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sleep preparation behavior |
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serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738![]() |
I stole that line from Tima's thread regarding abnormal sleeping patterns. I thought about it a bit, and I realized I have a few bedtime rituals of my own. The headboard on my bed is an aquarium (not lighted btw) which doubles as a room divider type thing, but there is a small space beside it that allows a bit of room for what I consider "my war chest" for trying to sleep. I need not one, but two beverages to get me through the night. One is a huge glass of water (a plastic cup actually, with a cover and straw) and I know this is weird, but I tend to put a teaspoon of baking soda in that. (I happen to like the taste and it soothes my sometimes troubled stomach.) The other would be an icy cold, caffeine free soda, in a "coozy". There is an ashtray, cigarettes and lighter--shame on me, I know. ![]() Inbetween my mattress and headboard is a personal stash place and not for what my reputation might inspire you to think. I keep a marble notebook there for my scribblings, a box of kleenex and generally several books. I tend to read medical texts at my hopeful bedtime, optimistic that some dry reading will bore me to sleep. (Sometimes though, that backfires, as I tend to get excited over the stuff sometimes. So yep, I quit reading "Abnormal Behavior" as the chapter on sexual deviates kept me up all night once. ![]() There is a beloved fossil that fits my hand so perfectly that sometimes in the loneliness of night it feels like a hand holding mine. There's also hair, belonging to a beloved. I also keep my cinnamon altoids there, and why I keep them hidden is beyond me--nobody else can stand the things. My pillows must be just so--I have a lot of 'em and yep, one of them is man-size. I set my a/c on "eleven". I used to spritz my sheets and pillows with a lemongrass scent until I realized it tended to make me feel more alert than relaxed. Now it's lavendar. Beneath the man sized pillow is a vibrator. (Again, tsk...not what you're thinking. It's for the old back problem as sometimes, when I'm fortunate enough to sleep so soundly in one position, that elusive disk problem tends to numb my legs, and if I have to go to the lavatory in the night, sometimes my legs are numb from the pressure on my spinal cord, so I have to massage them awake. (Trust me folks, this massager thing that stays plugged in is not something to be used in delicate, um, situations.) I plump my pillows and gather my "sleep" family. There is Bri-bear, (I sleep with not one, but two teddy bears. The other belonged to my son. And yep, it would be three bears, but my daughter stole hers back.) Also in my sleep family is a beanie baby koala, "Koo-wee", and a beanie donkey, missing one eye. Also, my feet must be clean and my legs shaved. (Whiskery legs are like sand on the sheets to me.) That bothers me more at different times of the month than others, depending on how the hormones are affecting my last nerve. And if all this fails (and usually does) there is one more ritual. But that would have to be detailed in "Grok". ![]() And btw? I love satellite television but it had totally cramped my channel surfing style. 'Cause that's more amusing to me than infomercials, should IFC and Sundance fail me during those lonely hours. and? oh yes, good poets, sometimes I take a zanax, but I try not to rely on that, as serenity is sick of being sick from withdrawals. OH. I almost forgot to mention my prayers. ![]() * * * Now, if I haven't put you all to sleep with the dreary truth of my bed activity, I was wondering... What rituals, if any, do you have? Share your sleep preparation behaviors here. (and hugs to Tima) |
© Copyright 2005 serenity blaze - All Rights Reserved | |||
Alicat Member Elite
since 1999-05-23
Posts 4094Coastal Texas |
Um....3 fingers of blended 80 proof Scotch, no light (but not completely pitch dark), no modulating sounds (radio or tv), and a fan set on any speed blowing on me. That ambient sound is constant, so is soothing, and I've always had a fan on me, from growing up in Coastal Texas where antipersperant is used not just under the arms, but also behind the knee. On those hot muggy nights, a fan helps evaporate persperation so you don't saturate your sheets, and anyone who's lived without A/C knows about sweaty knee pits. I can't do tv or radio though, even on the lowest setting, as my ears focus on the speech and my mind tries to make out what is being said. My older brother HAD to sleep with the radio and he'd use the lowest volume. Invariably, around 3am, it'd wake me up and I'd shut it off. Which, invariably, would wake him up due to the cessation of sound. Fun fun. *chuckle* My SO falls asleep to tv, so as a compromise, I either stay up until she's out, or head to bed early so I'm thoroughly zoned when she turns on the tv on a timer. |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
THE FAN!!! YES!!! (thanks Ali, almost forgot about that) and I'm with you on the tv thing. It must be silent and dark and I like the room cold. So nod, I spend a lot of time just turning the durned thing off and on. (and yep, I already got yelled at just earlier for our electric bill--but? shrug, he went to work, and that little a/c is "jetting") *grin* thanks for answering, I actually enjoy knowing the little things about my favorite people ![]() |
vlraynes Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-25
Posts 8229Somewhere... out there... |
Okay, I'll bite... you're gonna think I'm completely nuts... but you wouldn't be the first... probably the MOST important thing for me, or at least in the top 2, is the temperature... and nope... not only the temperature in the room... but?... the temperature of 'me'as well... Soooo... with that in mind... here is my nightly ritual... First things first... I have to prepare the bed... getting everything 'just so'... so that when I'm ready to actually crawl into it?... I don't have to do a thing 'cept curl up with my pillows... and yep... I have many of those too... and they have to be positioned just right, or I can't sleep... My stuffed white tiger, and a bear that a friend made for me years ago, have to be placed 'just so'... not in the bed... but next to it... so I know that THEY are 'comfortable'... (yeah..I know... I'm a freak)... I don't sleep with these particular stuffed animals, because I don't wanna 'squish' 'em... but sometimes I do miss having one that I CAN sleep with... I also must have my water... and yep... it must be cold... no lukewarm water here... and sometimes an ice cold soda... Okay... now to the temperature part of my preparations... I used to have to have a fan on me all the time... with the exception of the coldest nights of winter... as if we actually have 'winter' here in Phoenix... but anyway... I recently got a ceiling fan, so it's almost always on the 'high' setting now... so that takes care of that... and now?... for the most necessary, and some would say, 'ritualistic' part of my preparations... Every night...and sometimes?...twice a night...depending on how long I stay awake after the first time I do this... but anyway... I go outside in the backyard and thoroughly hose down... yep... I know it sounds crazy... but?... that's what I do... no lie... "Why not just jump in the shower?", you ask?... Well... there are a few reasons... First of all, this generally doesn't take place before about 11:30pm or midnight... give or take... but... point being, everyone else in the house is sound asleep... and the plumbing is extremely loud in this little old house... sooo... I prefer to avoid the consequences of waking someone up... Also?... and honestly?... this has become almost more important, at least to ME, than the first reason... but?... there is something very soothing and refreshing about using the hose... outside in the fresh air... as opposed to an indoor shower... and yes... I confess that, when I do this?... I tend to wear as little as possible... just enough so that I'm not completely exposed, should I get 'caught'... This hasn't happened yet... so I must admit that I've gotten pretty brave a few times... So?... I guess you could say it's the next best thing to skinny dipping... ![]() but anyway... I stand out there for a bit...and hose down in the very cool, crisp water... and look at the stars... and just enjoy the night air... and yep... sometimes?... I 'shake'... *grin* Once my body temperature has sufficiently dropped, I towel off a bit and go TRY to sleep... although, sometimes?... it does backfire... Sometimes, especially on those 'shaking' nights?... I end up inspired... and I'll come in and write... or at least try to... and then I'll relax and try to get some sleep... and?... if I stay awake too long?... and that body temperature starts to rise again?.. then yep... I just go back outside and do it again... And geez... the things you can get me to confess to... without even tryin'... *smile* Love you, lady... ![]() |
vlraynes Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-25
Posts 8229Somewhere... out there... |
Oh... and for the actual 'sleeping' part?... Well... that's the hard part... cuz more often than not, my brain doesn't want to slow down to match the pace of my body... Sooo... I use a simple meditation technique of counting breaths... focusing on my breathing, and letting thoughts just come and go, without 'hanging on' to them... I count each breath, 1 through 10, and then start over again... And surprisingly?... it often works quite well... when I remember to use it... |
Local Rebel Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-21
Posts 5767Southern Abstentia |
turn on alarm take off glasses and place them in holder on bedside table climb in bed pull covers over body make sure alarm is on again turn off light roll over go to ...... (yawn) think I'll |
since 2001-12-03
Posts 1725Never close enough |
Okay I realize that posting this will almost surely label me as someone that suffers from Obsessive Compulsive Behavior -- but hell, you asked so here it is. First of all I hate the dark, and for many reasons 1. We were broken in on when we were kids and I can still hear my mother screaming and my little brother crawling around on his hands and knees cause all the lights were out and we couldn't see anything. 2. I was in an abusive relationship, and dark just scares me cause most of the bad stuff took place there in that dark. I hate for the house to be too cold or too hot, so I turn the fan on in the room only after I go to bed because hubby says that it stops his nose up and so I can't run it all night long. We have a waterbed, so - the stupid thing either gets so friggin hot that you stick too it, or it don't get hot enough and you lay there all night long freezing your arse off. The baby sleeps with us too, right next to me ofcourse, and I have learned how to listen for her to breath and I can in my mommy brain hear her through his snores, coughs and even the fan (cause sometimes I wait till he falls asleep and then I sneak back up and turn it on) I have even, on those nights when I was feeling really seperated from my newest creation slid my hand through the crib railing and let her hold my finger and slept that way. Made me feel better anyway, and after writing this I see that it can be said that I depend on her far more than she depends on me. Anyhoo - Before I go to bed (and this does not involve a water hose or outside hehe) Gawd, I can't even imagine that Vicky. The water coming from a hose is so damn cold - I don't see how you ever sleep after something like that. But, its different strokes for us all I guess, and I know it is much hotter there than here. First, we have a fairly large house which creaks like Christmas Past after 9 pm at night. So I have to tip toe around the house, which is hard to do cause I am flat-footed as hell. Was born without shoes, and have been that way for nearly 32 years. I check all three locks on the back door atleast twice, check the front door twice, check on all the kids, make sure they are covered up, and comfy then I head toward our room and check on the baby - did I remember to check the locks on the back door? Dang, cain't remember - so I go back through this creaking popping house and check the back door again. Go to the bathroom, brush teeth, straighten the bathroom while I'm in there cause my daughter has left all her barbies with horrible bathtub hair on the floor - and put the 'bathroom' goggles back in their place (my daughter likes to get under the water and look at the bottom of the tub for the reason that only she understands) I then, sit on the side of the tub and wash my feet one last time, cause clean feet always make me feel so much better - and we have hard wood floors so they tend to gather a bit of dust during the day. Put lotion them, and my legs, wash my hands and my face, and then dry everything off. Leave the light on, shut the door almost all the way, and head to bed - dang, did I remember to lock the back door? I can't remember, better go and check that to make sure Finally - two hours after I started this trek, I some how actually end up in bed and the one MUST that I have is a set of ear plugs, but I only use them in one ear cause I need not be totally deaf with all these kids in the house - and there aint no way to sleep without it cause my husband snores unexplainably loud and I can't sleep without them. I make sure that the baby is ok by peeking through the bumper pads, and I steal the covers back from my hubby and I grab my three pillows and try to get comfy... Did I lock the back door? Gosh, that ceiling fan spins funny, lemme lay here and watch it for a minute cause it could come undone during the night and spin right out the door - ah, and then the thought of a really good write hits me and I reach for the flashlight and paper and pen cause I don't wanna lose this next great idea Beep, beep, beep - dang... it's 6 am already Tomorrow I'm starting earlier |
since 2001-12-03
Posts 1725Never close enough |
Just thought I would add... I am here at 3 am and the reason behind that madness is I went to bed a 10pm cause I had a headache, and now I am up for the night Hey Karen.... I'm going to the kitchen now to marinate my chicken so that tomorrow it will be ready to throw on the grill... These should be yummy... marinate all night long in my own special concoction.... They will surely dunk them in ketchup and kill any residue of marinating at 3 am My kids eat ketchup on mustard... |
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
1. Take off my glasses and place them gently on my desk. 2. Go to the bathroom (though I will have to visit again at least once in the middle of the night). 3. Turn out any lights that are on - though I'm adept at walking around in the dark. 4. As I reach my bed, set the alarm. 5. Fall onto the bed (was it made? is there a sheet on it or just the mattress pad?). Who cares, it's only me. 6. Lie still to be sure the overhead fan is making it's usual noise. 7. Rollover to my left side and smush my pillow under my head. 8. Stare out at the night sky that can be seen from my window (there's a very bright all night light out there). 9. Toss 10. Turn 11. Toss 12. Turn 13. Check the clock (it's 1:30) 14. Toss 15. Turn 16. Get up and go to the bathroom (it's 2:15) 17. Toss 18. Turn 19. Get up and go to the bathroom (it's 4:10) Go into the office and check my email. Check the forums. Go back to bed. 20. Fall asleep 45 minutes before the alarm goes off. 21. Hit the snooze. 22. Get up and start my day knowing another night awaits at the end of it. Sigh...... |
nakdthoughts Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
Posts 19200Between the Lines |
Sharon, we have the same schedules.... ![]() M |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
Tima? I'm nodding here, 'cause after I typed all that stuff I was thinking as I read over it, "Now how OCD is me?" But it's sharing what we think are idiosyncracies that help us realize we ain't so alien after all. Vicky? That hose thing? I'm with tima about the cold water thing. I used to be the same about a hot bath tho, but the plumbing in this house doesn't allow for much of a soak--a shallow tub and the stopper thingie leaks--and that's why I absolutely need a hot tub! And Sharon? I finally got rid of that digital clock. It was driving me mad with those glaring red numbers, mocking me all night long. Maureen? Just a hug from me here, 'cause I've missed you. ![]() And Reb? "turn on alarm take off glasses and place them in holder on bedside table climb in bed pull covers over body make sure alarm is on again turn off light roll over go to ...... (yawn) think I'll " This is exactly why I have never slept with anyone--I get particularly annoyed when someone is next to me sleeping peacefully while I struggle. Which explains why I slept on the couch for 15 years before I got my own bedroom too. I have been known to smack the body who dares to sleep next to me--I begin to feel like they are sleeping at me! ![]() Besides, when all else fails, there is the pace-and-smoke routine I go through, as well as checking the internet to see if my fellow insomniac might be awake too. (*waving at Vicky*) I'm finding tho, that the Valerian works for me, and now that I'm doing better health wise, I find I can sleep better at bedtime since I actually get out of bed occasionally. Smiling here, and that broken foot just might heal if I stay off the trampoline too. grin Thanks for sharing guys and gals. ![]() and OH. Tima? Good luck with the wings on the grill, but I still oven cook mine--I like 'em tender and we have one of those gas grills, which I despise. *Hugs* you. Kiss the baby for me. |
vlraynes Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-25
Posts 8229Somewhere... out there... |
Well... like I said... I knew you'd think I was nuts... and if the tables were turned, and I had never tried it?... I'd likely think me nuts too... *smile* but yep... as Tima said... it's VERY hot here in the summer... so actually?... I'd be willing to bet that, though it IS pretty cool?... the hose water probably isn't as cold as what comes out of your hoses... It's not like it's 'ice cold' or anything... so it just feels really good on a hot summer night... and yes... I love hot baths too... especially in the 'winter'... but?... I have the same problem with the tub as you do... shallow tub... and the stopper doesn't work so well... so I just don't take hot baths as much as I used to... When I'm not feeling well, though?... a long hot bath is often the only thing that helps... and?... *waving back* and nodding at 'fellow insomniac'... That's me... *smile* Hugs, you... Love ya, lady... ![]() |
vlraynes Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-25
Posts 8229Somewhere... out there... |
Okay... I got to thinkin'... and?... lest there be any doubt... the hosing down is NOT intended as a means of personal hygiene... I DO bathe and/or shower regularly... ![]() |
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
12:20 a.m. Toss Turn Sigh....I will not take drugs for this but I'm so tired sometimes I could cry.... |
vlraynes Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-25
Posts 8229Somewhere... out there... |
11:57pm here... which, on a normal night, would be 'early'... but?... I start playin' 'nanny' for 3 kids tomorrow... just for the summer... and?... I have to leave the house at 5:30am... 5:30am?!... That's BEDTIME! I'm gonna be hating life when the alarm goes off... assuming I ever get to sleep... ![]() and Sharon?... I hear ya, my friend... I hope you're sound asleep by now... ![]() |
GG Member Elite
since 2002-12-03
Posts 3532Lost in thought |
I've gone through several strict sleep prep patterns to try to convince my body that it was time to sleep but none seemed to work. Each went for about two months before I gave up and tried something else. Now, it changes a lot based on what needs to be done and how I'm feeling each particular evening... On normal nights (meaning abnormal, actually. [Nights when I feel somewhat okay]) it tends to go something like this: 10:45 PM - wash my face, brush my teeth, put on my pj's. Set three alarms in different places in my room for about 3 minutes apart. 11 - Answer the phone and tell my uncle that no, my father isn't home yet. "He's just getting off work, just like EVERY night when you call. But remember he doesn't like talking on the phone right after work. Would you like me to leave a note for him to call in the AM?" He says yes, and I write a note. 11:15 - lock all the doors and turn on the back porch light for my father. Put a load of clothes into the washer and the previous load into the dryer. Check my email and maybe the forums. Clean up any clutter in the living room and in my room. Put dishes in the sink and wipe the counters. 11:45 - (though it was 11:44 tonight!) Answer the phone again. It's my uncle - surprise, surprise! "No, he's still not home. Yes, I wrote him a note." 12 - check the doors again to make sure they're locked. Check all my knives to make sure they're where they should be. Get a glass of water, turn on the lamp by my bed, and lay down. Pray, read the Bible, pray again. which lasts until about: 1 - wonder why my father isn't home yet. Remind myself that maybe he went to WinCo and is actually getting some groceries. Turn off the light and try to sleep. 2:30 - still awake. Answer the phone, it's my uncle. "No, he's still not home yet. Yes, I wrote him a note. No, you didn't wake me. Yes, I was trying hard to sleep." Hang up the phone and try to sleep again... 3 - hear my father get home and turn on the alarm. Try to sleep again... 5 - still awake. Check the living room and see my father is asleep on the couch. Turn down the heat that he turned up and open a window 'cause it's (literally) over 80 degrees Fahrenheit in the house. Take the clothes out of the dryer, fold them, and put the wet clothes in the dryer. Step outside for some fresh air and to watch the stars (or sunrise, depending on time of year). Lay back down and try to sleep. 7 - get mad because its light outside and I'm still awake. Wonder how someone can be so very tired and yet so very awake at the same time. 8 - the first alarm goes off and I'm still awake. I set them all for an hour later. 8:30 - fall asleep. (usually I get interrupted by another phone call somewhere around now) 9 - first alarm goes off. Half the time I wake up for this and half the time I somehow turn it off in my sleep. 9:03 - second alarm goes off. Wake up if I didn't before and turn it off. Turn off the third alarm before it goes off and drink the part of the water I didn't finish that night. Get on my knees and pray. Sit down and read the Bible. Do a few dishes, then shower... Tonight is a bit off (it's 12:30 AM right now), but I'll be heading to bed in a few. Lets all hope for sleep tonight!! ![]() Oh and Local Reb? That's just not nice!!!! He was a man of sorrows ...I am a girl of tears. |
Local Rebel Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-21
Posts 5767Southern Abstentia |
If it's any consolation it's usually 12:30 to 1:00 am before I attempt it and I'm up every morning at 4:30... good morning ![]() |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
"get mad because its light outside and I'm still awake" mmmm hmmm. Like about NOW. ![]() |
littlewing Member Rara Avis
since 2003-03-02
Posts 9655New York |
I used to have a list . . . now actually being able TO sleep is good enough for me. I am so tired now I just crash . . . that hasn't happened in NEVER . . . but when I was unable to sleep - I always had to have a light on someplace and a TV on or radio somewhere so it would not be quiet and dark. (sometimes I still do this) One pillow will keep me up all night, two is a minimum and have to have the bare minimum on in the summer and layers of clothes in the winter. If it is humid out - the air is cranked - spitting water down the side of the house and in the winter the heat is on about 80 degrees. I do have to check on my son a cozillion times a night still, making sure he hasn't been carried off in the night (sheesh)and books are a must - pens . . . and the alarm is checked about three or four times just in case my other self forgot to set it (geez) I used to be really bad with checking the knobs on the stove and the doorlocks a hundred times . . . and drugs used to be the only thing that MADE me sleep -and eventually when the sun came up and I was hunched over the keyboard, my back killing me, eyes all dried up, falling asleep right HERE ( yes, I have done that) then I carried myself off to bed (which wasn't the bed, but the couch, with my son, when he was little, I have no idea (ok I do, I cannot sleep alone) alas, now the both of us actually DO sleep in our beds . . . Karen? that fossil . . . *smile* and I haven't heard the word "inkpen" since high school *grin* Sweet dreams, peoples . . . (Oh, and no matter what the temp is - my feet have to be wrapped up in the sheet, blanket - whatever because of that damned movie "Phantasm".) |
GG Member Elite
since 2002-12-03
Posts 3532Lost in thought |
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I have about 30 books stacked up against my bed. There are several different kinds of pens and pencils, and several different kinds of pads of paper and notebooks to fit any mood. Lately I haven't had anything to write, though... And as for my bed, it's actually a a plain black futon that is folded up into couch position because I can't stand sleeping unless I'm against something. I always have to have something over me, even if it's just a thin sheet. I lay on my back or left side until just before I fall asleep at which point I turn onto my right side, facing the futon. One of my pocket knives has to be attached to the right side of my pj's pants/shorts leg. And no going more than two days without shaving. There can NOT be a clock that makes even the slightest bit of resemblance to a tick or a tock in my room or any of the rooms next to my room. The digital clocks have to be put so that I can't see the time (or the brightness from the light) unless I sit up. I like having the heater or fan running because I like the feel of air blowing against me and the continual sound of it will block out some of the smaller sounds from bugs outside or creaks in the old house. A constant pain is easier to deal with than a throb or a sudden, unexpected pain. On rare occasion I'll turn the tv or a movie on, but either I turn the sound off or only watch something I've seen before so that the sound doesn't suprise me. All my windows have to have some sort of dark sheet or fabric over them so I'm not quite as aware of what's going on outside and so the light doesn't bother me. (plus when I have to lay down for a migraine during the day I don't want the light in there.) And I walk around the house at night evry month or so to make sure that nobody can see into any of the windows or see a vivid silhouette of anyone inside. Oh, and then I check my knives fifty more times. I may possibly be paranoid lol ![]() He was a man of sorrows ...I am a girl of tears. |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354Listening to every heart |
Moving air...fan or windows open...generally fan, however, because when it's this windy, I don't want to have to dust in the morning... when in the old house, we had a 2:00 a.m. neighbor boy that liked to KA-BOOM his car home down OUR street [I really have to believe there could have been another way home...] and the noise would ALWAYS wake me, so we got an airfilter that also acts like "white noise". I find that I'm still using it, although the neighborhood we are on now seems to be much quieter. However, it DOES help mask Abby's snoring.... the other snorer is down the hall... Then, just KNOWING that I can have access to pens, paper, computer, books, etc., helps dissolve insomnia immensely! Knowing I CAN'T have access or it would wake someone up is pure aggravation and a boon to the nature of insomnia... Hence, I love my offroom... ![]() There is one sleep med [Tylenol PM] that I use if I can't get to sleep normally...but I generally have the TV on low, and that lulls me to sleep. Wearing glasses to read in bed is generally a pain because of some silly fear of bending the frames... and since I have been "getting comfortable" and using the computer while keeping my feet elevated on the bed, there are times the computer "naps" with me, as well. Three pillows...angled to support neck, head and shoulders just so... until sleep time...then the scrunching smooshing begins... Cool room! Absolute must! One sheet folded back halfway until actual sleep time...and one down comforter, used as required during the night, depending on whether I get too cold or not. Abby never needs to go out when I am ready for bed as hours vary, and as I am the light sleeper, she knows just moving around will wake me up so when she's ready, we stumble down the stairs together... Sometimes there is a glass of water on the table beside me. Sometimes it will be another beverage. Clock is automatic digital with music set to wake by, normally around 5:00 a.m. I often beat the clock however, so the light is low to see just how early I woke up, and whether or not it's worthwhile trying to catch a few more elusive winks... and then there are the dreams. Did I have one, do I remember, is it worthwhile making a note of [one really was worthy, to me, a little over a week ago...] and of course the waking time is as important as the getting ready to sleep time... Kind of the planning the day quiet time... Rather mundane, I think... and for some reason, I don't feel the necessity to check the kitchen utensils... but I truly hadn't seen it as "routine"...until now! |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
Posts 8296Purgatorial Incarceration |
i haven't read this yet... but did want to say that when my eyes passed over the topic line i thought it said Sheep preparation behaviour... ![]() |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354Listening to every heart |
Get glasses, m'boy...get glasses... |
Alicat Member Elite
since 1999-05-23
Posts 4094Coastal Texas |
Chris, sheep preparation behavior? Come one, not everyone has the priviledge of being Scottish. *cackle* |
littlewing Member Rara Avis
since 2003-03-02
Posts 9655New York |
OMG Alyssa . . . you made me remember that I used to have all of these "weapons" placed about the house - my mom's - so if anyone broke in at night, no matter which room I was in, I would have something to defend myself with. (No, I wasn't paranoid) anyhow I forgot after moving out exactly what and where the stuff was and my sister's boyfriend went to put the window up in the summer in our bedroom and there was a big ole Turkey Serving fork, you know the 2 pronged ones good for poking in eyeballs, and a huge butcher knife in the sill! He was like what the *bleeeeep* . . . |
GG Member Elite
since 2002-12-03
Posts 3532Lost in thought |
lol littlewing, whatever works, right!? I keep a least one on me and the others I keep out of sight but within my reach from my bed. And those ones aren't so much for safety but just knives that I've bought or recieved and I want to make sure that they can't be used against me. If one of my knives has been moved it means someone else is/has been there. The danger of carrying any kind of weapon is for it to be used against you, and that's not something I'm willing to let happen. The one on me is both for defense and plain handiness. I love my knives! ![]() |
Aenimal Member Rara Avis
since 2002-11-18
Posts 7350the ass-end of space |
actually i read sheep the first time too lol ah so many NZ jokes, so little time. of course i'm dead if someone reads that. |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
Posts 8296Purgatorial Incarceration |
heh. heh. and i have contacts... close enough, eh? |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
Baaaaaaaaaaaaa-d boyz... ![]() |
Local Parasite![]()
since 2001-11-05
Posts 2527Transylconia, Winnipeg |
Sleep usually comes naturally to me, unless for some reason or other I'm totally worried about it. Then I have the kind of experience that Poet deVine describes... My environment is ideally lights off, windows shut (pitch dark), television off, as many sensory avenues as possible cut off. The difficult thing to shut off is my brain. Before I go to bed, I begin to worry---will I sleep well enough to perform on my exams? Of course, I think. Eventually I'll fall asleep. The problem is that I start trying to fall asleep, which never works. Five minutes of laying with my eyes closed and I get impatient, and ask myself, why am I not asleep yet? Maybe I'm not comfortable, so I find another position. Should I try laying perfectly still for a while and hope I fall asleep or maybe would I have more luck in another position? So I find another position and hope it works out a bit better, but with no luck. I turn over my pillow because the other side is colder, and for some reason, I seem to be getting the sweats... Then I start imagining things, just before sleeping, because for some reason I think they might help. I try to picture myself, say, somewhere I go normally---or, I try to imagine the sound of a familiar voice, preferably one I haven't heard in a long time, and maybe if I hear it clearly enough it will stimulate a dream. The main focus is to try and distract myself from the thought of falling asleep itself. Of course, this method doesn't work. One of my exam days contained three exams, starting at 9 in the morning and ending at 9 in the evening. I got no sleep the night before, and I think I pushed the limit of caffeine for the human body in order to get through it... I had another exam in the morning with no sleep, which wasn't nearly as bad, and my last exam finally let me sleep a bit the night before. I used to have trouble sleeping with someone in the bed with me, like you say, Serenity---but lately I've gotten over that trouble. Have you mastered the art of spooning? The only problem is figuring out what to do with one arm while you're spooning a person, but once you've done that, you've got a potentially very comfortable sleeping position (though you can never be sure the other party feels the same way---especially if you tend to drool or snore). Another sleeping position that's comfortable with another person, I find, is me laying on my back, with her cuddling my arm like a stuffed animal and sleeping on her side. I'm told it's strange I can actually sleep on my back, though, so this might not be so happy an alternative. A closer-contact version of this method is the same thing, but instead of having the arm cuddled in this way, putting my arm around her shoulders and holding her against me, while she uses my chest as a pillow. This is maybe getting a bit personal, but I find it troubling you're unable to find a solution to sharing a bed and hoped I could share a little personal experience. It's awkward only at first, until you master it. |
Aenimal Member Rara Avis
since 2002-11-18
Posts 7350the ass-end of space |
grins sleep problems, or quite possibly sheep problems, can be easily cured by dr. jack daniels, but then of course waking up becomes the problem. the upside of course is should you pass you're already embalmed |
Severn Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
Posts 7704 |
ha ha ha ha Oh so veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery veeeeeeery funny what's that about yanks and canadians (well 2 cheeky sods in particular)? Ah yes, no imagination, no new ideas. Don't come crying to us when you've both got radiation poisoning.. Sheep-happy K ps - sleep? lie down, turn off lights, bask on electric blanket (in the best hemisphere, it's cold), go to sleep... |
Essorant Member Elite
since 2002-08-10
Posts 4769Regina, Saskatchewan; Canada |
I like not being able to sleep. It makes the time feel much longer between lieing down and going to work in the morning. If I lie down and fall asleep right away, in effect, it just feels as if I lay down to get up and go to work; and then I know how much time I gave away to a mere flash-like sleep, rather than a more concious experience, that I may never have back again. But if I may stay awake longer, it feels as if I have more time and more time to experience conciously, and before I need to go to work again, rather than just giving it away to a "flash" [This message has been edited by Essorant (06-14-2005 01:58 PM).] |
Cloud 9 Senior Member
since 2004-11-05
Posts 980Ca |
"sleep problems, or quite possibly sheep problems, can be easily cured by dr. jack daniels, but then of course waking up becomes the problem. the upside of course is should you pass you're already embalmed" ROFLMAO!!! |
littlewing Member Rara Avis
since 2003-03-02
Posts 9655New York |
I agree with the staying up part, I love the night and night lasts forever . . . of course it was making me physically ill not actually SLEEPING . . . Raph? I have not woken up like that in about 5 years . . . God Help Me if I ever do again . . . Bri? very nice co-sleep habits and yes! That's it, attempting to turn the mind off . . . mine likes to travel into the past (I hate when it does that) unless, as you say, something BIG is happening in the morning . . . Alyssa? you got it . . . |
Aenimal Member Rara Avis
since 2002-11-18
Posts 7350the ass-end of space |
radiation poisoning? careful what you say or you'll end up at guantanamo bay without trial as guards accidentaly sprinkle water and/or urine on your religious texts. i kid, if we can't joke about it then the terrorists have already won..oh wait they did they were reelected. ahem. moving on essorant i have completely disagree, going to work without sleep makes the day drag on longer than it usually does, by midday you're praying for a coma or that your idiot boss be fed to wolverines. ok that second one may just be me sue i'm not sure i woke up from the last one, wait life still sucks so yeah i must've |
gemjop Member Elite
since 2002-11-18
Posts 2587Pencilveinia, USA |
I have no set bedtime, but am a night owl and am rarely asleep before 2 am. 5 am is my favourite time to settle down to sleep, in the summer, when it gets light early like recently, listening to the birds. I always moisturise my feet laying in bed. If i don't i get this unbearable sensation, a constant nag of dry skin, all hot and annoying. this almost always makes me aware that if i don't moisturise my whole body, my stupid (mild) eczema will reappear, so i douse myself in Palmers Cocoa Butter Formula and E45. I then spend some quality time watching BBC Learning Zone in the early am, or GCSE Revision programmes that makes me wish i could be 16 again and re take those exams because I'd know all the answers...ha...lame, i know. then, when sleepiness takes over, i settle, always on my chest, face down, with one leg brought up against the lovely freezing cold wall. I then, frequently sleepwalk, scaring housemates, and often, myself. And/Or snore or heavy breathe much to boyfriends annoyance. wake to pass him earplugs. I'm a beast. |
since 2001-12-03
Posts 1725Never close enough |
Gem... aint seen you in forever gal... where ya been hiding out at? We all just crawling out of the woodwork around here Great to see you again... Oh and guess what? I had a little girl in October... email me and I will send ya a pic Missed ya gal, and glad your back Tima |
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