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the_loner_23's Interactive Journal |
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the_loner_23 Member Ascendant
since 2002-06-08
Posts 5479Jacksonville, Florida, USA ![]() |
~*~October 31,2003~*~ I just wanted to give credit to Noah for giving me this idea. ![]() We are moving into the new house the end of November. But momma can't do much with her arm right now. She has 3 months of physical therapy to go through. And the at home therapy that they gave her to do hurts her so bad she cries. That makes me feel bad. ![]() Liam and I's relationship isn't stable right now. He decided he wanted to see if a relationship with his childhood friend Mery would happen. He is most likely going to see her tomorrow. So I won't find out if I am single or not until tomorrow. If this relationship goes belly up I am not getting into another one for a very long time. ![]() With all the stress I am under with moving and being sick I don't think my poetry has been all that good. Actually it is quite mediocre to me. Maybe once all the stress is gone my poetry will get better. Who knows? I have been sick lately. Come to find out it was a flare up of my IBS and I just found out I have GERD. ![]() ![]() I get to see my niece Alayna a lot in November. My sister Jennifer and her husband Tony and Alayna are coming up to help us move 2 weekends in November. They are also gonna help us re-paint the house, rip up the carpet and refinish the wood floors under the carpet. I am so excited over it all. This is all until I update tomorrow night. Then you will find out if Mery and Liam worked out and I was left in the dust. This is the_loner_23 signing off!!!!!!!!! Cold hands means a warm heart |
© Copyright 2003 the_loner_23 - All Rights Reserved | |||
Mistletoe Angel![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-12-17
Posts 32816Portland, Oregon |
(***claps with passionate applause***) Oh Julie, I'm so happy you too are starting your own journal here, sweet friend, I was hoping some others would catch onto my idea, as I love to learn all about my friends anywhere and knowing you is loving you, as Linda has said to me! ![]() I am blessed to be your friend and I am sorry to hear of the dark clouds hovering over your relationship with Liam. My advice to you is for you to just force him to think it over, for it is foolish for him to think he hates you just because you are curious of him still liking his ex-girlfriend. He needs to sort himself out a little so if he can't bear with you, you should let him go because I hate to see your heart be delayed time and time again only because of his uncertainty. Make sure he knows exactly how you feel for love is a constant sharing and giving to one another, it can't only go one way. I hope all the moving with Alayna and your sister goes alright, sweet friend, and I'm looking forward to tomorrow's entry. I should have a new update in my journal either tonight or early tomorrow afternoon. Sincerely, Noah Eaton I don't need no proof when it comes to God and truth I can see the sun set and I perceive ***Live*** [This message has been edited by Mistletoe Angel (10-31-2003 04:52 PM).] |
ThunderMage Senior Member
since 2002-06-20
Posts 812Canada |
You won't be left in any dust no matter what. ![]() ![]() What is life without poetry and adventure? |
Kellie_Cantrell Senior Member
since 2002-05-22
Posts 1667New York |
This whole interative journal thing is really cool! Julie- I hope all goes well for you. It may be hard right now, things aren't looking to be going exactly as you have planned. Maybe there is a plan for your life that is much bigger than you can see right now... and even though you probably don't want to hear it, but what if Liam is not painted in the picture of you life? Let things mellow out in your life, draw people who love you near to you and hold on tight, we are all here for you... we are all in for the ride, where ever it may take you! God BLess, -Kellie Love, xXx~*KELLIE*~xXx *My poetry website http://www.freewebs.com/poettree/ [This message has been edited by Kellie_Cantrell (10-31-2003 05:15 PM).] |
the_loner_23 Member Ascendant
since 2002-06-08
Posts 5479Jacksonville, Florida, USA |
~*~November 1, 2003~*~ I went to my special day assembly of Jehovah's Witnesses today. There was over 1,000 in attendance. All that encouragement from the bible lifted my spirits. It was fun. I read Liam's online journal on Blurty last night. That was the last straw what I read. He never got that hyper about me. He was all cussing and stuff last night and hyper because his Dad broke down and gave him the $20 to see Mery. That was the last straw for me. I had had enough. So I told him "Take your dreams. Stuff them down your throat and choke on them." All I have heard out of him for a month or more was Mery this or Mery that. So I am officially single now. If he wants to talk to me he knows where to find me. If not, That is his issue not mine. ![]() Also my stomach problems are getting worse. I think the stress over moving, taking care of my mother and Me and Liam's relationship (which is now dead) finally caught up to me. ![]() I can't wait to move into the new house. ![]() At least the first few weeks in the house I won't have the internet. But since me and Liam are over I don't have to worry about walking up to the library to e-mail him. :p That is all folks!!! Until next time, this is the_loner_23 signing off. Cold hands means a warm heart |
the_loner_23 Member Ascendant
since 2002-06-08
Posts 5479Jacksonville, Florida, USA |
~*~November 2,2003~*~ We went to the house today and walked around inside of it. I am still in shock the house is actually ours now. I have the coolest room in the house. I have a built in dresser into the wall. It also has a little deask and shelves with it built into the wall. I even have a phone jack in my room. So if I ever wanted my phone I can have it. ![]() Next weekend we are going to Silver River State Park for 4 days and 3 nights. I have been looking forward to this for like months. I am gonna explore the trails and everything. It is a state park near Silver Springs in Ocala. I am so gonna enjoy it. ![]() Then the next 2 weekends after that we are gonna be moving into the house. Then in December if we get moved in in time we are going to Sebastian Inlet to stay with my sister and her family in their time share down there. That always falls around my parents wedding anniversary. This year they will have been married 33 years. The next few months for me are gonna be busy but fun as heck. the_loner_23 signing off!!!!!!! Cold hands means a warm heart |
ThunderMage Senior Member
since 2002-06-20
Posts 812Canada |
This is a pretty cool idea. Now, if only I didn't curse so much, I could keep a journal here too. LOL! But hey, curses are a big favourite of thieves and sorcerers. ![]() What is life without poetry and adventure? |
the_loner_23 Member Ascendant
since 2002-06-08
Posts 5479Jacksonville, Florida, USA |
~*~November 3,2003~*~ it is harder than I thought trying to get over a guy you loved for 2 years. A few days ago I was like forget him and stuff. But I guess I was in denile then. My heart keeps confusing me. Now it is saying don't give up on him. I am sure one of these days God will tell me what the heck is gonna happen with my life. ![]() We just found out that the neighbors behind us little dog got run over and killed a couple days ago. I know the little dog was yappy and would run after the stray cats and stuff but that is sad. People need to stop for animals crossing the road instead of plowing into them. ![]() Looks like there is a squabble still going on about the house we closed on on Friday. They should have it dealt with by tonight. That would suck if they asked us to give the keys back and say we didn't get the house after we closed on it already. ![]() it is getting closer to going to Silver River State Park. We go down on Saturday the 8th and don't come back until Tuesday the 11th. I love the weather here right now. it is gonna be great weather to walk the trails down to the river. Feel the cool breeze go through your hair as you draw closer to the river. ![]() ![]() Anyways I am off to the races. Until tomorrow this is the_loner_23 signing out. Cold hands means a warm heart [This message has been edited by the_loner_23 (11-03-2003 04:16 PM).] |
ThunderMage Senior Member
since 2002-06-20
Posts 812Canada |
Hmm... even if I did keep a journal here, I'd never have a lot to post on the site. LOL! Not like you do, anyway. ![]() ![]() What is life without poetry and adventure? |
Earth Angel Member Empyrean
since 2002-08-27
Posts 40215Realms of Light |
Hi, Julie! I just read all of your journal entries and I enjoyed the peek into your life! Hopefully you will get your heart and love life in order and that all will go well with your move! That is so exciting for you to be moving after 24 years in the same house! I cannot even imagine what that could be like! By the end of highschool, I had moved 11 times and attended 10 different schools! The up-side to all that moving around is that I am out-going and highly adaptable to change! Every cloud does have its silver lining! ![]() I'm sorry to hear of your health challenges. They must be quite worrisome and troublesome at times. I do believe that your positive attitude will be quite helpful in coping with them. Goodnight! Love & hugs, Linda |
the_loner_23 Member Ascendant
since 2002-06-08
Posts 5479Jacksonville, Florida, USA |
~*~November 4,2003~*~ Today has been better. I am thinking clear on things. LOL I am still confused about how I feel about Liam. But I am sure God will resolve it in time. I just have to have patience. Momma had therapy again today. it hurts her so bad to the point she cries. I just hope with all the therapy she has the pain will lessen with time. ![]() I hate realators. I really do. They tell you you have the house and you close on it. Then they say some of the paper work wasn't signed and you didn't close. So my parents might have to do the paper work on the house all over again tomorrow. it is crazy I say. Crazy!!!!!!!!!! ![]() Oh my cat did something totally funny today. LOL Casey was sitting in my lap. he was all purring and I was petting him. He was of course giving kitty kisses. And before my Dad went to bed he tried to pet Casey and Casey bit him. I died laughing. ![]() My Dad ticked me off today. I wasn't feeling good because of my stomach situations and he forced me to go with mom to therapy. He threatened me by saying, "I pay your bills so you will go." I sat there waiting on momma for an hour and half sick to my stomach. Then we had to go downtown to meet Dad and then they had to sign those papers they didn't sign. And the whole time I was sick to my stomach. ![]() Well I am off again. This is the_loner_23 saying adios until tomorrow. Cold hands means a warm heart |
ThunderMage Senior Member
since 2002-06-20
Posts 812Canada |
Trust me, I know what its like to have parents who know how to get under your skin. When Dad was denying me what I wanted, you should have felt the power I built up to destroy him. What is life without poetry and adventure? |
the_loner_23 Member Ascendant
since 2002-06-08
Posts 5479Jacksonville, Florida, USA |
~*~November 6,2003~*~ Well it looks like me and Liam are back together again. We haven't faught in 2 days. Which is a good thing. Turns out he never stopped loving me he was just really, really, really mad at me for 3 days. Which who can blame him with all the harsh things I told him. Isn't it funny that everytime I think we are broke up we end up back together again. That has to be a sign from God saying don't give up on him. LOL ![]() Liam is still waiting for a call from Mery and it has been 5 days since he left the number with the idiots at her work. I mean why can't they just get a simple message to a person. I mean that is so rude. That is really rude. ![]() Me and momma went to the new house and cleaned in it for a couple hours. I am still in shock that it is actually our house. The last 24 years I have been so used to living in a trailer that it is gonna take awhile for me to get used to a house. ![]() Next week starts the fun of packing up everything and getting ready for it to be moved. Dad has set the date for us to move in on November 28th. So me and momma have a lot to do. Dad can't help much because he is morbidly obese and he gets tired easy. That is all cool. It shall get done. ![]() Just one day away from going to Silver River State Park. I am so looking forward to this. I have been needing a vacation so bad. LOL Until next time adios from the_loner_23!!!!!!!! Cold hands means a warm heart |
ThunderMage Senior Member
since 2002-06-20
Posts 812Canada |
Don't worry, rangers always find a way. ![]() What is life without poetry and adventure? |
the_loner_23 Member Ascendant
since 2002-06-08
Posts 5479Jacksonville, Florida, USA |
~*~November 13,2003~*~ Yes I am finally home. I have been for 3 days. LOL But I was busy unpacking from the trip. The trip was fun. I walked a trail down to the Silver River. The water was so clear you could see the algae at the bottom of it. I sat out on the porch in a rocking chair every morning ang evening I was there. I loved to hear the wind drift through the trees. Especially after a Nor'easter went through. And the "Ocali Days Festival" was fun to attend. I heard a troubador sings 2 days in a row. That was fun and interesting. He sang songs from the 1500's all the way up until the late 1800's. The pirate song he sang was hilarious. My Dad cooked out 2 days in a row. My Dad grills food real good. Yum!!!!!!! Yum!!!!!!! So my trip was fun. ![]() This weekend starts the first of 3 to get the house prepared for move in. Dad wants us to move the kitchen stuff in by next weekend. Then Dad wants the heavy stuff moved in by November 28th. I am like that is about all that will be ready. Especially with all the problems momma is having with her arm. ![]() Oh yeah now we found out momma has Reflex Sympethetic Dystrophy Syndrome. That is a very painful condition by what I read. The only way my momma can get a good nights rest right now is by taking sleeping pills because she is in so much pain 24/7. ![]() ![]() That is all for now folks. This is the_loner_23 saying adios. Cold hands means a warm heart |
Earth Angel Member Empyrean
since 2002-08-27
Posts 40215Realms of Light |
I just read your last three entries. Sounds like you had a wonderful time on your mini-vacation! It's not long now until you move into your new home! I am so excited for you! ![]() ![]() Linda |
the_loner_23 Member Ascendant
since 2002-06-08
Posts 5479Jacksonville, Florida, USA |
~*~November 16,2003~*~ This weekend has been filled with work. I hurt so bad it is unbelieveable. Friday I did 5 hours worth of raking and bagging leaves and pineneedles with my friend Joel. Yesterday I helped out fixin' the new house from about noon until after 10 that night. Then today we worked on the house from 10:30 until after 7 tonight. I am beat. I am in pain. And I boycott work for the next couple of days. ![]() I got to see my niece Alayna a lot. I read her books. I sang "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" to her over and over again. She is such a sweet baby. She will be 5 months old in 3 days. But today she was really fussy. But she also has a bad cold. So I understand why. ![]() Me and my sister were planning how to organize my room today. I can't wait until we move in. She is gonna buy me a few things to put in my bedroom. Yea!!!!!!!!! ![]() My brother Jesse and sister-in-law Celeste are gonna to Chili in South America in less than 2 weeks. Celeste said she is gonna bring something back for my room in the new house. I hope they have fun there. ![]() Okay that is all for now. This is the_loner_23 taking off. Cold hands means a warm heart |
ThunderMage Senior Member
since 2002-06-20
Posts 812Canada |
A lot seems to happen in your life. Mine hardly ever changes much anymore, that's part of the reason I live for adventure now. LOL What is life without poetry and adventure? |
Mistletoe Angel![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-12-17
Posts 32816Portland, Oregon |
![]() (smiles) I am so happy you are nearing the completion of your new house, dearest friend, I imagine it takes a lot of work and am actually moving up to Portland in May 2005. ![]() Wow Chile, I'd love to go there sometime. Hey, can someone pass the Ceviche? And make sure them olives are ripe and seasonable! ![]() Great to see what's happening in your neck of the wood! Can't wait to hear what the...what would you call the new home, I'll say the shoulders! Have a wonderful week, dearest friend! ![]() Love, Noah Eaton I don't need no proof when it comes to God and truth |
Earth Angel Member Empyrean
since 2002-08-27
Posts 40215Realms of Light |
Before you know it ~ if your poor body holds out! ~ you'll be moved into your beautiful new home! It should be a lot of fun decorating your bedroom! I'd love to know what Celeste brings back for your room! ![]() Linda |
the_loner_23 Member Ascendant
since 2002-06-08
Posts 5479Jacksonville, Florida, USA |
~*~Novemeber 19,2003~*~ Today has been lazy for the first half of it. It was rainy too. LOL I got up at 8:45 and went back to sleep at 11:30. But of course I haven't been feeling good today. But I am up and moving now and I have to do my cat chores or momma is gonna kill me. LOL Not literally though. ![]() Anyways yesterday I was at the house most of the afternoon working on pulling staples out of the wood floors we took the carpet off of. I am going back today to finish that. Man my hands were numb after doing that for over 2 or 3 hours. Then we went home around 5 and went back to the house to cut the carpet into smaller pieces to put out to the road for garbage pick up. That killed my back and we have to finish that up tonight. I hope all this work is worth it. ![]() I am working on 2 Fan Fictions about the cast of "The Brendan Leonard Show". A Fan Fiction is when you write about the cast of your favorite show and of course your in the story. LOL I have fun writing. I really love it. I actually have to work on my story "Crush" to add to it today. Sheesh!!! But I have fans I got to do it for. LOL ![]() I better get going on my chores. Because I am going to the house soon to work. LOL This is the_loner_23 saying adios muchos!!!! Current Mood: ![]() Current music: Lifehouse Cold hands means a warm heart |
ThunderMage Senior Member
since 2002-06-20
Posts 812Canada |
I've been goofing off all day. LOL What is life without poetry and adventure? |
the_loner_23 Member Ascendant
since 2002-06-08
Posts 5479Jacksonville, Florida, USA |
~*~December 1,2003~*~ I am finally in the new house and settled. Our first night sleeping here was actually Friday, November 28. But we unpacked everything in 3 days. But we are still going back and forth to the trailor trying to empty it. ![]() ![]() My room has dolphins all over the place. I have dolphin comforter, snowglobe, rubber ball, pictures and etc. I love it. I also have pics of family up on my dresser. My room is so cool. ![]() My sisters baby Alayna drove me insane for 4 days. She was always crying and being fussy and not letting anybody get much work done. it was driving me insane. I thought we would never get unpacked because of Alayna and her fussyness. ![]() That is all for now. the_loner_23 signing out. Cold hands means a warm heart |
ThunderMage Senior Member
since 2002-06-20
Posts 812Canada |
Sounds like you went through Hell with moving. I went through Hell not having you here Julie. ![]() ![]() What is life without poetry and adventure? |
the_loner_23 Member Ascendant
since 2002-06-08
Posts 5479Jacksonville, Florida, USA |
~*~December 4,2003~*~ I know I haven't updated in awhile. but life has been hectic lately. ![]() ![]() We got the cats over yesterday afternoon. That was hectic. They meowed the whole way to the new house. And when we first opened the cages Sammy and Shelby wouldn't get out. Casey and Hobbes were the first to start investikittying. LOL Now they seem to love it out there in the Florida room and garage. Now to get them to use the cat door so we can close the door to the garage. LOL That is gonna be a hard task to do. ![]() Jesse and celeste are coming back from South America on the 6th. They e-mailed us from Chile and Argentina. They visited Santiago, Chile and buenos Aires, Argentina. I wonder what Celeste will bring me back? ![]() Well that is all folks until next time. the_loner_23 is outta here. Cold hands means a warm heart |
ThunderMage Senior Member
since 2002-06-20
Posts 812Canada |
Sounds like you've been going through Hell... kinda like what I go through everytime I move. LOL :P What is life without poetry and adventure? |
the_loner_23 Member Ascendant
since 2002-06-08
Posts 5479Jacksonville, Florida, USA |
~*~December 8,2003~*~ My Dolphin Wave Generator broke this morning. That so upset me. ![]() We cleaned up some more stuff at the trailor today. I don't know when we are gonna get all that junk out. I am sick of moving already. This might be the last time I talk about the move in this journal. That is how sick of moving I am. LMAO ![]() The cats are driving me insane. We let them in to the main part of the house for the first time about 3 nights ago. All they do is go placing they shouldn't most the time. But last night they said forget investikittying lets just lay out on the couches for awhile. Which is exactly what they did. They looked so cute. Casey was cuddlin' up close to me keepin' warm. Casey ain't stupid. LOL I love my cats. ![]() Last night I brought up the subject of marriage to Liam. I told him that marriage is when you are devoted to that one person for life. He told me he didn't know if that was possible for him because his heart is being pulled in 2 different directions. He also told me he probably will never stop thinking about Mery. Which I would never force him to do. But it made me think hard. I know he loves me. But if me and him get married he can't give me his whole heart. But if he marries Mery he can't give her his whole heart either. it is like so confusing. But I can't get mad at him because he is confused. He can't help he never got over Mery before he meet me. So we will just have to see what the future holds. Either way 2 people are gonna be unhappy. Liam because he hurt someone and the girl who doesn't get chosen. ![]() Well that is all for now. the_loner_23 signing out!!!!!! Cold hands means a warm heart [This message has been edited by the_loner_23 (12-08-2003 01:50 PM).] |
ThunderMage Senior Member
since 2002-06-20
Posts 812Canada |
Moving can be a real pain, I'd know. I've moved 5 times in my life, and 1 was when I was 4. What is life without poetry and adventure? |
the_loner_23 Member Ascendant
since 2002-06-08
Posts 5479Jacksonville, Florida, USA |
~*~December 9,2003~*~ Life is not always great. But it is not bad either. And right now my life is mediocre in a sense. My love life is screwed up. Well somewhat confusing at least. LMAO But who knows it might get better. At least I hope. Before Liam I had scum in my life that treated me worse than him. To me Liam is a God send. Even though he is going through a confusing time in his life right now. ![]() Last night Liam told me he was still smoking pot when he was telling me he wasn't smoking it anymore. I sorta knew he was still smoking it. You may ask, "How did you know?" Because of my womans intuition. LMAO I was suprized when he said he drank a little bit of beer. Because I thought he had stopped drinking the stuff. But he said, "It tastes like piss now." But I did not get mad at him. I can't make him stop. He has to want to stop on his own. Ya know? ![]() Next Tuesday I am going to Sebastian Inlet for a couple days. I really need this vacation after moving. We go to Sebastian Inlet almost every year. My sister and brother-in-law has a time share down there. Plus we use that time to celebrate my parents wedding anniversary. And this year we have Alayna with us. ![]() ![]() Until next time I am outta here!!!!! Cold hands means a warm heart |
ThunderMage Senior Member
since 2002-06-20
Posts 812Canada |
Sounds like a lot of work. :P What is life without poetry and adventure? |
the_loner_23 Member Ascendant
since 2002-06-08
Posts 5479Jacksonville, Florida, USA |
~*~December 19,2003~*~ I am back from Sebastian Inlet. I had a blast. the only thing that got on my nerves was Alayna's fussyness. She is one fussy 6 month old. But other than that everything was fun. ![]() Yesterday we celebrated my parents 33rd wedding anniversary. We got chessecake for their anniversary cake. It was pretty dern good. LOL And my sister and her husband bought Dad and Mom a printer that is also a scanner and stuff. ![]() ![]() I went fishing while we were there. Man my arms are still sore. I caught me 2 Jack, 3 sail cat (a form of cat fish), 1 Whitening, 1 4ft shovel nose shark and 1 sting ray. Yep I caught me a shark. I reeled it in all the way to the side of the boat. Same with the Sting ray. Sharks are fighters. I tell you that much. ![]() I also got my face burnt to a crisp while I was fishing. It still stings and hurts when I touch it. My face is as red as a lobster. Ouch!!!!!!!! ![]() I also saw a pack of dolphins while I was fishing. That was a cool experience. That is all for now my friends. the_loner_23 signing off. Cold hands means a warm heart |
ThunderMage Senior Member
since 2002-06-20
Posts 812Canada |
Sounds like there's a lot going on. ![]() What is life without poetry and adventure? |
the_loner_23 Member Ascendant
since 2002-06-08
Posts 5479Jacksonville, Florida, USA |
~*~Janurary 3,2004~*~ it has been a while since I added to my diary here. Been so busy trying to get the trailor cleared out. It finally got done last weekend. Now my Uncle Steve and his family live there. And because of that I might have me a babysitting job. Yeah my youngest cousins are 9 and 7 years old. ![]() I saw my Uncle Larry riding on his bicycle a few days ago. I don't like my Uncle Larry. He is a very sick man. He is schizophernic/manic depressive and he chooses to be homeless. Also when he was younger he molested my momma and my aunt Carolina. And it freaks me out when he compares me to ex-girlfriends. Which he had done at least on 2 occassions. And when we were moving in to the house he showed up. My Dad told him to leave and never come back. My Uncle Larry got irrate and started cussing up a storm at my Dad. My Uncle Larry scares me to death. ![]() My Dad had December 23rd through Janurary 1st off. That is automatic from now on. We enjoyed having him home. We saw "Cheaper By The Dozen" together. Even went to Fernindina Beach on this Tuesday. Last Saturday we went to St. Marys, Georgia to visit family friends and check out their new used book store. I got 4 new books from their store: "Cold Mountain", "The Cat Who Blew the Whistle", "Castaways of the Flying Dutchman" and "Time for Poetry"(full of childrens poems). ![]() This is all for now. Until Next Time, I am outta here. Cold hands means a warm heart |
the_loner_23 Member Ascendant
since 2002-06-08
Posts 5479Jacksonville, Florida, USA |
~*~Janurary 20,2004~*~ A lot has gone on lately. My sister and her family were hear Saturday night until Sunday afternoon. Alayna is doing a lot of new things at 7 months old. She is grabbing for things. Playing with buttons. She even grabbed a book from my sisters hands and started trying to eat it. Also she can walk sort of if you hold her hands. Soon she is gonna be taking her 7 month pictures. I can't wait to see them. ![]() I babysat my 9 and 5 year old cousins on Sunday. Kirsty and Katie are a trip. They also like a lot of the same stuff I do. When my Uncle Steve cam to pick them up they didn't want to leave. And they also tried to get my Uncle Steve to take me home with them. But we said we had to plan for it. I do things better if they are planned. But Kirsty and Katie looked so sad when they left it made me feel bad. ![]() ![]() I start driving school on February 10th. I hope I pass with higher than a D this time. When I took it in High School the other kids made me scared of driving. They did not make me feel comfortable when I was taking the road test. So I almost failed in High School. I hope things go better this time. I really do. ![]() Once I learn to drive I am gonna look for me a job. I am gonna try and get one close to home. That is just in case they say I am not eligable to drive. But I have to work sometime in my life. At least until I get married. I hope I don't have to work once I am married. But who knows. I might still have to. But I don't care. That is part of making a living. :hanginginthere: That is all for now my friends. Until next time this is the_loner_23 signing out. Cold hands means a warm heart |
ThunderMage Senior Member
since 2002-06-20
Posts 812Canada |
Moving is Hell on Earth, I know from experience. :P What is life without poetry and adventure? |
Mistletoe Angel![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-12-17
Posts 32816Portland, Oregon |
![]() (sigh) I hope you are gettin adjusted to your new neighborhood, your own whole new metaphysical sanctuary, dearest friend, despite the driving and school flimzies, I hope all is alright with you! ![]() (angel hugs to you) Love, Noah Eaton "You'll find something that's enough to keep you |
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All times are ET (US). All dates are in Year-Month-Day format. |