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Member Rara Avis
since 2002-11-18
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the ass-end of space

0 posted 2004-06-25 02:44 AM

I finally sat down and watched Dune, it could very well have been one of the worst movies in history. Horrible execution just horrible! I'll have to read the books because there were some interesting themes, but at the moment I'm so completely turned off. Ugh

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serenity blaze
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1 posted 2004-06-25 03:09 AM

If you haven't seen it yet? Watch "Waking Life"--it'll more than make up for the two hours.


Member Rara Avis
since 2002-11-18
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the ass-end of space
2 posted 2004-06-25 03:22 AM

The most incredibly annoying aspect of Dune, the characters thoughts were voiced. Not dialogue between characters but personal thoughts. "hmm he's hiding something..but what?' maybe the fact that this was the worst @*$&#^$% script ever. argh!!

I love SciFi but I think there's only a handful of movies that i can bare to watch.

As for the movie you mentioned i'll put it on my to see list, but tomorrow i'm watching Apocalypse Now redux for the billionth time. At 3 hours plus it'll make up for the time..
"you're an errand boy, sent by grocery clerks to collect the bill"

serenity blaze
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3 posted 2004-06-25 03:29 AM

Here's a little teaser for my favorite movie:

The review:

an excerpt from the review:

Here are some of the most intriguing "WOW!" explorations which the film artfully presents about what could be termed the waking life of our dreams:

"Your life is yours to create."

"When we communicate with one another and we feel that we have connected and we think we're understood, I think we have a feeling of almost spiritual communion . . . I think it's what we live for."

"I believe reincarnation is just a poetic expression of what collective memory really is."

"The quest is to be liberated from the negative, which is really our own will to nothingness . . . To say yes to one instant is to say yes to all of existence."

"The worst mistake that you can make is to think that you're alive when really you're asleep in life's waiting room."

*  *  *

Now how could I not love that?

Forget "Dune", sweetie.

You're going to love this animated film, Raph. I suggest watching it alone the first few times--then find a conversation buddy to watch it with you, so you can pause it and have some really great arguments--er--conversation.


I just might go watch it again.

Member Rara Avis
since 2002-11-18
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the ass-end of space
4 posted 2004-06-25 03:42 AM

"I believe reincarnation is just a poetic expression of what collective memory really is."

L@VE THAT!! Actually all of it, sounds great and I will, I still have to see Memento, Amelie and now this. What I need at the moment is sleep but it ain't comin..sighs anyhow i'm off to at least lay down. g'nite

serenity blaze
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5 posted 2004-06-25 03:46 AM

me too.

dream sweet?

(or izzat wake up?)


Don't pinch me I'm dreaming?

I'm so delightfully confused. Conditions conducive for perfect cinematic dreaming.


nite Raph.

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
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Michigan, US
6 posted 2004-06-25 03:54 AM

Raph, I honestly don't believe it is possible for any filmmaker to ever do justice to Herbert's classic novel(s - there were actually several great ones in the Dune series). Wait until you can completely divorce yourself from the movie, then give the book a shot.

Sorry, Karen, but you make that movie sound like little more than another "There is no spoon" pseudo-philosophy collection. What's the story? Will I care about the people?

Susan Caldwell
Member Rara Avis
since 2002-12-27
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7 posted 2004-06-25 09:05 AM

I understand...

I would like the 6 mins. back that I spent on about 3 men...

"cast me gently into the morning, for the night has been unkind"
~Sarah McLachlan~

serenity blaze
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8 posted 2004-06-25 11:48 AM

Ron? It's pretty much the same stuff we go round and round about in the philosophy forum.

And I care about the people there.

And actually, I was delighted with the animation process m'self. The fact that the character remains un-named is part of the point, methinks.

I know others who delight in the movie simply because they consider it a parody of such--philosophy 101 discussions, et al. (Not a jab at THIS forum, but just in general.)

I enjoyed it for the clever visuals presented as the buffet of ideas and propositions ran lickety split down across the screen. And? I found it a wonderful way to open up discussion with my kids (as well as a few brain cell challenged adults who sat here saying, "wow man" while my kids rolled their eyes and I winked at 'em.

If there's a story to be found, it's in the characters quest to be unlocked from the dream he is "trapped" in, and trying to decide which is ultimately the reality.

A subject that I've found challenging m'self as you well know.


Member Rara Avis
since 2002-11-18
Posts 7350
the ass-end of space
9 posted 2004-06-25 01:28 PM

Ron I definitely will, there were some themes in the movie i thought were brilliant. It was simply a horrible script, poor casting and acting, and the effects, well they're dated, so I can't fault the director for them.

I cringe everytime a sci-fi classic is made into a film. Asimov's I, Robot is due in theatres and I'm afriad of what they'll do to 'spice it up.'

Susan I hear you, I wasted 5 years on one woman..ack

Susan Caldwell
Member Rara Avis
since 2002-12-27
Posts 8348
10 posted 2004-06-25 03:55 PM

6 minutes....

3 men...

2 minutes each....

*pout* I hate when no one gets my humor.

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
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Michigan, US
11 posted 2004-06-25 07:36 PM

I noted the anomaly, Susan, but assumed the six minutes were shared with three men simultaneously, rather than two minutes each. It didn't seem prudent to actually ask, though.
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12 posted 2004-06-25 11:10 PM

Raph, actually "Dune" has been attempted twice..the first dreadful effort starred Kyle Mclaughlin and cast Sting in a not so minor role. The second, not quite as dreadful film, was done as a mini-series by the Sci-Fi channel. I'd waited decades for someone to film this book, and was disappointed both times (Ya here that Peter Jackson!?! There's another wonderful film or 6 just waiting to be done correctly!)

Anyway, please give Dune a read, it's brilliant...and a couple of the ones following are pretty damned good too.

Member Rara Avis
since 2002-11-18
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the ass-end of space
13 posted 2004-06-26 01:39 AM

Susan I got it and thought along Ron's lines but figured for once i'd try being serious..once

Ed I will, it's one of those of books i've meant to read but put off, when i saw the movie was on i just flipped it on and was horrified. I will read the books, i'm just appalled at how most sci-fi is translated to film.

serenity blaze
Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
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14 posted 2004-06-26 04:27 AM

agreed Raph.

I didn't intend to discount the book--by all means tho, the book is a must read.

Susan Caldwell
Member Rara Avis
since 2002-12-27
Posts 8348
15 posted 2004-06-26 01:04 PM



I will go in my corner now.  

"cast me gently into the morning, for the night has been unkind"
~Sarah McLachlan~

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16 posted 2004-06-26 02:41 PM

Susan?  It was the "on about" that made me wonder if the count was right, or wrong.  
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17 posted 2004-07-05 04:03 AM

havent seen it but i'll make a note not too
Member Ascendant
since 2004-03-27
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walking the surreal
18 posted 2004-07-11 11:02 PM

Raph, I'm curious, was it the Dune with Sting or the Sci-fi remake?

And have you ever seen Galaxy Quest with Tim Allen?  It's a fun spoof to watch, least for us Star Trek geeks -- and no I don't wear the costumes!

I agree with the idea put forth of Jackson making Dune -- that could be way cool.


Happiness isn't something that happens to you, it's created from within you.  Joy is a state of mind.

Member Rara Avis
since 2002-11-18
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the ass-end of space
19 posted 2004-07-12 10:37 PM

Susan it was the version with Sting.
Yes i l@ved Galaxy Quest lol and yes I@ve Star Trek there is some fantastic writing though the effects and characters are often cheesy. [email protected].

Member Ascendant
since 2004-03-27
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walking the surreal
20 posted 2004-07-13 08:34 PM

Yes, Dune with Sting was most scary!  

Going out on a limb here, but I liked the Sci-fi remake and part II the Children of Dune, but then I loved the martial arts scenes and special effects.  Guess I'm easy.  Then again, I like bad Chinese M.A. flicks, especially Bruce Lee.  And odd humored shows (especially English) such as Monte Python "Search for the Holy Grail".

Live long and Prosper -- Susan

Happiness isn't something that happens to you, it's created from within you.  Joy is a state of mind.

since 2003-07-21
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New Orleans, LA
21 posted 2004-07-15 01:20 PM

The book is definitely a must read. I have the whole series and am currently reading them again right now.
You're right about the movie, though for me it wasn't all that bad, especially when high viewing it. *S*
It does make more sense after you read the books though.

Member Rara Avis
since 2002-11-18
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the ass-end of space
22 posted 2004-07-15 05:11 PM

Susan very nice tastes! Bruce Lee movies are fun but Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon is my favourite M.A(if you can call it that) movie of all time. English humour is the greatest and though it's too close to call 'Life of Brian' is my favourite Python movie.

PKreturns I will definitely read it, there was enough in the movie to keep me interested, but the acting and the 'thinking out loud' was horrendous. Think SW:Phantom Menace..ok nothing was as bad as Phantom Menace, cept Attack of the Clones and Return of the Jedi...ewoks..puhleeeze

[This message has been edited by Aenimal (07-15-2004 05:49 PM).]

since 2001-09-16
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Pacific NW
23 posted 2004-08-12 03:20 AM

I want the time back that I spent watching The Village.

If it had been promoted as a suspense film, or mystery, or even drama- anything but a horror flick.... hmmm that might not save it either. It was not scary, not particularly gory (only one scene, but that was actually pretty chilling in it's quiet simplicity), and the symbolism M. Night loves to employ is really getting stale. I can't bash much more without spoilers :P
*Sigh* I know a director can't win them all, but this was just ridunculous. Too bad really, I like some of his work very well. I hope my faith is redeemed on the next outing.

1 point in favor- Adrien Brody did a great job and deserves recognition for his performance(remember the one chilling scene I mentioned? eek). Everybody else... well, they didn't have much to work with lol. Good concept, poor execution.

It did great at the BO because I think everybody(including me) was duped by the hype. If the screening I went to was any indication, save your money and wait for the free tv showing. The majority of the audience left grumbling and feeling cheated.

Regarding Dune, and sci fi adapted to film in general: The books are almost always better than the movie, aren't they(unless the book is adapted from film -ick- lol). I've read Herbert(both Frank and son Brian) since I was a kid. Love em. It was cool to see somebody try to make Dune a movie- but what an impossible undertaking, considering the detail and scope of the writing(all that inner monologue, ack). The Sci-fi remake was flashier and sexier, but still didn't quite capture the essence for me even though it was what? 6-8 hours long?  
Maybe they should get Peter Jackson to take a crack at it, he did pretty good with Lord of the Rings...ok, that's a discourse best saved for another time.

I still watched em all lol. *shrug* I'm a sci-fi junkie, I admit it.

Next post: I, Robot perhaps?

Member Rara Avis
since 2002-11-18
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the ass-end of space
24 posted 2004-08-14 01:11 AM

After Signs I'm not sure what to think. I know nobody who liked it. I thought it was a brilliant build-up of suspense but was disappointed at how the movie completely unraveled in the end.

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25 posted 2004-08-14 03:11 AM

LOL, I fell asleep both times I tried to watch Dune. I renamed it Doom(ed)

Hehe, so I can understand your comments about this movie.

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