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Senior Member
since 2000-01-09
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San Diego, CA, USA

0 posted 2000-03-06 12:41 PM

I was lying in bed as I turned out the light
And bored myself into a sleep
At last 'round eleven on that wakeful night
My consciousness fled and I dreamed very deep.
When I awoke I saw the sun's rays
Filtering through my curtains closed
But the light was so strong, I was amazed
To open the curtains, I arose.
But when I saw the sight outdoors
The sun had not risen at all!
I was so surprised I fell to the floor
And hit my head on the wall...
When I woke up a second time
The real sun had arisen
I thought to myself, How did that light shine?
If there was an answer, none was given.
Later that day I was walking around
When I glanced at my shadow beside me.
It seemed to notice! It made a sound
Which very much did surprise me...
The shape of the figure could not have been right
For I don't have a tail or wings;
I said to myself, What was that sight?
What images craziness brings!
Evening had come and I was inside
When I saw that strange shadow again.
It tripped on a specter and I watched it slide
Right off the wall and into the den!
I ran to see what had happened just now
I knew I was crazy, without a doubt...
It flew off the wall--I didn't know how
But I was sure going to find out!

"Today is not my day," it said
When it saw me walk through the door
It tried to get up, to raise its head
But it just sank down to the floor.
"Who or what are you? From where did you come?
How did you get here? Could you answer some?"
"Sure I can," the shadow replied, "I'll tell you all you want
But first, you wouldn't happen to reside
Very close to a restaurant?"
"You can eat solid food?" I wondered.
"That, and liquids as well."
He attempted to get up again, but blundered
He needed support, I could tell.
So I went over to help him
And (surprise!) touch him I could--
He said thanks to me with a big broad grin
And repay me someday he said he would.

"My name's Sam Shadow, a dragon I was
Until someone slayed me an unusual way.
Why did he do it? I guess it's because
He disliked me for my appearance that day.
So after he's gone, it's doctor's help I need
But I live to see him get paid--
A large sum of money for his also large deed
But his name wasn't George, and he sure wasn't a saint.
"You're the first to help me out
In, oh, the last thousand years...
And I know you need help, I've seen you shout
Into the night with a face full of tears."

I was silent just then--he said that he knew
What had happened three days before--
When I went out in rage amid the dawn-breaking dew
And shouted and cried 'til I could no more,
For my father had not come back for too long
And to cry I did have a right
This shadow-dragon knew something was wrong
So he helped me out too that night.

He helped me get over the loss in my heart
While I helped him with physical pain.
I could see a friendship could very well start
And Sam said he envisioned the same.
For a while after that, the night we first met
We were best friends and just enjoyed life
As clean as it was; both of us were set
On keeping it on without strife.

Then one day Sam came up to me
And told me that he must leave.
He kept on going--told me he could see
Good things coming and also not to grieve.
So he departed that day and we said goodbye
He corrected me saying we'd meet again
This was comforting, I knew why
For true friends always meet, now and then.
As soon as he left, I turned around--
--to look up into a doctor's eye
Relief he sighed and then announced
"He made it, and he's alive."

I had been in a coma for eight months and a week
But for me it seemed only days.
For my friend Sam I'll always seek
In all of my known ways.
If my thoughts were not active for the time I slept
Then a real true life I would lack;
That dragon saved my life, which is why I wept
For he had just paid me back.

So if even in dreams, kindness you show
Will be paid back in full in reality.
I learned it well; now I know
To love others and not stay in neutrality.

And you know, my shadow's never been the same since then...

My very first poem I actually bothered to write down...I think it has something to do with your poem, only it's not as good...hope you like it though!  

Little Spyro T. Dragon

© Copyright 2000 Sam Reinsford (Little_Spyro) - All Rights Reserved
Senior Member
since 2000-01-09
Posts 659
San Diego, CA, USA
1 posted 2000-03-06 12:48 PM

I know it's kinda long...
Should I put it in a song?
It's in an unusual style,
And the music might take a while...


since 1999-11-09
Posts 378
California! Yeah! Okay, I'm done now
2 posted 2000-03-06 01:02 AM

  Reposted for me?  Thank you!  I love writing about dragons.  And this, though beautifully long, is very pretty.     Wonder what would happen if we did a collaboration poem?  Would it mention dragons every other word?     Astraea shut up now.  Lovely poem.


 "Sometimes stars can only be seen in darkness."

"Sorrow's crown of sorrow is remembering happier things."

Senior Member
since 2000-01-09
Posts 659
San Diego, CA, USA
3 posted 2000-03-06 01:08 AM

NONONONONONONONO!!!! Astraea NEVER shut up! Astraea just stop talking for a   I'm a dragon fanatic (if you haven't noticed), and a collaboration poem sounds great!

But I've never written one with someone else before...that should make the end result even better! lol  

Hope to hear more from you!  

Little Spyro T. Dragon

Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648

4 posted 2000-03-06 07:18 PM

I'd love to see the result of a collaboration between the two of you! I'm sure it would be fantastic!
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