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Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
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Purgatorial Incarceration

0 posted 2000-10-31 12:52 PM

Ok - Daylight Savings time... what am I saving here? Not daylight... it's gone for me before I go home... sigh - s'not fun driving to work in the dark... then driving home in the dark... downright abysmal if'n you ask me... ~pout~

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Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
1 posted 2000-10-31 02:07 AM

Christopher !
Wake up, Christopher !

First off, this recent change
was a change back to STANDARD TIME ...
Secondly, the correct terminology is Daylight Saving Time.
(not Savings)

Thank you for visiting us, Christopher.
You can go back to sleep now !

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Kit McCallum
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Ontario, Canada
2 posted 2000-10-31 06:37 AM

Ummmm, there are a few advantages off the top Chris, but after that ... /pip/Forum42/HTML/002047.html

I agree with you ... for the next while, I'll be waking up in the dark and driving home in the dark, and it does get depressing over the long haul. I did some research on this once (seriously, it's a good topic Chris).

The've coined a medical term "seasonal mood disorder" or "seasonal affective disorder" and have done studies on the lack of light in the winter months, even recommending "light therapy" for those affected. Here's a techno blurb if anyone's interested.

Think I'll go sit under a light now!  

Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
3 posted 2000-10-31 06:40 AM

I'm still adjusting..... I want my Sunshine!!!
Member Elite
since 1999-05-23
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Coastal Texas
4 posted 2000-10-31 09:06 AM's times like this that I don't mind living in Arizona, where, as PdV has pointed out in another thread, once you set your clock, you never touch it again, except after a power-outage. Arizona does not 'recognize' DST, and I doubt they ever will. They'll just let the rest of the US revolve around them...which I think they do anyways with a 'sod you' mentality.  
doreen peri
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5 posted 2000-10-31 09:14 AM

pssst (wipe your nose, christopher)
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Blue Heaven
6 posted 2000-10-31 10:46 AM

I couldn't help but notice--this was posted 2 minutes before your post lamenting the lack of grounds for complaint......and you could move to Arizona-- they make no efforts to save daylight there...


Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito. - Virgil.
"Yield thou not to adversity, but press on the more bravely".

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East Lansing, MI USA
7 posted 2000-10-31 12:44 PM

Now, why do have Standard time now??  We should have DST NOW and Standard in the Summer. . . well, we have Ben Franklin to thank for all of this Ladies and Germs. . .

And I want my Sunshine too!!!  Where is my Sunshine!!!!


That which gives light must endure burning
--Victor Frankl

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
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Michigan, US
8 posted 2000-10-31 01:07 PM

I think they only run DST through the summer because they know, during this time of the year, there's really no good reason to make the days appear longer. I mean, sheesh, even the bears are smart enough to stay at home right now.

While I dislike seeing the sun set so early, I'm nonetheless always pleased when the DST time of year passes. Even though I live in Michigan, I'm only about 20 miles from the Indiana border, where I do much of my shopping, and less than a hundred miles from Illinois, where they switch to a different time zone. And Indiana, like Arizona, apparently thinks they have enough daylight and feel no need to save any during the summer. It's bad enough trying to remember what time a particular store closes without also having to remember which clock they're using, too.  

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
Posts 8296
Purgatorial Incarceration
9 posted 2000-10-31 01:15 PM

Marge - step. aw. ay. from. the. mic. ro. phone... it's ok.. just step back... no one wahts to hurt you.. there now, there...

that does sound like a pain Ron... memory's not my strong suit either...  

Jamie - grrrrrrrr  

and Sven - you're partially correct - Mr. Franklin originated the theory, but Daylight saving time began in the US during WWI. The basic reason was to save fuel by reducing the need to use artificial light.

There's actually a petition on the Internet to get rid of it - lol... if interested, visit:


Member Empyrean
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Listening to every heart
10 posted 2000-10-31 01:30 PM

For Chris


and SVEN


If I whisper, will you listen?...KRJ

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
Posts 8296
Purgatorial Incarceration
11 posted 2000-10-31 02:22 PM

HEY!!! How come Nan got two????????


Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
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Between the Lines
12 posted 2000-10-31 03:28 PM

This is for Sunshine...I thought her response to you absolutely adorable Chris...
in the East it helps the children have light while waiting for their busses..not that I think that a great reason but that's what everyone thinks around these parts...this was a good gripe though  

~Wynter Bliss
*try not to blame it on the seasons though ok?  
Blissfully Me

"The worst prison would be a closed heart".

...Pope John Paul II

Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
13 posted 2000-10-31 04:30 PM

Thanks Sunshine...

Chris - Because I always let her borrow mine...

Ron - At least you have the sun for an hour longer than I do - and you're in the same time zone - Sometimes life's just not fair - Go figure...

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
Posts 8669
Michigan, US
14 posted 2000-10-31 05:08 PM

An hour later, Nan, not an hour longer. You get it first, so it's only fair I get it last. (Not that I have anything useful to do with it right now.)
Lady Lost
since 2000-07-13
Posts 470

15 posted 2000-10-31 06:48 PM

All I can say is that I am quite pleased...

The bar was open an extra hour on Saturday night.....I think.  Come to think of it I'm not sure if I even remember...

Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
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Hurricane Alley
16 posted 2000-10-31 06:54 PM

This is all so confusing to me! Now I have to remember that the posts here are actually 2 hours ahead of me not 3 as they are in the summer.  
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17 posted 2000-10-31 08:07 PM

Shame on you all, complaining about an extra hour of sleep...

False gems may shine as brightly as the genuine article, but there are always those who can tell the difference.

Member Elite
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Blue Heaven
18 posted 2000-10-31 09:53 PM

Actually--it was an extra hour work for me...

Elizabeth Cor
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Over the river and through the woods
19 posted 2000-10-31 10:18 PM

Franky, I'md preddy habby aboud DST ad dis moment... after looding fourteen hours of my life to a plane ride it was nice do gain one more extra hour besides the few I collecded by trawelling west. But if you wand something to complain aboud here's one for you boys and girls: can you say JEB LAG????
I had to LEAVE the houe at 4am today and when I finally arrived homd I hab da wors head colb, and it's raining cats and dobs on my favorite hobiday. No Trib or Treaters!

btw, I mentioned it in at least one pose, but it obiously dibn't get circulated aroun... I onbly lef to go to a wedding, not for good. You dibn't get rid of me dat easy

Chris, you're complaining abou nothing to complain abou? Gib a life!

~ Beth

Now I've been happy lately
Thinking about the good things to come
And I believe it could be
Something good has begun

Member Elite
since 2000-06-15
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20 posted 2000-11-01 09:45 AM

Hey Chris look on the bright side at least we got an extra hour of sleep!!!Winter will come and go here. But there is still no sign of winter yet!! Thank god.

~*Love is sometimes like a rose. Beautiful in the beginning but dies in the end.*~

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East Lansing, MI USA
21 posted 2000-11-01 12:51 PM

Sheesh. . . do you have to have the last word on everything???  

I was just trying to spare our fellow Alley members a lengthy discussion. . .  

And I want to know why Nan got TWO sunbursts too Sunshine!!!  She's not anybody special!!!  (pout)


That which gives light must endure burning
--Victor Frankl

Member Elite
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Coastal Texas
22 posted 2000-11-01 12:54 PM

Well Prometheus, Arizona doesn't save need to hoard here, as we get just about most of all the sunny days in the US, especially down here in Yuma. So, if'n any of you snow-bound suckers wants some, I'll see what I can do to bottle some fer ya.  
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-06-15
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Mobile, AL
23 posted 2000-11-01 01:29 PM

err..thats all I have to say.  

Dopey Dope
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Member Patricius
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San Juan, Puerto Rico
24 posted 2000-11-04 01:12 PM

Well I live in Puerto Rico......we stay the same always with that time we always have plenty of sun.......*lays in a hammock in the sun*
how refreshing.....

"I was born myself, raised myself, and will continue to be myself. The world will just have to adjust."

I hate your socks. I'd like to burn them!

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East Lansing, MI USA
25 posted 2001-04-01 03:40 PM

I have to bring this back. . .


Because I want to!!!!  


To the world, you may only be one person. But to one person, you may be the world.

Dopey Dope
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Member Patricius
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San Juan, Puerto Rico
26 posted 2001-04-02 08:12 PM

You can't do that!
yer breakin the rules!

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