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To be a poet.... |
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dougsbird21 Member
since 2002-11-08
Posts 52London(from TX though) |
Here's a question for ya: Why is it that, with poetry, you get tons of people who believe that to be a good writer you have to act all "wandering spirit" and such?? Why do lots of poets bring their poetic way of writing into conversation? For example....I've had several replies to my poems that go something like: "Lisa, your poetry is lovely and warm...warm as the sun, happy as the waves....like sweet dew droplets off a faeries leaf. Keep digging into your soul to find peace on earth" Hhahahaah...I just wrote that as an example of how alot of people who write poetry seem to act. Why do they think they need to believe in mythical crap to write poetry or be all wordy and weird? Why can't they just write and give NORMAL feedback without all the false pretense that they feel makes them "poetic?" Am I the only one who notices these types? Talking about clouds, mythical stuff, the sun, moon and stars does NOT make you a good writer. Talk is cheap...it's the poetry that's important. They try soooo hard to put themselves in some classification system that only they believe is what a poet should be. Would these people actually speak to someone under normal circumstances (say friends and family or strangers in the street) in the same fashion? I think not. By discussing a poem in a normal, every day manner doesn't detract from whether a poem is a good or bad one. What do u guys think of what I'm saying? Make sense?? "Write what you feel, not what u think you should feel." |
© Copyright 2002 Lisa Cherubini/Somerset - All Rights Reserved | |||
Larry C![]()
since 2001-09-10
Posts 10286United States |
And tell me again what is wrong with artsie poetic replies... Why can't people just be themselves? What is normal to you doesn't make it normal for everybody, does it? If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again. |
anonymousfemale Member Elite
since 2000-02-02
Posts 2797Limbo |
Er... ![]() Don't steal - the Government hates competition. |
dougsbird21 Member
since 2002-11-08
Posts 52London(from TX though) |
Larry...you're totally right...what is normal for one person does not make it normal for everyone. But there is my point--your reply to what I wrote was simple and straightforward....no sugar-coated nonsense to go with it. Don't get me wrong, I welcome all comments on my writing--good,bad or indifferent...after all, it's someone's opinion. What I don't understand, which was the reason I wrote that long paragraph, is why there is so much fakeness in people's replies and their poems. Why can't they just write without putting on the "I'm a mystical artsy fartsy facade?" I just don't see where people get the idea poetry and poets have to use big words and talk about spirits and clouds all the time...that's not what poetry's all about. Instead of just being themselves, they are being what they think is expected of a "poet," but what they don't realise is that with poetry, there are no limits or expectations--and the whole point is to just be yourself and not put on a mask. If u want to see what I mean,cuz it's hard to explain, just look at some of the poems in the forums. The people who are secure in their writing and with themselves don't write about fairies, clouds, roses, dewdrops--they just write what they feel. The people who use the terms I've just listed TRY way too hard to create an image of themselves which shows they don't really understand what poetry is. If they'd just let go, not try so hard to become what their idea of a poet is, just go with the flow and write, I think they'd find out alot more about themselves and their true talents in writing. "Write what you feel, not what u think you should feel." |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354Listening to every heart |
Lisa, we accept all people here, with a huge dose of tolerance, and respect. What you perceive as "artsy" from some, is just the way others want to express themselves, just as you are allowed to express yourself, in the mannerisms that you show here. We've come to know several of our poet-friends over the years, some of us on a personal basis. In real life. This is a place where we can kick back and enjoy the various nuances that each individual has to offer. Sometimes we're funny, we wax poetic when we read others' work, and they are kind enough to allow us to indulge in ourselves. Sometimes we cry, when we are hit by the reality of someone's real life situation. But above all, we allow each individual poet to be themselves. |
dougsbird21 Member
since 2002-11-08
Posts 52London(from TX though) |
Yes I accept everything u say....but what I have trouble coming to terms with is why people in some of the forums seem to find it necessary to talk in some coded language which only they understand....for example, the soulistic, fairy/mythical types? If I didn't know any better, I'd have thought substance abuse was involved...helloooooo mister shroom! hahahaha "Write what you feel, not what u think you should feel." |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
Posts 8669Michigan, US |
I understand exactly what you mean. I feel much the same way when I see people abbreviate you as u and because as cuz and use words like artsty fartsy, which isn't even in a dictionary (and probably should be hyphenated if we ever did want to call it a word). Don't even get me started on the way some people misuse and abuse the poor little ellipsis! After a few seconds of tense irritation, though, I usually remember how boring this world would be if everyone was the same. Indeed, "style" only exists as a concept so we can have different ones and, with a little luck and lot of work, grow into better ones. So, instead of getting irate, I try to read what they are communicating to me, rather than focus too much on how they chose to say it. And you know what? I've discovered that some of the people who most abuse the ellipsis often make the best friends! ![]() |
dougsbird21 Member
since 2002-11-08
Posts 52London(from TX though) |
It's hard to talk to people who live in the clouds...but plenty of people I've known have understood and agreed with what I've written above. Your argument about disliking people who write "u" instead of "you" and "cuz" instead of "because" is a pretty weak one. Why should I care if I abbreviate words in a message on a forum? It saves time hon ![]() ![]() "Write what you feel, not what u think you should feel." |
Red Member
since 2000-01-01
Posts 143Ca |
"It's hard to talk to people who live in the clouds" People who live in clouds are my favourite kind.... they make everything seem alive To each their own! |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
Posts 8669Michigan, US |
quote: My point, exactly. And why should you care if someone else writes what THEY want in a message on a forum? ![]() |
dougsbird21 Member
since 2002-11-08
Posts 52London(from TX though) |
There are 2 types of people who live in the clouds: those who do, but still show awareness...then there are those who are unaware and do everything they can just to fit in. In order to succeed, people have to take criticism as well as compliments...and must also realise that some people aren't as cheery about everything as they are because they see behind the scenes where sometimes sun doesn't shine. If poetry were made up only of writers who saw nothing but pretty little flowers and smiling happy faces and blue clouds, where would the contrast and mystery be? People need to see the black and grey matter as well as the white. But all this is getting off the point I was making, which is: plenty of people in this forum show their talent in writing without using fluffy, treehugger terminology, or hippie-like influence. However, as for the flower children using all the ethereal mystical language, I bet underneath all that they're actually talented writers. If only they could get past the icky faery wording--the poet they've been trying to find in themselves would probably emerge. All I've said is due to observation...and to each his/her own is right! "Write what you feel, not what u think you should feel." |
dougsbird21 Member
since 2002-11-08
Posts 52London(from TX though) |
Ron, people can write whatever they want...that's the point of a forum. It is also no crime to make observations about some of those comments ![]() ![]() "Write what you feel, not what u think you should feel." |
Red Member
since 2000-01-01
Posts 143Ca |
Pointing things out is fine but you don't have to do it so condescendingly. Some people like faeries. Some people like things that are mystical. Some people like flowery poems and words. Does that make them less talented? No. Is a poet to be measured only by your standards? Words are powerful, choose them carefully... some people may be offended by what you've written here and then again, maybe it's just me. |
dougsbird21 Member
since 2002-11-08
Posts 52London(from TX though) |
Does that make them less talented? No. --- Yes Is a poet to be measured only by your standards? --- Yes Words are powerful, choose them carefully... some people may be offended by what you've written here and then again, maybe it's just me. --- Yes it's just you...anyone else would be able to take a pinch of truth and a pinch of sarcasm with a pinch of salt. ![]() |
Kielo Senior Member
since 2002-02-11
Posts 1109 |
They are expressing their appreciation of your useage of words in the best way they know how. Poems are useful in that they express emotion and thought in a way that cannot normally be done. If you are happy with a simple "Well done," I'm sure you could write exactly that in your critique message. "Tell me 'well done,' or tell me its bad, but no flowery words." If that's really what you want. I find that most of the poets who reply like that are the poets who are truly gifted, and write well. Think what you will, I guess, but you're limiting yourself. Kielo According to statistics, a man eats a prune every twenty seconds. I don't know who this fellw is, but I know where to find him. |
Red Member
since 2000-01-01
Posts 143Ca |
Alright, I suppose you are right and I can't handle your sarcasm and 'truth' and don't want to reply in like manner, therefore, I believe I will bow out of this conversation now. |
Kielo Senior Member
since 2002-02-11
Posts 1109 |
Ok, hold on. I just read parts of this thread, and it sounds to me like you have issues with imagery and the mystical. I have a suggestion. Why don't you let people write what they like, and if you don't like what they are writing, don't read it. You said that poetry is just feelings, but imagery is a very powerful tool to convey emotion and to capture the reader. I also fail to see how writing about the mystical reflects on a person's talent. Kielo |
dougsbird21 Member
since 2002-11-08
Posts 52London(from TX though) |
The only people who limit themselves are those who don't express their opinions or follow all the other sheep in the herd. It's funny what people take offense to though, when a subject is brought up just for discussion's sake--no need to take everything so seriously. Discussing a topic can often provoke emotions in people, but in this instance I only brought certain things up because I noticed them....not to get people all stressed out! Life is too short to make a mountains out of molehills. "Write what you feel, not what u think you should feel." |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
Posts 8669Michigan, US |
The saddest part is that you don't even recognize why people would disagree with you. You think you have "the" truth and everyone else is failing to see it? There are very few absolute truths, especially when dealing with poetry and art, and those who think they've found "the" truth only limit themselves from ever escaping beyond it. I could almost envy you your certainty. Almost. You are certainly entitled to your opinions and even your observations. But when those observations are colored by tints of intolerance, you shouldn't be so surprised to find disagreement. |
Janet Marie Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554 |
I'd rather be in the company of a "tree hugger" composing "mythical crap" than a self hugger spouting opinions as obvious truth and deciding we need enlightening when we are offended by the stereotyping and name calling. peace jm No one has ever shown me how to see the world the way I see it now ... and I never saw blue like that before. ~Tom Kimmel~ [This message has been edited by Janet Marie (11-09-2002 07:02 PM).] |
Kielo Senior Member
since 2002-02-11
Posts 1109 |
Yes. Exactly, Janet! Besides, what's wrong with tree-huggers? |
Jenn Cirrincione![]() ![]()
since 2000-07-02
Posts 2107Fl |
Okay. This conversation is truely getting us nowhere. Maybe I can try to mediate the group. First point that was made: You mean the Beatniks? The ones that try to be something they are not just to "appear" more artsy. Understood. Yes, it is irratating to some; myself for example. However, that is how some people are- they feel it is the way they want to act. If we don't like it, we can simply avoid those people. Correct? We don't have to like everyone's personality, we can just choose to move along and be civil. I'm not sure why you add in the fairies and mythical creatures into your arguement, people who write about fairies aren't any less talented and really does nothing to prove your point. In the future, just understand some people are sensitive, and maybe you should be careful about your words. ![]() The arguement against it?: Also very fair. Sometimes those darned abbreviations get irritating. Kind of like bright green font, it's just adding flare or ease for the person writing it, and for everyone else? It gets annoying. It happens, we get over it. ![]() ![]() ![]() Don't worry! Be happy. Why is it that we are at our most ingenius only when trying to destroy the things that keep us alive and thriving? |
dougsbird21 Member
since 2002-11-08
Posts 52London(from TX though) |
The problem I have with tree huggers and the goblin and fairy brigade is that they overanalyze the most simplest of things--things that are supposed to have been taken just at face value, like a throwaway remark(or my beginning this discussion in the first place...just for some opinions!)for example. They pretend to know what they didn't know to begin with. It's not me who's fake, it's them. This is only too sad, but within the arts--whether it be poetry, painting,sculpture, etc.-- it seems that the inner sanctum of these particular fields try to convince themselves that there are more hidden meanings than there are. I'm sure Picasso was just sitting at the table one day doodling away as we all do on occasion, but because of who he is, somebody in the art world would swear blind that he had some inner meaning in that picture, some soulistic intentions. To give you an example: some years ago in London, to trick the artworld, a group of school kids were given a load of paints and a huge canvas to let loose on and just toss paint all over it...they then put it in a fancy frame and hung it in the Tate Gallery. The gallery was then opened to the artworld and media, who began to see all sorts of wonderful hidden meanings and asked who the artist was, etc. They put an evaluation of above £100,000 on it. When the art world was told of the study by the schoolkids, they then hung their heads in shame that they were fooled so easily. Anyway, I'm starting get confused by this whole discussion, because the replies started going off track in all sorts of weird directions. Now you're making me as bad as the rest...hahaha. ![]() "Write what you feel, not what u think you should feel." |
dougsbird21 Member
since 2002-11-08
Posts 52London(from TX though) |
"I also fail to see how writing about the mystical reflects on a person's talent" -------- Kielo, Well that is exactly my point, because the mystical has been flogged to death...it shows absolutely no imagination or creativity. Poems written by the "wandering spirit" types are most likely copies of what they've held in their subconscious from reading other poems. The idea is, in a large amount of headcases, not their own...shows no originality. |
dougsbird21 Member
since 2002-11-08
Posts 52London(from TX though) |
Ok I forgot I said in my previous reply that I wasn't going to carry on with this conversation anymore b/c I was getting confused about you all's confusion. So, I repeat, no more comments from the peanut gallery (wait...is that me, or you?!). ![]() ![]() |
Janet Marie Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554 |
quote: thank you ![]() |
anonymousfemale Member Elite
since 2000-02-02
Posts 2797Limbo |
I pity you. It's a shame that you're so against works that have shaped writing as we know it today. By insulting the tree-huggers etc, you're insulting the rest of us that enjoy reading such work. Perhaps learn a bit of tolerance before you come in here, sprouting great truths that obviously only make sense in that head of yours. ~AF~ Don't steal - the Government hates competition. |
Tim Senior Member
since 1999-06-08
Posts 1794 |
Whoa Nellie. I have to admit the discussion has far exceeded the limits of my stunted intellectual abilities. Beatniks, hippies, tree-huggers, artsy-fartsy? I followed the discussion on those points, but when we moved on to the mature discussion level, I admit total discombobulation. I am so utterly confused, I admit finding levity in assertions of a mature opinion from someone who would appear to be starting the commencement of their adult life. But then I often find humor in inappropriate areas. Ayn Rand is often quoted by the more erudite members of the forum, and while I must admit finding her writing tedious, I often think back on a reoccuring quote from Atlas Shrugged. "Not in my house" is what I recall Rearden's response to those who would criticize him or the capitalistic system. One sign of a mature discussion is to be aware of those with whom you are engaging in discussion. I hopefully do not offend anyone by saying I find Ayn Rand's writing tedious. She obviously was an extremely intelligent individual, but anyone who can read the entirety of Gaunt's radio address is a far better person than I. But I digress. Back to the point, I again do not want to offend anyone, but I find this thread somewhat tedious. Take care all. |
dougsbird21 Member
since 2002-11-08
Posts 52London(from TX though) |
I pity you. It's a shame that you're so against works that have shaped writing as we know it today. By insulting the tree-huggers etc, you're insulting the rest of us that enjoy reading such work. Perhaps learn a bit of tolerance before you come in here, sprouting great truths that obviously only make sense in that head of yours. ----- You haven't understood a word I've said--obviously. I'm not in any way,shape or form against the works that have shaped writing as we know it today. I'm against(well, not even against for that matter, just adverse in my opinion) the people who write it today and claim it for themselves, which to me indicates they show absolutely no originality whatsoever. It's like having a cd on repeat--seen it, heard it all before--a bit like your reply really. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
brian madden Member Elite
since 2000-05-06
Posts 4374ireland |
"I'm happy to give pointers..don't ya worry about that!" I am glad to hear that, I look forward to reading your contribution in Critical Analysis. I used to make phantoms I could later chase images of all that could be desired then I got tired of counting all of these blessings"h.devoto magazine |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
Posts 21191Cape Cod Massachusetts USA |
On what premise do we presume to determine that ANYONE is fake? All of our writings emanate from our own perceptions of reality, do they not? Um, Ron?... Whatever do you mean, misuse the elipsis?... Huh?... Huh?... Here's to bestest friends, eh?... ![]() |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354Listening to every heart |
Now Nan... you know I am the biggest ellipsis user of all... Sheesh...it's a wonder he keeps me around... ![]() |
Janet Marie Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554 |
ellipsis?.... Thats such a technical term... so proper and stuffy....Margie calls them "sprinkles" ... you know...kinda like Fairy dust ... ![]() ![]() heh ................ |
nakdthoughts Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
Posts 19200Between the Lines |
I was reading your discussion and had some thoughts I wanted to express, but it is so hard sometimes to be understood just by words, without hearing them spoken and knowing that someone is not being sarcastic or condescending. SO I thought maybe I would mention a few points. First of all I am of the generation of flower children, etc... I don't write about those mushrooms or drugs or any other kind of mind altering chemicals or even use innuendos about them, because I didn't like that period in my life and I never did any of those things (I don't hold it against anyone If they wanted to destroy their lives or affect them in that way, it was up to them) I am saying this in a kind way I hope, I don't know how long you have actually been on this site, including reading poems before you became a member, but I *think* members are very sensitive to new poets (if you are one) who take a stand or an opinion before getting to know others on here and their personalities. Some of us write what appears to be "fluff" to others but in actuality we are wishing, hoping for a taste of love or friendship or understanding in our lives again. Some over use cliches...and I overuse these >.........'s in my responses ![]() But realize if they are a young poet or new to writing, then the cliches may not yet seem be overused. Some use faieries because they write only in that theme, just as I write as Alicethruglass when confronting myself,and Lady Ollyne when writing medieval style for a friend, as if waiting for my Knight to come for my hand in marriage. Many also write to the challenges and the theme may need to be in a particular format that newer and younger poets may not prefer( for example rhyming). Then again some only write free verse or actually seem to be writing as if conversation and others may not see that as poetry. What I am trying to say is there are almost 5000 poets (give or take the multiple handles) on here and some are daily contributers and some occasional only, but read many poems and respond. Some have favorite poets and they may respond to them more than to you or I. Others see the need in someone for support and you may see them receive a larger amount of responses. It has no bearing on whether a poem is more outstanding than another since all of this depends on interpretations. I, too, notice some respond in a flowery way. It is their way to let you know they think they understand your words, or maybe just to show you they care and can relate. I don't think they are trying to "best" anyone and many times are read wrong, or I should say are receiving a different message than I intended, but I thank them for their time and words. I hope I am explaining this clearly to you. I sure am trying. And I don't think Ron misunderstands you at all. I think you may know this but in case you don't, this is Ron's forum and site and he is very knowledgeable in the runnings of this place and how we behave and react to one another. He is very tolerant and even excuses much of what others may not agree with, if it doesn't harm or hurt another and that each has a right to our opinions. Believe me when I say I have had my battles when I was first on here, too. But I have learned that there is more freedom to disagree, yet more comraderie on this site than any I have ever been on in 5 years... Some poets leave, as I did after a disagreement, but most always return and have grown from the experience of learning how to get along with so many minds. I guess all I am trying to say is...post, reply, respond and enjoy...some of us learn, some of us think we have nothing to learn or want to teach others. No matter what, know that there is room for all on here. And if you see hugs and other warm ways of showing caring, it is because many of us email or chat with one another, have met or feel a closeness to some because of the events in our lives. I hope you enjoy Passions and can understand why some answered the way they did to your discussion.. Hugs of welcome Maureen oh and Ron... sorry about these.... I try not to use them in poems...but I use them in my responses when my thoughts take a pause, which you can tell is way too often. ![]() [This message has been edited by nakdthoughts (11-10-2002 10:35 AM).] |
dougsbird21 Member
since 2002-11-08
Posts 52London(from TX though) |
Brian, "I am glad to hear that, I look forward to reading your contribution in Critical Analysis" ---- Haha...okay in this little discussion we've all got going here, I must come over as very "critical," when in fact I'm just a very blunt/opinionated person. Often I don't mean to offend, I just come out with what I want to say and it occasionally hits the wrong spots with people. All of you on here seem to be nice people...but to be honest--this all got a bit blown out of proportion. I was only bringing up a topic I felt like discussing it became a war zone...hahaha. Why do I seem to do this to people?? lol ![]() NEway, back to your saying about my contributing to the critical analysis room--sorry it's a no-go zone for me. See, I do and always have analyzed the people who write the poetry, but REFUSE to analyze poetry itself. I think it destroys a poem. When somebody writes something, it has flowed out of them in a natural, non-filtered way. If it is then placed in front of people, they will all find things they would change, and that piece of writing then becomes not it's own, but something completely different. I know this because I used to be in a creative writing course, and it at the time almost destroyed my love for writing because of the critique and decimation of fine words. I suppose yes, sometimes somebody else's opinion can be helpful--just not when it's coming at you from all angles. I don't know, it just isn't something I'm fond of. In English areas of study, they flog everything to it's death with notations and essays and well....why?! I think what somebody has come up with themselves, minus the corrections from others, is SO much more special. It may contain some bits that everyone sees should be changed, but if those bits were changed, that person's poem wouldn't be theirs. The whole time it is theirs, it is special and unique and done by their mind alone. Isn't that what poetry is? One mind's excretions and inventions? That's my take on it anyway |
dougsbird21 Member
since 2002-11-08
Posts 52London(from TX though) |
Tim, "I followed the discussion on those points, but when we moved on to the mature discussion level, I admit total discombobulation. I am so utterly confused, I admit finding levity in assertions of a mature opinion from someone who would appear to be starting the commencement of their adult life." ------ Okay so is age your argument then, oh mister mature? Although I fail to see how you can have any opinion of what we've been discussing whatsoever, as you just stated how "discombobulated" you became after reading it. And hellooooooooooo....Mozart ring any bells!?! He was conjuring up amazing stuff before the age of 5!!! What is age but a number? Many of the geniuses of the world become famous before the age of 30. The only thing that comes with age that youth lacks is experience. "Write what you feel, not what u think you should feel." |
dougsbird21 Member
since 2002-11-08
Posts 52London(from TX though) |
Nakdthoughts, Hi ![]() Lisa "Write what you feel, not what u think you should feel." |
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
quote: 'Tons of people'? I think this is a generalization and a bit of an exaggeration. This site is so diverse - we have people from all over the world as members - a few may reply as you say, but if that's the case, so what? What does it matter in the grand scheme of things? Does it make YOU feel that your poem isn't worthy when you read a reply like that? Would you rather everyone just say 'thanks for the read'? We reply differently because we ARE different. I think you're too new to Passions to pass judgment on all of us. Flag this post and let's chat again in a year. I would bet that by that time, you will understand that PiP means Passions in Poetry AND Personality in Poets. |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
Posts 21191Cape Cod Massachusetts USA |
"The only thing that comes with age that youth lacks is experience" There's one more VERY important thing that comes with age... It's called WISDOM. Thank GOD we're always striving for more of that. Otherwise what would there be to look forward to???...Geesh - It'd be all downhill after the age of 5... ![]() [This message has been edited by Nan (11-10-2002 11:34 AM).] |
mrmuse New Member
since 2002-11-10
Posts 6 |
Poet Devine I've noticed this in alot of forums:people just jump in without reading the entire thread. If you'd have looked, you'd know we already discussed that subject of yours a day ago. Next time just check and bring yourself upto date ![]() Lisa |
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
I know you did. But I didn't have time until today to add my 2 cents. Thanks mrmuse/lisa/dougsbird21. It must be hard to keep track of yourself. ![]() [This message has been edited by Poet deVine (11-10-2002 12:12 PM).] |
Tim Senior Member
since 1999-06-08
Posts 1794 |
shucks, I was just using big words because I got one of them there thesaur...er.. one of them big books with fancy words... My children and wife often relate I am one of the most immature persons they know... and I shirley ain't no rocket scientist. There is one thing my momma taught me, you can never win a discussion with someone who thinks they are more intelligent or mature than you... looks like you got me beat on both counts. |
Janet Marie Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554 |
ya know...there comes a point when its time to let the kiddie play alone in the sandbox until they learn to play fair. Besides, she dont need us to reply, she's already registered as an alias and replies to herself and her own poetry. Like Tim said shes got us beat on both counts. Later gators....Im going to hang with the tree huggers, fairies and hippies ![]() ![]() |
lostmind New Member
since 2002-11-10
Posts 1 |
Hi this is Becky, Lisa's(dougsbird21's) friend. I'm just posting what she's asked me to since the administrators banned her from logging back on. Talk about over-extreme censorship. Hello. Lisa here(dougsbird21). First, to clear up why that last message of mine was under the screenname "mrmuse"-I was on my friend's computer--he was logged on earlier and I forgot to change back to mine...sorry! Now then, the more important matter: who blocked me from posting my messages in this forum...and then blocked my friend too? I thought this was the lounge area where people are free to have discussions?? Nobody cussed or anything--it was just talking. Seems like you're taking the iron fist to anyone who disagrees or has differing opinions to yours...I've never heard of such a type of censorship in a PUBLIC lounge where the purpose of it is EXACTLY for discussions like we've been having. Is talking a crime now?? And there you are, advertising that this is a friendly place-well a lot of the most rude remarks were made directly at me personally, not by members but by the administrators. They're supposed to lead by example. What a great example they're setting! And making a big fuss out of nothng. I just had to write so say that is pathetic and a weird way to run a public forum of discussion. Sorry you people don't like others who use their brains!! I should have read your rules-maybe somewhere in there it says "thinking not allowed." ;-) Lisa |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
Posts 8669Michigan, US |
Your posting privileges weren't removed because of your opinions or even for your less than friendly way of expressing them. They weren't even removed because you were equally unfriendly in some of your replies in the poetry forum, though I have to admit that was probably a contributing factor. They were removed because you have been, at best, disingenuous and, at worst, wholly dishonest. Every post you've made has been date and time stamped, and includes the IP address you used to make the connection. Maybe you really were at a friend's computer. Maybe your friend posted to your poems, with no mention of a personal relationship, as a simple mistake. But the dates and times and IP addresses don't add up with other things you've said in the forums and, frankly, I think you just can't keep your lies straight. Email me and convince me I'm wrong, and I'll both apologize and reinstate your posting privileges. |
Mysteria![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-03-07
Posts 18328British Columbia, Canada |
![]() Glad that is over with from a real "tree hugger, fairy dusting, kind of gal." Thank you Sir Ron. |
since 2002-10-12
Posts 2981 |
You guys should have posted this in "the ally" it turned into a very bad argument. Some of the things you said I did take offensively, for many reasons. ~I am what you call a "Tree hugger" and love nature. ~I am thirteen years old, and you know what, I have a talent for poetry, and I just think the whole age discriminating part was WRONG ~my mother used to be a hippie ~I write in a mythical form, and sometimes I "sugar coat" my replys, but only because those peope like hearing those sort of things, and hey, I'm one of them! So tolerate people's beleifs a lttle better. I have lost a little bit of respect for some of you. But it can easilly be regained. ![]() Sorry about you beeing banned "Sticks and stones will break my bones, |
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