through voir dire either...once because my father was a police officer, twice because I didn't have anyone to pick up my kids from school....one of the lawyers asked me if that fact would distract me from concentrating on the facts at hand...worrying about my children walking home alone and being home alone, with no way to get in touch with me....duh! And then a few times I just sat in the waiting room and never got called...just got sent home at the end of the day with my $9.00. Can't believe they haven't raised the rate in over 25 years. At least it used to cover lunch and parking....now it wouldn't even cover lunch with a tip! Denise [This message has been edited by dsnyder (edited 10-17-2000).] |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354Listening to every heart |
denise, too true! and I'll bet we're going to be the only ones talking about this... ah well...someday... Karilea If I whisper, will you listen?...KRJ |
Member Elite
since 2000-02-04
Posts 2919New York, USA |
Nope....I'll join in....I just mailed back my "jurors questionaire"....Have never been called to sit on a jury, and don't really know if I'd like it or not. Guess I may get to find out soon enough, I kinda hope not though. Let's see, my kids are grown, so that won't work, and I don't work in a lawyers office, so, no help there....hmmmm, oh well, don't have to worry about it.....yet. Bonnie |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
Posts 8296Purgatorial Incarceration |
I've often wondered at people's reticence to serve on a jury. It wasn't until I was 25 that I got my first Jury Summons. Ironically enough, I was one of the first called in, and one of three that stayed from the beginning of the selection to the end. I found the process soemwhat boring (mostly because there was a good amount of redundancy due to the need for translators), but interesting nonetheless. It was obvious to most on the first day of the actual trial, I'm sure, that the defendant was out-and-out lying. There was photographic proof, and the whole defense rested on the identity being established, which the photos did. Irregardless, we still had to sit through six or seven more days... until FINALLY the lawyers quit... LOL It took us less than twenty minutes to work everything out in deliberation and drop the verdict. GUILTY!!! Anyway, it was an interesting learning process, but only confirmed my belief that the system, while perhaps the best we have, is still far from perfect. C. Ps - I requested they hang the defendant... sigh, but they said that wasn't allowed... oh well... ![]() |
Local Rebel Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-21
Posts 5767Southern Abstentia |
Christopher -- I find you guilty -- of saying Irregardless... !! rofl ![]() |
PhaerieChild Senior Member
since 1999-08-30
Posts 1787Aloha, Oregon |
Not being one who likes to argue with others (hah!!) I would not want to do jury duty. I have been summoned twice and both times was told that because once upon a time (a long long time ago) I was married to a convicted felon that I could not serve on a jury. That really didn't hurt ma feelin's much. I just don't want to pass judgment on someone when I wouldn't want it passed on me. I figure what goes around comes around and if they did something wrong they will be held accountable for their actions by One who matters. Not me. How can you save me? When the dark comes right in and takes me, from my front walk and into bed, where it kisses my face and eats my head. Shivaree |
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