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Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
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0 posted 2000-11-13 10:15 PM

I don't know about you Ron, but man oh man, it cooled off in a hurry, and it's been butt chillin here.  And now IT'S SNOWING!

Anyone else have that white stuff falling from the sky?

*see you guys shouldn't have mentioned the word snow in the other thread.*

© Copyright 2000 WhtDove - All Rights Reserved
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
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Michigan, US
1 posted 2000-11-13 10:32 PM

It ain't snowing in here, Rebecca. And I am NOT going outside...
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East Lansing, MI USA
2 posted 2000-11-13 11:11 PM

It's supposed to snow tonight!!


I know Ron. . . just don't go outside and you'll be ok. . .LOL  


That which gives light must endure burning
--Victor Frankl

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
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3 posted 2000-11-13 11:25 PM

Not even gonna play in it Ron? LOL

Wish I didn't have to go out. Brrrrr

I guess I can live with it, as long as it's not enough to shovel.  

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4 posted 2000-11-13 11:44 PM

~Pleeease blow some my way. You're too lucky lady. Enjoy it!  . *Peace.
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
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Purgatorial Incarceration
5 posted 2000-11-13 11:45 PM

oh. yay.


Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
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Hurricane Alley
6 posted 2000-11-14 12:22 PM

Snow? What's that?
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
Posts 7704

7 posted 2000-11-14 03:15 AM

I live in a nation of mountains
Think I have ever SEEN snow actually fall?
Oh no...

Sulking and jealous - I don't care if it is cold and wet and sludgy and stuff....I wanna see snow FALL...

(being on a mountain and playing in it doesn't has to be FALLING to make it really real...)


The wind shifts like this:
Like a human without illusions...
This is how the wind shifts:
Like a human, heavy and heavy,
Who does not care.


Elizabeth Cor
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Over the river and through the woods
8 posted 2000-11-14 04:44 AM

Colorado inhabitant here. Are ya kidding? We got our first snow almost two months ago. Right now there's about 10-12 inches sitting in my backyard, and more to come (it was -3 this morning *brrrr!*). The coolest thing about snow here, is that the range lights up at night against the moon. In summer, you see these giant shadows with pricks of light, but in WINTER everything is discernible from the white reflection... the mountains are just as visible and detailed as they are in sunlight, but with an azure luminescence… it's eerie and SO gorgeous.

~ Beth, dusted with the white stuff

Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
9 posted 2000-11-14 06:49 AM

Cape Cod = No snow allowed... !!!
The leaves have just now finally fallen off
Doreen - Can you come rake them, please?

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Member Seraphic
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with you
10 posted 2000-11-14 09:59 AM

Rebecca~ It SNOWED here last night at about 4 pm and thru most of the 7 we took the kids out and had snow ball fights and they rode the sled down the driveway (very steep driveway) it was a total BLAST!! I kept saying it was MY snow as an early birthday present!! It is supposed to snow off and on today, but not very much........I love it, not as much as the rain, but it sure is fun! -SEA
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
Posts 9245
11 posted 2000-11-14 10:21 AM

Spitfire, I would if I could.

Don't get over excited now Chris.  

Sharon you never miss an opportunity to get me do ya?   LOL

Severn I know what you mean. It is beautiful when it falls, but we didn't get much, and it was that small drivel stuff. But the cold? Oh man, you would mind it here, you really would, this wind just cuts through everything on a real cold day.

Elizabeth, Colorado eh? I moved from there 2 years ago, and those mountains are BEAUTIFUL and I miss them. And the cold is cold, but I've found there's nothing like a Chicago cold. LOL  They're calling for snow all week, we didn't get much that stuck, just a tad on the leaves, that's about it.

I was out there when you guys had that 'blizzard.' LOL I thought oh man you call this a blizzard?  Wasn't very deep, but the snow drifts were amazing! Don't think I'll ever forget that. I've never seen anything quite like that before. Drifted and froze straight off the top of the cars, you could walk right under it. We had a lot of fun that year playing in it.  

Nan, most of ours are off. I don't mind the snow so much, it's the driving, and the shoveling, and the wet, and the cold that get me.  

Susan HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I can't believe y'all got that much already. I guess it's all headed this way then. That would be the snow they're talking about coming all this week.
     Glad you had fun though!!    Love those snowball fights!!

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Member Seraphic
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12 posted 2000-11-14 11:28 AM

Rebecca~ thank you!   yep, I bet it is.....we got about 5 inches here.....that's a lot in mid November! We are in for one COLD winter this year.   -SEA
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East Lansing, MI USA
13 posted 2000-11-14 12:53 PM

*Getting ready to send some Christopher's way. . . maybe once he sees some, he'll change his tune. . . *


That which gives light must endure burning
--Victor Frankl

Member Elite
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On the streets w/ people
14 posted 2000-11-14 03:24 PM

It's been snowing here most of the day, but nothing's staying yet.  And think of all those people who have to go hunting in the freezing cold tomorrow

"Disagreements stimulate thought, thought stimulates action, and action stimulates life." --Me!!

Dopey Dope
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Member Patricius
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San Juan, Puerto Rico
15 posted 2000-11-14 04:36 PM

It never snows in Puerto Rico *polishes his nails*........


I was born myself, raised myself, and will continue to be myself. The world will just have to adjust.

I hate your socks. I'd like to burn them!

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16 posted 2000-11-14 04:55 PM

It's not snowing here, but it's SOOOO COLD!!

It's even colder when your school doesn't have heat!!!!  

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17 posted 2000-11-14 05:08 PM

Here in MN we've already had a snowfall too...actually there have been two light ones. My back yard is dusted with it, but considering the weather is above freezing the, the snow's probably not gonna last that long.
Senior Member
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Aloha, Oregon
18 posted 2000-11-14 06:12 PM

Been snowing here all day!!! Not much is sticking but they are those huge fat fluffy flakes that I just love to walk in. Too bad I had to work but I got watch it from my work station window. Looks like winter is upon us!

How can you save me?
When the dark comes right in and takes me,
from my front walk and into bed,
where it kisses my face and eats my head. Shivaree

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
Posts 9245
19 posted 2000-11-14 07:33 PM

Oh man is it ever upon us Shawna! This is gonna be a hard cold winter. I shiver at the thought of already on the windows of cars...Brrrr

I know let's turn our heat up to 85*
Put some palm trees around, make it look like the sun is shining...get our lawn chairs, and kick back! Sounds good to me!  

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Member Laureate
since 1999-11-23
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East Lansing, MI USA
20 posted 2000-11-14 07:45 PM

There will be a Passions Snowman Building Contest later this week. . . please, please. . . don't all sign up at once. . . prizes will be awarded. . .

Judging will be done by an esteemed panel of judges. . .
and Poet deVine. . .

Snowball fight to immediately follow the award ceremony. . . come one, come all!!!!


That which gives light must endure burning
--Victor Frankl

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
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Michigan, US
21 posted 2000-11-14 08:05 PM

Sorry, Sven, but to judge it I'd have to see it. You ain't building a snowman in my living room, and I ain't leaving my living room.
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
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Hurricane Alley
22 posted 2000-11-14 08:10 PM

The only Snowman I want to see is on TV. Or maybe one of those chocolate ones then I can bite his head off!
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
Posts 9245
23 posted 2000-11-14 08:24 PM

Well Ron we could always come build one outside your living room window, so you can see it and still stay warm...

Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
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Hurricane Alley
24 posted 2000-11-14 08:30 PM

Don't worry Ron, I'll come over and make sure they don't bring any snow into the the you like chocolate headless snowmen?  
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Member Laureate
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East Lansing, MI USA
25 posted 2000-11-14 08:37 PM

Well. . . good grief. . .  

I think that WhtDove's suggestion is excellent. . .but Dove, we'd have to get deVine here. . . that would mean that she'd have to get off of the plane. . . hmmmmmmmm. . .

How about a Web Broadcast of the competition??

(see, there's always a way around these things. . . )

Or, we could just drag you all out here and pelt you with snow!!  LOL  

I like that idea!!!!!


That which gives light must endure burning
--Victor Frankl

Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
Posts 21191
Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
26 posted 2000-11-14 09:18 PM

Ron - Don't worry... I'll send you a Cape.. to drape over Colon to protect you from the snow... a Cape SCrod... that's a fish... um... no never mind.. You'd probably just think it was a pet....
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
Posts 8669
Michigan, US
27 posted 2000-11-14 09:50 PM

Well Ron we could always come build one outside your living room window…

And take down all the tropical island posters covering them? I don't thiiiinnnk so. This boy is hunkered down and is gonna stay hunkered. Call me around March…

Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612
Hurricane Alley
28 posted 2000-11-14 10:32 PM

Ok Ron..I have the solution! I called Lansing 'Lectric and ordered 12 huge spotlights. They will be positioned around your house and will be set on a timer switch. On at 7 a.m. off at 6 p.m. If you prefer to work nights, they can be turned on at 7 p.m. and off at 6 a.m. They are hot enough to melt any errant snowflakes and bright enough to simulate a tropical climate. (as long as you stay within 10 feet of your house!)

Get your suntan lotion out!  

Member Elite
since 2000-03-06
Posts 3733
29 posted 2000-11-15 12:03 PM

I had to come in and share a "mommy moment" snowed enough here today to cover the 4 year old went out and played till it melted and is currently fast asleep WITH his snow boots on so that he is ready in the morning..."cuz the weather man said...more snow is coming"... Don't ya just love those little rugrats  
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
Posts 7704

30 posted 2000-11-15 01:02 AM



Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
Posts 9245
31 posted 2000-11-15 10:16 AM

Tropical Island posters eh?  Sure that's all there is covering those windows? Sure there's no tropical island girls covering those windows too?    One just kind of goes with the other.

Maybe I should try that, have any extra ones?
The island thing, not the girl thing.  
It might help keep it warmer in here too!

You're seriously not going anywhere are ya?
You actually have enough stock piled, not to go out of your house til March? Gonna eat powdered milk on your cereal? ewww...or scrambled eggs with no milk?

Butterflies that is so sweet! That is a mommy moment. LOL    They get so excited over the small stuff, it's great!!      

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
Posts 8669
Michigan, US
32 posted 2000-11-15 04:25 PM

The posters do not include tropical girls, Rebecca. I have high hopes they may attract a few, however. Of course, I also have high hopes those dozen spot lights will arrive from Lansing soon, too.

And, yes, I have stockpiled a LOT of food. The kitchen is plumb full, and I've moved a lot of books off the shelves to make room for canned goods. Two years ago, my last winter in Michigan, I was snowed in for three days and darn near starved (I ate almost exclusively in restaurants back then and kept NO groceries in the house). Ain't gonna happen again. Milk isn't a problem for me, as I am very careful to never drink anything without copious amount of caffeine in it, and I eat neither cereal nor scrambled eggs. My biggest concern is bread. Half a case of tuna fish is probably going to take a lot more bread than will easily fit in the freezer. I'm considering getting some muffins during our next heat wave -if McDonald's can make sandwiches from them, it should work for me, too.

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
Posts 9245
33 posted 2000-11-15 04:39 PM

Ron consider tortilla shells instead of some of the bread. They take up less space and they're just as good. You can bake em, fry em, heat em, eat em plain, and they won't get freezer burn like bread will.  

As for eggs, well those give me heart burn, so I'm with ya there...and they contain absolutely NO caffeine!!

Haven't eatin a tuna sandwich in a while though, but love em with mayo and onion.  

Well, if you end up running out, let us know, we'll air lift it in! LOL
We wouldn't want you starvin' now.

Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
34 posted 2000-11-15 06:44 PM

You can buy frozen bread dough... Just pull it out, let it thaw... it rises... you bake it... et voila!!  fresh loaves of bread all through the winter..

...a tip from the "No-Cookin' Queen"..

Member Elite
since 1999-07-31
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United Kingdom
35 posted 2000-11-15 07:11 PM

I wish Dovey, I love the snow but alas it's just cold and wet here about 1.5 forming on the cars around 7pm, mist in the morning is erethal and sunsets beyond imagination....who wouldn't love the seasons.. I long for that crisp feel of snow or ice underfoot, but currently we have hazzardous leaves causing horrendous conditions on hills that are in shadow..

slip sliding away


Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
Posts 8669
Michigan, US
36 posted 2000-11-15 07:16 PM

LOL. Actually, Nan, I bought a 3-pack of frozen bread a few months ago and still have one left in the freezer. Food that requires substantial pre-planning doesn't work well for me. The first loaf, I tried to "push" into rising - and it didn't. That puppy was hard enough to be a fairly effective weapon. So, I figured I'd give the second plenty of time to rise on its own. Do you have any idea how high bread can raise in 36 hours? I put it on the lowest rack in the oven and it still brushed against the top heating coils. Burnt to a crisp.

I'm saving that third one until I grow up.  

Oh, and Rebecca, the tortillas sound like an excellent idea. I'm a little concerned how tuna will taste with salsa, but I'm willing to give it a try.

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
Posts 9245
37 posted 2000-11-15 08:44 PM

LOL Ron! Salsa on Tuna? Ewww!  

I don't think I'd put salsa on it, you don't have to use salsa everytime you use a tortilla. LOL

But hey, be adventurous! You can lightly cook them in olive oil, or just oil.
You can melt cheese on them and bake em.
Make a sandwich out of em. They're as versatile as you are.

If you have chicken cube it up, cook it, get a can of cheddar cheese soup, mix in some salsa, heat...put on tortilla and moisten edge of it, fold in half and bake it 425* for about 5 minutes. YUM  

[This message has been edited by WhtDove (edited 11-15-2000).]

Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
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Hurricane Alley
38 posted 2000-11-15 08:48 PM

Becky, anything that requires cooking is probably out of the question....  

[This message has been edited by Poet deVine (edited 11-15-2000).]

Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
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Hurricane Alley
39 posted 2000-11-15 08:49 PM

Or you can stock up on crackers and cheese in squirt cans and you're set for the winter!  
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
Posts 9245
40 posted 2000-11-16 12:33 PM

I'd prefer not to have anything that has the 'squirts.'  
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
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Purgatorial Incarceration
41 posted 2000-11-16 12:56 PM

For the record on the snow thing... I'm not just *guessing* I don't like it - I did extensive research on the subject - First living in Woodland Park Colorado, which is about three miles south of the North Pole in January, and then later in Great Lakes, Illinios which is about three miles NORTH of the North Pole in January. Colorado was bad enough, but after a winter which included temperatures 52 degrees BELOW zero, where the snow pretended to be ice while it buried the car you couldn't start anyway - I determined that snow was fun to visit, but not the most fun to live in!

As for the food - I'm a gourmet personally - Every day I'm making a whole new dish - My favorite recently is the Swedish Meatballs by Marie Callendars. Five minutes in the microwave, and Voilla! (Another side benefit of TV Dinners and the like, is that they come in neatly stackable boxes which fit in the freezer quite nicely!)  


Senior Member
since 2000-05-31
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42 posted 2000-11-16 06:36 PM

ok Elizabeth Cor said everything I could possibly say about Colorado!! damn I love it here!! And Christopher, for your information, Woodland Park is about 2 and a half miles from the North Pole in January. I live in north metro denver, but hey, I make my weeklong visits to the mountains as much as possible. Go stay in a cabin, go snowboarding, snomobiling and everything! I was definitely daddys little girl as mommy hated anywhere that she couldn't take the  blasted blow dryer. I just don't like driving in the snow a whole lot. Last winter after I first got my license, some guy slid across federal and hit me head on, rolled both our cars and landed me in a ditch and the hospital for a day or two. But other than that I LOVE the fluffy white stuff!!! It's great, and Ron, I'm coming to get you!! Lock the doors, cuz I'm draggin you outta the living room and white washing you. Then I'm bringin Christopher and the rest of the gang and it's gonna be a BIG dOgPiLe on RON!!!!!! woohoo...put your snow suit on I'm leaving in twenty minutes...

*Being an angel doesn't mean having a halo or wings, it means doing the right thing and wanting to make a difference*

Member Elite
since 2000-06-15
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43 posted 2000-11-17 02:04 AM


I thought God was shaking his head to get all the dandruff out.

WHtdove~Snow all week in Chicago??? You have to be joking. We dont even have an inch, at least not yet. And its so brrr out here.
< !signature-->

~*Love is sometimes like a rose. Beautiful in the beginning but dies in the end.*~

[This message has been edited by ERIN (edited 11-17-2000).]

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
Posts 9245
44 posted 2000-11-17 10:25 AM

Erin where are you at?  That's what they called for on the news. Said wintery conditions this week. We have gotten snow, but not amounting to much. The most part of it didn't stick. We did however get some that stuck last night, but I don't suspect it will stay around long. It was more like a scad dusting than anything.

Yep, we're heading into a deep freeze out here too..LOL  It's cold!!

Member Elite
since 2000-08-05
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On the streets w/ people
45 posted 2000-11-17 12:33 PM

Cold and comfortable here, gotta love Michigan's lake effect snow   And Ron, wouldn't those lights  mean an electric company would have to do work?  ...don't think it's gonna happen

"Disagreements stimulate thought, thought stimulates action, and action stimulates life." --Me!!

Member Elite
since 2000-06-15
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46 posted 2000-11-17 01:07 PM

Whtdove~I am in Chicago right by Midway Airport if you know where that is. I remember you saying that you lived in IL before but I dont recall where. And the snow we have had is just melting once it hits the ground. But it is so windy out I think that I might blow away with the wind one of these days.

~*Love is sometimes like a rose. Beautiful in the beginning but dies in the end.*~

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
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Purgatorial Incarceration
47 posted 2000-11-17 01:13 PM

Ironic note of interest: Though Chicago is noted as being the "Windy City," the naming had nothing to do with the wind, meteorologically speaking. Rather, it was thus dubbed due to the, at the time, unusual amount of politicians blowing... hot air.


since 2000-01-18
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Muncie, IN, USA
48 posted 2000-11-17 04:21 PM

As a college student who has to walk everywhere, I protest! Indiana winters are darn chilly, and the other day, we had mini-ice balls and heavy winds.Real timy, but it hurt! But, I must concede, it makes me appreciate my warm scarf and my hot chocolate. mmmmmmmm.....the best feeling in the world is when you can be outside in the super cold and be bundled up and stay all warm and cozy.

(Note to Christopher: Marie Callendars makes good ChiliMac, too, and they're so cheap!)

Elizabeth Cor
Senior Member
since 2000-10-13
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Over the river and through the woods
49 posted 2000-11-17 06:06 PM

RON! Get a bread maker! Who wants frozen dough??? All you need is bread mix (if you're lazy) and a cup of water. I make three loaves each week! It's FABULOUS.

StarPryncess! AMEN!

SpitFire, Severn, & Erin, if you send me your address, I'll send you a freezer and a whole drift.  

Jann Elizabeth, honey I walk/bike 2 miles & ½ every day to work… no complaining!    

~pummels the group with snowballs~

As for the rest of you snow-haters, if this doesn't inspire you, yer brain's not on:
(taken atop the flatirons last week)

~digs up a shovel full of snow and dumps it on Ron & Rock~ ~runs away giggling~

~ Beth in Boots

[This message has been edited by Elizabeth Cor (edited 11-17-2000).]

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
Posts 8669
Michigan, US
50 posted 2000-11-17 06:43 PM

Snow scenes, vistas of outer space, and Playmates all have one thing in common - as unquestionably beautiful as they may be, all are more safely viewed through the eyes of a camera.
Senior Member
since 1999-12-01
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Washington State
51 posted 2000-11-17 11:37 PM

Well, it's cold enough here to be snowing, but if it's not in the mountains so I can go get some good skiing in....I don't much care.  
Unless that is is dumps a lot, stays one days then all mests away!  


"The things that come to those that wait may be the things
left by those who got there first"

Deputy Moderator 1 TourDeputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Laureate
since 1999-11-23
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East Lansing, MI USA
52 posted 2000-11-17 11:48 PM

For those of you who don't get snow. . . please send me your mailing addresses to receive 10 pounds of real Michigan snow. . . the best snow around. . . wonderful for making snowmen. . . skiing. . . or building snow forts. . .

The lake effect makes Michigan snow wonderfully packy. . . and thus creates a better type of snow for all winter activities. . .

When you want the best. . . remember, there's only one. . .Michigan Snow. . .


That which gives light must endure burning
--Victor Frankl

Elizabeth Cor
Senior Member
since 2000-10-13
Posts 879
Over the river and through the woods
53 posted 2000-11-18 12:56 PM

You're only sayin' that cuz you can't have either of the latter, Ron.  

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
Posts 9245
54 posted 2000-11-18 09:14 PM

Ron hows about we both move South?
When we want to see snow we'll tell someone to send a postcard?

I miss GA!! Specially when it gets cold like this.

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-06-15
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Mobile, AL
55 posted 2000-11-18 11:13 PM

Well, it finally got cold here, and its been rain/drizzling for about 4 days or so.   Does that count? Hey, its Mississippi, give it some time! LOL!   We don't get much snow here except for the time it snowed in March and ruined one of my teenage b-day parties (which sorta turned me against the whole snow thing   ) ANYWAY!    I do love the weather we're having right now since its been dry almost all summer here, and we do need a cold winter this year.    Snowballs? No thanks! That picture above sure is beautiful and inspiring, but it can be beautiful and inspire me still without my having to trudge through it.  Laters people! Enjoy your snow! I think I'm gonna have a nice steaming cup of homemade hot cocoa now.   ((HUGS))
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
Posts 7704

56 posted 2001-02-17 12:09 PM

I just want to say that I got my wish - I have seen SNOW! it hasn't actually SNOWED..but here I am in pa...and there is SNOW on the lawn at Liz's house and I even got to TOUCH it...

From a distance it looks like giant pieces of styrofoam...




...and I have found that a lifetime can be lived in one moment...


dreamer1 12 5 24
since 2000-12-11
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crossing between
57 posted 2001-02-17 12:26 PM

Look, I live in Canada. You can have ALL my snow for all I care!!! I HATE the stuff with a passion!!!!! YUK!!! Yeah, give me warm sun every day!!!

....peace as a primary objective is dangerous because it implies that we would sacrifice anything for the sake of it....
Robert Kaplan

since 2000-11-22
Posts 329
58 posted 2001-02-17 12:45 PM

Its not snowing here but the temp droped so quickly that the rain we hard earlier became ice almost instantly...It was freezing. I couldn't get the key to turn on my car door so I could get in. It was awesome because we got ut early.
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since 2000-05-28
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Plantation, Florida
59 posted 2001-02-17 08:50 PM

No snow in Ga, but we were under a tornado watch until 10:00 last night!
(The wind pulled up a stop sign a block from my house!)
I'd rather have snow, at least it won't blow you into the next county!

Dopey Dope
Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Patricius
since 2000-08-30
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San Juan, Puerto Rico
60 posted 2001-02-18 01:18 AM

no snow here thank God!!!!!

I was born myself, raised myself, and will continue to be myself. The world will just have to adjust.

I'm in love with my shadow
I admire it daily

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
Posts 9245
61 posted 2001-02-18 12:51 PM

Ah Severn you're getting the left over ugly stuff aren't you? We've had very little snow in the last weeks. A dusting maybe.

Now get out there and build a styro-foam looking snowman! LOL

We can finally see a bit of grass, but it's OH SO COLD!!!!! Brrr....I'm tired of being cold.....I want WARM WARM WARM!!

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