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since 2003-09-24
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0 posted 2005-02-06 12:25 PM

Hello all,

There's been something on my mind that has been bothering me all week, and I was wondering if anyone (particlularly the females) could give me their analysis on this situation.

I go to college with a girl that I'm quite interested in. She's very beautiful and very nice. I decided to drop a signal last week, nothing too obvious, but obvious enough. She wore glasses to school on monday. I, being a sucker for glasses, took notice. The next day I commented that I wish she would have worn glasses on that day, because she looks cute in glasses (a bit cheesy I know, but I seem to have the boyish charm thing *LOL*). She responded by saying that she'll be sure to wear them the next day (we sit next to each other in class the following day). I really wasn't expecting her to wear them, but when I walked into glass, she ha them on.

What should I think about this whole situation?

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Oklahoma, USA
1 posted 2005-02-06 12:30 PM

Cheesy though it was, it appears that whe has accepted your signal and is responding in kind. Try to come up with something a little deeper for the next conversation.

Good luck

Member Rara Avis
since 2002-11-18
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the ass-end of space
2 posted 2005-02-06 12:43 PM

well, if there's one thing i've learned about women it'

yer on your own bud. grins.

*girls with glasses, oh yeah.

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Aloha, Oregon
3 posted 2005-02-06 02:01 PM

she likes ya...just roll with it.
Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
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4 posted 2005-02-06 02:06 PM

You mean she didn't say, "what...I'm not cute without my glasses?"

You're in!

since 2003-09-24
Posts 50

5 posted 2005-02-06 03:13 PM

Thanks for the feedback.

Another thing about this situation....

One day in class, I drotted down some notes from the lecture. I kept my hand resting over what I had written. She was curious as what I had just put down. Instead of asking me to move my hand, just just put moved it herself. For some girls, that's their way of flirting. But I'm not really sure if that was a signal, or she didn't just didn't feel like asking me to move my hand.

since 2005-01-07
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where ever the fly fishing is good
6 posted 2005-02-06 07:36 PM

liquidmidnight the girl obviously feels comfortable around you if she is willing to sit next to you, speak to you and feels comfortable enough to reach out and touch you (women love to play detective and she wants to get to know you). If I were you I would ask the young lady if she would like to get some coffee some time. If she says why coffee just respond well you might be one of those crazy people so I want a well lite public place. as she thinks on that line she will probably bite on it.(that line will apeal to a womens sense of or need for security) make sure to say it jokingly and dont punch her on the sholder when you say it. It doesnt have to be coffee either just so long as its public. and in doing so you will secure many more meetings with her. not to mention that you have acess to the ultimate line. Why dont we get together some time and study. oh and if you say the study thing make sure you get her phone number if nothing else just tell her you want it in case some thing comes up. well what do you know your in like flint. also what is her body language around you. if she leans slightly towards you then she (for lack of better words)she likes you, if she sits straight up then shes neutral to you ,you havent scared her off yet but also havnt won her over yet, if she leans away she subconciously finds you repulsive. no this doesnt always hold true but in general it works. dont believe me then watch elimadate some time. watch them when the are in the taxi at the end of the night going home read their body language call it the way you see it and you will probably be right. ps good luck and carful or she'll make a man out of ya son. oh and study times can be very flurtacious and intimate, always be prepared hint hint (your in collage battle packs are strongly recomended) let me know how it turns out
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
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Purgatorial Incarceration
7 posted 2005-02-06 07:48 PM

Don't play games.

Tell her you like her and ask if she'd like to get together to see what you have in common.

Life's short - live it; don't lay the groundwork for a future "...wish I would have..."

since 2003-09-24
Posts 50

8 posted 2005-02-06 08:48 PM


Thanks for all of the good info. I'm a pysch major and I'm still trying to figure out these complicated social situations. *LOL*

I really don't know if she sits up straight or leans in. She doesn't sit away. I would describe the way she sits as "comfortable". The study bit is cool. I've helped her with her homework on many occasions. When walking to class/the parking lot, she often asks me to wait for her. I don't know if that means anything, or if she's just sociable like that.

Thanks again for all of the info.(hope she doesn't scout poetry forums *LOL*)

since 2005-01-07
Posts 226
where ever the fly fishing is good
9 posted 2005-02-06 09:26 PM

I hope for your sake that she does scout poetry forums. The hot seat will do you some good. Like chris said life is short git to livin it. I hope nobody thinks I was telling you to beat around the bush because I was not trying to. I was only offering a sugestion as to how you might reach your objective. Remember a woman likes a man who will step up and take control(calm down killer I'm not talking about whips and chains here). I'm saying make up your mind and call the shots (i.e. where to go to eat what to do tonight get the picture). Trust me as soon you do that she'll start using her magic on you and before you know it her power of suggestion over you subconsiously will ultimatly dictate your decision as to what you decide to do. Which means that instead of renting troy or fight club, youll be watching shall we dance even tough she holding your hand standing their silent. oh p.s. If your to shy to ask her write it on paper and put your hand over it and maybee she will attempt to move your hand again. But for heavens sake get out thier and seal the deal. you keep playing games and beating around the bush and she will walk away.

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
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Purgatorial Incarceration
10 posted 2005-02-06 09:56 PM

ah, if only it were that easy... lol

i don't believe a woman necessarily likes for a guy to take control... because there's not just one type of woman, but a type for every one that exists.

if there's one thing I do understand about women, it's that there's no understanding them...

Member Rara Avis
since 2002-11-18
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the ass-end of space
11 posted 2005-02-07 09:42 PM

amen. lol
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since 2001-05-27
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Ohio, USA
12 posted 2005-02-08 03:38 PM

'Remember a woman likes a man who will step up and take control'

Um... we do?

'she'll start using her magic on you and before you know it her power of suggestion over you subconsiously will ultimatly dictate your decision as to what you decide to do.'

LOL, I need to learn some of this magic. All I get to watch is Clint Eastwood movies! Although I must admit I have a certain fondness for Dirty Harry Callahan... man, they're always busting him down to traffic duty!

The closest thing to a chick flick I ever got my boyfriend to watch was Pleasantville.

Although, writing it on paper was a good idea. You won't stumble over your words and look all stupid that way. And a lot of chicks (not all of us, but a fair majority) cherish little I like you or I love you notes, reading them over and over to ourselves before we go to bed.

Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
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13 posted 2005-02-08 07:31 PM

Let him think he is in control, Hush, and it's amazing what can happen.
since 2003-09-24
Posts 50

14 posted 2005-02-14 02:44 PM

Just want to let everyone know that I took advantage of today's significance and gave her a bouquet of roses (I picked artificial for a number of reasons). She really liked them and gave me a hug. Now I wonder what's going to happen. *LOL*
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At the edge and a doorway,TX
15 posted 2005-02-14 05:06 PM

What a great Valentine's Day gift!!! I hope that things between you and this lady work out. The one thing that you can be sure of is that every woman is different so you never know what is going to happen from minute to minute. Just remember to live and enjoy every day and every minute that you have time to be with and around her. Good luck to you!!


Insanity in individuals is something rare but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.-Friedrich Nietzsche

Member Patricius
since 2003-12-05
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16 posted 2005-02-18 09:34 PM

Sounds like either she's a flirt, or she would like to keep your attention.  Good luck.
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