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serenity blaze
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0 posted 2000-12-11 08:44 PM

Have you ever completely mistaken the lyrics of a song? For example, the song, "On the Cover of The Rolling Stone", by Dr. Hook and The Medicine Show, boasts this lyric...

"I gotta creepy old lady
named 'Cocaine Katie"
who embroiders on my jeans..."

and for YEARS...I thought they were singing about someone called "Cold Cream Katie" (I think my lyric is creepier too) But anyway, I was wondering if the same thing ever happened to YOU? (and please don't psycho-analyze the cold cream thing...sigh...)

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Member Rara Avis
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1 posted 2000-12-11 09:06 PM

ROFL - too funny on the cold creme thing.  I would be afraid to overanalyze that one, serenity.

But yeah, the same thing has happened to me on any number of songs.  I can't seem to think of too many though now, as it's being brought to my attention.

One, though, is Aerosmith's song "Dream On".
It has a part which says something like "all the things come back to you" that I always misinterpreted as "all my fears lead back to you".  Nothing major, but probably reveals some deep seeded paranoia seeping forth from the first time I ever saw Steve Tyler perform live.  One scary individual he is, I'll tell ya.


serenity blaze
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2 posted 2000-12-11 09:22 PM

Michael? Thank you for the subtle correction of the "cold creme" thing...either way? It's still sort of gross. But here's a Green Day lyric that I got right the first time:

"sometimes I give myself the creeps..."

ROFL...and thanks for sharing...and you really don't think Steve Tyler is kind of sexy in a "forbidden" sort of way? Oh. I guess you wouldn't. Grins.

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3 posted 2000-12-11 09:58 PM

I usually do pretty well on getting lyrics right, but my grandma is another story.  You know the country song "Boot Scootin' Boogie" by Brooks n'Dunn? Well, she thinks it's "Rootin tootin boogie" and the line in the song that goes "Catillac black jack, baby meet me out back we're gonna boogie" she thinks goes "Catillac crackerjack...etc."  LOL, it's a riot to listen to her sing...

*Krista Knutson*

"One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar."
Helen Keller

Member Rara Avis
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4 posted 2000-12-11 10:32 PM

Ok, will I ever live this one down? LOL

Van Halen: "Might As Well Jump"....for years I thought it said Maxwell jump. LOL

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5 posted 2000-12-12 12:57 PM

All the time guys...all the time...

"We Can Work it Out," by the Beatles..."We've Been Working Out" (when that one happened, I was listening to someone request it on the radio, and I went, I didn't know the Beatles had a song called that! Then they started to play it, I was like, ohhh!)

A hymn that is called "Now Thank We All Our God," I misunderstood as "We Think We All Are God." Um...ok.

"Drift Away," by Dobie Gray...the part that goes "Give me the beat, boys," I always heard as "Give me the Beach Boys." I thought it meant that he had had a long hard day and just wanted to chill out and listen to the Beach Boys! It made sense to me. (Still does.)

"Down in the Boon Docks"...always thought it was "Down in the Boom Box." I never could figure out how they could be in the boom box!

By the way, those misinterpreted lyrics are called Mondegreens, because of a song that went, "They have slain the Earl of Moray and laid him on the green," and some lady thought it was, "and Lady Mondegreen." The name just stuck after that. There are whole Web sites devoted to these, and they are hilarious! I have more of these, I just can't remember them right now!

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6 posted 2000-12-12 02:19 AM

Oh yeah.......When I was very little, maybe 7 or 8, I remember
listening to my sisters records with her and I alway thought that Steve Miller was
sining "time keeps on slippen', into the kitchen" LOL

But here is a better one.... a girl friend of mine used to think
that Van Halen's "Ain't talken 'bout love"


Get this ......

Eat chunky buffalo!!!!!! LMAO  
And now, every time I hear that song, that's all I hear and I LMAO!


"The things that come to those that wait may be the things
left by those who got there first"

Kit McCallum
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7 posted 2000-12-12 07:40 AM

I've been singing songs wrong all my life Serenity!
I guess I only hear what I want to hear, LOL.  

Check out this site, it's devoted to "misheard lyrics",
some of them are hilarious! It's a fun read ...

[This message has been edited by Kit McCallum (edited 12-12-2000).]

serenity blaze
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8 posted 2000-12-12 08:55 AM

starting my day with a grin, good people!!!

and? most appropriately? I just recalled another one that my boyfriend sang, ON the Beatles "Let It Be.."

instead of "whisper words of wisdom"--

"twist the words of wisdom"--indeed. Sigh.

Let it be.  ROFL..AND Kit, thanks for the link, I enjoyed it much!

since 2000-04-01
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9 posted 2000-12-12 10:10 AM

When the song "Jeremy" by pearl Jam first came out, I could have sworn where he sang

"Jeremy spoke in... class today"

I thought he was saying

"Jeremy's smokin'...grass today"

and there's an old tune, I don't remember the name of it (I'll edit this post later after I ask my mom the name of the song and who sang it)  where they say "Do wap shoo wap" and I always thought they said "Do you wash your butt"  

the mind hears what it wants to. lol

"It was my love that did us both to death. " -Sylvia Plath

doreen peri
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10 posted 2000-12-12 11:07 AM

i love dr. hook.... did you know shel silverstein wrote most all their lyrics? i have a great link to a wonderful shel silverstein website at home with all his lyrics, plus his children's poems, cartooning illustrations, and adult poems/lyrics... if you want me to send it to you, i'll be happy to

(including the song you just quoted from...)

yeah, "cold cream katie" is pretty creepy, and yes, i have mistaken lyrics before myself

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Pearl city Iowa
11 posted 2000-12-12 11:41 AM

One night me and the band where waiting to go on stage and I got into an argument with the bass player about wether people really listened to the lyrics or not, he argued it was very important and that people would pick it up if I sang anything wrong so I bet him I could, and no one would even notice. So I got up and sang Genesis Invisible touch as "She has an incredible crutch" and Dancing in the street as "Dancing with a sheep" and nobody seemed to know the difference   How we suffer for our art  


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12 posted 2000-12-12 11:58 AM

Doreen! Send me that link...please!  
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
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13 posted 2000-12-12 03:41 PM

LMAO! You all have me rollin! These are good! I'll go visit that link soon  
doreen peri
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14 posted 2000-12-12 09:02 PM

ummm... had to come back... just to say...

to Michael - Steven Tyler, scary??? hehe...not to ME!! i LOVE him!!!!! Sexy, YES!  well... i guess that all depends on your viewpoint, huh?  

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15 posted 2000-12-12 11:14 PM

Kit, you're right that web site is great!
Here's one;

Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer;

"Olive the other reindeer, used to laugh and call him names"

and Bob Dylans "Blowing in the Wind"

"The ants are my friends, they're blowing in the wind..."

Lady Lightning
since 2000-12-04
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16 posted 2000-12-12 11:23 PM

hehe...for years I thought the Credence song "Bad Moon On The Rise" was ..."Bathroom On The Right"...  

The way to love anything is to realize it might be lost. author unknown

Echo Rhayne
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17 posted 2000-12-13 04:12 AM

Ok here are some my mom has gotten quite wrong while singing, I call some of them her Freudian slips LoL

Song magic  lyrics...Ho,ho,ho, it's magic, you know  her version... ho ho ho its MY DICK you know

and of course the all famous Jimmy Hendrix one Excuse me while I kiss the sky (this guy)

sorry if either of these were already said but I am too tired to read everyone elses right now...and too tired to think of all the ones that will make me look like a dumb-@$$  (cause I know I have done many of them)  So for now this is it...goodnight...*hugs for all*

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serenity blaze
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18 posted 2000-12-13 05:02 AM

Echo?  I just wanted you to know, that it is entirely possible to pull a muscle while suppressing laughter...omigod...ow! I DID IT AGAIN!!!! (serenity exits, quietly giggling and holding her side...)  ah ha ha....whew!

I'm okay now. NOT!!! ah ha ha....

Echo Rhayne
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Canyon Country, CA
19 posted 2000-12-13 12:49 PM

Ok now that I am awake and my mind is drawing blanks LoL, I finally thought of a couple that I have done myself...

CCR's Down on the Corner

Real lyrics...Down on the corner out in the streets willie and the poor boys are playing bring your nickels, tap your feet

my lyrics...playing with popcorn and candles while the new kid gets the beat

song ironic by Alanis M.

real lyrics...It's a death row pardon two minutes too late

my lyrics...It's a death row hard on two minutes too late

Theme song to the Flintstones
Real lyrics...Let's ride, with the family down the street, through the courtesy of Fred's two feet

my lyrics...through the, courtesy of friends to meet and through the courtest of friends to beat

Salt'N'Pepas song Push It

real lyrics...AH! Push it

my lyrics...AH!  Bull****

And the song Man on the Moon

Real lyrics...Hey Andy were you goofing on Elvis

my lyrics...Hey Andy were you goofin' on Elm Street baby

OK there were some of my Freudian slips and I wont even begin to describe the embarassing moments when I found out how wrong I was LoL  *grin*  < !signature-->

We're called to stand out, not blend in!

[This message has been edited by Echo Rhayne (edited 12-13-2000).]

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20 posted 2000-12-14 02:57 PM

Here's another one: Aretha Franklin's "Natural Woman", where it goes "You make me feel like a natural woman..." I always heard as "You make me feel like a match for a woman."   Whoops.
Member Rara Avis
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21 posted 2000-12-14 03:27 PM

I still have to admit to the: revved up like a DUECE, another runner in the night... duece, douche - smae thing, right???  
White Wolf
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22 posted 2000-12-14 05:52 PM

WhtDove- that Van Halen song, I used to sing it at the top of my lungs thinking the same lyrics...Maxwell jump.... and I always thought he was talking about the man on the Maxwell House coffee commercials...LOL

The White Wolf

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23 posted 2000-12-14 06:02 PM

LOL Oh I hurt from laughing.........I screw them up a lot......but my favorite one is a long story.....I've loved Prince since I was 9 years old........any way, When I first heard was my brother's and I wasn't allowed to listen to him because he was too nasty (and ohhh, I love how nasty he is ..........   ) so of course, I snuck it     any way, I thought he was saying "catch a pussy" Too gross, I know.....but that's what I heard......     -SEA ( btw I heard that song when I was about 13-not 9)

[This message has been edited by SEA (edited 12-14-2000).]

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24 posted 2000-12-15 12:52 PM

LMAO this is one of the funiest threads I've read
I do this all the time when I hear a new song... I'm a HUGE nirvana fan, so I take great prid in knowing all thier lirics.  But in the song Heart Shaped box the lyrics are "Hey, Wait, I got a new complaint"  I thaught for quite a while that it was hey, wait, I got a record playing, even though that makes no sence at all...
Anyhow I got some good laughs out of this.  Thx

"Every body has their destiny...

serenity blaze
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25 posted 2000-12-16 03:00 AM

Chris?  Douche? Deuce?


Let's not quibble...

and I can turn this around...
and somebody clue me on the song...but:

"I'm never gonna dance again,
guilty feet, ain't got no rhythm...."


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26 posted 2000-12-16 06:40 AM

[email protected] YOU...that has
been bothering me for years...and
years...shhhhhhhh no age cracks!!!  

since 2000-01-18
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Muncie, IN, USA
27 posted 2000-12-16 11:15 AM

so happy to know that other people know of and love dr. hook. "sylvia's mother" is the best song ever.

oh, but we're talking about lyrics here. when i was little, my parents had a john stewart (not the daily show guy, sorry) record, and a song was on it that i think was called "heart of the dream." well, i would always ask to hear the "ants in the sand song" because of the line "here i am with my ants in the sand, listenin' to the rhythm of a rock and roll band" and i had this mental picture of a guy sitting by an anthill, talking to the ants. made sense to me! anyway, i was listening to it a couple years ago, when i realized it was his a** in the sand. my parents still get a kick out of that.

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