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serenity blaze
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0 posted 2006-12-17 05:20 PM

I need your help.

I'm looking for the best portable karoake system for the best possible price. Preferably completely self-contained, as it will be used to put on shows at a local nursing home--when it is not being used HERE--driving me nuts. (Although the system is worth it, I'll consider a system that needs to utilize a television. (Can y'use a pc monitor instead?)

I don't have a clue about this stuff, so if anybody does, I could use some advice as to what to look for...

Ho. Ho. Ho.

© Copyright 2006 serenity blaze - All Rights Reserved
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Aloha, Oregon
1 posted 2006-12-17 11:43 PM

My husband and I have a system that we can use for local pubs and house parties etc. and it is all component such as Numark, Technics, and Fisher. This is for a much bigger venue than a nursing home but for a smaller venue I went to and found a really nice RSQ self contained unit with built in speaker, mics, and 33 total discs for under 500.00 RSQ is a great company and their equipment is very reliable. I found much cheaper ones but they are mostly for kids to play on but are running about 40.00 to 80.00. You can pick up a cheap one at Wally World for about 60.00 but it too is mostly for in-home child use. We bought our firstone there and hooked it up to the TV and powered surround sound system and it was fine for the living room. Things have sure changed since then!! One word of advice is don't use VOCO-PRO equipment. It is not user-friendly and overheats a lot. It is even worse to try to get any maintenance done it. We have friends on the karaoke circuit who have used this and they are very unhappy. As for using a PC monitor you can do do this as long as you have the RCA av plugs for it. Like a Nintendo Plug. If you want to find some discs for your system they can be had for under 5.00 to 10.00 at and these are great for songs like the oldies and the standards. I hope this helps you out. If you have any other questions feel free to email me at [email protected] Take care... Shawna
serenity blaze
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2 posted 2006-12-18 12:20 PM

Thank you so much, Shawna!

That thar is a lotta info, and helps me out a bunch.

I may have to start smaller than I'd like, because the focus will be on "portable" for now. But I think doing this for the local nursing/assisted care facilities is a great idea--I wish I could say it were mine.

Thanks a bunch, and after I sleep tonight (that's optimistic) I'll send you a list of stuff I've been looking at if you don't mind. You really seem to know what you're doing and I, um, really don't.

yer a doll!

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Aloha, Oregon
3 posted 2006-12-18 05:22 AM

Not a problem. Anything I can do to help. Take care....Shawna
Mistletoe Angel
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4 posted 2006-12-18 09:37 PM

I'm a big karaoke-singing freak, LOL, but have a very limited knowledge of the equipment as I just like singing karaoke in public!

Noah Eaton

"If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other"

Mother Teresa

serenity blaze
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since 2000-02-02
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5 posted 2006-12-18 10:01 PM

and I prefer to sing in private...grin

I keep tellin' you people--I AM SHY.


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Aloha, Oregon
6 posted 2006-12-19 11:13 AM

Karen, I think that is so funny. I sing at home in private to practice (I sound like a caterwauling cat) until I can get the notes down, then the first time I try a new song I am so nervous I just want to scream. I try to pick an off night to sing in public w/anything new. At least then I can only make a limited amount of people's ears bleed. LOL
Noah, somehow I always thought you were a singing fool. LOL

serenity blaze
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7 posted 2006-12-19 05:50 PM

I love to sing, though, and I have sung for people before, but I had to be really, or something.

And I usually sang only for close friends and family, and yanno? I tried the karoake thing, it just didn't work for me.

I wanted a BAND, dammit! So much of my public singing has been acapella stuff. But Shawna, thank you for your help. Maybe if I am ever home alone again, me and a bottle of Merlot might play around with the thing.

And oh--

That last thing you sent is very tempting. If the hubby keeps acting like a twit though, I may just give him a coffe can and a tape recorder. Sometimes naughty ain't so nice!

But yep, that last one...I think is the deal. so thank you--I'll go try to figure out how I am gonna do this.

I should be a magician.


I have pulled more rabbits outta hats...

*shaking my head*

Thanks again, lovely one!

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
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Purgatorial Incarceration
8 posted 2006-12-19 08:08 PM

k - one of these days i'll kick down a recorded karaoke version of me doing suspicious minds... just for giggles.
serenity blaze
Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
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9 posted 2006-12-19 09:25 PM


I've done a version of "Stand by Your Man" that is perfectly atrocious.

Well, somebody has a copy--I barely remember even being there, much less what happened to the evidence.


send it on C!

I know! Let's put on a SHOW! *cackle*

Yanno? I can do back up too!

"We can't go on together, with suspicious minds (SUSPICIOUS MINDS)"<--that's my part..


we've all gone crazy lately...

oh wait, that's Elton John, I wanna do Elton John! OH. heh. Nevermind.

much fun tho--and my very favorite karoake recording is Jim Carey, in Cable Guy, re-mortalizing the immortal Grace Slick in "Don't you want somebody to love?"

Okay. I'll shaddup.

I'll go read now. Sheesh.


Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
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Michigan, US
10 posted 2006-12-19 10:20 PM

Some few years ago, for an anniversary celebration, I recorded several hours of call-in dedications from a special friend's favorite radio station, then I cut and pasted the announcer's on-air questions with my off-air (and sometimes ever-so-slightly risqué) answers. My friend knew that such dedications were time released, not live, so when my stereo started playing my audio concoction while we were eating dinner she honestly thought it was real.

The illusion was shattered, however, when the song I requested was sung, not by Kenny Rogers, but by me. She bought nearly fifteen minutes of dubious conversation without batting an eye, but I was completely busted after less than two bars of my singing voice.

Karaoke? Sadly, for me, it's no coincidence that word sounds so much like kamikaze. I was shot down big time.  

serenity blaze
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11 posted 2006-12-20 05:05 AM

And I said you were an interesting man.

I think this story pushed you over the line into--intriguing.

Hmmmmmmm...that's a really NICE story Ron.

Was it the same blonde? (Or am I asking the "hard" questions again? *laughing*)

Senior Member
since 1999-08-30
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Aloha, Oregon
12 posted 2006-12-20 06:39 AM

I love the song and I'm sure it was heartfelt. How sweet to do that for her.

I am still looking for stuff. I figured the one would be sorta what you are looking for. Twittiness happens. Mine goes into twit-overdrive sometimes and then mellows out. I haven't decided if it's hormonal or just somethin' in the air. I bet you could do a wonderful back up to Suspicious Minds LOL

serenity blaze
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13 posted 2006-12-20 08:10 AM

Well, after taking a harder look at it--loved the price--hated the broken cd cover/casing/thingie--I'm gonna check out some local pawn shops.

It was pointed out to me that I might even find some of our own stuff there.

But let's not start my day off in a bad mood--but you keep just keep an eye out on your end, and I'll keep looking for bunny tails in hats here.

(And Ron has some great courting stories--he should write a book! )

Thank you lovie.

serenity blaze
Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738

14 posted 2006-12-20 07:11 PM

*shakin' my head*

just a mere intimation of a flirt with the Ronmeister kills a thread...

another fun karoake song...

Workin' on the chain gang...

  All day long they saying





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