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I need your opinion |
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Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
I need your help! Fellow members, I need your opinions (like I need to ask!). For over a year, I’ve been collecting research data for an article on Cyberstalking and Online Romance Scams. I am taking a long plane ride soon so this is the perfect opportunity to put my thoughts together. I’d like to know what you think of online stalking and online romance scams (I know we’ve discussed this before). Please don’t relate personal stories here – I just want opinions. I received the following poem via email by someone who wishes to remain anonymous. She knew I was working on an article about cyberstalking and romance on the Internet and sent this to me. I'm tired of seeing people hurt And poets who exit the scene And the feelings some are playing Could really just make me scream What amazes me the most is What some do for replies? Shouldn't comments come on their own? Not because one has an ego high Though some say they're leaving But haven't really gone And I'm just wondering Is this a dance and song? I would hope these others see That they're headed for the wall For when playing with emotions You're in for a great fall It's not funny to be silver tongued To play on emotions of the weak So take your games elsewhere your lies begin to reek..Now, ladies and gentlemen(yes, it happens to guys). What is YOUR opinion? Have you had an experience with an online Lothario? An internet Jezebel? If you want to relate personal stories, please email me, do not list them here. All emails will beheld in confidence. |
© Copyright 2000 Poet deVine - All Rights Reserved | |||
RainbowGirl Member Elite
since 1999-07-31
Posts 3023United Kingdom |
Sharon: I'm off to bed, too much on my mind to give a completely concise reply, but.... Yep, there is a world out there where some give and some take...the givers win because they trust, because they give and keep on giving...the takers: well, I guess they get somekind of comfort from having got what the givers give so willingly...I include myself in the giving group and only when the takers want their last ounce do the givers realise what they gave so freely.... but, what would we be if we couldn't give? Maybe a strange take on this subject but I would rather have given 150% and end up losing than never have known the power of love, touch and gift of smile or sensory touch...in essense I can think of nothing that makes me so angry as the one who made me feel so much! Off to bed...I'm worn out...too many battles to fight these days and too little time to do them justice! Take care HUSG |
Horizon Member
since 2000-10-04
Posts 51 |
I think the internet gives a great oppertunity for people to be something other than themselves. You can go into a chat room and be anyone you want to be, no one can see you, just your words. This can be good for a person that may want to escape the normal grind of their world. But for people that have a hard time distinguishing reality from chat rooms tend to make this their game and their life. They can get so wrapped up in what they are doing they lose who they really are. It can come a obsession. The fact remains their are weirdos outside of cyberland this just feeds their desires and makes it easier for them to stalk and take advantage of others. Not everyone on the net is weird you can establish wonderful friendships and kindered spirits. and I think those friendships are just as real as the people I have around me physically. Unfortunately there are a lot of dangerouse people to look out for. I think it's so much better to be honest, however sometimes it can hurt you if you cross the wrong people. ![]() [This message has been edited by Horizon (edited 10-10-2000).] |
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
Honesty is the word for sure! Here's a bit of the article.. "Here is an informal survey posted to find out what people would consider acceptable for a spouse or significant other. Findings, based on about 1,000 replies: 79.7% said it's OK for a significant other to reply to an unsolicited instant message or chat with a stranger of the opposite sex. 75.2% said it's OK to visit an adult Web site. 80.6% said it's not OK to give your phone number to a member of the opposite sex online. 54% said it's not OK to exchange photos. |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
Posts 21191Cape Cod Massachusetts USA |
I feel that meeting people online is very much like meeting them in "real" time. You can go to a local bar and meet new people who pretend to be someone other than themselves just as easily. The bottom line is, spending time with that person will ultimately bring out their actual personality. No one can maintain a facade indefinitely. I do believe that more time should be taken to get to know someone "online" and trust needs to be clearly established before meeting... but I see nothing wrong with getting to know others via direct chats... I don't particularly like the open "chatroom" mode, however. That's like a local bar to me. Meeting in an atmosphere where common interests abound... yes, like Passions - That's a different story. You can observe your "friend" as they comment to you and to others as well - and take your time to become acquainted with them. I also think there will be as many successful and unsuccessful meetings this way as any other. People are people - whether on or offline... ![]() |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
Well, as you know---there's this guy I live with. And, as you also know, I spend alot of time on the puter, and at night, I generally like to chat on icq. It used to upset him--but then I pointed out---"Look, they're not sitting in your livingroom. We don't have to feed them. They are not loud. They go home as soon as I wan't them to, and not ONCE has anyone drank up all of your beer." (except for me, but I'm worthy!) And as for romance? Not a very realistic situation for me to think about, is it? But hey, I can DREAM, can't I? |
doreen peri Member Elite
since 1999-05-25
Posts 3812Virginia |
What Nan said.......!! |
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
A lot of the research shows that lonely people are being preyed on..and used...by 'lotharios' and 'jezebels'....and since it's embarrassing to admit you've been taken, I think the numbers must be higher. Remember, my son met his wife in a chat room, so I do know it can happen. But my focus is on the negative for this article. ![]() |
Dark Angel Member Patricius
since 1999-08-04
Posts 10095 |
I echo Nan. ![]() |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
Well, I hate to admit this, grin--means I have to agree with Chris---but there ARE choices....and you can just decide that "No, I do not wish to talk to you..."---as I told one guy, "You know where to go for that stuff, so go there. I'm more interested in what you have read lately..." poof. He was gone. |
RainbowGirl Member Elite
since 1999-07-31
Posts 3023United Kingdom |
I've come back to this topic, not sure why but it kept surfacing in my mind all day...and now in the dead of night when all is quiet, apart from my heart I feel the desire to let my feelings out...ok, it doesn't matter much because after I say this I can choose to never read it again and I suspect I may well choose that option in the cold light of day... I'm a warm kind of person, love to give and I keep doing it, long past the sell by date because I have faith and trust...but I also know that my kind of faith and trust isn't anyone elses....I keep putting my foot in that damned door to keep it open when in reality I should slam it closed... A long time ago, when feeling so hurt you would not believe, feeling so unwanted and so totally invisible but also trying to make myself understand that just because I care, doesn't mean others should...I wrote one of those ads, I was mostly just being myself, no picture because I dislike a situation where people immediately say "what do you look like"....I don't know, for me, I think a relationship goes downhill from thereon....I don't really care what you look like, it's that part in the middle that I care about but if you don't give me chance to care about you your outward appearance isn't going to change it, simply because we are now on .."attraction fields".... I digress....this ad that I wrote, didn't contain an image other than me talking, anyone reading, built up a picture in their own mind, I simply was me...why did I do it? I guess in honesty I wanted to feel wanted, needed, to make someone laugh, to be me, no ideals, no nothing, just me, yet I hate the idea of meeting someone in a situation that has criterial so set down/laid out, if you like....It was just one of those things that I did, spur of the moment, a lonely, unloved kind of moment .... Tonight, I picked up the 238th reply and didn't know what to say...I don't like meeting people in forced situations...I'm just me, they're all nice guys...well, most...there are a few that that wrote looking for a mistress and I seemed to fit the bill...but I don't....when I looked I realised that I too had a criteria, good English, spelling, no swearing, kindness, laughter, good humour, love of children and animals....someone that had never tried to document themselves or try to put their ideal in a pidgeon hole but where two people simply met and laughed.... I've rambled and worse still, I replied to each initially but realised that this was not my forte....I always got this feeling that each originator was on their best behaviour...I don't have a set pattern of behaviour, I just don't follow a pattern, I'm just me....I can't supply literature, I can't give an end result or expected definition of what will make me smile....you either do or you don't....some got really angry and abusive, some were really dejected and some tried to blackmail on the grounds that no one ever replied.... I found out that I didn't want to meet people in this type of way...laughter is honest and direct and has no ambiguity....I guess I really mean it has to be natural but that also doesn't mean that they are honest and it spooked me... I had no idea that a few words could ever get that kind of response.... Do I feel more cherished or needed? No....just thoughtful that there are so many who want laughter, love and companionship but strangely, they need it aided by a photograph.... Oh well, I rambled again....how nice it would be for me, to have someone want to know who I am by way of communication rather than by the visulisation of a picture....heck, I could send a pic of anyone and only on the day we met would they realise they had feelings for a simple photograph.....but the whole of me was entirely missing...what a waste... Hope that made sense, if not, it did to me.. HUGS [This message has been edited by RainbowGirl (edited 10-11-2000).] |
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
Thank you all for your replies. I'm especially touched by yours, Cindy. If you were ever hurt by someone online, I'm afraid it would get my dander up..and believe me, my dander is not a pretty sight! Thank you. |
JP Senior Member
since 1999-05-25
Posts 1343Loomis, CA |
The world is full of people who enjoy manipulating and decieving other people. The internet has given those people easier access and often an open invitation into the lives of people they would never meet in real life. These folks thrive on the idea of decieving others, making fools of, and hurting them. We as online junkies play into thier games and encourage them with our Rockwellian naivetee. We have seen this gamesmenship happen here at Passions more than once, as members built themselves (as one other member phrased it) harems... The anonymous nature of the internet is a beautiful thing which can easily be turned evil. Yes, it is fun to visit places and speak to people you would never dare venture to in real life. Yes, it is fun to become someone else for a while and play a role the devil inside you wants to play. But, as Nanny said, eventually the truth of it all will surface. I just pray for those who are trusting to the point where they open themselves up for hurt and disappointment, it is a sad thing, and a heartache for me to witness. ![]() Yesterday is ash, tomorrow is smoke; only today does the fire burn. Nil Desperandum, Fata viem invenient |
Irish Rose Member Patricius
since 2000-04-06
Posts 10263 |
I could write a book on this, actually I am, but I won't promote it right now! I feel so intense about this subject, I feel that if a person's own life, personal relationship, marriage or whatever is secure, there's less chance of turning somewhere else, whether it be a bar, a nightclub, a church gathering or a peace rally ![]() People take each other for granted, the ones they see every day, they become lonely, disenchanted with life and they do not want to be hurt but the inner desire and need to communicate with another human being is something we all have. How do you trust someone? As poets, we should be privy to something rare. We should be able to see the words and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are real, upon reading them, look between the lines, into the soul. Many still fail at this and a poem can also be deceiving, sad to say. Read enough of anyone's poetry and they would have to be almost evil (or very talented with words) to be portraying something they aren't, at least this is my opinion. If you reach out and trust someone online and they abuse that trust, it hurts more and why is this? Because you reveal more this way, it opens you up and if a person is already a trusting person and honest, the results can be devastating. If they truly want to know you, see you as you are, time will reveal that, if not, then you haven't lost anything but it still hurts and stings and wounds. There's a lot of innuendo on some of the posts that I read, here on Passions, and I wonder is this true, a joke, or are these people trying to tell us they are leaving or hurt because they really did what the poem said they did and if that is true, why post it publicly for the entire world to read? Personal issues should be dealt with privately, not put out there to get even, or try to gain some kind of reply, or attention. Our poems should be the focal point. Online romance is still romance, online falling in love can still happen, can be every bit as real, more deep and more special because it has it's roots in the communication of the soul, as well as the heart but the soul more so because something happens when you are alone, in tears, no one can see you, and you release yourself. It depends so much on WHO the other person is. If they have integrity, some form of honor, they won't take advantage of you, they'll even leave you if they feel they would hurt you. If they are shallow or vain they could easily abuse and this makes me so very angry I could write about it all day, but I won't, I'm rambling already. What hurts more than anything is when they draw you into their life, shower you with attention, and then discover you are a real person who could all of a sudden bring their world to an end if you showed up on their doorstep!! You find out quickly that you become a choice, someone to be dealt with. At that point, if you don't have people right there to give you that attention and understanding and if you don't have any faith, you really are left with nothing. Pictures are nice, but shouldn't be a prerequisite, as someone may have always wanted to know they alone were enough, things like that, or other reasons they dont want to saddened someone with. But love is love, and it can happen in any form, it's going to survive if it is real, and unfortunately I've seen first hand both sides of the posts Sharon gave us, they are heartbreaking and I would say to the second post.... "did I fail you? Why are you doing this?" and "did I even try to know you? because someone in this world WILL if you keep reaching out. The saddest thing in all of this, is sometimes a person misses an opportunity to know what it feels like to be loved simply for who you are and maybe they never had that before, maybe no one ever knew who they really were. < !signature--> Kathleen [This message has been edited by Irish Rose (edited 10-12-2000).] |
suthern![]() ![]()
since 1999-07-29
Posts 20723Louisiana |
Can I just ditto Nan? *S* For I certainly can't improve on her response... *S* Honesty is prerequisite Hurry has no place As you get to know someone Across cyberspace. |
WhtDove Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
Posts 9245Illinois |
JP I think we have that certain "harem" thing going on again around here. It's sad. IrishRose, you've said a lot of good stuff. The problem is they seem to prey on those emotionally weak people. Whether it's people who don't have that support, something in their life isn't right, low self esteem issues, and it goes on. The thing is the people on the recieving end of this issue are being hurt. Dump out some fine flattering words to many people and you've got em hooked. And the sad thing is people truly get hurt and crushed over this because they need to feel wanted or liked, or have that attention. I do so think it happens to men as well, but more so to women because they are more vunerable in the emotion department. |
Paula Finn Member Ascendant
since 2000-06-17
Posts 5546missouri |
Personally I feel like this can be the very best way to meet someone...but only if both parties are totally honest. And thats where the hard part comes in. trusting that other person to be true and honest. Its really not a lot different than meeting someone face to face...they can lie as well. But here you get past the first impression thing that can stop so may relationships dead in their tracks with out a chance. I mean...yeah I can say I am 5'8" auburn and blue and built like WOW...when actually I am 5'2" blonde and blue, and just a little soft..thats where being honest comes in. I personally dont lie to anyone.Heck if you dont like what I have to say then screw you. But given half a chance...you can find someone wonderful. Then of course there is the downside...the liars, the dreamers, the ones who jump in and then get cold feet after saying how much they care...those are the ones who give internet love a BAD name...but you have them in real time as well. As far as cyberstalking...its a very scary thing...especially when you know that some of these people have the knowledge to use your computer against you...to have someone find you no matter what you do...how many times you change I.D's...well lets just say I've been there...no fun at all...and they should be prosecuted just like a real time stalker. |
Local Rebel Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-21
Posts 5767Southern Abstentia |
I haven't read everyone's replies because I stopped when I got to Nan -- she said it... People are people regardless of the venue or medium.... I think though -- the internet does bring out a few opportunities as some have said because of the anonymity of it -- it's almost like asking the question -- what would you do if you could be invisible?? but ultimately -- anonymous or not -- we're just who we are and we can fool some of the people all of the time -- and all of the people some of the time -- but -- you can't fool anybody one on one for too damn long |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
Posts 8669Michigan, US |
I think everyone is missing an important point here. First, let me say I agree with just about everything that's been said. On-line romance certainly exists and, while I personally don't think it's an end in itself, I do believe it's as real and powerful as any other prelude to love. It's little different than dating in the sense it's a great way to get to know someone. Indeed, because of the inherently communicative nature of the Internet, it may well be the best way to get to know someone. I also agree that trust is an important part of the on-line relationship, certainly as much so as in the real world. Failure to extend trust is a very normal self-defense mechanism - sort of like running over the edge of a cliff to escape a sudden sound in the night. In other words, withholding trust to protect ourselves inevitably causes more pain than is prevented. A willingness to trust must exist for any relationship to develop. So. We meet someone on-line, we extend to them a measure of trust, we get to know them better and like what we see, and a relationship is developed. What then? Just as in the real world (and as many have mentioned already), not all relationships work. And, just as in the real world, not all relationships end amiably. The original question in this thread, and what everyone seems to be dancing around, was about stalking. There is absolutely nothing wrong with pursuing an on-line relationship with someone. There is a great deal wrong with continuing to pursue an on-line relationship when it is clearly an unwanted intrusion. And that's where I think an on-line relationship might just differ from an off-line one. When you break up with someone in the real world, as often as not, you and they avoid each other. Even in instances where that's difficult, perhaps because you work together, there is usually a mutual understanding that prevents undue conflict. Not always, of course, but usually. It seems to me, the Internet is perhaps different. Maybe it's because, in the course of getting to know someone well, we become so accustomed to the tools available - email, ICQ, these and other forums - that we start to feel as if we "own" those tools and no longer need permission to interact with others. Maybe it's because on the Internet, two people who no longer can get along are nonetheless constantly thrown together, almost as if they were still "living together" and sharing the same space. Maybe it's simply because there is a greater concentration of jerks in cyberspace. Whatever the reasons, there appears to be much more stalking, much more harassment, much more aggravation than in real world encounters. Hell, maybe it's just me. Maybe I'm naïve about the real world and just SEE more harassment on the Internet. But, I'll tell you, in the fifteen or so months since these forums opened, I've seen more incidents of stalking - the unwanted pursuit of a relationship - than I've seen in my entire real-world life. Two people strike up an on-line friendship, one of them decides it isn't working, and the other just seems to go a bit crazy. Unwanted emails are sent every hour (which seems to bother people a lot more than I think it should), the ICQ light goes on constantly, and hurtful replies are too often left in the forums. Part of the problem, I think, is that we're suddenly aware of just how little we really know about someone who might be harassing us. We've trusted them with personal knowledge, where we live, where we work, the names of our families, maybe our phone number - and we find ourselves very afraid of what they can do with that knowledge. The little harassment's seem so much more frightening, so much worse than simply unwanted emails or ICQ alerts, when our imagination is conjuring images of what "might" happen if this person is as dangerous as they suddenly seem. Stalking and harassment on the Internet are real. I've seen it and I've seen instances where Members of these forums were very much afraid. Did they trust the wrong person too much, too soon? Were their fears the groundless product of an over-active imagination? Was there something they could have done to either prevent or stop the harassment? I don't know the answers. But I think anyone who has developed or is developing friendships on the Internet should at least think about the questions. |
Local Rebel Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-21
Posts 5767Southern Abstentia |
well said Ron, and you raised some valid points... but in my humble opinion -- i think the reason that you 'see' more stalking on the net -- is because you 'see' more relationships on the net than in the venue some call 'real' life we don't talk about things as openly in 'real' world situations as freely as we do here -- again probably due to the relatively anonymous nature of the net... and I don't think we have front row seats to the dance in 'real' life like we do on the net having been 'stalked' in 'real' life, and even been in situations where I may have been the 'stalker' I can't say that the medium is the culprit the very notion of 'stalking' is too vague to even nail down.... it's kinda like pornography -- people know it when they see it -- but not everybody sees it the same... when is it stalking and when is it just being persistent -- it's not like everybody who ever broke up stayed broke up... like ol rev al said.. why? people wanna break up? turn around and make up? I just can't see eee eee eeeeee lol... just my perspective -- but you were right to refocus us back on the stalking issue |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
Posts 8669Michigan, US |
quote: When is it rape and when is it consensual? I'm not suggesting you mean it this way, but the old "she didn't really mean 'No'" excuse has come and gone and should definitely stay gone. No has to mean No every single time. Without exception. Sadly, one can use "persistence" as an excuse for anything. When someone suggests they need "time away," says they think "we should cool it," or just plain says the friendship is over, then any contact is questionable and contacts more frequent than reasonable (say, weekly or monthly) are beyond questionable. That's stalking. I think it's fine to open the door to discussion. I don't think it's fine to try pushing someone through the door. People who get back together do so through a mutual desire to be together, and while I'll admit timing is important and making yourself available is critical, anything beyond that smacks of manipulation. Calling someone twice a day to see if they've changed their mind, especially when asked not to do so, is harassment, plain and simple. |
Local Rebel Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-21
Posts 5767Southern Abstentia |
I hate to disagree with you Ron -- and I know you're not equating 'stalking' and rape -- but, true story... a young lady I was once dating suddenly stopped returning my phone calls for no apparant reason I went to her apartment .... she wasn't there I called her at work ... she wasn't there I left her message after message I finally called her at her parents house -- and yep -- that's where she was but she didn't want to talk to me so... a few days later I called again she finally talked to me -- but to tell me not to call her anymore -- she still didn't say why... so.... I showed up at her parents house with a handful of roses... she came out -- we talked about a year later we were married (but I don't want to get into that mistake) she could have just as easily -- under current stalker laws -- called the police and had me arrested... so... I have to ask again -- when is it stalking? when is it romance? |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
Posts 8669Michigan, US |
In your example, it didn't become harassment (in my opinion) until she told you not to call her any more. Prior to that, you were simply trying to track down a missing friend, something not at all uncommon. After she made her wishes known, however, I think you crossed a dangerous line. Stalking is rarely defined by a single incident, which is what your story indicates it was, but had you continued in spite of her wishes I personally think it would have been wrong. Very wrong. There are exceptions, of course, to every rule - and too many people will try to use those exceptions to justify unacceptable behavior. I believe that if someone says No, we should assume they mean it. And if we truly believe they don't really mean it, then we should run like Hell. Because someone that manipulative is going to bring only misery. IMHO. |
Local Rebel Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-21
Posts 5767Southern Abstentia |
On that we surely agree Ron... we surely do... lol |
Irish Rose Member Patricius
since 2000-04-06
Posts 10263 |
Ron said it extremely well, and thank you, Ron. It's when they go against your wishes, that's when you should know. Then, at that point, you know that you are not to trust the person because they didn't respect your wishes and therefore, no kind of friendship, romantic or otherwise is really possible. Great informative thread and so needed for these times we live in. Kathleen |
Local Rebel Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-21
Posts 5767Southern Abstentia |
You're right Rose -- but -- I ask this question of everyone... Was Tom Cruise stalking whatshername in Jerry McGuire? Our culture is riddled with so many contradictory images that the definition is entirely subjective and circumstantial |
RainbowGirl Member Elite
since 1999-07-31
Posts 3023United Kingdom |
Gee, thanks Sharon, I'll just wear my heart on my sleeve for all to see...ROFLMAO...seriously sweetheart, don't put your fists up on my account cause there's only one person to blame for my mess and that's me.. ![]() ![]() Ron: You got me thinking Sir....when the end of a romance happens, usually one is still in love and the other isn't....I only ever met one person in my life who could extract from me total dedication, anger that was worse than any storm I have known and passion that would make Nell Gywn pale in comparison...lets just say it was tempestuous...LOL....but we both kept saying "that's it" and both kept coming back for more...so does that mean I'm a stalker? heaven forbid....we knew a lot about each other and I would also say we manipulated each other because of knowledge...nope, not nice, I agree but I'm truthful....I guess I see stalking as totally unwanted attention, i.e. you do *not* respond, hence you hope the message comes across....but I'm learning something here and I thank you for that... ![]() HUSG Take care all...I learned so much in this thread you would not believe it...it's good to share... ![]() |
Elizabeth![]() ![]()
Member Ascendant
since 1999-06-07
Posts 6871Minnesota |
What if you are unaware of the person's wishes? Is it legal to be busted for harassment then? Elizabeth Something sweet, something sort of grandish, sweeps my soul when thou art near... [email protected] |
CocoBaci Member Elite
since 2000-05-06
Posts 3043 |
S T A L K E R S Snearing through a boxlike tv Tempting an innocent with words on screen Age of no preference they prey on hearts lonely Luring with promises of a heart love beholding Kidnap your soul and soon your life divides Eventually relentless in passing time Resist the one who hides in shadows of dark Surge your inner strength and just walk away... ![]() ![]() PDV..It's a serious issue you raise and my only thoughts on stalkers are just turn your back before it's too late... My real concern is targeted towards the children in cyberspace as these innocent ones don't have the insight nor experience in life to differentiate between being stalked or acts of kindness by man/woman and this thought is haunting... |
Local Rebel Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-21
Posts 5767Southern Abstentia |
oops -- I missed my Cindy HuggsZzzzzz.. HuggsZzzz Cindy [This message has been edited by Local Rebel (edited 10-13-2000).] |
RainbowGirl Member Elite
since 1999-07-31
Posts 3023United Kingdom |
Thanks sweetheart....HUSG back.. ![]() |
Toerag Member Ascendant
since 1999-07-29
Posts 5622Ala bam a |
I offer you my opinion.........but, as you are well aware, my opinion is kinda silly....so....here it is.......Yanno, I do look like Brad Pitt......(before I got sick), but still a little?....(Two eyes, two ears, two arms..etc. etc. etc.....), and of course I'm terribly wealthy, sexually I have the stamina of 19-19 year olds, and I'm also an expert at tongue fu...plus, I'd never exaggerate about myself as I'm very humble...and I'd never stalk anyone yanno.....by the way, what color panties are you wearing sweetie?...... |
WhtDove Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
Posts 9245Illinois |
Ah Toe what a surprise! ROFL! You're so full of it bud! ![]() ![]() |
RainbowGirl Member Elite
since 1999-07-31
Posts 3023United Kingdom |
Hi there darling....You: venturing south??? ROFL, takes me back Toe....Take care of you... Big HUSG my friend [This message has been edited by RainbowGirl (edited 10-14-2000).] |
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
I got the most heartwrenching letter today. Someone wrote me about lying awake at night, listening to their spouse type - ICQ and email messages to someone online. This person is confused and afraid - and the letter truly tells the tale of how the 'non online' person feels. Betrayed! When do you tell your significant other that you've formed an attachment online? Lying to cover up the relationship can't be good.. so if you have a relationship online, when do you tell him/her in your off line life? |
RainbowGirl Member Elite
since 1999-07-31
Posts 3023United Kingdom |
I guess, Sharon, that the truth is this happens all too often....in all scenarios someone, somewhere gets hurt....has to happen because it's not an honest situation...and when something is based on dishonesty, everyone gets hurt....it's a no win situation ....you can't really give your heart unless it's yours to give and to do so freely... HUSG |
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