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Need some serious advice... |
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Local Parasite![]()
since 2001-11-05
Posts 2527Transylconia, Winnipeg ![]() |
Ok people... relationships can be weird, and then they can be weirder. My girlfriend just made a startling revalation to me... She's... a healer... ![]() In fact, she's a star person from the planet Zenro... her mission is to avert nuclear war. Really, what do I say to that kind of thing? I don't want to hurt her feelings by undermining her beliefs... but I mean, ZENRO? That's a bit too... out there... for me. I'm not sure what I should do in this situation... how would any of you respond? |
© Copyright 2002 Brian James Lee - All Rights Reserved | |||
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
I always say, "who knows?" (and there IS an imp in me that wants to know if you've felt ill around her...) I think I'd just like to set her statement aside, to ask, YOU---how do you feel about her? |
Local Parasite![]()
since 2001-11-05
Posts 2527Transylconia, Winnipeg |
I love her - she's one of the most unique and fascinating people I have ever met. She keeps me on my toes, and the way that she talks to me and treats me is such that it seems like... we are the two main characters in some grand play, finally come together. Ok that's lame, but seriously, I know she is very special to me and that her presence in my life greatly enhances me in countless ways. But I don't know if I can really respect her, if I can't respect her beliefs... and I certainly don't want to steal them away from her. |
PoetryIsLife![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-10-27
Posts 1763...in my boxers... |
Is she truly being serious? Or is she testing you, to see how you react? If she is serious, mentally, I asume, she's completely... stable? Forgive me if I've said anything to offend you. ![]() Sincerely, Titus "My imaginary friend thinks you have serious mental problems." |
Local Parasite![]()
since 2001-11-05
Posts 2527Transylconia, Winnipeg |
Hah, it's okay Titus... yeah she's being serious, and it's alright to get a chuckle out of it. She's just... one of those kids, ya know? |
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
It's great that she has a gift - no matter where she says it comes from. Since you brought it up here, do you have a problem with it? If you love someone, you accept them, no matter what. No matter where they say they are from or what they do. If you love her, our opinion shouldn't matter. You do what you would in any situation. Smile, say how great that is and that she's so unique you're glad you met her. (If the healing involves setting you on fire or putting your finger in a light socket, you might want to think THAT over!) |
brian madden Member Elite
since 2000-05-06
Posts 4374ireland |
In fact, she's a star person from the planet Zenro... her mission is to avert nuclear war. Ok, well it may be the narrow minded view of most people on this planet, but when someone claims to be an alien then it is hard to believe. If I were you I would ask to see proof, the third eye, webbed feet, the space craft. If your girlfriend is serious you need proof. Even Jesus had to give proof before people believed him, the whole walking on water thing... Otherwise, let her down gently because that claim is a little too weird. El riesgo vive siempre! |
Member Elite
since 2000-01-08
Posts 4697 |
WELL I've heard the "I think God wants us to spend time apart" thing, but this is new to me. If she isn't hurting you or anyone else, don't lose sleep over it. Talk to her about it, though. Find out why she thinks this way. JMHO. Most of us go to our grave with our music still inside of us. |
Miah Senior Member
since 2002-08-26
Posts 1062Pennsylvania |
Send here to my house, I have a major toothache I need fixen. ![]() I believe that some people do have gifts, and maybe she is one of them. who knows? But lets say she does have this gift, man would the medical community love to get a hold of her, think of how should could help. Ok, lets also say she is from a different planet. Waaaaay cool, another place to shop! And man, the money she could make off that, she can travel to another planet. In all seriousness, If it were me, I would have a very hard time believing all of this, I would need proof, like say "hey baby, mind taking me home to meet your parents?" something like that. If she is not trying to get attention or is pulling your leg, then she needs to get some serious help, and if she truly is what she says she is, we all get to see her on some talk show or the 6 o'clock news. Good luck, I hope it all works out. ![]() [This message has been edited by Miah (10-14-2002 10:50 PM).] |
cherish Senior Member
since 2001-03-25
Posts 1639swimming in fairy floss........... |
hey bri, let her settle down a bit. I think theyre all going through that whole phase over there (Blame LANA!! ![]() No ok, I'm done with the joking. Everyone has their make-beliefs and then their surreal realness. A lot of people dont believe in ghosts, auras or the paranormal, but they do occur. Not everything out there can be explained my science and rational thought. No one can explain ESP or twin feelings. No one can explain intution nor deja vu...yet we accept these things as being a part of human life, even though we havent experienced them first hand or cant explain them through a certain methodology. If Pam believes she's from another planet, and firmly believes it then let her. If its a phase, then it'll wear off once she finds something else to do. If it gets obsessive then seek help either professional or specialised(occult) and see if you guys can work out whats true and what isnt. My guess is that she, like half of Winnipeg, are caught up in an idenity crisis where they turn to the unreal to find themselves, and give themselves a purpose in life. Whatever it is, saving the world from nuclear war, protecting lana from the devil or just thinking that theyre angels...once they find themselves they'll settle down. Im sure you've had your days of Riverwood too. Make-belief is fun when youre little and still is throughout adulthood. If its true then let it be. Are you scared? |
Member Elite
since 2000-01-08
Posts 4697 |
You know what, Brian? I JUST NOW figured out who you are. I'm really slow... :p |
brian madden Member Elite
since 2000-05-06
Posts 4374ireland |
Lovebug, glad to hear it, could you let me know, cause I am still having trouble figuring myself out. lol unless you were talking to Parasite? yeah you probably were, just ignore everything I just said. El riesgo vive siempre! [This message has been edited by brian madden (10-16-2002 02:23 PM).] |
Local Parasite![]()
since 2001-11-05
Posts 2527Transylconia, Winnipeg |
Thanks for your advice, everyone. Miah, I'm going to do my best to have her justify herself, don't worry about that... maybe she'd feel comfortable if I did a bit of acting, played along with it for a while. "I'm healed! Praise Zenro!" Ya know? That kind of thing... Cherish, I agree with you that it is probably just a passing phase of hers. She gets right into this sort of thing, like so many others... the problem is that her family is all like that and they assert her, and are proud of her, for her endeavours as a Star Person. At least, her "earth" family, I should say. ![]() Brian, sorry that Erica confused you... she tends to do that. I don't think I'm going to be able to just let her down like that though, it's not like being a Star Person is the only trait about her... she's still my significant "other" and I'm going to do my best to support her. The only problem I have is that I don't know how to support when I don't believe it myself, ya know... I'll probably just go with Miah on this one and try to urge her to justify herself. Maybe then I can help her realize for herself that she's not from Zenro. Or if she is, I'll have evidence. Way cool. ![]() Parasite Learn to place poetry before people |
Jenn Cirrincione![]() ![]()
since 2000-07-02
Posts 2107Fl |
Ok. I'm waayyyyyyy too "normal" for this question. I mean- I understand joking. I understand just being weird, sometimes I'm weird too. But let me tell you, there is a word that tends to describe those people who think they are "star people from some unknown planet."And it starts with an N and ends with UTS. ![]() I mean, my guess? She's yanking your chain to see your reaction. OR perhaps she is testing your feelings for her. My dumb boyfriend likes to make his hair look as crazy and out-there as possible to test me- and sometimes it just gets aggravating. I'd sit her down and see how creative she can be. And if it turns out she's being real? And she honestly believes all of it? You might want to rethink things. ![]() Why is it that we are at our most ingenius only when trying to destroy the things that keep us alive and thriving? |
Allysa![]() ![]()
since 1999-11-09
Posts 1952In an upside-down garden |
Wow.... Ok, some-what similar situation (or at least in my eyes).... Two years ago my best friend since childhood whole-heartedly believed that she was in love with and impregnated by the wonderful Taylor Hanson. This went on and on for two years with elaborate stories, so I just gave up and was like "Okay, Gina, how's Taylor and the baby?" (miraculously enough, she was "pregnant" the entire two years). Well, as you may or may not know, Taylor got married this summer to some chick named Natalie. Gina gave up, no longer thinks they have a child or are madly in love, and is returning to her usual state of just plain weirdom. So maybe this whole thing with your girlfriend will blow over. *shrugs*. Just be supportive, if you can manage. ugh, I'm neglecting my readings again.... And parasite, yesterday I made the connection between you and mr. riverwood. why must people confuse me like that? Also, for anyone who wants to see me, I'll either have a picture soon or you can go to my website... "Wie ein Quadrat in einem Kreis, eck' ich immer wieder an obwohl ich doch schon lange weiß, daß ich niemals ändern kann." ~Wizo |
Local Parasite![]()
since 2001-11-05
Posts 2527Transylconia, Winnipeg |
hah, welcome to the land of enlightenment, Allysa... ![]() Oh, and if you want your homepage to appear up above your posts, you have to put http:// before it in your profile. Jen, I do think she is being serious, and I'm rather sure of it. She made a pretty big deal out of me not believing her, and I've heard her mother talk of it as well. [This message has been edited by Local Parasite (10-17-2002 12:53 PM).] |
FuzzyFrazzledFraggle Member
since 2002-09-20
Posts 155Fraggle Rock |
In all actuality I don't like giving out advice and I'm not really going to, but yes there are some people out there who believe many things..its human right to want to believe in something and there are human beings out there who are "special" chemical imbalances and such but I admire you parasite that you're not one of the ones trying to run from this..that means you love her don't give up that's all I can say..if I thought I was from the planet Zenro or whatever I'd want my friends or my boyfriend to be supportive..tell her how you're feeling if you haven't already..support is all I can say.. ![]() Consider yourself fuzzed |
Jenn Cirrincione![]() ![]()
since 2000-07-02
Posts 2107Fl |
Granted, giving up on her is probably not the healthy answer. HOWEVER...what if she really is imbalanced? Hypothetically speaking, she might have other underlying issues that will show up later. If I thought I was from planet Zenro- sure I'd want people to support me!! I'd be completely batty and thus see nothing wrong with the belief. If she is sick however- and it's only showing up in this way, you might want to believe it will show up in bigger, crazier ways, and she might need help. It comes down to this: can you handle this? Can you listen to her beliefs and say..."hey, this is okay...I believe her, she's the one I love, and even if she gets weirder or crazier...it's OK" If you can't see living with this, you might want to deal with it now. Just my thoughts. Why is it that we are at our most ingenius only when trying to destroy the things that keep us alive and thriving? |
Local Parasite![]()
since 2001-11-05
Posts 2527Transylconia, Winnipeg |
This is no longer an issue. If a moderator could please close this thread, I'd appreciate it. |
Local Parasite![]()
since 2001-11-05
Posts 2527Transylconia, Winnipeg |
pardon the double post [This message has been edited by Local Parasite (10-18-2002 08:09 PM).] |
Allysa![]() ![]()
since 1999-11-09
Posts 1952In an upside-down garden |
Ok, so I'm not the most enlightened of all people... hmmm. Ya know, I thought it was weird the way someone (though I don't remember who) called you Mr. Riverwood, it was only until I looked through the picture directory out of sheer boredom and thought "Wow, that looks like Brian... wait a minute.... that IS Brian." Mmmmhmmm, thank god I'm not blonde.... Hope everything with this worked out ok, and did you get my email? I sent a reply yesterday... "Wie ein Quadrat in einem Kreis, eck' ich immer wieder an obwohl ich doch schon lange weiß, daß ich niemals ändern kann." ~Wizo |
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